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April 23, 2019



she is on the right path

Could be a WAR (ren) PATH.


Well the current budget for the Department of Education is $68 billion - why not double it? Putting more money into K-12 public education might be a much better investment in social justice.

Are you serious, TM? More federal meddling in education? Like there's not enough too much already? What about reducing the size of government, and leaving all that money with them that earned it?


I'm waiting to see how many give away programs this kickline of candidates will propose. Might I suggest we copy Argentina and allow everyone one free plastic surgery a year.


I suppose, on rereading, TM is putting on his "earnest progressive" costume, not speaking for himself. Still, why give any of these ideas credence?



Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

Is we stupid for not getting on this Merry Go Round and taking advantage to begin with or is we smart to jump on now before the ride ends?

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

Might I suggest we copy Argentina and allow everyone one free plastic surgery a year.

Asking for a friend, do boobs count as one or two surgeries?


Heh, the problem lies not in the hardware as much as the siftware, the educational templates are not likely to get better you'll have more of the same, in the third world thats were many post revolutionary regimes who had more applicants than jobs


And that leads to unrest and instability maybe that's the goal.

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

ASOFB: You got a fake native American, a self proclaimed socialist, a kind of "Handsy" old white guy, a lady who pretty much slept her way to the top, a guy that wants to take 1000.00 from you so, he can give you 1000.00 back and, a guy french kissing another guy on stage and, a imaginary Mexican on a skateboard. Meanwhile you got a bartender chasing cow FARTS, a strange little Representative that will not acknowledge 9/11, another one putting the bad mouth on our only allie in the middle East and , assorted flakes, jerks and, booger eating morons. None of these folks have done anything for the benifit of our nation, worthless. While being overseen by a lady struggling to retain her upper plate and putting more than 4 words together as well as, another old white guy with his glasses glued to the tip of his nose scatching his semi bald head. There is absolutely no doubt about it, "WE HAVE ENTERED THE TWILIGHT ZONE" GOD HELP us....

I think she nailed it...


Cue mogatu, 'am I the only one not on crazy pills'


The 1940 constitution in Cuba, had such wonderful hopes, it was unworkable to say the least Mary o Grady said much the same about Venezuela


I’m resigned to the fact that most people will treat this comments section as nothing more than an open thread to opine on Trump’s policy, often in ways that show they have not even tried to process the points I have made in this post. I’m working on not caring about the fact that people largely ignore what I write here.

But if anyone does care to actually grapple with the points I have made, I promise to try to give your comments special attention. You’re probably the only people I will talk to in this thread, other than perhaps to occasionally tell people that they would find the answer to their question answered, or they would find their argument refuted, if only they had bothered to actually read the post they are commenting on.

Patterico (115b1f) — 4/23/2019 @ 8:33 pm

jim nj

MY BIL retired as a sergeant in the Marine Corps after 4 years and a stint in 'Nam.

Died a few years ago of a massive heart attack. He was cremated and two uniformed Marines showed up for the memorial and the interment of his ashes. Gave his 2nd wife the folded flag. No volley of rifles.

You have to request the service and supply the flag.

I would guess that in most cases they use Marines on recruiting duty located nearby.


Has Patterico always been this much of a whiner?
I have never gone over to his blog , but he sounds like a real piece of work.


There was a time when he wasnt obsessively obtuse that would probably before 2009, as stephanie notes, he never got over macho grande, and I think the cult leaders attack on his family didnt help things


Congratulations and Best wishes to Soylent and his new wife.

jim nj

I don't think the world is crazier than it used to be. It comes at us these days as through a fire-hose as to our old pre0internet drinking straw.

What does seem to make it more confusing as it all comes in faster is that we now have an alternate media on the net that will tell us what the MSM won't.

There are so many more people on the internet with useful knowledge than there are useful journalists.

It's that old story - when reporters write something you are very familiar with - you can spot all the errors.

What's fun about JOM is that we have so many people in so many fields that collectively put together outweighs any news organization. And when we don't know enough about something we can ask the panel here or follow what they link to.

jim nj

"Trump doesn't want aides to testify to Congress after Mueller report: 'There is no reason to go any further."

Makes sense to me. Just because Trump waived "executive privilege" for the SC doesn't mean he lost the right to invoke it against Congress.

