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October 04, 2018



Still praying.

Stephanie, Nene, Not your Normal Grandma

The official Dem position is "We Believe Survivors."

Which explains why Ted Kennedy didn't leave one.


Last time she had a UTI. They couldn't pull a urine sample tonight cause she is dehydrated and will do one in the AM.

Captain Hate

Best wishes, Steph.

Glad you liked the link, AB. I realize the Ewok has been a major league prick to some of the regulars here, but ever since he grasped just how much the GOPe had lied to him and everyone else, he's been much more on point with his posts and doesn't wade into the comments with a pissy attitude. He's really brought his game to a new level and seems to be enjoying himself more while doing it.


Did mr narciso lay the ewok handle on the Gainz Burgher?

Clarice Feldman



I guess this explains the "breaking and entering" charge against the Dem Staff Doxxer:

Police: Staffer accused of 'doxxing' senators caught after sneaking into Sen. Maggie Hassan's office

Hope they start off by sticking him in a jail cell with Amy Schumer.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

That would be a violation of the 8th amendment, daddy.

Another Bob

CH, I think a lot of Ace’s problem was thinking he’d make it in the front door as a “serious” center-right blogger ala a Hewitt or Morrisey. One it became clear that wasn’t happening he lightened up.


No I don't think So, it was his resemblance to wicket and his irascible nature displayed in some of his temper tantrums notably over macho Grande.

The closest concern I've had with yo gi has been with his expressed glands and the trick knee, also when they trimmed his nails too close to the quick

Another Bob


OK. Under the assumption that Kav is in, and given there’s realization among sone dems that they let the progs screw them, what happens next?

Proceed to impeach Kav as discussed? GLWT.

Do The Notorious RBG, Wide Latina and Kagan organize some inside-the-court difficulties for Kav? Nah. Recall that Kagan hired hm at Harvard.

Bait Trump into unwise comments and actions by going after his parents via a series of tax stories? Maybe.

Do we get a great reveal of the coup plotters?

Figures to be an interesting October?


They Shoot Deserters, Don't They?

jim nj


Fair warning.


Windows Vista was bad, hold my beer, yikes.



Another Bob

Work pushed me to W10 and IT is in charge of updates. (The business would be a tad screwed if I lost My Documents folders now.)

I’m still W7 Ultimate at home, where it will remain until the computer requires replacement, at which point I switch to Ubuntu.

Stephanie, Nene, Not your Normal Grandma


Grassley is still kicking ass! Check out the last line of the letter.

Captain Hate

Expressing dogs anal glands would be a good job for [name the politician].

Clarice Feldman


Captain Hate



On my local talk-radio show the host raised the question of whether Trump's "mocking" of CBF was
a good thing or a bad thing. A caller pointed out that there is a yuge part of the voting populace that has no idea that all of the so-called witnesses ID'd by CGF said it never happened, and that if people know this their position on the issue changes radically. And without Trump they would never know. Trump's "mocking" is neither kneejerk reaction nor "populist" demagoguery, but is instead, as with many Trump initiatives, a way to draw attention to the obvious. Which is what Trump lives on. His appeal, and his genius, is to say--"Really? come on, We don't have to accept this BS."

Another Bob

Grassley should stop asking Ford’s people for material. If McConnell has the votes, just shut up and confirm the nominee.

If he intends to prosecute, fine. Do it after the confirmation.

jim nj


Rain falls from Saturn's rings. Interesting.

Another Bob

Why provide them the opportunity to play more games?


It's beyond their skill set,lol.

Stephanie, Nene, Not your Normal Grandma



He intends to prosecute.


Would Jessie lieu prosecute, much less the us attorney in the bay area.

Ralph L

his expressed glands
I thought you were talking about Ace.


Ah pronoun trouble,

jim nj

I have a Cpmpaq XP desktop in my bedroom that I don't use often, ans won't allow on the internet, a spare Dell laptop that can't connect to the network (I spent days trying to fix that) and a Toshiba Windows 10 laptop on a coffee table in front of my TV that I use to talk to you guys and surf.

I've only had one problem with a Windows 10 update, it cost me several installed programs.

Right now the Toshiba Windows 10 laptop lost its' backlight, so I have it hooked up to a monitor.

