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September 11, 2018



And now we have snow in Africa:


Old Lurker

Tom, you kept me hanging to the bitter end before you reached the right question: "...just how much impact on global warming does any investment in methane mitigation actually deliver...?"

I would add "and who says warming is bad and for whom?"



Old Lurker

So if Trump tweeted this morning that the DoJ and the FBI are "doing nothing" regarding the latest/continuing coup efforts to take him down, does 4D read that as "diversion" (in which case when it is shown that they in fact were doing everything that we hoped they were doing, today's tweet will be an outright lie), or if in fact Trump does believe that the DoJ & FBI are not doing anything, much less than all that we hope? (in which case this will be one of the greatest failures of executive management in our constitutional history).

Confused on the Ledge and increasingly testy.

James D.

Who do you trust to balance sensibly the burdens and benefits of regulation - Team Obama or Team Trump?

Oh, FFS, how is this even a question?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Who do you trust to balance sensibly the burdens and benefits of regulation - Team Obama or Team Trump? For my money, "Neither of the Above" is an acceptable answer.--

Concur. Even Team Trump is handcuffed into making unrealistic assumptions erring to the tree humper side of things re burdens and benefits.

Old Lurker

Ditto that, Jane.

Old Lurker

"Who do you trust to balance sensibly the burdens and benefits of regulation..."



When we start farming on GREENLAND again, then maybe I will take notice.

Didn't the Climate Change agenda come about because of Global Warming?

Didn't the Global Warming agenda come about from the Global Cooling and Population Control agendas of the 1970's?

Don't all these agendas fail (eventually) because the planet knows it's weather better than man/woman-kind?

I am all for Global Warming/Climate Change. I burn a couple of old tires out back every night. I soak them in used motor oil so they will smoke extra long.


Posted by: Old Lurker | September 11, 2018 at 10:25 AM

we need to consult the tea leaves and get a good look at the stars tonight ...


Posted by: PDinDetroit | September 11, 2018 at 10:30 AM

Planet Earth is a hearty and vigorous 5 billion years old ... old enough i think to take care of itself.


game over man, we're all gonna die. if only those cow didn't fart ...

Old Lurker

Rich, and cut open some snakes and study their entrails.

Old Lurker

PD, it is a damn shame to waste two tires a night without hanging them around the necks of Uniparty Leaders.

At two per night, by this time next year we could make a dent.


Posted by: Old Lurker | September 11, 2018 at 10:36 AM

was trying to keep it somewhat clean Old Lurker.

ongoing coup ... methane capture ... nothing is moving the needle for me this morning.


Tom, make sure it's not Lyme's


What's the weather on Nantucket today OL - if you are still there.


We are so blessed to have the POTUS and Cabinet members we have at these events today--adults who comprehend the evil that exists in this world, and the essential role this country plays in minimizing its impact.

matt - deplore me if you must

That's one way to get rid of old tires, PD. After signing a law that will make California's energy 100% renewable by 2040, Governor Moonbeam will now work on banning cattle from the state.

Next comes beans.


Almost on topic:


It sounds like a lobbyist wrote this tripe.


Concur and I noticed extended coverage of 9/11 events in all 3 places only was telecast on Fox News.
Because Obama isn’t in charge not worth covering on MessNBC.
At crucial points they were talking about Omarosa.
That channel is completely devoid of credible news.


No beans?!?!?!?!?!?!

My God ... what will the undocumented immigrants in California do?



PD, it is a damn shame to waste two tires a night without hanging them around the necks of Uniparty Leaders.

I almost cannot watch the news anymore - so depressing. But, showing my wife a real news story on FOX compared with what the local NBC News reports, she now understands just how slanted the local news/NBC is (and NBC Local is the better of them all).

I am embarrassed for my country based upon what the LEFT is doing right now. I go between wanting to "tar and feather" them and giving up with little in between. I know I just need to endure and pray for our leaders, but it is tough some days.

I cannot feel embarrassed by the Detroit Lions MNF meltdown - they have been "stumblebums" for 50+ years now.

Tom R

today's tweet will be an outright lie

A better way to word that is "today's tweet will be another example of deception".

In one simulation of the Matrix 470 DOJ personnel assigned to the case have been doing absolutely nothing for close to two years now despite knowing that the previous administration was spying on Trump and who knows how many other Americans.

