WMAL radio is all JOM friendly from Rush at noon through Mark Levin who starts at 6pm.
The callers for the last 1 hour and 21 minutes think Flynn has been screwed by the DoJ and now they are pulling the flesh off his broken body...and that Trump should not have allowed that to be done to one of his guys. So those callers lay it on Trump.
Then the callers turned to the "cave on the wall" which they now wonder if Trump ever even really intended to build from the get-go, and they are stunned that Trump was so vocal last week in making it personal between him and Nancy/Chuck and a shut down. Again, the callers, many of whom said they would have been impacted by the shutdown are disgusted that Trump caved so fast. Make no doubt about it...it is seen in DC as a personal rout of Trump.
Then the news on the hour led with the NY AG talking about how Trump had abused his charity in numerous illegal ways, that he coordinated its actions with his campaign, and finally that he had used it as his personal piggy bank. And that was from the outgoing AG, not the one who really wants to jail him and his family.
The callers after that were out of sympathy for Trump.
Bringing over. I think this is the 987th time I have been the last comment on an old thread:)
Don't read lurkersusie's 4:20 on the other thread of the Comey interview if you are having heart or stomach problems or if you are enjoying your first Matini or craft beer of the day. It was hell just getting through the Gowdy questions.
IMHO, Comey is a rat bastard, a true smartass with a big ego, a big badge, and nothing available without pulling his nails out.
So, MM, from your readings of Trump, how long does it last before he takes revenge?
OL, that Comey testimony calls for a fresh pitcher of Dirty Goose with extra olives, please!
OL: "it is seen in DC as a personal rout of Trump."
Momma said there'd be days like this. Hey, seriously, it's a long battle. Things will go up and things will go down. We should not get downhearted even if we look the Truth straight in the eye and don't always see what we'd like to see.
It's time to start thinking hard about what we can do to help. We are not NPCs, we can make a difference. We should not assume "4D will take care of it" or that "all is lost".
Wow this thread looks a lot like the old thread .
That is because half of the old thread has appeared here.
I always read to the end of the thread.
Am I alone in this or when people read New do they immediately abandon the old thread and jump over to the new one?
Revenge is a dish best served cold. Please note he cancelled the White House Press Christmas party. I hope he takes that money and diverts it to the wall.
Washington may think that they won./ I don't think so. As far as Flynn, I am still watching but have lost confidence in that judge.
Old Lurker needs to put on some Christmas music and ignore the news.
Jim "Hey, seriously, it's a long battle. Things will go up and things will go down."
Well let's see. There is now zero chance of getting any significant good legislation through the next Congress. Our debt (Federal only!) is about $22 Trillion and increasing nearly $1T a year. 62 million residents already live in homes that do not use English as a first language and that number is increasing not decreasing. Every single day people who lived through the worst the world can do but who fought to prevent it here, die, and are replaced by younger people who know but a smidgen of our actual history and why that matters, and what history they are told, makes us the bad guys.
So how long do you have?
As to things going up and things going down, my partner called mid day to ask "Hey. If the market falls 500 points yesterday but goes up 200 points today, why are people trying to tell me that is a good thing? How many two days ups and down like that can we take before we are broke?"
As to your (you have said this before and have been joined by others) "It's time to start thinking hard about what we can do to help."
Got any ideas to share from the list of actions you are taking?
MM...boy am I argumentative with you today! You and I are so predictable. :-)
Without bothering to read your 5:04 link, even if we had $14 Billion in cash from El Chapo, if this President thought, like the last one did, that money thus taken from third parties is "free money" devoid of any budget directions approved by Congress and agreed to by the President, then I would have to wonder how that is better than under Obama? It was a Moral Hazard then and it remains one today.
Now MM. Proper budgeting demands, and the law requires, that the POTUS spend only money that has been appropriated by law for use for the purpose stated in the law. Period. Yes I know that is a new concept for DC, but forgetting that is why we are broke and why we hate each other.
So yes, taking money appropriated for use in support of the WH for doing a project not approved by law is, well, illegal.
Wait. Let me ask Judge Sullivan if it is also Treason?
You know, I have no idea about the Horde make up, but it seems to me to ba a bunch of eeyors. She is a proven patriot, well educated, a proven leader. Sure, she may have policy differences but so does every serviing congressperson. No one there walkes in her shoes, not that I know of.
Sinema or Flake or McRino couldn't even carry her GPA at USAFA.
I can't think of a better person to inflict the business of being a royal than on Meghan Markle. She fits in perfectly but seems bored (who wouldn't). They really are a grifter's dream of a scheme.
Full disclosure, my wife is a royalist, since she is a title Lady in Belgium. I only use that to get into better restaurants or football games.
What I would do is see if stuff could be LEGALLY redirected. For example, what amount of drug smuggling prevention could be used for wall construction, interpreting it as a preventive measure?
I also would see about the Crowdsourcing legality by getting private donations as well as recruiting volunteers to help with the construction.
Extraneus had a good idea, too, in getting Mexico to build it with fundds we provided through foreing aid. It is in their interest to slow down all of those Central Americans coming in.
One thing I am certain of is that Trump is not going to say "OK, I give up." It's not in his nature.
"Trump this afternoon about what may happen with a shutdown: We'll see what happens...it's too early to say."
His WH sure has sent a lot of signals that $5B for the wall is not the drop-dead cliff it was when they filmed him with Nancy & Chuck last week.
