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December 28, 2018





I found this rather amusing, specially in light of the recent NYT op-ed about the "inevitable" POTUS impeachment. (Oh, googling it for a link shows me Chuck Todd, Martha Radditz, and a host of others quoted saying it as well! Imagine that---same story, different propagandists.)
From Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of GHWB by John Meacham:

On the evening of Saturday, December 6, 1941, Claude Fuesse (Andover headmaster during GHWB's student days) and his wife were guests at a dinner party in Boston. Over cigars, a man Fuesse recalled as "a high-ranking officer in the Navy" spoke confidentially of American superiority in the Pacific. "It would be impossible for the Japanese to accomplish anything in the Pacific," the officer said. The others in the room--A Harvard Law School professor, an industrialist, and the host, "a well-informed attorney, agreed."

And we know the rest of that story.
I'm guessing they were all "well informed" readers of NYT.



from above:

Was Cohen in Prague in the summer of 2016, after all? I don’t know. However, Cohen, who has turned decisively against Trump, still insists he wasn’t in Prague. Today, he tweeted:

I hear #Prague #CzechRepublic is beautiful in the summertime. I wouldn’t know as I have never been. #Mueller knows everything!

The last sentence of the tweet seems telling. As Chuck Ross points out, Cohen has pleaded guilty not just to supposed campaign finance violations, but also to lying to Congress about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. However, Cohen did not admit to lying to Congress when he denied claims made in the Steele dossier.

Account Deleted

The false 'Cohen in Prague' claim was a dangerous mistake by the coup plotters.

It ties the phony dossier to the Obama administration .... spying on & unmasking American citizens.

They were searching for gotcha dirt on 'Michael Cohen' & got the wrong one.


From the prev thread,
Posted by: daddy | December 28, 2018 at 03:19 AM
daddy links to a story about Judith Curry.
"In her latest paper, Ms. Curry found that the current rising sea levels are not abnormal, nor can they be pinned on human-caused climate change, arguing that the oceans have been on a “slow creep” for the last 150 years—before the post-1950 climb in carbon-dioxide emissions."

On another blog, some years ago, a troll insisted that the "1950 climb" was not the key date. Apparently it is taken as fact in many warmist circles that human caused emissions in the 1890s was sufficient to launch global warming. I was flabbergasted. Human populations and CO2 output at that time were a mere shadow of today.

Jim Eagle

When I started doing International projects, I had 2 passports. Anyone working in the Middle East knows why you do that.


Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
35m35 minutes ago

We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with. Hard to believe there was a Congress & President who would approve!

Account Deleted

This CTH link explains what Democrats were doing in our intel. agencies - https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/12/15/the-fisa-conundrum/

"Someone inside the FBI was giving FISA-702 search results on U.S. individuals to a private entity that had nothing to do with government. Those 702 (American Citizen) results were not “minimized” and exposed the private data of the American citizen(s).
In addition, NSA Director Mike Rogers, who is also in charge of Cyber Command, discovered people within the intelligence community were doing “searches” of the NSA and FBI database that were returning information (a non-compliant rate of 85%), that had nothing to do with “Foreign Individuals”."

Obviously Democrat operatives must have looked into "Michael Cohen" & got the wrong guy. They then fed the info to Christopher Steele (a foreigner) who then sent the info BACK in the 'dossier', as if he found out this info on his own.

Account Deleted

Think what legitimate work was NOT getting done while Democrat operatives were spying on Republicans. American taxpayers paid the salaries of those DOJ/FBI employees while they collected info, plotted, had meetings, texted, etc


Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

....The United States looses soooo much money on Trade with Mexico under NAFTA, over 75 Billion Dollars a year (not including Drug Money which would be many times that amount), that I would consider closing the Southern Border a “profit making operation.” We build a Wall or.....

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
4m4 minutes ago

.....close the Southern Border. Bring our car industry back into the United States where it belongs. Go back to pre-NAFTA, before so many of our companies and jobs were so foolishly sent to Mexico. Either we build (finish) the Wall or we close the Border......

