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October 18, 2018



Over in PA-1, the AFL-CIO has multiple big signs up endorsing Brian Fitzpatrick (R) ...

over Bob Wallace(D)

I didn't get a picture


It's so much more peaceful here, since the PHELAN PHUCKFACE PSYCHO got SHITCANNED.

matt - deplore me if you must

Let 'em. Let them show their true fascist faces. Awe need more of this, not less.

Every time the far left agenda of the Democratic Party is exposed it will disgust more of their pro-life base. Every time the anti-Semitism of Democratic Party leadership is exposed, it will prepare the ground for an abandonment of the party by the pro-Israel wing.

Every time another heckler or attack is exposed, it will cause revulsion among decent people.

The Democratic Party's message is not hope, but hate.


Dems in MO went full NPC. No surprise.


Wow, Neo, it's not often you see a candidate with endorsements from the Chamber of Commerce AND AFL-CIO/Teamsters/United Mine Workers/NEA:



You keep on believing, sweetie. Trump will keep on winning.




BREAKING: U.S. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin backs out of Saudi investing conference amid questions about missing journalist



i'll never catch up ... still way behind.

>>>There are numerous reports that the fentanyl-laced opioids that are outright killing people on the spot are coming from China and that its an intentional ploy by the Chinese government.

Posted by: Tom R | October 18, 2018 at 10:35 AM<<<

from the other thread ... The Art of War has a chapter on Incendiary Attacks and the translation I have has sections extending it from fire to things like propaganda (things that can spread like fire). It is a short drive to extend it to narcotics trafficking and radical movements. And interesting take and seems to fit well within Unrestricted Warfare especially as economic warfare.

Miss Marple

Porch light,

That is an amazing set of endorsements!

Tom R

From the last thread...

To my mind, Horowitz proved himself feckless with his first report, whitewashing the FBI scammers.

The first Horowitz IG report was on McCabe's criminal activity and we know he is currently the target of a federal grand jury so I don't think "feckless" is the proper term to use.


From the last thread:

"I totally agree and the Cheryl Mills immunity deal is so egregious that I can’t even see straight."

IIRC, if you get immunity you cannot lie under oath or you lose that immunity. So Cheryl Mills will have to turn on Hillary.

Unless I got it wrong. Any good lawyers out there?

Tom R

Now that the leftwing Treasury Dept employee with 4 names has been arrested for leaking private financial data to the media, I wonder how many search warrants have been approved to scour her private and business phone/email records to see if she reported to someone higher up the Deep State chain of command?

Miss Marple


Wouldn't prosecutors have to have evidence that she lied?

To my mind, this explains part of the delay. People like Mills have to be trapped into telling the truth or else.


don't think that is the case. the immunity agreement was overly broad but wouldn't be applicable to the issues with JW. the judge could refer her to the bar if she is still a practicing attorney or at least still licensed to practice. he could also sanction her for contempt.

(note i am not a lawyer though so i don't know)


if you get immunity you cannot lie under oath or you lose that immunity.

Jane, my impression is that the lying Judge Lamberth referred to had occurred earlier. He was saying Mills shouldn't have gotten immunity because she lacked credibility.

But my complaint has always been that in addition, someone should only get immunity in exchange for incriminating information regarding a higher-up. Since no one higher up (or lower down) has been indicted much less convicted over the whole email scam, the immunity grants were just "get out of jail free" cards dispensed to friends of Hillary.

matt - deplore me if you must

It was all a fraud and a coverup, jimmy. From the very outset. They have been hiding behind their immunities and stonewalling and withholding and destruction of evidence from day one.

I think there is a RICO case in this.

Old Lurker

When the top levels of DoJ itself is part of the criminal conspiracy, why should it be permitted to grant immunity to other conspirators?

Huh? Huh?

Old Lurker

is=are of course

Comanche voter

Re the progressive young (or old) fascists in Missouri. I'll be damned if I'll be "taught" by some young twit. Of course if they come to power I may be sent to a re-education camp where I'll learn to "right think". Meanwhile I'll take my chances and live my life.

Old Lurker

...and don't be telling me some judge might have said it was OK. Gigo of course. See FISA warrants.