He is in the box he created for himself. And not created last week, but last year when he got snookered the first time and swore it would never again happen with a budget deadline. His base gave him a pass because it was early days still, just as we bite our tongues giving Kavanaugh a pass for his first two disappointments at bat. What works once or twice gets old quickly.
Today's craziness reminds of the futurama episode where the crew realized that dr. Farnsworth was affected with spotted yeti syndrome and they arrange a tube goldberg type mechanism which goes horribly wrong.
Flynn was DIA director during the obama administration. He is personally and intimately aware of numerous felonies committed by Obama and everyone in his cabinet, as well as potentially hundreds of high-level government co-conspirators. Benghazi. Fast and furious. Uranium One. Weaponizing the IRS. The iran deal. Arming ISIS. The Haiti charity fraud scheme. The clinton foundation human trafficking. He can directly implicate every single key player of the Obama administration in high treason.
As part of being fired by Obama for attempting to blow the whistle on the administration's crimes, Flynn was subjected to multiple national security NDAs preventing him from disclosing certain information to ANYONE including his lawyers. In other words, if Flynn spills the beans, he violates his NDAs and goes to prison.
The only way to bypass the NDAs is through a plea deal. You'll notice, the plea deal he signed explicitly requires him to testify as to ANY CRIME he is AWARE of -- not that he was involved in. Not only is he REQUIRED to provide sworn testimony about the things he wants to say (in a way that negates his NDAs) but his testimony AUTOMATICALLY gets entered into the official record.
Basically, Flynn is using Mueller's plea deal to fuck the deep state in the ass. The judge is beginning to sense this, which is why he was so pushy in trying to get Flynn to withdraw his plea. The judge doesn't want to sentence flynn, because as soon as flynn is sentenced, that puts his deal into effect and Flynn is released from the NDAs and can criminally implicate the entire gubermint.
MM, don't get sidetracked by $5B and where he finds it. The WALL is going to cost five times that or more, and his voters were promised THE WALL. (He can huff and puff about what has been built and how much more he can do with $5B, but the plain fact is that not a foot of the Wall-Wall built after that competition has been built anywhere.)
The WALL will never get built unless Congress agrees to fund it. And that is a good thing for the country.
The judge embarrassed himself to the point that he has to let Flynn off with a slap on the wrist now, possibly along with an apology.
As for his past experience being rolled by corrupt FBI political activists, he's apparently still ok with that, and the noise he made about the Stevens railroading after the fact was just a smokescreen. They got what they wanted, and he helped.
Where is your source that nothing has been built since the competition? There have been sections built near San Diego and someplace in Texas, as I remember.
Why is it that I am a;ways thinking of ways to get things done while you are always telling me why it CAN'T be done?
Watching SkyNews and the Panel debate or rather shout fest over Breixt. May is marshalling the Armed Forces for a No-Deal Brexit, which of course, takes back bench to Man United firing Jose Mourinho.
If you think we are a split society politically, then you have to start watching Sky or BBC. But their spokespeople on the panels are far mosr lucid and more informed then our pundits for hire.
What if I told you I could build a wall, physical or digital for under $5billion?
This the one thing that pisses me off about Trump, he refuses to accept a technical approach and solution. Too me the whole Wall thing is over played and kept simple to appeal to the flyover country who may not have the understanding of what technology can accomplish.
Not being a xenophobe here on flyover but Trump needs to get more educated and I can't believe the DoD hasn't briefed him yet. But maybe they did and that is why Kelley left.
It was all over the radio this afternoon, MM. Lots of sections have been beefed up in a few critical areas with razor wire etc, and lots of sections were pre existing to the old standards, but nobody has released a photograph of any single section that looks like any of those five test sections that got so much press.
To your second question, I argue with your solutions because they all are based on Obama-esq tricks and stunts when building something as big as THE WALL can, should and must be something all three branches of government want, knowing that most of the people are behind them in that.
It is the job of the POTUS to get that support arranged, just as FDR got us behind WWII and Churchill got his own government and his people behind it to. Both of those leaders started down that path with most political forces against them. We elected a can-do negotiator thinking he could accomplish that feat with THE WALL. Collecting lunch money from children or organizing community work weekends like cleaning up the garden in the town square will not get it done. And if he could build the entire wall out of extra money in the federal budget against the wishes of Congress, then that is a pipe dream.
What exactly did these two Turks do differently than what countless other foreigners have done when it comes to buying influence with politicians in DC? Why is the Trump DOJ under Acting AG Whitaker going after them?
"The president is pretty clear he would love for you to have made that information public, told the American people that the president, their president, the guy they elected, wasn't under investigation," Jordan said during Monday's hearing. "Why didn't you do that? Why wouldn't you just tell the American people he is not under investigation?"
Comey answered that he would not have made such a statement "without the approval and direction of the leadership of the Department of Justice" and added that "saying that publicly had significant consequences, both in terms of creating a duty to correct and potentially being misleading."
According to Comey, Trump initially made his request for an exculpatory statement in a phone call on March 30, 2017.
"I relayed his request to the Acting Attorney General [Boente]," Comey said. "I didn't hear back."
Comey said Trump restated his request in a phone call less than two weeks later.
"[The president] says, 'What did you do with what I had asked?'" Comey told lawmakers. "I told him I had given it to the Acting Attorney General. And we had a conversation where he said he understood the way to proceed."
After the call, Comey said his chief of staff called Boente and said: "The president just called. Wants to know what happened with that thing."
"And Mr. Boente's reaction was, in substance, 'Oh, God, I was hoping that would go away.'" Comey concluded.