And the DVD-CD ROM drive doesn't seem to work. I've gone into Device Manager to update the driver, but it says I have the best one installed.

The drive just won't read discs. I go into File Explorer, click on D: and tells me to insert a disc. I do. Quickview scans the disc but never shows me the files.


Craigslist is sometimes useful for finding Monitors. Some guy up the street from me gets batches of them from computer upgrades. It's kind of hit and miss, he doesn't want a lot for them, but he only gets them in batches that go fast.

Ralph L

My dad was at Naval War College when I was 5, and I remembered there was Newport Creamery somewhere behind our house. My vision was so bad, I didn't realize until we went back in 2000 that it was less than 50 yards with just a dinky school parking lot in the way.
Awful good, Awful big.

jim nj


Interesting. I don't think this is new. We know that Neanderthals left us some DNA, but the reasoning is interesting. Neanderthals through their many years in Europe had developed immunities to European viruses. The new arrivals from African had only been exposed to African viruses up to that time. So as the two communities intertwined the Neanderthal DNA that dealt with European viruses would have been a desirable genetic addition.

jim nj


The Kelley Paul letter to Sen. Booker.

jim nj


"dog rape culture" "conceptual penis"

"The authors claim their prank shows that higher education’s fixation with identity politics has created ‘absurd and horrific’ scholarship, according to an in-depth piece by Wall Street Journal.

They even associated male anatomy with climate change."

I'm wondering how they did the last one?

jim nj

via Insty


jim nj

also via Insty


The figure doesn't include wives and children. The SDF is sill going after ISIS.

jim nj


Knock-on effect. They weren't mentioned in the Bloomberg article, but that Bloomberg report, whether accurate or not, will put pressure on every Chinese tech company.

I wonder if, in the long term, China loses fab plants to other countries.

I think because of this, and the trade war, many companies will be looking towards changing their supply chains.


I know mr narciso posted UB40 but can someone explain their relevance? Did they come up in the testimony? Why not Red, Red Wine?

Did you guys know this song was about cheap fortified wine too?

Neil Diamond - Cracklin' Rosie (Stereo!)


jim nj


Interesting idea. Save the "good" stuff that antibiotics kill in case we need them later.

jim nj


Iran, barely mentioned in previous countereterrorism plans is now front and center.


We've dumped our 1955 "Treaty of Amity" with Iran. Iran brought us before the International Court of Justice alleging humanitarian violations of that treaty. The ICJ ruled against the US, so we've abandoned the treaty, rendering the ICJ's ruling moot.

No treaty - no violation. Fuck the Europeans and their sham courts.


If men are concerned about being falsely accused of sexual assault maybe they should just stay home and not put themselves in dangerous situations where they could be vulnerable. These things wouldn't happen if they didn't drink, go out to bars or walk alone at night where women might mistakenly think they're predators. They might also want to dress more conservatively so that they don't appear threatening to women.

jim nj


48 years ago, but very interesting. The Israelis set up a trap and lured the Russians in.

"Israel decided that the Soviets needed to be taught a lesson. That lesson would be carefully prepared and delivered. With Russian-speaking Israeli radio operators monitoring Soviet communications, the IAF had a pretty good idea of the force they faced."

"Then, on Thursday afternoon of July 30, the Soviets flew into the trap. From multiple airfields in Egypt, twenty-four MiG-21s were scrambled to intercept the fake recon flight. Their easy prey turned into sixteen Phantoms and Mirage III jets. Within three minutes, five MiGs had been shot down, two by Phantoms, two by Mirages and a joint kill."

"There was a poetic justice to the Israeli victory. Yet it wasn't the Israelis gloating (indeed, they initially chose to identify the victims as Egyptian. Rather, it was the Egyptians, who smarted under the condescension of their Russian advisers. "There were Egyptians who could not suppress their laughter at the failure of the Russians," according to one Israeli writer [Google translation here ]. "Following the battle, Nasser was forced to issue an explicit order not to laugh at the Russian instructors in the squadrons."


Overly Attached Daughter


There's nothing on this particular meme generator that indicates size. Wat do?

jim nj

Yeah, Pin, men are inherently evil, but some of of us spend our lives raising precious daughters. Not me, I'm single.

I've mentored many women over the years and I was often attracted to them, but you don't use a superior position to take advantage of that.

