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April 20, 2019


JM Hanes

Thank you for doing the trudgery!

Chris Beseda

Not the Russians.


JM Hanes

Shorter Mueller

Message to Congress: If you want us to arrest this guy, you're gonna have to pass some Thought Crimes legislation!


If you really want to trudge, take the 4D path that starts with Trump, Mueller, Sater and Rosenstein plotting a Kabuki script that includes Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes lying to their constituents.


Dan Bongino
‏Verified account @dbongino
1h1 hour ago

Barack Obama has NOT been exonerated for his role in the biggest political spying scandal of our lifetimes.


Trump slides of his Mueller recap




— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 20, 2019

Short video at the link.


Oh my dear loving God, I just watched the 8 year old absolutely kill it with the Alexa Donkey Chompers parody. My sides hurt! I had to watch it a few times because I was laughing so hard! 🤣

You can find it at AT. Don’t miss!

Beasts of England

The news feed on my iPhone has a headline from CNN that reads 'Mueller's report looks bad for Obama'. 😍

Captain Hate

Miss Marple linked it on the last thread, lyle.

Speaking of Donkey Chompers, does anyone think it's weird, like JEF+ weird, that the video being mocked was of her talking about the Green New Deal as if it had already been in effect and she's self stroking from a future perspective?


Yes shes starkraving mad, mind you isnt this life of Julia on steroids.



Someone who knows more about trials and plea deals and such please take a look at this.

Seems like a lot of people are pleading guilty. Plea deals? Who is the bigger fish?


Cory Lewandowski: Trump never asked me to help him fire #Mueller. https://t.co/cbA3JhMF68#MuellerReport#DemocratsAreCorrupt

— Vicky F🦋R Trump (@Vicky4Trump) April 20, 2019

Sounds to me from the video of Corey Lewandowski with Ed Henry (at link) that some of the stuff in the Mueller report is fabricated.


Hello from Charlottesville. Visiting my son for Easter. Happy Passover and Easter to all my friends here

Captain Hate

Here we go

BREAKING: ABC sources say President Trump is preparing to declassify FISA-rated documents in coming weeks


I couldn’t get MM’s link to work. I just chanced upon it at AT. It’s priceless.

Captain Hate

Dan Bongino on twitter:

Mitt Romney is the Lisa Murkowski of Jeff Flakes.


I am going to have to make myself get moving and go to Kroger. We need dog food and some other stuff.

It's another cold, rainy day here, too.


Back in a bit.


Cover up for Hillary and the DNC, but as well for the IC funding ISIS (why Flynn was target) and Obama failure to deal with Russian meddling because he was protecting crazy Iran deal. Bank on it,,

Jim Eagle

[Reposting from last thread. I always seem to post at the end of the threads:]

Canterbury's Boy's Novice 4 man Crew with Cox: The rowed strong but did not finish first. Great rowing according to Mrs. JiB. His first ever boat race.

Frederick is on the far left wearing the white visor.


Lyle, what is the name of the piece at AT?



IMO and from all I know, you got it exactly right.

And then there is more.

Jim Eagle


on Right column. "A Baby Faced AOC....."


I think cathyf noted this at the end of the previous thread.


Another willowed comment.
I'd say "language warning" ... but they're talking in German and the fake photoshopped subtitles all have #@!& and so on.

The best "Hitler learns about the Mueller Report"
"We will NEVER win an election running on cow farts and reparations"


Okay, how many of you super smart folks got the one from TWIP about the car passing by the man and changing colors from blue to red? I did.


Frederick looks great!
What a wonderful experience for him!
You and Mrs. JIB must be so proud.!


I got the Doppler Effect one, but was left puzzled by some of the Star Wars themed ones.

Not a stellar TWIP for me, but I look forward to seeing the extras in the comments.


Blue shift light coming towards you, red shift light going away. I didn’t expect a physics joke, so it took a second.