J\His aides were dragged through the mud quietly already by the SC. Why make them testify publicly and have to hire a lawyer?

jim nj

If I were Trump I would stonewall Congress on any cooperation. Subpoenas? Use Obama's precedents to deny them.


He's a second or third rate LAW SCHOOL SPAWN.
He's a third rate or 7th rate member of the 1000 strong LA COUNTY PERSECUTORS orafice. In other words, JOHN PATRICK FREY, is a dumb shit, working for the LA DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S ORAFICE.
When he bet all his "chips" on RED......yes.....RED, just like BULWARK BOY, when this NOBODY from L.A. bet on RED, and LOST.....He came UNGLUED, ANGRY and CLOWNISH.
It sounds like a 16 year old who just got dumped by a FAT CHICK.


Well it is still crazy, because people behave as if the preferred narrative is the only one.

Tom R

If you want crazy read this tweet and some of the replies.


JIM NJ, I completely disagree. The POLITICAL WORLD, the UNITED STATES crazed LEFTIST AGENDA, is far far crazier than ever before. THE FACTS of our existance, are 100 percent counter to what the FULL COMMIE HORDE SUGGESTS.
For EXAMPLE. Rodham, a completely without any honor and disgusting and vile human...CREATED a HOAX, and paid RUSSIANS to DESTROY POTUS DJT.
CRAZY????? We are 2 and a half years in, and it has become OBVIOUS to anyone that isn't biased or retarded, that RODHAM and OBAMA, and the ENTIRE FULL COMMIE LEFT.......attempted to SET UP POTUS DJT. IT FAILED.....YET THE MFM and all of the LEFTISTS, continue to PRETEND, that POTUS DJT, was committing the very crimes that RODHAM perpetrated. AND HALF OF AMERICA, 47 percent of the LEFT, actually believes that RUSSIA was "tinkering", with our VOTING MACHINES.

This is the biggest POLITICAL SCANDAL in US HISTORY. And the MFM is complicit.


Mcmuffin just lathered on the jam, this is when you dial the disruptors to dematerialize


Tom R. The McMuffin post, and the GOOOFY RETARDED responses, are truly disturbing. These NUTS, show no need to show reason and logic in their nonsensical posts.


Deplorable Don states that globalists and the Dems are mobilizing to keep capitalists off the Fed Reserve.
Now Democrats fear the return of capitalism under President Donald John Trump will keep them out of the White House, and may cost them control of the House.

And so Democrats are campaigning to stop President Trump from appointing capitalists to the Federal Reserve with the underhanded tactics they usually limit to Supreme Court appointments. ...

Democrats are delving into Moore's divorce records. They fear no payback from Republicans, whom they believe are weak and pathetic. History gives Democrats plenty of examples to back their case.

Given that this may be the last stand for globalists, Republicans likely will side with Democrats to keep capitalists out.


They are in deed insane. Then again If you had to pay Rick wilsoms bar tab you'd be agitated too, the Qataris are doing so.

jim nj


I was thinking of a generalized look at the world today. More seems to be happening that isn't well explained at the time. We're just seeing stuff faster than we're used to. It takes a while to put a lot of this in context. The media doesn't do well at explaining it because they don't know either.

So we get blather from "experts" who may have agendas of their own and no "real" understanding themselves.

I wouldn't dare argue that Democrats, some judges, Islamic Jihadists and many "journalists" aren't bat-shit crazy. They are much worse than they used to be.. Hope that clarifies my thinking.


JimNorCal. The collective LEFT is completely UNHINGED. The FULL COMMIE LEFT, has exhausted all options as regards winning logical political debate.
We are CAPITALIST greedy PIGS.
We try to block minorities from voting.
We hate women, and do no respect a wymyns right to control her own body and health care.
We CONSERVATIVES, want to stop women from accessing BIRTH CONTROL, and we want to criminalize wymyns "health care" choices.

It is obvious why conservatives need to be stopped.

jim nj

JIm, Sunny...

Globalists and DEMs... don't forget Romney.


Jim Nj, the MFM MEDIA, is 100% hard left. The MOST open minded MEDIA STAR, is not merely biased politically, but has grown up in the cesspool of group think.
I saw Martha McCallum have a hard time recognizing how SICK and DISGUSTING that HILLARY RODHAM IS. And how obvious RODHAM'S Participation in this ABJECT FRAUD has been

jim nj

"AP journalists who have been traveling with the caravan estimate that as many as 500 arrests were made. The migrants were loaded into buses and taken to detention centers. Officials were going to interview them but expected the majority to be scheduled for deportation back to their home countries."

