Normally Ross Douthat tries to engage his Upper West Side readership with calm and sweet reason. Overcome, perhaps, by the martial memories of Memorial Day, he is now opting for a truth bomb which was nearly titled "Why Losers Lose":
How Liberalism Loses
An inflexible agenda and a global retreat.
In Australia a week ago, the party of the left lost an election it was supposed to win, to a conservative government headed by an evangelical Christian who won working-class votes by opposing liberal climate policies. In India last week, the Hindu-nationalist prime minister, Narendra Modi, won an overwhelming electoral victory. And as of this writing, Europeans are electing a Parliament that promises to have more populist representation than before.
The global fade of liberalism, in other words, appears to be continuing.
Are there lessons to be learned?
The fact that populism is flourishing internationally, far from the Electoral College and Fox News, suggests that Trump’s specific faults might actually be propping up American liberalism. If we had a populist president who didn’t alienate so many persuadable voters, who took full advantage of a strong economy, and who had the political cunning displayed by Modi or Benjamin Netanyahu or Viktor Orban, the liberal belief in a hidden left-of-center mandate might be exposed as a fond delusion.
But are these lessons being learned?
That liberal belief may also misunderstand the real correlation of forces in our politics. We had an example this week on our op-ed podcast, The Argument, where my colleague and co-host David Leonhardt interviewed Pete Buttigieg, the Midwestern mayor running for president with promises to build bridges between the heartland and the coasts. Leonhardt pressed Buttigieg on whether that bridge-building might include compromise on any social issues, and the answer seemed to be “no” — in part because Mayor Pete argued that on abortion and guns and immigration most middle Americans already agree with Democrats, that the liberal position is already the common ground.
The strategic flaw in this reading of the liberal situation is that politics isn’t about casually held opinions on a wide range of topics, but focused prioritization of specifics. As the Democratic data analyst David Shor has noted, you can take a cluster of nine Democratic positions that each poll over 50 percent individually, and find that only 18 percent of Americans agree with all of them. And a single strong, focused disagreement can be enough to turn a voter against liberalism, especially if liberals seem uncompromising on that issue.
A pattern of narrow, issue-by-issue resistance is also what you’d expect in an era where the popular culture is more monolithically left-wing than before. That cultural dominance establishes a broad, shallow left-of-center consensus, which then evaporates when people have some personal reason to reject liberalism, or confront the limits of its case.
None of this needs to spell doom for liberals; it just requires them to prioritize and compromise. If you want to put climate change at the center of liberal politics, for instance, then you’ll keep losing voters in the Rust Belt, just as liberal parties have lost similar voters in Europe and Australia. In which case you would need to reassure some other group, be it suburban evangelicals or libertarians, that you’re willing to compromise on the issues that keep them from voting Democratic.
Alternatively, if you want to make crushing religious conservatives your mission, then you need to woo secular populists on guns or immigration, or peel off more of the tax-sensitive upper middle class by not going full socialist.
Liberals need to compromise and prioritize? You see where this is going - "No enemies to the left" implies no compromise with any faction of the right.
But the liberal impulse at the moment, Buttigiegian as well as Ocasio-Cortezan, is to insist that liberalism is a seamless garment, an indivisible agenda that need not be compromised on any front. And instead of recognizing populism as a motley coalition united primarily by opposition to liberalism’s rule, liberals want to believe they’re facing a unitary enemy — a revanchist patriarchal white supremacy, infecting every branch and tributary of the right.
In this view it’s not enough to see racial resentment as one important form of anti-liberalism (which it surely is); all anti-liberalism must fall under the canopy. Libertarianism is white supremacy, the N.R.A. is white supremacy, immigration skepticism is white supremacy, tax-sensitive suburbia is white supremacy, the pro-life movement is white supremacy, anxiety about terrorism is white supremacy … and you can’t compromise with white supremacists, you can only crush them.
Which liberals may do in 2020, because Trump remains eminently beatable.
Well, beating Trump won't be the same as re-taking the Senate and the many GOP governorships, but yes, for the left it would be a start.
But in the long run, the global trend suggests that a liberalism that remains inflexible in the face of variegated resistance is the ideology more likely to be crushed.
"Stop hating, haters" as a response to any and all critics is unlikely to develop into a winning message.
What color is the sky in douthats world,
Posted by: Narciso79 | May 26, 2019 at 09:52 AM
The same color as bull shit, narc.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 10:15 AM
I may have to smash a few of my fingers with a hammer to help me forget that I read that garbage.
Posted by: Beasts of England | May 26, 2019 at 10:18 AM
Just dial the shoch collar to eleven, does Exeter and Harvard make you stupid like with yglesias
Posted by: Narciso79 | May 26, 2019 at 10:20 AM
'...Mayor Pete argued that on abortion and guns and immigration most middle Americans already agree with Democrats, that the liberal position is already the common ground.'