Jack "Too me the whole Wall thing is over played and kept simple to appeal to the flyover country who may not have the understanding of what technology can accomplish."
Pretty much my same tune, Jack. Real leaders adapt and change as they learn more, then they bring their teams along as required. Ain't been done here and again, that is a box of his own making.
Significantly, none of what Flynn and Kislyak discussed had anything to do with alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign on the 2016 presidential election or the other matters under investigation by Special Counsel Mueller.
Conversely, treason is defined as levying war on the United States or giving aid and comfort to a nation with which we are at war. Even raising the question of such a charge against Flynn for his work on behalf of Turkey – a NATO ally – is absurd.
Thank you, Clarice. I was wondering if I only imagined that I knew more about the law than Emmet does.
This the one thing that pisses me off about Trump, he refuses to accept a technical approach and solution.
I know a guy who worked for the Boeing program back in the early 2000s that got a contract to build a prototype for a technical approach/solution i.e. a "virtual wall". It was behind schedule, over budget and having technical issues so the VP executive at Boeing got called in to testify before Congress. The idiot got caught lying to Congress about the status of the program so they killed the funding for it.
Despite the fact the economic numbers remain outstanding and GDP is estimated at a robust 3.0, the Liberal financial press is pushing "recession" with every breath leading up to 2020. So utterly corrupt.
Several times in the DME business I set up animals on 02. One lady was going to move from WY to AZ to a lower altitude for her dog.
Dan Petrus, an internist at Atlantic Veterinary Internal Medicine and Oncology, told the newspaper that Stanley 'would not have been a good candidate for surgery' due to his age and past kidney transplant.
If I were counseling Flynn, I'd recommend a motion to have Emmet recused for incompetence. His erratic and "absurd" behavior today, after having over a YEAR to figure this out, is obviously disqualifying.
You're 71, Judge. It's time. Do some fishing. It's fun. Hate to see you go out in such an embarrassing fashion, but you should have called me before the hearing today. I could have helped you.
Need to plea guilty to bypass an NDA and report a crime? In what world does an NDA hold up in court when it’s purpose I the instance of violation is to hide a crime? That is stupid beyond belief.
The FBI’s interest in the letter and its writer signals that federal authorities are taking the allegations seriously and continue to investigate Papadopoulos even after he served 12 days in a federal prison for lying to investigators about his interactions with a Maltese professor who claimed that Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of emails.
Well what I think anon is saying is that when you have a clearance and you leave a job in the government you sign an NDA. One that's probably a lot different than the civil ones Trump and others hand out.
Although, I can see the swamp wanting Flynn to plead guilty to lying as a way to end his viability as a witness on all those crimes of the Clintons/Obama’s.
Law enforcement gone rogue is a different problem. Pleading guilty to lying to the FBI seems a strange path to reporting crimes to law enforcement in general.
This post will no doubt piss off a few of you. Have at it.
Flynn took the guilty plea of lying to investigators to avoid Mueller charging him over the Turkish lobbying issues (FARA).
Keep in mind, this is about law and this is about politics. Sullivan appears to be well aware there are times when admitting to violations of law can be the better alternative than allowing the appearance of, and the use of, a much more damaging political narrative.
Think about it this way. If Flynn didn’t accept the plea, team Mueller could then begin deploying a narrative that was not just about a national security adviser lying to federal investigators; but also encompassed an unregistered agent of a foreign power holding a key national security position in the White House. Imagine what team Mueller and the media would do with that narrative. Think about it.
OK I have thought about it. Seems to me based on Sundance's argument Mueller did Flynn a legal favor and Trump a huge political favor.
Mueller did not have to offer Flynn the plea deal of lying to the FBI. Mueller did not have to recommend ZERO jail time for Flynn. As Sundance pointed out, Mueller could have indicted Flynn for accepting $530,000 from the Turks and then siding with Erdogan when it came to US military policy in the Syrian civil war. This was a helluva lot worse than failing to register as a foreign agent. As Sundance points out this would have caused a major political shitstorm that almost certainly would have hurt Trump in some manner.
Does anyone else think that Mueller chose the course of action that politically protected Trump and legally helped Flynn?
the SPECIAL COUNSEL was hired to determine whether the RUSSIANS had interfered in our elections.
That is not what he has done. The MFM has cheerleaded an investigation into whether TRUMP colluded with RUSSIA to interfere in our elections.
RODHAM colluded with a former BRIT foreign agent, a law firm and RUSSIANS. What was done with the information she HAD CREATED??
This whole shit show has been so easy to figure out all the time.
i beg you to not link anymore DJT tweets.The Comments are so much over the top FULL COMMIE my stomach got upset. There are real evil opposition out there to our POV. In fact, they are eligible for executive action if only in there fingers or mandible to shut them up.
Sorry all the good feds and LEOs out there have to deal with the distrust their corrupt comrades have created, but that's how it is.
Screw the “good feds.” Like I said on the last thread, they sought out their jobs, and the power and responsibility those jobs entail. They ASKED us for that power. They took oaths. If they choose to keep their heads down to save job security, and in so doing throw us - their employers, and the people from whom their power derives, they can go eff themselves. They are not good in any way.
From a PL comment: McSally will be the senior Senator from AZ.
"With Kyl's offer to resign early, the new appointee will be sworn in before the next Congress convenes and will therefore have seniority over any new Congress critters who will be sworn in on the first day of the new Congress. So McSally loses the election to Sinema, and ends up being the senior Senator from Arizona."