In another simulation of the Matrix Trump and his team will be responsible for one of the greatest failures of executive management in Constitutional history.

In the simulation of the Matrix I am connected to it seems like an easy choice which version of reality is real and which one is fake. My MAGA pill is red.

Thomas Collins

It's tough to tell, OL, because Team Horowitz and Team Huber don't leak, while Team Mueller and the rest of Team Resistance leak more than a male dog trying to establish patriarchal tree hegemony. I can only hope real anti-coup investigative work is going on behind the scenes.


Why couldn't I be living in the Matrix simulation where I am RICH?

I want the GOLD pill! LOL


Posted by: matt - deplore me if you must | September 11, 2018 at 10:47 AM

If they could only regulate forest fires, oh wait they probably did and why we have more of them now. Or was that a Federal thing?

California just needs to drop off into the Pacific, become the next "Atlantis". Sorry to the JOM'ers who live there...


Need pipelines to transport the methane to somewhere useful. That is the expensive part.

Thomas Collins

Re the magic 470 number: Is anyone able to cite to an article supporting the proposition that Horowitz has 470 DOJ critters assigned to investigate DOJ and FBI corruption with respect to the 2016 election, as opposed to Horowitz being able to call upon one or more of 470 people in his various investigations? My suspicion is that Mueller, whose critters appear to be working full time to go over every nook and cranny of the Trump family's financial and personal lives, has more firepower than Horowitz and Huber. Do we even know that the 470 are assigned to Horowitz full time?


Especially cleaning up after the anti-pipeline protesters...

Tom R

Theory: Some people hate Jews and the existence of Israel so much that they actually fall hook, line and sinker for pro-Russian propaganda like this.



Who in their right mind thinks Trump would actually ally with ISIS/Al Qaeda?

I think what is actually going on in Syria is that the "rebels" in Syria are actually Saudi military personnel not in uniform and that for the past several months they have been working side by side with Israel and the US to destroy Iranian assets in Syria and eventually remove Assad from power.

Captain Hate

Katshit again makes a fool out of himself and Fredo doesn't notice:


Clarice Feldman

In the hall of mirrors.

Captain Hate

Who in their right mind thinks Trump would actually ally with ISIS/Al Qaeda?

Any statement by Luap Nor doesn't meet your first criterion.


TC, weren't those 470 supposed to be finishing the 5 or 6 overdue IG reports and finding "no bias" again?

Remember, remember the 11th September

So, yes, today, remember the fallen, and the friends lost and never found. But remember, too, that many of the people who will be telling you today how much "changed" that day were responsible for some of the changes that never should have happened—Iraq, rendition, torture, warrantless surveillance. Remember the fallen but remember the opportunists, too, the people who were neither stunned nor hurting enough that they lost sight of their golden dreams and who, when those dreams came apart in dust and blood, were able largely to escape responsibility and consequence.

Many of them are Never Trumpers now. Many of them will share their memories of that awful day in which so many of them found a dark opportunity to take the country into the shadows from which it has yet to emerge. Keep all those people and their memories at arm's length. Treasure your own. Console yourself with them if you must. But keep away from the anesthetic banalities that were used to shield effectively the plans and connivances of the people who saw opportunity in the still-burning places that morning. Remember things related..

And not.


Very good questions which I wish someone would answer soon.
Investors ZBusiness Daily has an excellent article today available at Realclear Politics.


Posted by: fdcol63 | September 11, 2018 at 11:03 AM

did a double take on this one for a second!

matt - deplore me if you must

And the WaPo somehow links Trump to 9/11. A new low.


rich .... LOL

I missed that! Although it might be fun to be you, too!

Tom R


Yesterday I provided a link to Sessions' letter to Congress where he explicitly stated Horowitz and Huber had 470 DOJ personnel assigned to the IG investigations. I guess whether you believe him or not determines where you are at on the Verandah vs the Ledge scale.

Captain Hate



In case you were wondering how much justice has been enforced against Milwaukee County DA's of John Doe fame, nice pensions. (Robles was directly involved, the other were on staff then).




Cheers. Good to see you back posting a more frequently.



4D Twitter Theorist TraceeTbeanssszzzz has a "wait and see" moment and she is demoralized over it.

She combined her failure with a sympathy plea because "hurricane."



Goalposts yesterday:

Huber has 450 on staff

Goalposts today:

Horowitz and Huber have 470 on IG staff.