Posted by: Beasts of England | May 26, 2019 at 10:30 AM
MM, when we were going to the 500, I-65 from Chicago south was a raceway itself. So many state troopers etc. are in Speedway working the traffic in and out there’s no coverage.
Was ticking over at three digits MPH myself a couple years and rather enjoying it.
Posted by: Another Bob | May 26, 2019 at 10:33 AM
If you missed it, go back to the end of the prev thread where Beasts posted a lovely photo!
Posted by: JimNorCal | May 26, 2019 at 10:37 AM
The left is a hodgepodge of varied and conflicting interest and identity groups. No one can please them all.Great. Only BJC was slippery enough to do that.
Posted by: clarice | May 26, 2019 at 10:39 AM
Another Bob,
Good point about the state police being busy at the track.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 10:40 AM
MT, your meet up posted on the prior page sounds like it was great.
Posted by: clarice | May 26, 2019 at 10:40 AM
Did you make any color changes with the new paint job?
Posted by: Buckeye | May 26, 2019 at 10:42 AM
Gee, what a shame we elected a business guy instead of one of those Republicans who speak in cultured tones.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 10:44 AM
Glenn Greenwald
Verified account @ggreenwald
13m13 minutes ago
Countless news reports - from liberal outlets - documented what a serial liar @JohnBrennan was during the Obama years. Then NBC/MSNBC hired him, and allowed him to shape their "news' with constant, wilful disinformation they never challenged or corrected
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 10:47 AM
So true, Clarice: "The left is a hodgepodge of varied and conflicting interest and identity groups. No one can please them all.Great.Only BJC was slippery enough to do that."
And against that the GOP used to stand for limited government (since we all understood that all powers granted government are subtracted for the liberties of the people), support for the Constitution and the intent behind each paragraph, a strong defense against all internal and external threats, Judicial restraint post Marbury, Equal Justice (prompt and consistent) in a class free society, balanced budgets and sane financial management.
But now the GOP is fractured into groups around each of those categories and therefore seems as fractured as the Dem coalition has always been.
Posted by: Old Lurker | May 26, 2019 at 10:47 AM
Trump has “alienated persuadable voters”?
Where? Who? Getting the persuadables is exactly how Trump won, no? Better mid-term approval than Obama, no?
Seems to me the problem the out-of-touch progs have is too many people telling them that their Eden is just around the corner, which causes them to harden their positions.
Posted by: Another Bob | May 26, 2019 at 10:50 AM
What a load of absolute garbage from Douthat.
Not that that's a surprise, of course.
Especially this bit, which should win an award for stupidity:
If we had a populist president who didn’t alienate so many persuadable voters, who took full advantage of a strong economy, and who had the political cunning displayed by Modi or Benjamin Netanyahu
Netanyhu doesn't alienate voters? Has this moron not been paying any attenion even to the headlines in his own newspaper about israeli politics for, oh, the last 15 years or so?
Posted by: James D. | May 26, 2019 at 10:50 AM
Someone is not following orders
Mike on Twitter: "John Brennan still has a security clearance |" / Twitter
Posted by: lurkersusie | May 26, 2019 at 10:50 AM
OL--DJT is a true revolutionary and I think what we are seeing is a subrosa realignment of the parties.
Posted by: clarice | May 26, 2019 at 10:52 AM
Mark Knoller
Verified account @markknoller
After Sumo, PM Abe took his guests out to dinner at a hibachi restaurant. They dined on a 5-course meal which included:
- Japanese potato with butter
- Salad
- Grilled chicken
- Wagyu beef steak with broccoli and carrots
- Vanilla ice cream
Mark Knoller
Verified account @markknoller
4h4 hours ago
Catching up, Japanese spokesman said that for their after-golf lunch earlier in the day, Pres Trump and Prime Minister Abe had double cheeseburgers made from American beef, said the statement.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 10:52 AM
James D.,
Got to agree with you about that paragraph being garbage.
Where did we get all of these pearl clutchers who want BORING politicians?
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 10:57 AM
I swear when I posted that comment it was right after your pix of melania's dress. Of course I'd been to the pool, taken a shower and made ribs before I refreshed.
It was funny then.
Posted by: Jane | May 26, 2019 at 10:57 AM
MM’s 10:54 is on China’s navy rethinking its spending.
Posted by: Melinda | May 26, 2019 at 10:58 AM
Posted by: Melinda | May 26, 2019 at 10:59 AM
Video at link.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 11:00 AM
I swear when I posted that comment on the last thread, it was right after your pix of melania's dress. Of course I'd been to the pool, taken a shower and made ribs before I refreshed.
It was funny then.