Account Deleted

(( “People tried to run that down and concluded it was a different Michael Cohen. It was a Michael Cohen with a passport from another country, same birth year, different birth date,” he said.))

Brit spy Christopher Steele wrote about the wrong Michael Cohen when he put together the phony 'dossier'. Now how in the world could he know about the travels of a random guy named Michael Cohen?

James D.

Think what legitimate work was NOT getting done while Democrat operatives were spying on Republicans

We know what legitimate work was not getting done:

Stopping the Boston Marathon bombers

Stopping the San Bernadino killers, or doing anything like a real investigation of their crimes after the fact.

Stopping Omar Mateen

Investigating the many tips about the Parkland shooter before his rampage

Investigating the long list of crimes of the Awans, or the massive security breaches they caused/exploited

Investigating the Las Vegas concert shooting

etc etc etc

The blood of hundreds of innocent citizens is on their hands, because the FBI chose to spy on political opponents rather than do their actual jobs.



“Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty”, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who told an audience in Berlin that sovereign nation states must not listen to the will of their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders, or even sovereignty.



I don't usually post celebrity opinions, but it;s so rare for one to support the President that I thought I would let you all know Nicole's opinion.


Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
8m8 minutes ago

.....Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are doing nothing for the United States but taking our money. Word is that a new Caravan is forming in Honduras and they are doing nothing about it. We will be cutting off all aid to these 3 countries - taking advantage of U.S. for years!


Wouldn't it be pretty easy for an investigator to find out if someone had two passports? Or at least had obtained a second one before the first had expired?

In any case, I'm sure this cell phone story is bogus, and is just more fake news to whip up excitement among the "Now we've got him!" crowd.


Esoteric Exposal
‏ @EsotericExposal

Much of the mind control programming that is used in the Mainstream Media occurs subliminally and takes place completely under the radar.

O sure would like to see someone do a study on this. It's not just the news, but entertainment programming as well.

Have you ever noticed outlets like The Hill, the NYT, and WaPo pick the ugliest pictures of President Trump? He alays looks lilke he's snarling. I am convinced that is subliminal as well.



Praise God!

FREE Clinic will offer Prenatal Care in a Space where Babies were once Killed...


❤ Choose Life ❤ pic.twitter.com/tYizFwhBIg

— Renée ⭐⭐⭐ #BeBest #IAmFlynn #WWG1WGA (@ReneeCarrollAZ) December 28, 2018

The reason I am posting this if for the absolutely cheerful video of a collection of infant and toddler twins, playing and laughing. It's guaranteed to make you smile.

Captain Hate

The blood of hundreds of innocent citizens is on their hands, because the FBI chose to spy on political opponents rather than do their actual jobs.

Jeff Sessions had no appetite for cleaning house beyond a few high level firings and resignations. In fact the only time he moved rapidly on anything was to defend the apolitical nature of the bureau when DJT attacked it. Plenty of people knew what they were doing was either illegal or highly partisan yet it still got done.

Remember all the rumors we heard about an internal revolt about this? What a hot steaming pile that was.


I found this in the book review comment section of Good Reads - the out-of-control hatred of our President is ridiculous. Perhaps it is slowly beginning to turn-off even non-supporters like this person.

I also was not pleased that in this book, and recent others is that the theme and characters are pointedly aligned to this current dysfunctional White House administration. I am growing weary of all the new historical novels that make anti-Trump statements without using his name. (And, I am no fan of the 45th American President). In this tale, I read over and over how in the 1920s the KKK expanded into the north because of the hatred against people who deemed not “truly” American. Their motto was “America First.” Sound familiar? I am aware that these historical connections need to be repeated in words to serve as reminders of what can happen when politics run amok. But, after finding this Trump-metaphor linking trend so often I, as a reader and a reviewer, need a breather from political teachable moments in my fiction.


Fed paper pushers get their 20 in, cash the pension, and go somewhere else.

Clinton took over the FBI in 93. It is 25 years later.

That organization is rotten to the core. (as is anything else in DC).

Captain Hate

Wouldn't it be pretty easy for an investigator to find out if someone had two passports? Or at least had obtained a second one before the first had expired?