Yesterday I provided a link to Sessions' letter to Congress where he explicitly stated Horowitz and Huber had 470 DOJ personnel assigned to the IG investigations.

You provided the link but you didn't provide the decisive quote from that link.

I wonder why?


Personally, I think if Sessions was really working quietly in the background to investigate the Deep State, on Trump and the country's behalf, Trump wouldn't make such snide comments on Twitter about Sessions. Trump would either be quiet or show a little more public confidence in his AG.

But what do I know. Maybe this is all part of the 4D thing, to lull the Deep Staters into a false sense of security. LOL

Captain Hate

I used to work with someone at the WTC who died reportedly trying to help people out after he had gotten out. The third rate bank we worked for inexplicably let him go in one of its periodic blood lettings and a friend told him how badly she felt. He said "don't worry about me; I'll do fine. My priorities are God, family and country and work is somewhere far away from those". Of course he was right. RIP John Hart.


I understand Amazon is HIS company, but who made Bezos the sole arbiter of what his customers can and can not read?


Captain Hate

It is possible that Sessions is quietly working against the deep state AND DJT is frustrated by the slow pace.


CH .... could be.


It is possible that Sessions is quietly working against the deep state AND DJT is frustrated by the slow pace.

That has been my theory for months.


I'd feel better if that's really the case with Sessions.

I can see how someone like Trump would get frustrated by the slow pace, and maybe have a quiet chat with Sessions about it, whereupon Sessions would remind the impetuous Trump that it takes time to build solid legal cases.

But would Trump then continue to pull the rug out from under Sessions on Twitter? I don't think so, unless it REALLY IS part of a 4D chess thing.

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of Justice (DOJ) is the Office of the Inspector General specific to the United States Department of Justice that is responsible for conducting nearly all of the investigations of DOJ employees and programs. The office has several hundred employees, reporting to the Inspector General. Michael E. Horowitz has held the post since 2012.


Audit Division

The Audit Division is the OIG’s largest division and is made up of 200 skilled auditors, program analysts, statisticians and other operational staff.


Out of "several hundred" employees, "200" belong to the "largest division," which is nothing more than a bunch of bean counters, Tom.

I Huber relying on the bean counters?


Is Huber...

Old Lurker

TC "It's tough to tell, OL, because Team Horowitz and Team Huber don't leak,"

Fair enough as to the public. But one would assume the Commander in Chief knows the facts. Hence my creeping concern about today's tweet.

Captain Hate

Remember DJT is a business executive, Sessions is his manager and we are the stockholders who are the ultimate bosses. A good executive will fire anyone who doesn't make the stockholders satisfied.

Old Lurker

Capn: "A good executive will fire anyone who doesn't make the stockholders satisfied."

Or else that good executive himself will be fired.


Here is the organization chart, Tom:


The OIG for the DOJ has 5 divisions. The largest division does audits and has 200 employees.

In the Sessions quote from your link he includes auditors in his 470 employee tally.

Your interpretation that Sessions promised all 470 employees to the investigation does not hold up.


A roundabout explanation, idlib is the last of the rebel holdouts.


Old Lurker

The discussion and speculation about how many work for the IG and what their skills might be is funny. After the nothingburger he served up on Phase I, why assume they are working for We the People at all?

As of yesterday, I will assume nobody is doing nuthin and we are just playing the cards from election to election. Maybe some of our people win win once or twice or maybe the other guys will.

The dogs bark and the caravan moves on.

Old Lurker

Jane, here till mid October.

Weather today is sometimes nice, then next minute not. Yesterday I had the AC on in part of the house and heat on in another part. Had the fireplace working both nights.

Yesterday there was way too much wind to go sailing, and today there is not enough.

What is a guy to do?


I must dig holes in the wrong places:


Old Lurker

Henry I saw that story. What I want to know is why the guy with the shovel told anybody!

Miss Marple (the real one)

Some things to consider:

1. We do not know how many DOJ are completely corrupt and are simply ignoring both Congress and Sessions. I have become increasingly convinced there are quite a few.

2.Until the Mueller thing is shut down, any firings of DOJ attorneys would probably be framed as obstruction of justice.

3. I distinctly remember the "Saturday Night Massacre" when Nixon fired the special counsel and the AG. It propelled him towards impeachment. Don't think the MSM doesn't have those same stories ready to go.