Fake news today, including by Drudge, that Trump is caving on wall. Nothing can be further from the truth. He's simply looking for a more accessible way of getting it done, perhaps through Army corps of Engineers. Congress simply isn't going to pass a bill that includes a wall.
Stonewall Jackson
4h4 hours ago
Sarah Sanders had to come out and clear this up. And Rush Limbaugh said that he was at the White House yesterday, at a Christmas party, and it's all anyone talked about there, was funding the wall and getting it done. He's hell-bent on getting it done
Maybe he will still Lock Her Up?
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 18, 2018 at 04:27 PM
At this point, what difference does it make?
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 04:37 PM
From the end of the other thread:
WMAL radio is all JOM friendly from Rush at noon through Mark Levin who starts at 6pm.
The callers for the last 1 hour and 21 minutes think Flynn has been screwed by the DoJ and now they are pulling the flesh off his broken body...and that Trump should not have allowed that to be done to one of his guys. So those callers lay it on Trump.
Then the callers turned to the "cave on the wall" which they now wonder if Trump ever even really intended to build from the get-go, and they are stunned that Trump was so vocal last week in making it personal between him and Nancy/Chuck and a shut down. Again, the callers, many of whom said they would have been impacted by the shutdown are disgusted that Trump caved so fast. Make no doubt about it...it is seen in DC as a personal rout of Trump.
Then the news on the hour led with the NY AG talking about how Trump had abused his charity in numerous illegal ways, that he coordinated its actions with his campaign, and finally that he had used it as his personal piggy bank. And that was from the outgoing AG, not the one who really wants to jail him and his family.
The callers after that were out of sympathy for Trump.
Damn I did it again.
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 04:38 PM
I got banned at Gateway Pundit
Posted by: Neo | December 18, 2018 at 04:40 PM
My last post 20 hours ago ...
They just found that 302, so be careful ... the ink is still wet
Posted by: Neo | December 18, 2018 at 04:43 PM
Bringing over. I think this is the 987th time I have been the last comment on an old thread:)
Don't read lurkersusie's 4:20 on the other thread of the Comey interview if you are having heart or stomach problems or if you are enjoying your first Matini or craft beer of the day. It was hell just getting through the Gowdy questions.
IMHO, Comey is a rat bastard, a true smartass with a big ego, a big badge, and nothing available without pulling his nails out.
So, MM, from your readings of Trump, how long does it last before he takes revenge?
OL, that Comey testimony calls for a fresh pitcher of Dirty Goose with extra olives, please!
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 18, 2018 at 04:43 PM
OL: "it is seen in DC as a personal rout of Trump."
Momma said there'd be days like this. Hey, seriously, it's a long battle. Things will go up and things will go down. We should not get downhearted even if we look the Truth straight in the eye and don't always see what we'd like to see.
It's time to start thinking hard about what we can do to help. We are not NPCs, we can make a difference. We should not assume "4D will take care of it" or that "all is lost".
Posted by: JimNorCal | December 18, 2018 at 04:44 PM
Careful, Neo. TM's got an itchy trigger finger.
Posted by: Extraneus | December 18, 2018 at 04:44 PM
There's always Payday Loans
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 04:45 PM
Old Lurker, Mr. Macguire,
I posted this at the end of the last thread:
Despite the wishful thinking of many in the press, avoiding a shut down does NOT mean giving up looking for funding and going ahead and building it.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 04:46 PM
Wow this thread looks a lot like the old thread .
That is because half of the old thread has appeared here.
I always read to the end of the thread.
Am I alone in this or when people read New do they immediately abandon the old thread and jump over to the new one?
Posted by: D | December 18, 2018 at 04:47 PM
Revenge is a dish best served cold. Please note he cancelled the White House Press Christmas party. I hope he takes that money and diverts it to the wall.
Washington may think that they won./ I don't think so. As far as Flynn, I am still watching but have lost confidence in that judge.
Old Lurker needs to put on some Christmas music and ignore the news.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 04:50 PM
Why did you get banned?
Posted by: D | December 18, 2018 at 04:51 PM
I figured the wall would get stalled (effin Senate), but hoped to enjoy some holiday shutdown.
Posted by: henry | December 18, 2018 at 04:52 PM
I am totally convinced the Wall will be built because I want President Trump to then shove it in Chuckie Schumer Putz face!
Posted by: D | December 18, 2018 at 04:53 PM
Jim In Sunnyvale:
Words to live by.
Posted by: D | December 18, 2018 at 04:56 PM
Feeling any better?
Posted by: D | December 18, 2018 at 04:58 PM
Jim "Hey, seriously, it's a long battle. Things will go up and things will go down."
Well let's see. There is now zero chance of getting any significant good legislation through the next Congress. Our debt (Federal only!) is about $22 Trillion and increasing nearly $1T a year. 62 million residents already live in homes that do not use English as a first language and that number is increasing not decreasing. Every single day people who lived through the worst the world can do but who fought to prevent it here, die, and are replaced by younger people who know but a smidgen of our actual history and why that matters, and what history they are told, makes us the bad guys.
So how long do you have?
As to things going up and things going down, my partner called mid day to ask "Hey. If the market falls 500 points yesterday but goes up 200 points today, why are people trying to tell me that is a good thing? How many two days ups and down like that can we take before we are broke?"
As to your (you have said this before and have been joined by others) "It's time to start thinking hard about what we can do to help."
Got any ideas to share from the list of actions you are taking?
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 05:02 PM
Continued cooperation with the prosecutors must be like making stock with Flynn's bones.