In any case, I'm sure this cell phone story is bogus, and is just more fake news to whip up excitement among the "Now we've got him!" crowd.

Reporters are surely the laziest and most unprofessional gaggle of pud pullers around. You'd think with their track record that any so called editors would demand verification from the dunces under them but I guess it's more important to be the first with erroneous propaganda. And we're bad people to call them fake news.

Account Deleted

((Wouldn't it be pretty easy for an investigator to find out if someone had two passports? Or at least had obtained a second one before the first had expired?))

Yeah. Brennan's old business was all into looking at passport records.

2008 - "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The CEO of a company whose employee is accused of improperly looking at the passport files of presidential candidates is a consultant to the Barack Obama campaign, a source said Saturday.
John O. Brennan, president and CEO of the Analysis Corp., advises the Illinois Democrat on foreign policy and intelligence issues, the source said."....


Account Deleted

Bonny diaz JOM!

Account Deleted

Looks like Democrat owned businesses are the major subcontractors for our government agencies. They use their position to spy on their political opponents.

Is Analysis Corp still subcontracting for the government?

What a mess.


We are all going to be dead, and no justice will have been served to the likes of Brennan, Comey, Lynch....

Best to resign yourself to that reality.


Posting for the first time in a tablet I got for Christmas, hope it works. Here's a nice summary of how the left tries to cover its tracks.





Plenty of people knew what they were doing was either illegal or highly partisan yet it still got done.

Again, for perspective: Watergate was a two-bit burglary that exposed some 'dirty tricks' during the campaign of '72. By May of '73 the Senate was holding nationally televised hearings. By May of '74 seven of Nixon's former aides had been indicted for conspiracy, lying to the FBI, etc. Nixon himself had resigned by August '74, midway into the 2nd year of his presidency.

Yet here we are at the end of the 2nd year of Trump's presidency, and the only indictments have been of associates of Trump; none of the Obama conspirators have been indicted. Congressional hearings have been ignored or ridiculed by the media. Allegedly there are other investigations, and we get told the wheels of justice turn slowly, but somehow when Republicans are accused they turn a lot faster.



Account Deleted

"Best to resign yourself to that reality."

Why is that "best" and why must i resign myself to a man-made reality if i truly believe we are one Nation, indivisible and under God?

won't resignation be limiting God's impact on how all of this plays out?

no thanks. no disrespect, but no thanks.


Good Morning! Prayers,please. We just found out that one of the two women we jokingly called hubby's "work wives" has a brain tumor. Ugh. She recently retired. She gave me her yardstick that she used to slam onto hubby's desk when she was displeased about something. She is quite a character and a great person. :(


I didn't follow the Birther discussion that closely, but this gentleman has some clear evidence there are really alarming discrepancies on Obama's birth certificate.

Take a look:


Old Lurker

Getting all wound up about this crap all over again is a complete waste of time and mental energy.

Trump decided to let it all slide. Why he decided that is beyond my comprehension, but that's just the way it is.

Deal with it.


CNN eating crow again:


Old Lurker

Birther stuff, MM?

TK to the red emergency phone, STAT.


no thanks. no disrespect, but no thanks.

Well KK, your faith is obviously stronger than mine.


Old Lurker,

Well, excuse me for bringing it up. I found it interesting. You can just scroll on by, you know.

Old Lurker

MM, when did you lose your sense of humor? Why do you take what used to be taken as funny tweaks as such personal attacks by me on you? You did it last night, and here you are doing it again.

Next time you don't like what I post, please stop and consider that it might have been meant as a "funny". Since I don't usually, except for a very few posters who annoy me, EVER post something purposely hurtful to anybody, when you jump to that conclusion, you, especially since you know I follow you closely and appreciate it, should know better.


Old Lurker,

I apologize. I guess because of our optimism/pessimism discussions I have let myself become overly sensitive.

I will try to pause before answering back and reign it in. I really don't mean to be so prickly.

Captain Hate

I didn't follow the Birther discussion that closely, but this gentleman has some clear evidence there are really alarming discrepancies on Obama's birth certificate.

