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January 25, 2019


Jim Eagle

Primo like in Prime Rib.


So who's going to be invited by Speaker Pelosi to the House of Representatives first, President Trump, or the winning SuperBowl Football Team?


daddy, Maduro.


Deferred victory... just like Hillary.

Tom R

Mueller has Horowitz and Huber blocked? No wonder he is gonna keep going until Trump is out of office. (Meanwhile the statutes of limitations expire on the lot of them).

That is apparently what Sundance believes. Fails the common sense test to me as I spelled out in the last thread.


O’Rourke Still Feels ‘Exhaustion’ After Failed Senate Bid, 2020 Decision Could Be Months Away

"There’s an exhaustion after an effort like that, that I’m learning is hard to recover from," O'Rourke said at a local speaker series in El Paso, according to Politico. "You don’t snap back."



I am back to TRY to get people to wait and see what happens.

I am going to root for the Patriots in the Super Bowl because Tom Brady will tell Nancy to stuff it and will not go to the House.

Also, I do not think any scenarios for the democrats to score PR points should be posted. Let them think up stuff themselves out of their pea brains.


Well I'm glad he held out long enough to generate angst in the ranks of the mandarin class.

Regardless of the MFM spin this was tougher on them than Trump. He loses less with the reprieve than the pain dimorats inflicted on their minion base.

Since I travel next week by air the timing suits my schedule nicely.


It's not over till it's over.

Jim Eagle

Think Trump is exhausted, Beto, you fricking flake?


daddy, Maduro.

Ha! Henry. Ain't that the truth:)

Well I don't know what Pelosi will do having not caught up yet, but under the assumption she has still not invited Trump and won't soon invite him because of this new Feb 15th deadline, optically it'd be a great way for Pelosi to prove that what she said last week is in today's bizarre world somewhat true, that as House Speaker she is the equal of the President. All "the Usual Suspects" would love it. My guess as mentioned earlier is that her apparent victory today has emboldened her among her colleagues and cowered her Dem opposition, not the other way round. We'll see.


Tom R, one investigation excluding a second makes no sense to me either. But it is s convenient excuse for Horowitz and Huber’s collective delivery of one lame report a year ago and nothing since. Might as well believe in the tooth fairy.


I am listening to a guy who says that the air travel was a big deal because airports are running on skeleton crews with doubling up on jobs and this is why some airports were starting to shut down.

I don't know if this is true or not but if so, it may have contributed to the decision.


Miss M,

Since the shutdown began I have seen nothing to indicate that any of our thousands of domestic or international flights have been delayed or cancelled in the least, but we do have our own private TSA type screening so I can't address that. I have seen no evidence of any kind that ATC has been affected by the shutdown in regards to routing or vectors or clearances etc, any of the standard ATC functions. But I'm cargo, so maybe the passenger side of the house has had problems that I have not been aware of. From my seat, all has been running as smoothly as normal.

Account Deleted

President Trump seems to be the only one DOING anything or even trying to reach a resolution.

It is Congress that sucks.

Dems went on vacations, yakked on TV & just said NO to securing America's borders.

Will Pelosi & Schumer be giving a victory speech to the citizens of the foreign countries they apparently represent?

~ Mi Amigos, We stopped President Trump. Come on in! ~

At the event, he responded to a questioner that he was looking at teaching if he doesn't run for higher office. He told Politico that deciding to enter the increasingly crowded 2020 field could "potentially" take months.

"There are people who are smarter on this stuff and study this stuff and are following this and say you’ve got to do it this way or get in by this point or get in in this way if you were to get in," O’Rourke said. "I think the truth is that nobody knows right now the rules on any of this stuff. I think the rules are being written in the moment."

I think this is a good strategy. Let the others beat each other up for a few months, then swoop in on a Draft Beto! deal.


Fresh face and all that.