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 05:02 PM
As I said, there's more than one way to skin a cat:
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 05:04 PM
MM "I hope he takes that money and diverts it to the wall."
You know that is an illegal act made normal by Obama, right?
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 05:05 PM
What? Spending White House entertainment money on national defense is illegal?
So, are cabinet officers finding money in their budgets also acting illegally? What about Ted Cruz using El Chap's money?
Is the rule that only if Nancy Pelosi allows it to be voted on that the money is legal?
Screw that.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 05:08 PM
I want to know if these asshats are unregistered foreign agents of Qatar.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 05:10 PM
I got banned at Gateway Pundit
Did you call out Hoft for printing click bait trash?
I can't wait to hear Levin go after Uncle Leo Sullivan.
Posted by: Captain Hate | December 18, 2018 at 05:10 PM
MM...boy am I argumentative with you today! You and I are so predictable. :-)
Without bothering to read your 5:04 link, even if we had $14 Billion in cash from El Chapo, if this President thought, like the last one did, that money thus taken from third parties is "free money" devoid of any budget directions approved by Congress and agreed to by the President, then I would have to wonder how that is better than under Obama? It was a Moral Hazard then and it remains one today.
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 05:13 PM
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 05:16 PM
Now MM. Proper budgeting demands, and the law requires, that the POTUS spend only money that has been appropriated by law for use for the purpose stated in the law. Period. Yes I know that is a new concept for DC, but forgetting that is why we are broke and why we hate each other.
So yes, taking money appropriated for use in support of the WH for doing a project not approved by law is, well, illegal.
Wait. Let me ask Judge Sullivan if it is also Treason?
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 05:17 PM
The Horde is not happy with McSally:
Posted by: Captain Hate | December 18, 2018 at 05:21 PM
MM "Is the rule that only if Nancy Pelosi allows it to be voted on that the money is legal?
Screw that."
It's not the "rule" it's the LAW (and pretty much laid out in the Constitution itself).
Why do you think I was so exercised about increasing the risk of losing the House to Nancy by withholding powder on the Law & Order front?
This is now the bed we have made. Deal with it.
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 05:22 PM
It could have meg McCann, or the widow of the haiphong encounter if she had been married to her at the time.
Posted by: Narciso79 | December 18, 2018 at 05:23 PM
Transcript of Comey's interview yesterday:https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Comey-Interview-Part-Two.pdf
Posted by: clarice | December 18, 2018 at 05:25 PM
You know, I have no idea about the Horde make up, but it seems to me to ba a bunch of eeyors. She is a proven patriot, well educated, a proven leader. Sure, she may have policy differences but so does every serviing congressperson. No one there walkes in her shoes, not that I know of.
Sinema or Flake or McRino couldn't even carry her GPA at USAFA.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 18, 2018 at 05:29 PM
For JiB "All it cost was $800+ at the Vet. I guess I got off easy."
Any time you bring a live dog back from the Vet is an acceptable visit to the vet.
As to $800 for one visit, I think Mrs. OL has asked me five visits in a row "Tell me again why you don't believe in Pet Insurance for dogs?"
It gets harder for me to answer her!
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 05:30 PM
Don Surber: "The Swamp had a good day."
Posted by: JimNorCal | December 18, 2018 at 05:31 PM
Fox News reporter:
Chad Pergram
Verified account @ChadPergram
16m16 minutes ago
Trump this afternoon about what may happen with a shutdown: We'll see what happens...it's too early to say.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 05:31 PM
The thing is, she won the primary. How could the Guv pick one of her opponents, or someone who didn't even run for the job?
Posted by: Extraneus | December 18, 2018 at 05:34 PM
I can't think of a better person to inflict the business of being a royal than on Meghan Markle. She fits in perfectly but seems bored (who wouldn't). They really are a grifter's dream of a scheme.
Full disclosure, my wife is a royalist, since she is a title Lady in Belgium. I only use that to get into better restaurants or football games.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 18, 2018 at 05:34 PM
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 05:34 PM
Old Lurker,
What I would do is see if stuff could be LEGALLY redirected. For example, what amount of drug smuggling prevention could be used for wall construction, interpreting it as a preventive measure?
I also would see about the Crowdsourcing legality by getting private donations as well as recruiting volunteers to help with the construction.
Extraneus had a good idea, too, in getting Mexico to build it with fundds we provided through foreing aid. It is in their interest to slow down all of those Central Americans coming in.
One thing I am certain of is that Trump is not going to say "OK, I give up." It's not in his nature.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 05:38 PM
"Trump this afternoon about what may happen with a shutdown: We'll see what happens...it's too early to say."
His WH sure has sent a lot of signals that $5B for the wall is not the drop-dead cliff it was when they filmed him with Nancy & Chuck last week.
He is in the box he created for himself. And not created last week, but last year when he got snookered the first time and swore it would never again happen with a budget deadline. His base gave him a pass because it was early days still, just as we bite our tongues giving Kavanaugh a pass for his first two disappointments at bat. What works once or twice gets old quickly.
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 05:38 PM
Today's craziness reminds of the futurama episode where the crew realized that dr. Farnsworth was affected with spotted yeti syndrome and they arrange a tube goldberg type mechanism which goes horribly wrong.
Posted by: Narciso79 | December 18, 2018 at 05:39 PM
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 05:43 PM
Is this 4D's Last Stand?