IIRC, if you get immunity you cannot lie under oath or you lose that immunity.
More important, if you have immunity then you lose your 5th-Amendment right against self-incrimination. So if Cheryl Mills refuses to testify against others for the crimes she has immunity, she can be thrown in jail for contempt until she testifies. And if she lies then she loses the immunity AND is in jeopardy for perjury.

But of course that all depends on whether the prosecutors have the stomach to actually use the immunity that they give out as the tool that it is meant to be, as opposed to using it to sell out the justice system to their cronies.

Beasts of England

Is this the guitar thread?

Miss Marple

Mnuchin met with President Trump and Pompeo, and they decided he will not attend the investment conference in Saudi Arabia.


Is this the guitar thread?


Old Lurker

Bingo, Cathy "But of course that all depends on whether the prosecutors have the stomach to actually use the immunity that they give out as the tool that it is meant to be, as opposed to using it to sell out the justice system to their cronies."

Beasts of England

Thank goodness, Extraneus!! :)

Frau  Feind hoert mit

Mnuchin met with President Trump and Pompeo, and they decided he will not attend the investment conference in Saudi Arabia.

...and Erdogan smiles



Gosnell Movie “Good Abortionist” Unnerves Left



>>>Is this the guitar thread?

Posted by: Beasts of England | October 18, 2018 at 12:00 PM<<<

always. a bit too early for KJOM though.

Miss Marple


I don't know what to think. Yesterday Pompo was very firm in saying Prince denied completely. Then this. What to think?

Placate Erdogan due to NATO. Security risk in SA from radical factions? Saudis really are guilty and we have the goods? I have zero idea.


>>>that is partly because the party has not really tried to persuade people. Candidates need to seize the chance this fall to teach people why Democratic ideas are better<<<



Rep. Jim Jordan



Rosenstein interviews with @WSJ where he says Mueller investigation is “appropriate and independent.” Translation—there’s time for media spin to justify Mueller probe but no time to answer questions from Congress about his statement on recording the President.


JM Hanes


"Is this the guitar thread?"

I don't know about anybody else, but this is my anything-but-DoJ day.

J Sessions

---"I don't know about anybody else, but this is my anything-but-DoJ day."---

Me too.


that is partly because the party has not really tried to persuade people.

This is about as believable as the "Socialism works, it just hasn't really been tried" argument.


And TK was right in the last thread. The reason I mentioned Lerner was that she could have been prosecuted by the Sessions DoJ, but they chose not to pursue charges. Unforgivable in my opinion. The woman should have been bankrupted and jailed.


i thought it was a variant of it, jimmyk.

let's give her even more power than she already has.

Tom R


You are 100% correct.

Jim Jordan isn't an idiot. He knows full well if Trump wanted Rosenstein to testify before Congress then Rosenstein would be testifying.


Looking like a fool isn't looking like an idiot. Constituents reward fools.

Wait and see.


I don't think Jim Jordan is acting. No one is as good at acting to be able to fake what he did at the Rosenstein hearing. Plus, he just said a few weeks ago at a rally that it was the first time he'd ever met Trump. I think he's just not in the loop.

I think Trump, Sessions and Rosenstein are hedging on how much cooperation to give the House, which could have Dem committee chairmen with subpoena power in a matter of weeks. Why act like the DoJ is subservient to the House before knowing how the election will turn out?

Old Lurker

"...that is partly because the party has not really tried to persuade people..."

Two great quotes in my brain jump to mind:

"The beatings will continue until moral improves"

And from my B School case about the failure of a new dog food brand even though all the marketers and all the lab scientists had convinced the board that they had the next Alpo on their hands but sales flatlined anyway:

"The dogs just don't like it".

Old Lurker

Ext just when you said the truth about Lerner, you follow with this "Why act like the DoJ is subservient to the House before knowing how the election will turn out?"

Because the law charges the House with that oversight, the law provides funding to that department on the condition that that oversight be facilitated, the People assumed that the House is providing that oversight and the Administration is facilitating it, and that unlike under recent administrations, we accept that the law is the law until it is changed through proper channels?


"The dogs just don't like it".


Old Lurker

Ext, I know those were not your thoughts, but if they are those of the Trump team, we are in trouble.

Beasts of England

'I don't know about anybody else, but this is my anything-but-DoJ day.'

But maybe tomorrow. :)

Beasts of England

Thanks for that 12:55, OL!! I can't stop laughing about it...