Jim Eagle

....and fresh asshole, Ext👍


Just declare the emergency and get on with it.
The coverage on tv is just awful.I take back my prediction on Beto.
I don’t think he has the drive or the stamina to get the nomination.
He is complaining like Hillary did when she lost.
York says after a month President ends up with nothing as he reopens government.
Pelosi emboldened and negotiating Dems weakened.




No doubt there are some Trump supporters who believe the Ann Coulter’s of the world.

Just for interest, besides Anne Colter, who were all the other top Conservatives predicting a Trump Victory prior to the Election?


Air travel was disrupted today in NYC, DC and elsewhere because of a shortage of controllers. DOubtless the union was in cahoots with the Dems.


Schumer victory dance:



It was not the victory I was hoping for I can tell you that.
I have not been this disappointed since no charges against Hillary.





It is hard to keep track of who is in cahoots with whom.
I am disgusted with the lot of them.


DOubtless the union was in cahoots with the Dems.

Doubtless you're right. How easy.


Pelosi holding SOTU hostage.


Captain Hate

Just for interest, besides Anne Colter, who were all the other top Conservatives predicting a Trump Victory prior to the Election?

The blonde scarecrow only said that to get attention on her buddy Bill Maher's extremely conservative show.


I had hopes he would win but was very relieved when he did.Larry Kudlow says we will beat 3 percent growth in the first quarter.

Tom R

Just for interest, besides Anne Colter, who were all the other top Conservatives predicting a Trump Victory prior to the Election?

I believe she may have been the first to predict Trump would win. That prediction doesn't have anything to do with the current topic at hand. She has since attacked Trump on a regular basis for the construction on the wall not having started yet.


It's a dispiriting day but we must not stop fighting.


Mark Meadows is in the minority now.
Pelosi is running the show.
Tentative date for SOTU is February 5th.
We shall see what Nancy decides.

Captain Hate

Coulter is a backstabbing witch according to Tammy Bruce, which confirmed everything I previously believed.


We will continue to fight but maybe in a smarter way.
President Yrump knows what he is up against now and hopefully he will play hardball harder.
SOTU delay is payback for pulling her trip.
Plain and simple.

Captain Hate

Speaking of crater face:



One thing you have to say is that Trump has held every nuke he has so far. The redactions, the EO, the alternate venue.

Maybe he hasn't see the whites of their eyes yet.

Comanche Voter

So Beto wants to teach. The subject no doubt will be "How to get big bucks from all over the country---and still blow an election in Texas".

He's a natural for the course. He can teach from personal experience.


That or he bought his nukes used from Saddam. ;)


Anyone know how Beto bagged a billionairess?




Ha! Miss Marple.

I must be losing my mind. How could I have forgotten that:)


The State of the Union probably isn’t happening Tuesday
Trump’s address is off until he and Pelosi can come up with a “mutually agreeable date.”

It look's almost as if they're equals or something.

Tom R

Now Sundance has doubled down and is going after the Epoch Times for their 4D Chess thinking. Sounds like a couple of posters here.


Hence the Epoch community selling “trust the plan” pitches and perspectives of honorable Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller while completely ignoring the reality of what is taking place….. ‘it can’t be… can’t be… they tell themselves; and then quickly go about writing some skewed version of reality to justify the unjustifiable.
This is smash-mouth politics on steroids. Yes, DAG Rod Rosenstein had to give Mueller approval for a pre-dawn FBI raid with full bin-Laden optics and narratives therein.

Excluding Trump supporters, how many swing voters (moderates, independents, and anyone else repulsed by the behavior of the Progtards) are now convinced (or starting to believe) that the DOJ/FBI is thoroughly corrupt?


Ext, irresistible in a sheep suit?

Tom R

Anyone know how Beto bagged a billionairess?

She was turned on by guys who dress up in onesie sheep costumes?


I don’t know what henry has been eating or drinking lately, but it has given him access to my brain apparently. Many of his recent posts have been exact copies of my thoughts. Maybe I am henry.... can’t be. I am Batman....