Regarding item 1 I didn't see a mention of African-American on the BC. I saw that the race of the alleged jizz donor was "African" which is obviously not a race. Maybe that was a clerical error; based on their elected officials Hawaiians don't seem very intelligent.




I do not understand how an decent American supports a group that supports abortion and slavery.


SO, how does 5 U.S. Code § 7323(b)(3) apply to Andrew McCabe ?


Any attention given to Barry's fake ID is usually a plus, but the Twitter-Birther sets his/herself up for failure by claiming that BO thought his father was in WW2.

Old Lurker

Thanks MM.

Seriously, I never ever mean to post something hurtful to you, but my sense of humor has been getting me in trouble with girls since I was about 12.

The reason you and I go at it so often is that you prefer to focus on all the things Trump is doing at great risk and expense to himself, almost all of which are admirable things and worthy of praise by me and you both. You are deeply invested in Trump the Man. And as an Optimist, that makes sense for you.

As a Pessimist, I tend to look at the vast forces arrayed against MAGA and while I know from history how one man can sometimes reverse the direction of a people, it is rare and after two years it seems the tide is still flowing against him. As a "control guy", it does frustrate me when some action taken or not taken seems counterproductive to me, though I have always agreed that I know but a fraction of what they know and what their strategy is.

There is no doubt at all that you and I both hope for exactly the same outcome. You retain Hope for that and love for the one man attempting to make it happen. And I am a grumpy pessimist who thinks we waited too long and are not likely to achieve a good outcome short of some huge conflagration. Simply stated, even if Trump had done, or does in the future, every single thing I nag about, I fear we are too late. Demographics and GroupThink are going to swamp our boat.

I wish Trump had been RR's VP, and we might have tipped this ball in flight while there was time to change the trajectory.




Old Lurker,

My position is based on my sncere hope that enough people will be encouraged to support him and stand behind him. If we are too pessimistic, people won't feel like trying and will just hunker down.

We are coming up on the new House which is going to assault us with constant investigations and attacks, aided and abetted by the press and media, Hollywood, and the universities.

My hope is that we will have confidence to withstand this.


When Brennan's company went digging into Odummy's passport during the 2008 election it was very close to when Obama blurted out to one of the news operatives(Stephanopoulos?) that he visited Pok-eeee-staan in his youth.

IMO Brennan was setting up the blackmail for a cabinet position






One more step in China's BRI

China's African debt-trap: Beijing prepares to seize Kenya's port of Mombasa

Nairobi fails to repay massive debts on shady loan for underperforming railway, Kenyan infrastructure ripe for the taking: reports


Yes remember when the treasury employee scooped all bank transactions from Michael cohen, yes we thought the suit against buzzfeed would yield some results but thatd why they trow this chum in the water yet again.

Account Deleted

Many times the inconsistencies in Obama's life story get dismissed as "birther".
There are tons of valid questions about the sketchy handling of his birth certificate & the many inconsistencies in his life story.

That German writer made up stories....so did Obama.
Warren's use of Cherokee family lore for employment absolutely make questioning Obama's 'born in Kenya' advertisement, as a new writer, valid.

Old Lurker

MM, the trouble is that Pearl Harbor was bombed into smithereens, but nobody told most of the people what we had that was destroyed or by whom. The President got sued for this and that until his hands were tied into knots, and nobody thought to send carriers to Midway.

Hard not to be pessimistic.


This whole world of private intelligence companies was revealed to me by James Hougan. In his first book, the one headed by a fmr??puzzle palace and rfk aide Walter Sheridan, who contracted for the nfl.


Who did they ask?

Most Admired Woman (%)

Michelle Obama 15

Oprah Winfrey 5

Hillary Clinton 4

Melania Trump 4

Queen Elizabeth 2

Angela Merkel 2

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 2

Ellen DeGeneres 2


Old Lurker

Henry, if I had a button that would vaporize them all except the two in the middle (one of whom is on probation for mothering terrible offspring but seems a nice old lady), I would not hesitate to push it.