I like. I like. Moar please, sir.


Jim Nj.

Don't forget ROMNEY.

Good Lord, how did the GOP nominate this phony.
Mister clean/Mormon ROMNEY, is so SELF ABSORBED, THAT it is SCARY.

jim nj



Jim NJ. MIGRANTS stopped arrested, and deported to their country of origin.

Wow, how inhumame.

jim nj

Romney anagrams:

Rem Yon
Ye Norm
Ye Morn
En Mr Yo
En My Or
Re My No
Re My On
Ye Mr No
Ye Mr On

Ye Mr. No is my favorite.

jim nj

word rearranger:

Unscrambled results for romney plus one letter

anymore embryon moneyer monkery

5 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in romney

enorm money onery



Abject self centered ass


Why doesn’t Elizabeth Warren just teach for free?


Col Haiku, Col Klink and Col Kurtz.


Pin, Lies Warren, is a GRIFTER.
She is all about THE CASH.



jim nj

I got Medicare in December and didn't like the limitations so I signed up for Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield and the paperwork came in and I'm looking it over.

I can get new reading glasses at no cost. My newest pair broke in January so I;m using an older pair that don't work as well.

Prescriptions - no co-pay.

Wellness exam, physical and blood-work - no co-pay. And I've got the list of blood-work that Anonamom helped me with. I want to get a good base-line for where I am.

I can join my YMCA on Main St. I need to explore that, they have a pool and I like swimming. Maybe get some fitness training.

I can order $245 per quarter foe healthcare products from a Horizon catalog.

I get $250 loaded quarterly to a pre-paid card that allows me to buy all kinds of healthcare stuff from CVS, Rite-Aid and some other stores.

YUGE difference from Medicare. And I've only scratched the surface of what is available.

I feel like a kid in a candy store.

jim nj

Poorly written article, but apparently Russia will scrap two nuclear-powered battle-cruisers, the largest ships in the fleet other than the doomed aircraft carrier.

jim nj

John Schroeder on Buttigieg.


jim nj

I don'i\i recommend this for the casual reader.

But I have wondered for some time if "abiotic" oil is a real thing. "abiotic" oil is formed by natural processes deep in the earth unrelated to dead dinosaurs.

MM and some engineers might enjoy this.

jim nj

Chinese-made electric cars appear to be less reliable than American-made electric golf carts.

"According to one recent survey ricocheting across the Web, nearly 70 percent of Chinese respondents said they regretted buying a new-energy vehicle (NEV)."

Nothing quite like being a beta-tester when you have to pay for the privilege.

jim nj

New Jersey corruption story.

Nepotism, incompetence, highly connected Democrat ex-union official resigns.

SDA replaced a prior incompetent agency. Our Supreme Court ruled that 31 school districts are entitled to new schools with state funding only.

As an independent authority it can issue bond offerings. Some concern that voters need to OK all bond financing. Still being argued about but the interest on its' current bond float costs 1 billion per year in interest.

Oh Lord, please let me win the lottery so I can get the fuck out of here.

Absent that, please hit Gov. Murphy with a lightning bolt.

jim nj



jim nj

If I were Trump I would stonewall Congress on any cooperation. Subpoenas? Use Obama's precedents to deny them.

Don't "stonewall"--flat out refuse (as it seems he's decided) to spend one more second of his (or his staff's) very limited executive time on this topic.

As noted---he more than FULLY cooperated (Historical first??)---zero invocation of executive privilege w Mueller.

Excuse my language--but FUCK those Ds and the kubuki theater they want to present.


I suspect Warren’s next idea will tell this idea to hold its beer.


How much are you paying for your Horizon Blue Cross?

Is it a supplement to Medicare, or an option of how you chose to receive your Medicare benefits? (Of which entity distributes them.)

Oh, how I dread having to actually become part of this monster. The DMV will be in charge of my health care dollars. Lovely.


Good morning!

As I predicted, the sniping from the Brits starts.


Canada has been illegally shipping trash to the Philippines and Duarte wants them to take it back or he threatens war.


‏ @Breaking911
4h4 hours ago

Sri Lanka’s deputy defense minister says death toll from Easter Sunday bombings reaches 359, including 39 foreigners; one of nine bombers was a woman - Reuters


With an on line video.