I’m really looking forward to the super deep freeze and snow next week.

I’ve seen fewer officers executing warrants for homicide suspects than were at Stone’s house. That could have been handled with a phone call. “Hey, Roger, we have a warrant. Have your ass here before lunch.” Roger, “ok”.

Account Deleted

"President Yrump knows what he is up against now and hopefully he will play hardball harder."

After 2 full years in office, Trump "knows what he is up against now...."

okie dokie.


I just got done listening to Rush and PDJT's rather lackluster speech.

It sounded a lot like Trump's Greatest Hits Vol. 2.

I assume some FBI agents aren't down at a Miami pawn shop with Roger Stone's cuff links.

Jim Eagle

The Covington bishop is one of the reasons I have left the church. A bunch of swindlers in fancy costumes that nothing to do what oth sides of the Bible teach. What an asshole. I need to find his email account.

Dave (in MA)

"Read my lips, build the wall."


GentilJim, must be the Vietnamese Coffe pin dropped off.


Some guy called in to Rush this morning and said the word is that the temporary government reopening is because of the Super Bowl. They need Atlanta's airport operating at peak efficiency getting all of the players and fans who have spent big money on tickets, etc., in and out of the city.

I have no idea if this is true. I hoped Trump would grind it out, but I also do not know the tremendous pressure he is under every day.

If you are disappointed in him, stop and consider the depth and strength of his opposition (Democrats, media, GOPe, et al.) -- the man is alone. He's tried everything and everything he's attempted has been opposed. Judges ruled against restrictions on potential terrorists entering our country (from countries even Obama had listed). Trump's own party failed at ending obamacare. They dithered on his tax plan. The majority GOP couldn't even pass a budget to get the wall. Caravans continue streaming north toward our country and the Democrats have their voters supporting them in thwarting Trump's efforts in protecting our borders.

He's just one man. The swamp and deep state are against him, Mueller's gunning for him, and the media is a virulent pustule spinning lies about him every day.

I've been thru every level of anger up to rage at the way Trump has been treated since even before his inauguration. The media lauded those foul-mouthed dirty women in their pink hats as they marched and rallied against him. His opposition is deadly and poisoned by hatred. No matter what the topic, you wait a few moments and the opposition swarms like spitting cockroaches. I'm impressed Trump still stands tall and has a smile on his face. His backbone is made of steel. I'm sure he's trying everything he can think of to defeat the evil and vindictive forces arrayed against him. But he has so few helping and supporting him in his own party. Mueller's efforts right now are aimed at sending the message: You work for Trump, and you will be destroyed, your family will be destroyed, and the forces of a once respected FBI and Justice Department will make sure you end up reviled and/or in prison. A lesser man would fold.

As far as the Democrats declaring victory, they would do that no matter what happened, no matter who was hurt, because that's who they are. Worthless, evil, pieces of sh*t.

Captain Hate

Anybody listening to Ol' Yeller (I only catch his podcasts)? Yesterday he said Reagan was duped on amnesty which is the first time I've heard him criticize RR.

Account Deleted

"Anyone know how why Beto bagged a billionairess?"

1. He has no bag of his own.

2. He tinkles sitting down.

3. He travels a lot.

Tom R

How many people here agree with AoS that Trump is losing the optics PR battle with Pelosi?


I was under the impression we weren't supposed to believe polls from Fake News sources?

Captain Hate

Bang spot on, jjm.


The blonde scarecrow only said that to get attention on her buddy Bill Maher's extremely conservative show.


IIRC I think she was pretty confident when I went to her pre-election speech in Anchorage with my Lawyer neighbor way back before the Election. She was quite motivational, but she was also selling books (a strong motivator) so I got to say "Hey" as she signed my book "To Daddy!" She wondered about my name. Her handler was that character Bill from the old Gutfeld midnight TV show.

That's also where I bought a couple MAGA hats and T-Shirts, some I passed on to friends but I can't recall to whom.