Now I want one of these:



I didn't see the "Physics Joke" title, so I had to think about it for a bit.

The nerdy guy swiveling his head was a clue:)

Jim Eagle

Jim, S

That is one of the best Hitler Finds Out vids I have seen.....Clever!


Way too many Star Wars bits for my taste today on TWIP.


A small warning. On keto I never crave the carbs I loved so much before. But if I start eating keto sweet things, that changes.

That's because ANYTHING sweet, whether it has sugar or fake sugar in it, releases insulin. Just THINKING about sweets releases insulin!
It STOPS the fat burning.
It also drops your blood sugar--which makes you hungry.

"Keto" sweets are not something I advocate. You are sabotaging yourself if weight loss is your goal.
Have some berries, or a small piece of dark chocolate.

Clarice's cheesecake though has lots of protein and fat in it, so it's likely to be less of a problem than a "keto" cookie would be.


But “The Original Transgender Bathroom” was just a bit too truthful...


It's a take off on weekend at bermie with the two stars?? Holding up the emperor which really undermines the victory


Boy, I hope it warms up tomorrow. Spitting rain and in the high 40's here right now.

Jack, Frederick looks great! Like D., I am glad he gets to have this great experience!

Also, thanks for that Hitler Finds Out About Mueller video, Jim! HA!

(I have seen so many of those I know when Hitler is getting ready to take off his glasses. LOL!)


Best Hitler vid evah, Jim!





Understatement of the month.


Mukasey does not understand Kabuki. I recommend he spend more time on Twitter.


Local shooting range does a Saturday radio show.

Today they talked about the anniversary of "One if by land,two if by sea".

Not lost on any of those "regular guys" that the Democrats want to confiscate firearms just like the British tried.

They're locked and loaded.


"how many of you super smart folks got the one from TWIP about the car passing by the man and changing colors from blue to red?"

I still don't get it.

Mueller has known for 660 days.


My friend recently received a high A-1C result and I have convinced her to try it. I also found out another teacher's husband had insulin-dependent diabetes and after following this diet, is no longer a diabetic. More doctors must be waking up on this issue.

I was SO EXCITED this morning as I listened to People's Pharmacy (podcast will be available Monday at noon eastern time), and heard their interview w HARVARD DOCTOR and Cancer researcher William Li, whose book Eat to Beat Disease is all about the nutritional basis for health.

Yes folks, the big time academic research guys have discovered THE VITAL IMPORTANCE OF FOOD!

The smart guys have finally caught on! Pretty soon they'll be teaching all the students. YAY!!!

He even gave the amount of mushrooms to eat each day to optimize immunity! (1 1/4 c).



Sunny at 62 here. Forecast to top 70 tomorrow.


Anonamom, that’s a lot of fungus.


I've been brining turkey, making stuffing, shrimp and getting ready for tomorrow - all day. Expecting 12 people. We will have turkey, ham, asparagus, squash, beans, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, shrimp cocktail, dessert And and whatever else people bring. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Happy hour starts in 30 minutes.

Life in Florida.



That sounds wonderful!

Due to the funeral on Monday and Tuesday, no family gathering for Easter this year.

It will just be my daughter and me and we will have a small ham dinner.


I still don’t get it.

It’s a goofy illustration of the Doppler Effect, Jane. Short blue wavelengths shift to longer red wavelengths. Notice how long the guy’s nose gets in the red car. Plus the car itself elongates.

I’m cleared for absolutely no food preparation other than for the two of us. Happy Easter and Passover, everyone.



I am glad to see Governor Huckabee being so feisty. He has also gotten into it with April Ryan for attacking his daughter Sarah.


Light wavelengths, that is.


anonamom so does the lemon ricotta cake I posted earlier (have lots of fat and protein in it)
Live it up, Jane..


Here at Notre Dame we will get in line about 2:30 to get a seat in a pew for the Easter Vigil. (Doors open at 7:30, mass starts at 9:00, finishes about midnight.) This is our 7th year, and, yes, it’s like camping out for Stones tickets!