Ho hum.


Check out this line for our @TPUSA event tonight

If Penn State gave us a bigger room we wouldn’t have had to turn away 1,000+ people

Will the media cover the growing support of @realDonaldTrump on campus?

Amazing to see the movement growing!

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 24, 2019

Video at link.


Danish clothing manufacturer (who happens to be a billionaire) loses three of his four children in the Sri Lanka terrorist bombings.

It's Easter. You take your precious children to Mass...
Prayers for him, their mother, their sibling who survived.


Reuters Top News
‏Verified account @Reuters
10m10 minutes ago

JUST IN: Sri Lanka's president has asked the country’s police chief and defense secretary to resign - two sources close to president


Dr Aseem Malhotra

4h4 hours ago
New study in British Journal of General Practice (@BJGPjournal) reveals most patients at low risk and many at high risk of heart disease would choose NOT to take statins if fully informed. … #choosingwisely #ethicalmedicine #BadPharma #NHS


Network television is a sewer.


I still want to know why Bill Clinton's $500,000 speaking fee in Moscow is NOT collusion, while that stupid meeting in Trump Tower is considered evidence.



What are statins, exactly?


New Zealand and France seek end to on line terror.


What are statins, exactly?

Statins are a drug that poison every cell in your body in an attempt to turn off liver cells' ability to manufacture cholesterol, a molecule vital for our health, that was incorrectly thought to be the "cause" of atherosclerosis.

Remember, back in the day, when eating eggs and shrimp was "bad for you"? Based on the same misguided thinking.
(Reinforced by bozillions of dollars of government grants, that only went to people working on conventionally accepted research. Chime right in here Dr J!!)

Beasts of England

anonamom said 'FUCK'!! Woot! :)


This tweet is from late last night. Video (4 minutes) at the link.

Thanks Rush! @FoxNews

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 24, 2019

Thanks, anonamom. I don't take cholesterol drugs but I wasn't sure about them. All I have are BP drugs.


This is alarming:

The Associated Press
‏Verified account @AP
2h2 hours ago

Sri Lanka says that many of the suicide bombers who killed more than 350 people in Easter attacks were highly educated and came from middle- and upper-middle-class families. Follow @AP coverage here:


Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
8m8 minutes ago

“Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson accuses United Kingdom Intelligence of helping Obama Administration Spy on the 2016 Trump Presidential Campaign.” @OANN WOW! It is now just a question of time before the truth comes out, and when it does, it will be a beauty!


Reuters Top News
‏Verified account @Reuters
10s11 seconds ago

Top Sri Lankan officials deliberately withheld intelligence on attacks: minister


Robert Barnes
‏ @Barnes_Law
10h10 hours ago

Obstructing a coup is not obstructing of justice; it is justice. #MuellerReport


Jack Posobiec
‏Verified account @JackPosobiec

BREAKING: Larry Hogan, John Kasich, and Mitt Romney considering joining Bill Weld in 2020 RNC primary challenges to President Trump - @OANN

The boring, sanctimonious wing of the party is heard from.


Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
4m4 minutes ago

The American people deserve to know who is in this Country. Yesterday, the Supreme Court took up the Census Citizenship question, a really big deal. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Captain Hate

If I were Trump I would stonewall Congress on any cooperation. Subpoenas? Use Obama's precedents to deny them.

Congress was set up to legislate, not investigate, which is why they do such a poor job of it. Eric Holder showed there's no downside to being held in contempt of Congress. The founders never imagined that grifters and crooks would ever hold sway at the highest levels of power, figuring that a virtuous and well educated citizenry would reject them or invoke Article V to reverse their assaults.

This is all the fault of both political parties. The GOP has been infested with trash like Romney, Kasich, McMullin and their ilk, and seemingly is fine with that. I hope nobody here financially supports the pseudo party other than individual candidates, because you're underwriting the destruction of the country.


Interesting read about the behavior of Washington Post reporters regarding the Russian woman professor they smeared and Stefan Halper.


Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
5m5 minutes ago

A very big Caravan of over 20,000 people started up through Mexico. It has been reduced in size by Mexico but is still coming. Mexico must apprehend the remainder or we will be forced to close that section of the Border & call up the Military. The Coyotes & Cartels have weapons!