Mea culpa?

The Diocese of Covington has released a letter apologizing to the #CovingtonCatholicBoys and their families for being “bullied and pressured into making a statement prematurely” - reversing their prior condemnation which was based on the initial edited clip.


Account Deleted

i listen to Levin during the middle half of hour one. had an interview starting with a legit journalist re the Stone nothingburger indictments.

"Everyone lies to Congress and nothing happens to them. What's the big deal now all of a sudden. Clapper lied. Brennan lied. Nothing Happened. AG Holder was held in contempt and nothing happened to him."

He also did a piece on what George Washington was up against the latter years of his presidency re the Jay Treaty. The Congress was trying to destroy the presidency with smear and innuendo up to the time he left office.

It isn't anything new. Power corrupts.

Dint hear anything about Cohen other a dismissal about the "charges" being quite thin and the bail as inconsequential.


Congressman trolling Trump

Mark Takano on Twitter: "Fixed it. #ArtoftheDeal https://t.co/HZaeIJ0VKa" / Twitter


Thank you for that post.
As usual you have the latest news.


CH, that is not the first time Levin has been critical of Reagan for getting rolled on amnesty. His opening monologue was from a historical perspective about Jefferson and Washington,

Account Deleted

in case you missed Nick Sandman on video:



The Diocese of Covington has released a letter apologizing

How can that comport with the bishop's statement of earlier today? Or the fact that he was the 3rd bishop to denounce the boys?

Stowe was the third bishop to condemn the boys, as the dioceses of Covington and Louisville also denounced them shortly after a brief excerpt of hours of footage of the incident went viral on social media. The dioceses failed to reach out to the boys or wait for the full story to emerge before shaming them, as did scores of social media users, public officials, and members of the media in what Bishop Robert Barron called a “literally Satanic” response to the incident.

Stowe also claimed that supporting President Donald Trump amounts to a “politics of hate” and, despite his claim that he would steer clear of discussing the confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial, criticized the school boys for their association with “racist acts.”


Captain Hate

That's a good story, daddy; she's always selling books. I'll bet she doesn't give away as many as Levin does.

Jim Eagle

I think Trump was more concerned about safety and security then a dick measuing contest. 3 weeks from now we wil be back to square one.



New York Times: Pelosi Makes One Believe For A Moment In The American Dream Again

Wonder if that'll make Powerline's "The Week In Pictures" roster?

Captain Hate

Thank you, peter. I'll take your word on that about Reagan since just because I didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen.


Really, not even a taxidermist could save Nancy Pelosi's face.

Account Deleted



The same newspaper was trashing her weeks ago and urging some younger Democrats to challenge her leadership position.
Her dementia cannot be kept under wraps for long.
Just like Hillary her body and mind will betray her when she least expects.
Then all her promoters will head for the hills.
Let’s see how she looks in 3 weeks.

Captain Hate

Last laugh, Takano.


This decision sounds a lot like Jared Kushner.
However I also believe President Trump wants the safety and security of all Americans.
He takes his job seriously.
The DEMs don’t.


Trumps communication department should be getting information
like this out everyday. They should also get out how much
money the Federal Goverment spends on illegals everyday.
Support your case with facts. It’s not hard

Illegal immigrant accused of raping, impregnating 14-year-old he met via Facebook | Fox News


Captain Hate

And thanks on the Levin comments, Cha.

Account Deleted

what will be the consequences, should the alleged bribery by Mexxykin cartels prove true, on the Schiffs, Schumers, Felosis, and Durbins of Congress if they were to fail about "the border?"

if there is a lot of dirty (and violent) money paying for results from Democrats what is likely to happen to them as POTUS hits nearer and nearer to the drop zone?


Was this what Sundance was complaining about?

Mueller and FBI Arrest Roger Stone Because Major FBI Scandal Out Today – FBI Agent Pientka Linked to Major FISA Abuse Scandal and General Flynn Setup


Communication Department needs work.
Let ‘s get Barr in there , ditch Wray and get Huber and Horowitz to toe the line and start interviewing people or replace them with people that can get the job done.