I don't see any reason for the Trump DoJ to bend over for Jerrold Nadler, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi or any other Dem, and I don't care what the law says about it. Let them censure Sessions. We all know how painful it was for poor Holder to experience that excruciating penalty.


"Jane, my impression is that the lying Judge Lamberth referred to had occurred earlier. He was saying Mills shouldn't have gotten immunity because she lacked credibility. "

So we take her deposition, and if she lies get rid of her immunity. It seems to me it's the same case, but even if it's not, if she lies again about something she lied about before, she should be toast.

Tom Fenten has a new case pending about Benghazi which was the subect of the hearing where the Judge made those remarks. And it was Benghazi she lied about - I think.


Isn't it interesting that the dems are demanding all this repudiation against SA for the killing of a Muslim Brotherhood guy, but demanded none against the Benghazi killers who killed our diplomats.


What's amazing is that Pompeo and Trump seem to be falling for it.

Miss Marple


New updates on the President's Twitter feed. Includes a video with Pompeo after th meetin plus a 2-part tweet on where we are with Saudi Arabia.


Separate news from Twitter:

Also, one of the 15 Saudis in that group that went to Turkey was killed in a traffic accident in Riyadh today.


MM, Arkancide?

Miss Marple


Not sure they are falling for it. Mitt Romney is out on Twitter virtue signaling like he is the arbiter of all things moral, though.

Old Lurker

MM "Mitt Romney is out on Twitter virtue signaling like he is the arbiter of all things moral, though."

Oh brother. Please make him but one of 55 or 56, please God. I will agree to one more year of funding the country with CRs if you will only deny Romney the McCain Swing Vote.

Miss Marple


Who knows? Could have been a summary execution, a witness offed by pals, Turkish agents, Muslim Brotherhood trying to hide contacts, or of cours, Deep State and the Clntons.

Who the hell know?


Well if Mitt's perturbed, you can bet I am (not).

I couldn't care less if the Saudis off'd their own Jim Acosta.

Tom R

I don't think Jim Jordan is acting. I think he's just not in the loop.

Even if that is the case it doesn't change the fact that Jordan isn't an idiot and knows full well that Trump controls whether Rosenstein testifies before Congress or not.

Bernardi Dr la paz

A reminder


True, I wasn't disagreeing with that. Just the kabuki aspect of it.


Putin Hints At New Russia-Saudi Axis: "No Reason To Spoil Saudi Ties Over Khashoggi Killing"

Old Lurker

"I couldn't care less if the Saudis off'd their own Jim Acosta."

or even OUR Jim Acosta.

Miss Marple


I brought his tweet over just to show you how annoying he is.

1. How do we know the guy was murdered and if so, how do we know it was at the consulate?

2. How do we know for sure it was gruesome? Who told us that?

3 why is he suggesting withering sanctions when we have done nothing to Erdogan for HIS human rights violations?

Tom R

True, I wasn't disagreeing with that. Just the kabuki aspect of it.

In that regard Jordan is just playing to the camera knowing it looks good to his constituents. Nothing wrong with that at all since all politicians do it.

matt - deplore me if you must

Russia is haram to most Sunnis. They have been hammering them in Syria among other things.

Saudi Arabia has a 100# stick with its oil. So I think we need to be very cautious in dealing with this. We have said nothing about Navalny either. This is a byzantine affair defined.

Miss Marple

Heck, for all we know, the Russians offed Khashoggi!


Can anyone doubt that regardless of his actual influence in the Senate as a first-term backbencher, Mitt will get huge attention from the MFM if and only if he fills the McCain slot, and therefore he will do exactly that?

Miss Marple


I agree with you 100%!

I thnk that is what the President and Pompeo are doing. It is also NOT what Romney is doing!

Miss Marple


No doubt about it. That is why I would like to have the journalist show up alive somewhere and all of those carrying on be discredited, particularly Mitt Romney, but also Erdogan and the Washington Post.

Bernardi Dr la paz

No curiosity about miss cengiz, do you wonder why that is, who did she work for?

Bernardi Dr la paz

Perhaps this,is why?


Clarice Feldman

See what I mean when I saw Romney is loathsome?
Looks to me likeDJT is going to give this time for SA and Turkey to deal with it.Having Mnuchin pull out of the conference is a signal for Salman to do just that, and I bet the mysterious death in Riyadh is related.