Flynn was DIA director during the obama administration. He is personally and intimately aware of numerous felonies committed by Obama and everyone in his cabinet, as well as potentially hundreds of high-level government co-conspirators. Benghazi. Fast and furious. Uranium One. Weaponizing the IRS. The iran deal. Arming ISIS. The Haiti charity fraud scheme. The clinton foundation human trafficking. He can directly implicate every single key player of the Obama administration in high treason.
As part of being fired by Obama for attempting to blow the whistle on the administration's crimes, Flynn was subjected to multiple national security NDAs preventing him from disclosing certain information to ANYONE including his lawyers. In other words, if Flynn spills the beans, he violates his NDAs and goes to prison.
The only way to bypass the NDAs is through a plea deal. You'll notice, the plea deal he signed explicitly requires him to testify as to ANY CRIME he is AWARE of -- not that he was involved in. Not only is he REQUIRED to provide sworn testimony about the things he wants to say (in a way that negates his NDAs) but his testimony AUTOMATICALLY gets entered into the official record.
Basically, Flynn is using Mueller's plea deal to fuck the deep state in the ass. The judge is beginning to sense this, which is why he was so pushy in trying to get Flynn to withdraw his plea. The judge doesn't want to sentence flynn, because as soon as flynn is sentenced, that puts his deal into effect and Flynn is released from the NDAs and can criminally implicate the entire gubermint.
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 05:43 PM
Link goes to the story.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 05:46 PM
MM, don't get sidetracked by $5B and where he finds it. The WALL is going to cost five times that or more, and his voters were promised THE WALL. (He can huff and puff about what has been built and how much more he can do with $5B, but the plain fact is that not a foot of the Wall-Wall built after that competition has been built anywhere.)
The WALL will never get built unless Congress agrees to fund it. And that is a good thing for the country.
That's a fact.
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 05:47 PM
The judge embarrassed himself to the point that he has to let Flynn off with a slap on the wrist now, possibly along with an apology.
As for his past experience being rolled by corrupt FBI political activists, he's apparently still ok with that, and the noise he made about the Stevens railroading after the fact was just a smokescreen. They got what they wanted, and he helped.
GFY, Judge Emmet Sullivan.
Posted by: Extraneus | December 18, 2018 at 05:47 PM
Old Lurker,
Where is your source that nothing has been built since the competition? There have been sections built near San Diego and someplace in Texas, as I remember.
Why is it that I am a;ways thinking of ways to get things done while you are always telling me why it CAN'T be done?
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 05:49 PM
Watching SkyNews and the Panel debate or rather shout fest over Breixt. May is marshalling the Armed Forces for a No-Deal Brexit, which of course, takes back bench to Man United firing Jose Mourinho.
If you think we are a split society politically, then you have to start watching Sky or BBC. But their spokespeople on the panels are far mosr lucid and more informed then our pundits for hire.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 18, 2018 at 05:50 PM
Sinema or Flake or McRino couldn't even carry her GPA at USAFA.
They figured out how to win their general elections.
Posted by: Captain Hate | December 18, 2018 at 05:52 PM
Crap. I thought I had more Beefeater's than I did.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 05:52 PM
Pin -- I think that qualifies as the 16-D chess theory.
(Sure would be hilarious if true -- a girl can dream, right?)
Posted by: cathyf | December 18, 2018 at 05:56 PM
What if I told you I could build a wall, physical or digital for under $5billion?
This the one thing that pisses me off about Trump, he refuses to accept a technical approach and solution. Too me the whole Wall thing is over played and kept simple to appeal to the flyover country who may not have the understanding of what technology can accomplish.
Not being a xenophobe here on flyover but Trump needs to get more educated and I can't believe the DoD hasn't briefed him yet. But maybe they did and that is why Kelley left.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 18, 2018 at 05:56 PM
It was all over the radio this afternoon, MM. Lots of sections have been beefed up in a few critical areas with razor wire etc, and lots of sections were pre existing to the old standards, but nobody has released a photograph of any single section that looks like any of those five test sections that got so much press.
To your second question, I argue with your solutions because they all are based on Obama-esq tricks and stunts when building something as big as THE WALL can, should and must be something all three branches of government want, knowing that most of the people are behind them in that.
It is the job of the POTUS to get that support arranged, just as FDR got us behind WWII and Churchill got his own government and his people behind it to. Both of those leaders started down that path with most political forces against them. We elected a can-do negotiator thinking he could accomplish that feat with THE WALL. Collecting lunch money from children or organizing community work weekends like cleaning up the garden in the town square will not get it done. And if he could build the entire wall out of extra money in the federal budget against the wishes of Congress, then that is a pipe dream.
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 06:02 PM
Turley on today's hearing. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/jonathan-turley-judge-surprises-flynn-at-sentencing-hearing-heres-what-to-expect-next
Posted by: clarice | December 18, 2018 at 06:03 PM
MM "Crap. I thought I had more Beefeater's than I did."
Pssst lady! I know where there are cases and cases set aside just for you!
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 06:04 PM
So the judge accused Flynn of working for Turkey ... only to be corrected by the prosecution on the timing?
The judge's bizarre actions today prompted some digging around.
Here is an article on Flynn from May 2017 that mentions one of the Turks who got indicted yesterday.
Here is the DOJ press release about the two Turks indicted yesterday.
What exactly did these two Turks do differently than what countless other foreigners have done when it comes to buying influence with politicians in DC? Why is the Trump DOJ under Acting AG Whitaker going after them?