Margaret Thatcher


Phil Bryant
‏Verified account @PhilBryantMS
2m2 minutes ago

Congratulations to my Chief of Staff @JoeySongy for being appointed by the White House to the Intergovernmental Policy Advisory Committee on Trade. He will be working on foreign trade agreements with @USTradeRep.
Link: https://bit.ly/2SojcYa

Old Lurker

Yes, sbw.


Who answers such polls? Shut ins tuned to The View unable to manage a remote to shift channels and whose reading material consists of People Magazine?


I have been thinking. As you know, my daughter is not a Trump fan.

However, I have made soe\me leeway on this persecution of Trump by appealing to her sense of fair play, soft-heartedness, and a contrast with her father, who wouldn't have sacrificed anything.

She really did get upset about the fake documents and spying on citizens. I am hopeful that the dems, between this and their over-the-top nastiness, shoot themselves in the foot.

One of the reasons I quit going to Facebook (besides Zuckerberg's duplicitousness) is that my gay nephew's partner despises Trump and posts incredibly vile things there. I found this out from my son and GOP teacher sister, so I avoid the whole thing.


Seriously this is worse than the blank pages in they live,

And we saw how bad people magazine got in the 00s

Old Lurker

Let's see. If Newsweek Corp was sold for $1, what would the market pay for People?

Actually, don't tell me. It would be depressing.



My dem sister thinks she's the cat's meow. She spent over $100 to go hear Michelle speak. Went on and on about how impressive she was.

All I said to her was that I was happy she got to go. What else could I say? She is so partisan that even though she has worked in the upper end fashion retailing business for years, she thinks Michelle dresses well.


Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
1h1 hour ago

Thank you to Sean Parnell for the nice comments on @foxandfriends about the troops wonderful reaction to Melania and I in Iraq and Germany. Great things are happening!


Imagine a "Poll" asking dimwitted dumfuks "How many troops do we have in SYRIA", and "what is their mission/purpose"??

Not 5% of Americans could answer either question.

This MICHAEL COHEN trip to PRAGUE. No credit card records to support his spending???



Now Scott Dworkin is carrying on because Don Trump Jr. speaks fluent French and visited the Czech Republic every summer.

FGS, his mother was Czech and he had lots of relatives there!


Corporal Ronil Singh, Newman PD, came here LEGALLY because he had one dream & that was to serve our country in Law Enforcement.

Hear the pain in this officer's voice, "We're a family, we're not an agency, we're a family."

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH#BuildTheDamnWallNOW pic.twitter.com/JZL3ak97Ju

— Renée ⭐⭐⭐ #BeBest #IAmFlynn #WWG1WGA (@ReneeCarrollAZ) December 28, 2018

Video at the link. I really recommend watching these officers speak.


How do they walk and chew gum, at the same time, is a mystery.



Please pray for this website owner. She was unresponsive this morning, taken to the hospital, and has H1N1 flu and meningitis.

Thomas Collins

Perhaps I am missing the context of the Philly journalist story, MM2, but the US Supreme Court in King v. Burwell upheld ObamaCare.


How interesting Miss M. Nellie Ohr speaks RUSSIAN and worked for Glenn Simpson, FUSION/GPS.


My sister-in-law's brother was an Indianapolis Police Officer who was murdered by am unemployed nutcase teacher who blasted him with a shotgun when he attempted to arrest him for scaring the neighbors and disturbing the peace.

Twenty years ago and it still grieves her. We were in the funeral procession which was lined on both sides of the street by citizens paying their respects.

It made her go back to college to get a law degree (she was a teacher) but she went into insurance law as she couldn't face dealing with prosecutions and seeing all of the criminals.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--“Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty”, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel...--

We're fortunate the world has spawned courageous leaders like Ms Merkel who are only concerned with improving The Lives of Others.


You first Merkel.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

That Bre Payton gal from MM's 11:08 link is one of the writers at The Federalist.


Whatever the needed excuse for a politically organized society where the public has no veto power.

Plus merkel is likely aware that the UN or global NGOs like the ed one gordon brown went to work for as well as medeline albright daughter are where defeated pols go to keep getting well paid.


Trump's new AG needs to turn the investigation around.

James D.