Never say never, I say, but I am not that Catholic! ;-)
I bet it is a beautiful service.
I do have my alarm set for 8:58 though, and am planning to catch the livestream from the link cathy f posted this morning---in my pajamas!

We went to Easter Sunday Mass the year my son was a freshman---Lord, how can that be 13 years ago????

matt - deplore me if you must

Somehow this is all turning into Duke & Duke. Comey is definitely Randolph while Mortimer would be Obama.

Trump is definitely Billy Ray. I can hear him snapping that dollar bill now.

As to intel bias, Obama politicized every single organization within the federal government. Remember what he did almost immediately with the National Endowment for the Arts? It became a propaganda tool. IRS, EPA, DoJ, all the way down the line. The nematodes are still there.

Brennan is a clear example, as is Clapper. Even Panetta was a douche congressman.

Headed to the BiL's tomorrow and God help us. Not sure if Mac n Cheese and tuna casserole are on the menu. With luck there will be some fresh seabass or yellowtail, as he is a charter captain. Come to think of it, that may not be too bad after all. We'll bring the veggies.


I TOTALLY don't get physics--like at all. EVER.
It's a miracle I passed my required class. Lowest grade I ever got.

I can read maps though, and have a good sense of direction.


BTW anonamom, erythirol apparently does NOT raise insulin levels. I do not know about other non sugar sweeteners.
It's absorbed into the bloodstream and then excreted unchanged in the urine. When healthy people are given erythritol, there is no change in blood sugar or insulin levels. ... Summary Erythritol does not raise blood sugar levels. This makes it an excellent sugar replacement for people with diabetes.Apr 23, 2018
Erythritol — Healthy Sweetener or a Big, Fat Lie? - Healthline
It may well make you hungreier for sweets but that's another matter altogether.



Before I went to law school I went to MBA school. In my first class of my second year - I think it was calculus - I couldn't understand what was on the board, or the professor's thick accent. I started to laugh. Professor told me it wasn't funny.

That was the day I stopped my MBA.



Your comment reminded me of subbing for a high school class about 20 years ago, in the school system adjacent to ours.

I had a high school class and they were working on a map problem. I was dumbfounded to discover they didn't understand directions on maps. I tried to explain it by pointing out the window (north and the direction of the City of Indianapolis).

Not only did they not know which direction that was, they didn't know that was the direction to the city! Some of them are still probably driving aimlessly around to this very day.

Kids should be taught practical stuff like how to read a map and how to cut measurements in half. To not do so is to leave them ill-equipped for getting around in adulthood.




You passed boatbuilder


I have been corrected. We went to Easter Vigil at the Basilica Easter 2006.
"Just showed up. Got seats behind the altar"
I do remember sitting there.

Captain Hate

I TOTALLY don't get physics--like at all. EVER.

Classical or Newtonian physics? Are you sure you just don't like it? Because I'm pretty sure you intuitively understand some of it. Quantum physics is another matter, so to speak.

In a recent discussion of some Darwinian anomalies I came to the conclusion, ok hypothesis, that as a species we're never going to understand everything sciency because we're just too limited in brainpower. Not that we shouldn't try to push the limits of what we know but it strikes me as the height of hubris to believe we can accomplish it, like expecting a cow to read.


Miss M, they go wherever the GPS sends them.


Miss M, it's 69 here in Oconomowoc WI. You'll hit 70 tomorrow.


Captain Hate,

I did fine in first semester physics. My professor was an old guy who had collected hundreds of cereal and Crackerjack premiums and used them to demonstrate the principles. It was entertaining, aaand because I could see it, I caught on.

Second semester was a struggle because I had a Chinese guy with a heavy accent and everything was invisible.

Captain Hate

Miss Marple,

Physics and most math classes are heavily dependent on the teacher to make the light go on for most students. There are savants who are wired to grasp things quickly even from a terrible textbook. And there are some people who will never grasp it and it's a fool's errand to expect otherwise.