I have no idea what I would have done if any of them had come on to me. I suppose I would have been flattered, and maybe something lasting would have come of it. It would have made me extremely uncomfortable.

If men withdraw that support because they are afraid of what some of them might say about them 10-30 years later women will have to rely of women mentors who will wonder what their proteges have to say about them 10-30 years later.

jim nj


The WP piles on.

jim nj


"Article 32.10 requires any USMCA nation to notify the other two members three months before launching free trade talks with a non-market economy."

China is a non-market economy.

jim nj


Serious rumors of a large display of force by the US Navy and allied services.


Anthony Weiner's former girlfriend shows she is still a clueless dolt:

Kirsten Powers DESTROYED over tweet about how uncommon false rape accusations are

Kirsten Powers

False rape accusations are so common that the only example the GOP could come up with was a fictional character from a 1960 novel.


Before another GRRM Book


Fooled around with image resizing


What I used: https://resizepic.com/resize.php


I'm still comfortably middle class.


Good Morning from the road! We've been listening to the news on the car radio,but after a few minutes,the dial is back to music and the dog has to listen to us sing. Poor little guy. :) We've observed the proof of the good economy,because the trucks rule the road.
As soon as I have coffee,we're hitting the road. Later!


Iirc the senate majority leader can vote no to any item before the senate, thereby allowing the item to be reintroduced. So a switcharoo with the vote would be a really futile and stupid gesture Senator Stratton.


Mr PnP; "Fooled around with image resizing"

Pro tip: Preview is your friend



I forget, am I El Diablo or Magic Man?


steph-good luck with reports on bijou today.

I almost teased whether you had worn yellow jacket attire to offset the ubiquitous red and black assaulting your eyes, but I knew you had restrained your first instinct.

I think grassley's letter above was about getting the desired votes by pointing out that it is CBF's side that is not interested in due process or doing anything to bolster thrown out accusations.

hubby grinned last night at cbf's nickname. Then he started talking about her voice, which he and I had not discussed. There is genuine anger out there over this. It feels like a defining moment of a line that should never have been crossed in people's minds.

daddy on iPad

Legal Insurrection: Report: Dr Fords Friend Leland Keyser Allegedly Felt Pressured By Ford Allies To Change Her Statement

And the person who allegedly applied this pressure?

Former FBI Agent Monica McLean.

Captain Hate

The Horde found this:



LOL CH! He'd get more money panhandling on a street corner the homeless don't waste their time at.

Captain Hate

As long as he didn't play that horrible smooth jazz crap he and his deadbeat friends bore people with, henry. He'd just get a broken guitar outta that.

Speaking of guitar players, in this case at the opposite end of the spectrum, where's GUS?


don't know... was wondering the same thing.

Miss Marple

Good morning!

Progress: I was able to access Twitter but now it is freezing up on me.

However, I did see something important which maybe one of you could search for.

The Sun (UK paper) is reporting that the head of Interpol has gone missing in China.



Reuters on the Interpol guy.


The Sun (UK paper) is reporting that the head of Interpol has gone missing in China.

Bet he wasn't there site seeing:)

Ralph L

I hope the US military assumed that Chinese chips would be dodgy, but who knows? They likely won't tell us.


Posted by: jim nj | October 05, 2018 at 04:17 AM
Seems like the Israelis learned a lesson from what Robin Olds did with the 8th fighter wing over North Vietnam in 1966 against MiG 21s. Fascinating story I saw on AHC, I believe.

Miss Marple

Did anyone here know the head of Interpol was a Chinese national? I sure didn't!!!

Miss Marple

About 2 hours to the cloture vote.aq

And it is Friday. I wonder what news will drop today.

Captain Hate

Interpol is one of those organizations about which I have no idea what they really do.


Safe travels to Marlene and Mr. Marlene.

Off to bed. You people behave.

This got willowed: Happy Associate Justice Kavanaugh confirmation eve.

Miss Marple

Captain Hate,

The article from Reuters said they coordinate wanted fugitive notices between different countries' police agencies.

I didn't know, either. It was just one of those Europeanish-sounding things that sounded sort of important and James Bondish.