Jim Eagle

Mitt and McRino:

Failed GOP POTUS candidates


Out-spoken & Vindictive

Supported failed healthcare programs

[So, what can go wrong, when he takes over the "maverick" chair in the Senate?]

Bernardi Dr la paz

So that dead fellow was published in yeniz zayfak that dodgy paper.

Another fellow an effendi al shihri (seriously) says he was a,tourist in turkey years ago, but not this month

Tom R

Is this a sign of things to come?


Miss Marple


A prime example of you being proven right!

Beasts of England

If you want to hear a very good assessment of our current favorite topic, please listen from about 2:00 to 17:00 at the link:



Trump is using leverage against Rosenstein...

Dan Bongino and I are on the same page so far. I will listen to the whole thing, BoE. Thanks for the link. 👍

Miss Marple


I cannot get that to play. It is frozen on the ad.

Eye Doctor .

Tommy boy is still trying to sell the Mueller a and Rosenstein are working with Trump bullshit!

Miss Marple

Is that Bngino's pod cast? Which episode number?


The summary is that Bongino sees Rosenstein as a criminal that Trump has evidence against and Trump dangles that evidence everhtime he need the criminal to keep Mueller (Bongino compares him to a politically driven hoaxster) in check.

I guess Bongino drinks the same Kabuki-aid as Jordan and Medows.

I hope Bongino can do a quick rewrite and reissue of his book when he tells his fans that it is full of lies after Operation Wait and See reveals the truth.

"Thanks for buying my book, but you should have waited for me to tell the truth... Which is in my new book!"


Episode 827, MM.

Miss Marple

Thanks, TK!

It gives me confidence that Bongino, a former Scret Servic agent, is as clueless about this stuff as I am!! 😀

Miss Marple

Meanwhile, car will not start again. Tow guy is on his way and that sucker is going to the garage!!!!


My limited summary must have conveyed something I didn't intend, MM.

Bongino is far from clueless. He has chapter and verse of non-imaginary information. Granted that he is pimping a book, but he appears to have done actual rresearch as opposed to random Twitter Tbeanezzz dot connecting.

Captain Hate

I already despise Utah for inflicting more Romney on the rest of the nation now that McStain is gone.


I missed the details of your car, MM. I came in later and heard it was fixed by tightening a battery cable. Is that correct? Is it doing the same thing now?

Captain Hate

Here's a double header for TK:


Miss Marple


Yes. It is deader than a door nail. My son had it run for about 15 minutes after it starts, but I didn't drive it yesterday, and now nothing.

I am going to and it to the garage and have them figure it out. I think it's the alternator, myself.

Or evil spirits.


ChafedPutz and Sassehole on the side of righteousness, CH.

Is it any wonder nothing gets done.

Miss Marple

Send Ito the garage...


Just sitting shouldn't kill a good battery. Either there is a draw like a light being left on or the battery met its maker.

I would hope they did a charging test before you got it back the 1st time.

Captain Hate

Just to be clear, Mutt Rombley is urging we tilt our entire ME strategy over some MB clown who has a green card.


I had one car fail a draw test because of a broken switch to the glovebox light. The light stayed on with the door closed. The customer never saw the light. Another was a hood light switch. Same thing.

Captain Hate



Heading out.

Miss Marple


It never went anywhere. The tow guy said it was a loose battery, he tightened it and it started up, son let it run for about 15 minutes and we thought everything was ok.

It needs to go in for an oil change and winterizing, anyway. I will bite the bullet and pay the tow fee. Even if he got it started, I would be afraid it would die at an intersection and there I would be. Plus there is no one to bring me home. Son is about 20 miles south of me and daughter is at work 20 miles north.

Tom R

The summary is that Bongino sees Rosenstein as a criminal that Trump has evidence against and Trump dangles that evidence everhtime he need the criminal to keep Mueller (Bongino compares him to a politically driven hoaxster) in check.

In other words, Bongino is plagiarizing the "leverage" narrative that Sundance first posited that treats their assumptions as facts to explain why Trump hasn't fired Rosenstein yet.


Mutt Rombley is urging we tilt our entire ME strategy over some MB clown who has a green card.

He'd have been great at the State Dept.

Eye Doctor .

FBI and DOJ Didn’t Catch Yesterday’s Indicted Leakers (Treasury IG Did) but They Did Cover Up One of Their Names


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