Local forecast says 68. Warmer next week.


Enjoy it Miss M, and have a Blessed Easter.


I was wired to understand physics.

Grammar and spelling, however, continue to provide a real challenge:)


Thanks, Jane. My office swapped out my laptop (for a crappier one with updated software)and with it went all my saved passwords, etc. So I lost my fake info for my fake e-mail address for typepad, and then I got busy with a bunch of other stuff.

When I tried to recover the google e-mail account I set up for typepad, I eventually stumbled upon the correct username and even remembered the password, but then they wanted to verify that I was really me and I couldn't remember who the fake person was who I made up for google.

So I made up another fake person for another fake e-mail address so I can log onto typepad and comment here.

Anyway I am back but I don't have anything brilliant to say right now.

Never stopped me before, of course...

Beasts of England

'Have some berries, or a small very large piece of dark chocolate.'

You're welcome. :)


Physics joke:

Well my undergrad was physics so I got it ...

But it's pure Doppler because relativity would make the car going away just as short as the car coming but it would still be red.

Probably wouldn't have made the joke any easier to get.


Is the joke funny if you get it? Or is it just a physics "joke"?


The latter BB


Wouldn’t the joke have to include has fast the car was going? 😎


I guess I'll try to read that Bill Bryson book and learn some things.
One of my patients had it the other morning.

Here's the guy who had me all fired up this morning:



—how fast...


The MFM FULL COMMIE LEFT has no PRETENSE any longer.
They argue that SARAH SANDERS and the WHITE HOUSE STAFF are immoral LIARS.
Why do they not question ADAM SCHIFF'S lies and leaks to the MEDIA. Why not question the HEADS UP to the LIBTARD MFM on ROGER STONE getting SWATTED.
Why has/have THE FULL COMMIE MFM not shown one whit OF INTEREST in the FRAUDULENT FISA WARRANT applications. Why has the ENTIRE FULL COMMIE MFM apparatus NEVER looked into RODHAM'S CRIMES, her FRAME UP of POTUS DJT, nor the complicity and conspiracy to create a FRAME UP of MR TRUMP???
Why has the FULL COMMIE MFM, never questioned nor asked their FORMER PAL, ROBERT MUELLER the TURD (III), Why he continued to attempt to find DIRT on POTUS DJT, when he learned of the FISA FRAUD and the PISS DOSSIER being created by RODHAM and her PAID accomplices.
I think most of us HERE, know the answers. THE COVER UP GOES ON.


Just think of it like a car or train horn. Coming toward you, the pitch is higher than when it passes you and is going away. That's because the sound waves are getting closer to each other while the sound source is coming toward you, raising the frequency, and farther away from each other as it's receding. The same thing happens with light, and the blue wavelength is shorter than the red.

This effect is why astronomers hypothesize that the universe is expanding, because of the differences in the so-called "red shift" that can be seen from distant stars.


Vermont’s Republican Governor to Sign Bill Abolishing Columbus Day


In case it hasn’t been mentioned, Friday’s WSJ has a really interesting piece about the Notre Dame cathedral, detailing how it had been neglected and was crumbling in the weeks and years leading up to the fire. It also talks about the repair and restoration project that had not really started. Still it sheds no light at all on the cause of the fire. Probably behind the paywall, but I’ll link it anyway.

Needless to say, government ownership doesn’t lead to the best outcomes.



a—mom, the point of the line is that we get some of the precious pews in front of the altar. The front half of the pews are all reserved for Catechumens and candidates and Holy Cross sisters and brothers, so there’s not much space for congregation Those black chairs behind the altar you have to watch the action on the TV screens. Easter Vigil with no kneelers is ok, but Good Friday in the black chairs is brutal! We got here at 1:30 for yesterday’s 3pm Liturgy and avoided the black chairs, and we still had to sit on the side aisle.