Beasts of England

'Larry Hogan, John Kasich, and Mitt Romney considering joining Bill Weld in 2020 RNC primary challenges to President Trump.'

Can't be true! I was assured that Romney was in the Senate to serve his country, not as a platform to run against Trump! 😂



I am not going to type what I am thinking about that guy.

Captain Hate

Poor Patterico can't control his catamites. Has Beldar Trout stopped fellating him? Dananuta? Oh the humanity.

You have to wonder if whatever prosecutor's office he infests is blind to his insanity. Do they unleash him on any case involving persuading a jury that he might start screaming Trump humpers or Trumpalos at if they can't follow his brilliant arguments?

James D.

CH, maybe there’s a class action lawsuit here against the RNC, NRCC and NRSC.

Captain Hate

Levin unloaded on those four stooges last night, calling Weld one of the most corrupt and dishonest persons he's ever encountered.

Another Bob

MM, Lokhova is tilting at windmills.

Another Bob

Isn’t Weld a fairly well-known drunk?

Captain Hate

James, people voluntarily give their money to those entities. I'd burn it in my fireplace before doing so.


That Census question might have people question how both their fellow state's congressional delegations are apportioned as well as how most Federal redistribution is cut up.

That might look bad.


Mutt sooooo wanted to be Sec State.

Poor little Mutt.

Beasts of England

It's an outrage that any of those clods would primary Trump after the unprecedented bullshit he's had to endure for the first two years of his presidency. I hope Trump stomps a mud hole in their asses and walks it dry. I want it to be vicious, dirty, personal and unrelenting.


Captain Hate,

Those guys get donations because people either are attempting to buy influence or have a vested interest in weakening Trump.

I despise them. Romney and Kasich are phonies and sanctimonious poseurs who would destroy this country every bit as much as the left.

Captain Hate


This obnoxiously slanted article (these turds can't help themselves) inadvertently makes it clear DJT knows the situation:

I'm sure Dave, Jane, Rocco and others have more insight.


The question I have is who is encouraging them?

James D.

On topic, I’ll again call for a tax on all university, foundation and ngo endowments and use that money (rather than stealing it from actual productive, useful citizens) to forgive all federal student debt then shut the whole program down for good.

If nothin else, I want to see the Dems forced to argue against it because Trimp proposed if. I want to see them forced to publicly take the side of Harvard and the Ford Foundation et al and their multi billion dollar endowment funds, against the millions of their own voters struggling with huge monthly payments that are keeping them from marrying, buying homes, etc.

Beasts of England

'The question I have is who is encouraging them?'

They don't need any encouragement - their sanctimony is their guide. I hope they suffer.

James D.

MM @ 7:48

I don’t think they need much outside encouragement. Their outsized egos and mind-blowingly inflated sense of self worth is probably more than enough.


‏ @unseen1_unseen
14h14 hours ago

So it's been almost 4 months and so far the Democrat House hasn't done one damn thing for the American people. Not one damn thing. Heck of a job there Nancy. Hey,I know let's investigate Trump some more instead of you know working with the senate & POTUS to pass something. 🙄🙄

Captain Hate

The question I have is who is encouraging them?

Soros has underwritten many GOPe stalwarts. Huckabee made it clear on Life, Liberty and Levin that many high rollers subsidize both sides of the aisle, which is why people get furious when they vote a new party to control Congress and nothing changes. Ryan was obviously one such recipient, believed to be a "deficit hawk" who financed every bit of the Bathhouse Rat's agenda but spent two years not allocating funds for a wall. Maybe some enterprising Notre Dame student can ask him about that. I sure would.

Trump self financed his campaign so nobody owns him. The Uniparty isn't pleased with that.

James D.

Beasts @ 7:45

I am with you 10,000%.

There’s a great quote from the end of one of the Thomas Covenant novels that perfectly describes my feeling towards Romney et al:

“We have served and served. Forever we have served. Chattel. Fodder. Sacrifice. And no reward. Do this. Do that Dig. Run. Die. No reward. None! “Now he pays. Punishment and apocalypse!”

Yes. Punishment and apocalypse for the GOPe traitors. Bring it on.


This is good news. Read this article.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Mexico’s Soldiers recently pulled guns on our National Guard Soldiers, probably as a diversionary tactic for drug smugglers on the Border. Better not happen again! We are now sending ARMED SOLDIERS to the Border. Mexico is not doing nearly enough in apprehending & returning!

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