Posted by: Tom R | December 18, 2018 at 06:04 PM
Comey: DOJ official reacted to Trump exoneration requests saying 'God, I was hoping that would go away'
Posted by: Extraneus | December 18, 2018 at 06:05 PM
Flynn also needs to plead guilty to qualify for a pardon, right?
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 06:07 PM
Jack "Too me the whole Wall thing is over played and kept simple to appeal to the flyover country who may not have the understanding of what technology can accomplish."
Pretty much my same tune, Jack. Real leaders adapt and change as they learn more, then they bring their teams along as required. Ain't been done here and again, that is a box of his own making.
Posted by: Old Lurker | December 18, 2018 at 06:08 PM
Thank you, Clarice. I was wondering if I only imagined that I knew more about the law than Emmet does.
Posted by: Extraneus | December 18, 2018 at 06:09 PM
I;m definitely not myself. I can't imagine it taking 6 months to fix. It's like half the world makes no sense.
Posted by: Jane | December 18, 2018 at 06:12 PM
Flynn also needs to plead guilty to qualify for a pardon, right?
Posted by: Extraneus | December 18, 2018 at 06:14 PM
This the one thing that pisses me off about Trump, he refuses to accept a technical approach and solution.
I know a guy who worked for the Boeing program back in the early 2000s that got a contract to build a prototype for a technical approach/solution i.e. a "virtual wall". It was behind schedule, over budget and having technical issues so the VP executive at Boeing got called in to testify before Congress. The idiot got caught lying to Congress about the status of the program so they killed the funding for it.
Posted by: Tom R | December 18, 2018 at 06:14 PM
Too bad they burned a good title on that Claus von Bulow movie seeing as how someone is trying to stick a needle in Dershowitz's arm viz Epstein.
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 06:16 PM
Kurt Schlichter
Verified account @KurtSchlichter
2h2 hours ago
If some good came out of this Flynn atrocity, it's that now none of you have any excuse for talking to the feds without a lawyer.
Sorry all the good feds and LEOs out there have to deal with the distrust their corrupt comrades have created, but that's how it is.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 06:19 PM
1h1 hour ago
Despite the fact the economic numbers remain outstanding and GDP is estimated at a robust 3.0, the Liberal financial press is pushing "recession" with every breath leading up to 2020. So utterly corrupt.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 06:20 PM
Several times in the DME business I set up animals on 02. One lady was going to move from WY to AZ to a lower altitude for her dog.
Dan Petrus, an internist at Atlantic Veterinary Internal Medicine and Oncology, told the newspaper that Stanley 'would not have been a good candidate for surgery' due to his age and past kidney transplant.
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 06:21 PM
That lady adopted the kidney donor cat. He probably didn't come from Milwaukee but we may never know.
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 06:28 PM
If I were counseling Flynn, I'd recommend a motion to have Emmet recused for incompetence. His erratic and "absurd" behavior today, after having over a YEAR to figure this out, is obviously disqualifying.
You're 71, Judge. It's time. Do some fishing. It's fun. Hate to see you go out in such an embarrassing fashion, but you should have called me before the hearing today. I could have helped you.
Posted by: Extraneus | December 18, 2018 at 06:29 PM
Need to plea guilty to bypass an NDA and report a crime? In what world does an NDA hold up in court when it’s purpose I the instance of violation is to hide a crime? That is stupid beyond belief.
Posted by: henry | December 18, 2018 at 06:30 PM
I predict "Robbery Gone Wrong."
The FBI’s interest in the letter and its writer signals that federal authorities are taking the allegations seriously and continue to investigate Papadopoulos even after he served 12 days in a federal prison for lying to investigators about his interactions with a Maltese professor who claimed that Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of emails.
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 06:33 PM
Well what I think anon is saying is that when you have a clearance and you leave a job in the government you sign an NDA. One that's probably a lot different than the civil ones Trump and others hand out.
I wish Mr Beasts was around.
I'm just sprinkling 4D catnip around.
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 06:37 PM
Although, I can see the swamp wanting Flynn to plead guilty to lying as a way to end his viability as a witness on all those crimes of the Clintons/Obama’s.
Posted by: henry | December 18, 2018 at 06:38 PM
Yeah, you sign an NDA. (I’ve done gov work). I can’t see any court enforcing an NDA in the instance of reporting a crime to law enforcement.
Posted by: henry | December 18, 2018 at 06:40 PM
I mean, what really is the difference between current DOJ/SC policy and Shariah Law where the rape victims get prosecuted?
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 06:40 PM
Law enforcement gone rogue is a different problem. Pleading guilty to lying to the FBI seems a strange path to reporting crimes to law enforcement in general.
Posted by: henry | December 18, 2018 at 06:43 PM
Links go to pictures and to the White House statement and outlines of the program.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 06:46 PM
This post will no doubt piss off a few of you. Have at it.
Flynn took the guilty plea of lying to investigators to avoid Mueller charging him over the Turkish lobbying issues (FARA).
Keep in mind, this is about law and this is about politics. Sullivan appears to be well aware there are times when admitting to violations of law can be the better alternative than allowing the appearance of, and the use of, a much more damaging political narrative.
Think about it this way. If Flynn didn’t accept the plea, team Mueller could then begin deploying a narrative that was not just about a national security adviser lying to federal investigators; but also encompassed an unregistered agent of a foreign power holding a key national security position in the White House. Imagine what team Mueller and the media would do with that narrative. Think about it.
OK I have thought about it. Seems to me based on Sundance's argument Mueller did Flynn a legal favor and Trump a huge political favor.