Imagine a "Poll" asking dimwitted dumfuks "How many troops do we have in SYRIA", and "what is their mission/purpose"??

Not 5% of Americans could answer either question.

I doubt 5% of our current congress members could answer those questions correctly.

Old Lurker

I doubt 5% of Congress critters could calculate how many Congress critters = 5% of themselves.

matt - deplore me if you must

Melania Trump looks better in boondockers than Michelle Obama did in a $5,000 pair of boots and gown but somehow Michelle is the better dressed of the two.

As the old saying goes, "Who you gonna believe? Me or your own two eyes?"

The WSJ has an article today on all of the new investigative non profits the Left are setting up to feed the Destroy Trump House for the next two years.

They are all funded in the shadows by the usual suspects. You know, the ones who screamed that Citizens United should be reinstated.

The hypocrisy is blinding.


MM @10:44 I have a situation like that. I still go there because it is the only way I see any pictures of the grands/great grands; but I really hate it. The worse part is that what is posted seems 100% lies.

Old Lurker

Pagar & MM.

I don't do FB at all but my wife does for the G'kids.

She says she can only do it because somebody showed her how to "silence" even good friends who vomit vileness 24x7 so it is like they don't exist but they don't know they don't exist.

Now for guys like CH and me, that would take all the fun out of it, but for the passive aggressive among us, it seems the perfect solution.

Or something like that...

Captain Hate

We're fortunate the world has spawned courageous leaders like Ms Merkel who are only concerned with improving The Lives of Others.

Outstanding reference. What could go wrong with putting an East German in charge?

Jim Eagle

You first Merkel.


She went first about 6 years ago.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I knew you'd get the reference, CH. :)


"Again, for perspective: Watergate was a two-bit burglary that exposed some 'dirty tricks' during the campaign of '72."

Completely off topic to your point but remind me again: how many states did the Repub win that year? Despite media fixation on this, if that election was thrown out and re-run from scratch who doubts we would have achieved the same result? To me, that thought experiment puts Watergate into perspective.

Thomas Collins

Time's running out, OL, for you to dissipate more of your funds at Boston's finest (and soon to be former) dining establishment!



For the folks playing along at home:
"Richard Nixon won re-election by a landslide in 1972. Besides 3 electoral votes from Washington, DC, George McGovern won electoral votes from only 1 state."

Thomas Collins

Let me guess: Massachusetts gave McGovern its electoral votes. Is my memory correct?


>>>We are all going to be dead, and no justice will have been served to the likes of Brennan, Comey, Lynch....

Best to resign yourself to that reality.

Posted by: Buckeye | December 28, 2018 at 08:49 AM<<<

pretty much where I'm at ... we'll need a trove released by our own Mitrokhin to figure out all the crimes. the bad thing about it all is that the coup plotters are still out there, unpunished, plotting for 2020.


Perhaps I am missing the context of the Philly journalist story, MM2, but the US Supreme Court in King v. Burwell upheld ObamaCare.

Posted by: Thomas Collins

The article MM posted was written in 2014.

Account Deleted

(("Richard Nixon won re-election by a landslide in 1972. Besides 3 electoral votes from Washington, DC, George McGovern won electoral votes from only 1 state."))

I remember my son being surprised by that.
Only knowing negative, negative, negative about Nixon from school....& then he saw an election map. He couldn't believe it. It made him realize that maybe there was more to Nixon than was being presented.

Old Lurker

TC, oh no!

Old Lurker

2020 Rich?

They are plotting for Jan 3.


Let me guess: Massachusetts gave McGovern its electoral votes. Is my memory correct?

You got it, TC. One of the most remarkable electoral accomplishments of Ronaldus Maximus is that he won Massachusetts. Twice. Not to mention New York.


Daggone it! I told you guys yesterday I would start checking the dates! I wish people would post "old article" when they link it on Twitter.


>>>They are plotting for Jan 3.

Posted by: Old Lurker | December 28, 2018 at 12:31 PM<<<

I was trying to be hopeful Old Lurker.


I saw Richard Nixon who visited troops and familis in West Berlin in 1969. One of 3 presidents I have seen personall.

The other two were W and President Trump.

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