Captain Hate

I understand that's what they're supposed to do, Miss Marple, but I wonder what they do in cases of countries, like ours for example, who value national sovereignty over all. At least we used to...

Miss Marple

I see Melania Trump has a one-hour special from Africa with her first sit-down interview ever on ABC, which will air next Friday.

The picture with the announcement has her walking with the ABC reporter in a white shirt, khaki pants, and leather boots. I wish I could wear stuff like that.

Ralph L

NECCO wafers should be back in production by 2020!
I'm saved!

Miss Marple

Captain Hate,

I have no idea if we are member of Interpol or not. It is amazing to me the stuff I don't know, and I always considered myself well-informed!

Miss Marple

Ralph L,

Were they out of production? My grandad used to buy those for us when we were kids.

Imalwaysnthoughtnthosencandy hearts with writing on them tasted sort of the same.

Miss Marple

I watched the video last night of Trump's rally, and he seemed very relaxed and jovial.

It occurred to me that he sort of has some echoes of Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra's banter style when on stage, which is intriguing.

I am so glad we elected him. Besides lots of stuff getting fixed, there will never be another president as entertaining as he is!

Ralph L

That's because the same company made them, MM. They closed this summer, but the circus peanut candy people bought them.

Another Bob

Hmm, I mostly ignore Interpol as fairly inconsequential, but a ChiCom national is the head of it?

Perhaps more attention should be paid.

Another Bob

MM, we are indeed Interpol members.

Ralph L

I used to buy several big bags of wafers before Halloween because that was the only time you could find them in quantity, but Walmart had small bags more not than often until recently. Crackerbarrel used to sell single rolls at a ridiculous price. I found them addictive like Lifesavers and Goldfish.

Another Bob

The problem with Interpol is they aren’t supposed to act on behalf of political causes. The obvious intent being to avoid being used as instruments of oppression by dictatorships.

Problem is: who defines whether the reason someone is wanted is a “legitimate” crime vs. political opposition.

Tom Bowler

Legal Insurrection: Report: Dr Fords Friend Leland Keyser Allegedly Felt Pressured By Ford Allies To Change Her Statement

And the person who allegedly applied this pressure?

Former FBI Agent Monica McLean.

Posted by: daddy on iPad | October 05, 2018 at 06:50 AM

Could this be suborning perjury, and therefore prosecutable?

Miss Marple

Thanks for the information, Another Bob. This is a subject on which I have zero knowledge.

Miss Marple

Twitter update:

Every time I want to read it, I have to log on. Then I get about 3-4 tweets and then rhe screen freezes. Also, I cannot search.

Ralph L

Maybe the missing guy spilled the beans about the chips. What a dip!

Another Bob

MM, this is on iPhone or ipad? Software up to date? Try restarting the device?

Old Lurker

TomB "Could this be suborning perjury, and therefore prosecutable?"

Not unless there is an "R" after the name.

Kevlar Kid

Pin: I use Postimage.org.

Choose size> 320x240 Upload pic.

Generates a link which you insert into:
BRACKETimg src="insert link here"BRACKET


Tom Bowler

LOL, OL. :)

Beasts of England

'Maybe the missing guy spilled the beans about the chips. What a dip!'

I needed that... :)

Miss Marple

Another Bob,

It is an iPad. I have no idea how to restart it. I can turn it off, I guess, but I have done that several times.

I guess I should try to see if I am really turning it off.

Also, whenever I leave JOM and come back, I have to enter my screen name an email address again.


Witness tampering. Didn’t someone go to jail for that?

Kevlar Kid

Necco Wafers... the only candy i miss. the buzz for me was the texture of the paper wrapper...very unique, but it made it hard to sneak em from the candy drawer Maw watched like a hawk.

Miss Marple

Since we have that cloture vote in a little over an hour, I am going to get some stuff done around here.

I have sent too much time over the last couple of days fooling around with computer and bank stuff and the house sure looks like it!

Back after while.

Clarice Feldman


saw a video last night of feinstein after she read the FBI report. She looked like she was crying. Is this why?

Beasts of England

There's a #walkaway video on FB this morning that's powerful. Female lawyer from San Francisco who used her real name. Three sons, one grandson. She actually mentioned Stalin and show trials. She looked traumatized.

Keep the faith, peeps.


He was the vice minister for public security, sheesh.

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