(Although we were in the perfect spot to see WonderGirl. I was against the wall so I took a good picture, and some video, too.)

Captain Hate

This is rich, a sawed off piece of shit from the Clinton administration, about which's serial lying Christopher Hitchens devoted a complete book "No One Left to Lie To", coming down on Sarah Sanders over White Hat Mueller's unconstitutional one sided gossipy hit piece:



IMAGINE, if you will, NOTRE DAME being in D.C..
IMAGINE our GOVERNMENT making statements, as to it's rebuilding and importance. LIBTARDS would SHYTE their already SHYTE stained pants. ANTIFA would RIOT and beat people.

I give you COMMUNISM at work. A NATION that has committed suicide, because they've never had balls.

Jim Eagle

Back from the Vet's, and the prognosis for Jazz is fair. He is dehydrated, so the Vet injected big water bulges into his shoulder area to force water into him. He won't eat, and that includes the pill pockets with his antibiotic, and pain meds. He is still lethargic and only wants to sleep.

This is the "boss" Dog if you have seen A Dog's Purpose, then you know what I mean. The most energized, frisky, dog in the world. Now a somnolent old guy sleeping his hours away.

80F, big time SW breeze, a purple ocean.

Jane, now that Frederick is in Canterbury, we don't have to be in Southampton. Plus we have the house for sale. Pangs of nostalgia, since it is the home of my youth, that my Grandfather built in 1913. Will I miss it? Not really, the whole East End of Long Island, over the canal, is a bastion of wealthy progs. Perry Gershon who challenged Zeldin in 2018 is ready to do battle again. Problem is he can win the East End, but not the blue collar vote just west of the Canal.

A Trump Effect.

James D.

Ext @ 5;04


Jim Eagle

Buckeye & MT,

Stop it with talk about RR work. Look what keeps showing up on the sidebar ads at JOM:)


Manuel Transmission

Ext just explained what I was about to describe. About 150 yrs ago they put a trumpeter on a flatcar behind a steam locomotive and had it speed by a group of swells. For those with perfect pitch the sound was way high as the train approached and then slurred down to well below proper pitch as it went by. Wasn’t any other way to demonstrate that back in the day. Now we just instinctively recognize the effect without necessarily grasping the significance.

BTW the red shift ‘out there’ is utterly not provable. Might as well debate Intelligent Design.



This is a wonderful piece. I would also propose that Trump's concern for the working class, the forgotten, the poor, is far more Christian than the attitude of David French.

Another Bob

LOL Jane. Calculus is the math that separates the men from the boys.

Was more work than usual for me to get the switch to flip

Jim Eagle

As Everett Dirksen was fond of saying, "a million here, a million there and pretty soon we have a billion".


Another Bob

I had a minor in math and hated it ;)




Math has better flow than poetry, but proofs are pure tedium. So I majored in chemistry instead.

Jim Eagle

Actually, I think what he said was "....pretty soon we'll be talking about real money."


Just go read as many of Feynman's books as you can find. Or, James Gleick.

Manuel Transmission

Heh, JiB. All I ever see are those ads with some nice looking chick modeling different blouses, which are attractive, but I’ve never in my life shopped for anything like that. Mrs MT might, but I’m not sure how that bleeds through to me unless it’s just registering our IP addy.


Retweeted by the President:

Dan Scavino
‏Verified account @DanScavino

I am with the President at the Southern White House, I have never seen him happier!

'This makes ME happy!


Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
8m8 minutes ago

For those who can't right click:


Jim Eagle

I think Rush summarizes the Mueller aka Weismann Report correctly.



Man Tran,I hoped that you would comment. Our EE nephew just got a job with a company on Bainbridge Island. He's been on a westward trek for over a year. When we saw him in WY last August,he had already been to the Seattle area and it seemed likely he would settle there,for now anyway. He's only 25 and very intense and smart.We're waiting for him to invent something. :)

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