I didn't read the Brian Cates piece, btw. Just saw the headline and thought I'd poste it. I wouldn't vouch for him like Jeff Carlson.

Captain Hate

Can someone tell me please what happened this afternoon? I'm afraid I'm a little fuzzy on the details because I've been so busy packing for Brussels. I'm up to 143 suitcases. But I can tell you that under no circumstances will I allow the president to give a State of the Union until the Confederacy is defeated. It's unreasonable of him to expect otherwise.
Posted by: Nancy Pelosi is confused at January 25, 2019 07:19 PM (zmIJL)


The cover up continues with no end in sight.
Outright laws have been broken wrt FISA and people like Podesta, Hillary and Brennan are free and spinning their web of lies and deceit.



Pelosi has been emboldened by this victory and her detractors have been cowered. The Times says whatever the hell it wants to say on any given day and gives not a damn that what it said the day before conflicts with what it says today. History starts brand new for Lefty's each and every day at the Times. Only Conservative's have a past.

There's a great old Soviet joke about why they read the Newspaper. I can't remember it exactly at the moment, something about seeing how history changes, but if anyone knows the joke I'm vaguely recalling please post it.


Senatrix Sinema


Pientka has now been revealed to be at the center of the beating heart of not just 1 big scandal in the FBI, but TWO big scandals:

1) the @GenFlynn prosecution


2) The secret Fusion GPS/FBI backchannel.

OF COURSE they've got him under oath on both of these.

— Brian Cates (@drawandstrike) January 23, 2019

Pientka was one of the agents that interviewed Flynn and felt he didn’t lie right?
Honest to God , I feel like I need a room like the one Russell Crowe has in “A Beautiful Mind”where I can link all the names and players in this never ending soap opera.







Is it still a felony if they're assaulted after being laid off?

Posted by: Extraneus | January 25, 2019 at 05:49 PM

No, but they can carry a typewriter in all 50 states


I thought when you were a white guy wearing a dress you were s'posed to be wearing Black face.

Jim Eagle

Maybe that was the Trump stragey all along, beat a certain drum that turns some opinions. Never thought about that but maybe Trump did:)


The photo of Senatrix Sinema made me sick to my stomach. I'm closing my laptop for the day. :)


If anyone hasn't see the CNN morning raid on Stone's house, here it is:



Her handler was that character Bill from the old Gutfeld midnight TV show.

That's also where I bought a couple MAGA hats and T-Shirts, some I passed on to friends but I can't recall to whom.

Posted by: daddy | January 25, 2019 at 07:06 PM

Do you mean Bill Shulz from Red Eye?


John Podhoretz: ‘Given His Proclivities,’ Roger Stone Will ‘Enjoy Prison’

I'd hate to say what should happen to a tied-down Podhoretz at a gay bath house, assuming he'd need to be tied down. He doesn't seem like a very strong guy.


Yeah. That was him, Pin. I only had about 30 seconds to speak to them so I thanked them both and told them that I really envied them having been friends with Andrew Breitbart. That affected them. They both immediately knew I wasn't a nut case and they both instantly commented on how wonderful and brave he was. Bittersweet.


Senators picked for bipartisan border security conference

The Senate has picked four Republicans and three Democrats for the bipartisan talks on border security that are the key to avoiding another government shutdown in three weeks. The Republicans are Sens. Richard Shelby of Alabama, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Roy Blunt of Missouri and John Hoeven of North Dakota, and the Democrats are Sens. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Dick Durbin of Illinois and Jon Tester of Montana.

Durbin? We’re doomed.



Just caught up to your 05:38 and I agree completely.

James D.

Ext @ 7:59

Boy, those nevertrumpers are just full of class and oh-so-ethical behavior, aren’t they?

James D.

Henry, it’s not like Leahy is much better.

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