4. I am convinced that nothing is going to happen until after the midterms, except possibly the declassification of those FISA applications.

Old Lurker

With you on all 4, MM.


IMO, Sessions and Huber have no intent to investigate the FISA crimes otherwise Huber would have already interviewed Ohr. Think about that...the midterms are less than 60 days away and they haven't even interviewed the main culprit!

matt - deplore me if you must

I think those coins were the take from the Saturday night tog party and Floundulus forgot where he left them.


"What is a guy to do?"

Just hang out! That's what I'm doing. Retirement is a bitch!


The jeweler from Sturbridge was on Fox and friends this morning. He's the guy with the sign that says: if you are going to take a knee, have a ring. Apparently his entire family is getting death threats - but he's not backing down.

Amy told me his last sign said something like: Get your partner stones - and had a pix of diamonds everywhere.

He's a hell of a marketer.


With you on all 4, MM.

Me too.


Evacuation has been lifted!

Praying for those in Florence's path.

Dave (in MA)
I cannot feel embarrassed by the Detroit Lions MNF meltdown - they have been "stumblebums" for 50+ years now.
Only one game, but not an auspicious HC debut for Fat Matt Pat.

good lurkersusie! you'll still get a ton of rain.


I don’t think obstruction charges are going to fly in firing anyone from the DeepState.
If they are actively working against this administration then they are traitors,and in some cases seditionists, those concocting the dossier which specifically would include Hillary.
I am proud of President Bush for his service , his actions during 9/11 and for both terms of his presidency.
We have no way of knowing how many people are working for Huber.
We will have to wait and see but I remain puzzled as to why more information isn’t coming out before the election.
What good does it do is after the election.?
If Dems take House they will bury or refute the findings.
Can DOJ continue to prosecute these cases and will they?


I share your concern and hope that drawing attention to this lack of effort will ensure that Zohar is interviewed forthwith.


Or to put it another way, Hubers investigation began in Nov 2017, 10 months later they still haven't interviewed Ohr.

Miss Marple (the real one)

In case you guys didn't know it, Adam Housely left Fox and is running his family's vinyard and winery. However, he did have something to say about 9/11/12 this morning:

Adam Housley
‏Verified account @adamhousley
12m12 minutes ago

We were doing stuff in Libya. Both parties knew it. As I reported...American special forces hunted down at least 20 terrorists responsible for the #benghazi attack twice in the first 6 months. Twice! Yet nothing was done. To this day none of the main culprits has been punished.


So, imagine how those special forces guys felt. And again, BOTH parties knew this.
Another good reason for supporting President Trump.


Enjoy life on Nantucket and rejoice that you had time with the grandkids and that life is grand.
Husband got a clean bill of health from his cardiologist today so I am grateful and happy with my life!
I will attend my high school 50th reunion this weekend and I am looking forward to seeing old friends and loads of laughter!

Miss Marple (the real one)


3 1/2 minute video.


Are you no longer in the path lurker susie? If so - YIPPEE!


No one in HS today was alive for 911. To me it was like yesterday.



No longer in the path!


It's always the Russians.


Captain Hate

No one in HS today was alive for 911

Maybe not conscious of it but there are 17 year olds in high school.

Jim Eagle

Saints football team at the coaches house watching Sunday night NFL game:

Frederick sitting on couch facing camera between two big bruisers:)

Dave (in MA)

Even using the PP version of "alive".


So true and sad for our Nation.


He looks right at home there.
Best wishes for a happy school year!


It is possible that Sessions is quietly working against the deep state AND DJT is frustrated by the slow pace.

Thank you Cap'n.

Dave (in MA)

Douche du jour, until I come across something worse.



this one of the Syrian posts of note:


Blogger made it impossible to make new posts on the old blog, that's why I posted some sample post re prince talal and the 2nd known mole in Al queda.


That's the January 2014 post, before Islamic state had officially branded itself

Jim Eagle

Just when you thought the Intern Killer could not get more off the rails, he tweets this horse pucky:



Joe Scar has been drinking the Kool-Aid from Mika's nether regions.


The arguments wrt suppression or coexistence are fascinating in the Fernandez article.
I recommend this be read by all.


That's an image of nameless horror, I will have to neutralize myself to forget.

Tom R

You provided the link but you didn't provide the decisive quote from that link.

I wonder why?

I assumed everyone here could read the Sessions letter for themselves.


Correct but gross.

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