Mueller did not have to offer Flynn the plea deal of lying to the FBI. Mueller did not have to recommend ZERO jail time for Flynn. As Sundance pointed out, Mueller could have indicted Flynn for accepting $530,000 from the Turks and then siding with Erdogan when it came to US military policy in the Syrian civil war. This was a helluva lot worse than failing to register as a foreign agent. As Sundance points out this would have caused a major political shitstorm that almost certainly would have hurt Trump in some manner.
Does anyone else think that Mueller chose the course of action that politically protected Trump and legally helped Flynn?
Posted by: Tom R | December 18, 2018 at 06:50 PM
I can't see any court believing Mueller's bullshit but I believe my lying eyes.
I'm just a bit frustrated today, henry. Time to open a bottle of wine.
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 06:55 PM
Mueller isn't cleaning up the deep state swamp, he is Trump's personal political cleaner.
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 18, 2018 at 06:58 PM
Pin, frustration is understandable... especially when down one kidney.
BTW, enjoying the Vietnamese coffee and Cholula!
Posted by: henry | December 18, 2018 at 07:02 PM
the SPECIAL COUNSEL was hired to determine whether the RUSSIANS had interfered in our elections.
That is not what he has done. The MFM has cheerleaded an investigation into whether TRUMP colluded with RUSSIA to interfere in our elections.
RODHAM colluded with a former BRIT foreign agent, a law firm and RUSSIANS. What was done with the information she HAD CREATED??
This whole shit show has been so easy to figure out all the time.
Posted by: GUS | December 18, 2018 at 07:07 PM
I'm enjoying the COFFEE and the KIDNEY!
Posted by: GUS | December 18, 2018 at 07:09 PM
I sent by way of UPS a box of Christmas presents to
my son. It was stolen from his front porch 5 minutes after it
was delivered.
Posted by: lurkersusie | December 18, 2018 at 07:09 PM
BTW, enjoying the Vietnamese coffee and Cholula!
Posted by: henry | December 18, 2018 at 07:02 PM
You know what they say, the first taste is free...
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 07:09 PM
We'll all be down a kidney if things keep up like they did today.
Posted by: Extraneus | December 18, 2018 at 07:11 PM
Lisa Mei Crowley
10s11 seconds ago
Martha McCallum just said @GenFlynn was ordered to surrender his passport & not leave the area (must remain within 50 mile radius).
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 07:11 PM
i beg you to not link anymore DJT tweets.The Comments are so much over the top FULL COMMIE my stomach got upset. There are real evil opposition out there to our POV. In fact, they are eligible for executive action if only in there fingers or mandible to shut them up.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | December 18, 2018 at 07:14 PM
Sorry all the good feds and LEOs out there have to deal with the distrust their corrupt comrades have created, but that's how it is.
Screw the “good feds.” Like I said on the last thread, they sought out their jobs, and the power and responsibility those jobs entail. They ASKED us for that power. They took oaths. If they choose to keep their heads down to save job security, and in so doing throw us - their employers, and the people from whom their power derives, they can go eff themselves. They are not good in any way.
Posted by: James D. | December 18, 2018 at 07:22 PM
My wife asked if judges normally bring up things that can be "argued" as if that's somehow a form of evidence.
‘Arguably, you sold your country out,’ judge tells former Trump adviser Flynn while delaying sentencing
Posted by: Extraneus | December 18, 2018 at 07:24 PM
Arguably Rodham sold URANIUM to the RUSSIANS.
Posted by: GUS | December 18, 2018 at 07:26 PM
Anytime there's a CTH link, I wish DoT was still commenting.
Posted by: Captain Hate | December 18, 2018 at 07:43 PM
Heh, Captain.
Posted by: Extraneus | December 18, 2018 at 07:44 PM
Caucasian, Please
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 07:48 PM
I only link by copying so that no one has to read the replies, except when he has linked something, which is why I do an embed.
I will avoid doing the embeds unless it is really important, in which case I will give a warning.
I think it is important to know what he is saying on Twitter, which is why I post his tweets.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 07:56 PM
From a PL comment: McSally will be the senior Senator from AZ.
"With Kyl's offer to resign early, the new appointee will be sworn in before the next Congress convenes and will therefore have seniority over any new Congress critters who will be sworn in on the first day of the new Congress. So McSally loses the election to Sinema, and ends up being the senior Senator from Arizona."
Posted by: JimNorCal | December 18, 2018 at 07:59 PM
More swamp porn today.
Posted by: lyle | December 18, 2018 at 07:59 PM
Stonewall Jackson
Fake news today, including by Drudge, that Trump is caving on wall. Nothing can be further from the truth. He's simply looking for a more accessible way of getting it done, perhaps through Army corps of Engineers. Congress simply isn't going to pass a bill that includes a wall.
Stonewall Jackson
4h4 hours ago
Sarah Sanders had to come out and clear this up. And Rush Limbaugh said that he was at the White House yesterday, at a Christmas party, and it's all anyone talked about there, was funding the wall and getting it done. He's hell-bent on getting it done
Posted by: MissMarple2 | December 18, 2018 at 07:59 PM
I don't know how I haven't heard this phrase before but I legit LOL'd:
So and so couldn't beat the snow off a rope.
Posted by: Pinandpuller | December 18, 2018 at 08:01 PM
Mueller isn't cleaning up the deep state swamp, he is Trump's personal political cleaner.
I was wondering if that last post of mine would prompt you to mention your theory of what Muelller is doing.
Posted by: Tom R | December 18, 2018 at 08:04 PM