Posted by: Jane | May 26, 2019 at 11:05 AM
MM: lesson--don't ride around in limos and keep raising gas taxes on those who don't.
Posted by: clarice | May 26, 2019 at 11:06 AM
Too bad the GOPe and Chamber of Commerce refuse to learn that lesson on gas taxes.
Posted by: henry | May 26, 2019 at 11:09 AM
A beautiful Pieces, Clarice. 🇺🇸
Posted by: Beasts of England | May 26, 2019 at 11:10 AM
lol, Jane! :)
Posted by: Beasts of England | May 26, 2019 at 11:11 AM
So true. I do not see how Macron retains power.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 11:11 AM
On NPR, Ramesh Ponnuru Goes Full David Brooks on Collusion, Spygate
Posted by: Extraneus | May 26, 2019 at 11:12 AM
Agreed Clarice.
Fingers crossed.
Posted by: Old Lurker | May 26, 2019 at 11:12 AM
So Ol Ross thinks that some believe that liberalism is a "seamless garment". Sort of like those "Jesus Britches" that Mormons used to wear under their garments---and that the Ross's of his world chose to denigrate as ridiculous superstitions. Of course modern day liberalism is full of ridiculous superstitions.
Posted by: Comanche Voter | May 26, 2019 at 11:20 AM
'They say, we want to move on from the scandal -- and then they won't let us move on from the scandal.'
I don't remember anyone on Trump's side saying we wanted to move on from the scandal. I know I don't. :)
Posted by: Beasts of England | May 26, 2019 at 11:20 AM
Willowed :(
JiB and Iggy: yesterday Hoyden and her pal from Bellingham walk off the early boat and meet us at the hangar. We all, including my sis visiting from NC, climb aboard and head to Boeing Field for the big Buffer Day.
Wow. It is the commemoration of a Vietnam Vet Memorial Garden at the Museum of Flight with the Midnight Express Buffer (built in 1960) as the centerpiece. That’s the same bird that is in my nic pic before they took it apart and trucked it down to the museum a couple years ago.
The whole effort was a grassroots operation including the entire crew of the M/E, and led to the Buffer being now fully restored.
Mad Dog, who grew up over in Richland, was the keynote speaker and was clear that he didn’t serve in VN, but his older brother did and was his inspiration to also join the Marines. He also said that the wisdom conveyed by his brother and other older men from that war helped him save a lot of men when his life or death decisions had to be made.
Later in the afternoon, they had an 1-1/2 hr session in the Allen Theater with 3 Buffer drivers and 2 other pilots, who were also POWs. Very moving session. Talked a lot about the Linebacker II Christmas bombing raid that finally drove the North to the negotiating table and won the release of the POWs.
Posted by: Manuel Transmission | May 26, 2019 at 11:22 AM
For Keto, I am having a late breakfast of Avocado Egg and Cheese:)
Hollow out a little more of the pit hole, pour in an egg on each piece, bake at 425F for 15 minutes then sprinkle some shredded cheese on the hot surface. Yummy.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 11:23 AM
As seen on FB: I'm pretty bad at math until someone orders mozzarella sticks for the whole table.
Posted by: Beasts of England | May 26, 2019 at 11:27 AM
I was Arc Light in an F model. Got out in '69 so missed Linebacker. My launch was Anderson but some guys went to U-Taipo in Thailand. Glad you got to see and hear those buffer stories.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 11:29 AM
Popular saying from VN war era, "I'd rather have a sister in a whorehouse than a brother flying BUFFs."
Posted by: Sammy Small | May 26, 2019 at 11:33 AM
Wave when you see this in any US media:
Posted by: clarice | May 26, 2019 at 11:35 AM
Pictures at link.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 11:39 AM
From one of my homeboys:
Posted by: Manuel Transmission | May 26, 2019 at 11:40 AM
Kept the red/white/blue theme, but dramatically different scheme. Medium dark metallic blue on the bottom including the wings. Red and silver ribbons along the sides and up the tail.
Posted by: Manuel Transmission | May 26, 2019 at 11:43 AM
VView from Speedway media center:
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 11:43 AM
I wonder if Abe and Trump went to Benihana? Isu kurimu?
I can imagine Trump off the cuff with the sumo wrestlers? "youse guys are bigger than big! The biggest! Bigly, even!"
He always seems to have the common touch, from going out to Arlington before he left greeting family members in the White House to reaching out when he stops over to our troops. Where Obama was stiff, Trump seems more engaged.
As to the libs it is impossible to tell them apart without a scorecard now. Buttigieg is dreaming that most of the country agrees with the on guns and abortion, especially in light of poll after poll.
I think that without these screaming liberal judges we would see serious limits on abortion rights. 90 days max after conception seems reasonable, and more and more doctors are putting paid to the lies about mother's lives and rape. Those circumstances are both rare and some of the stories coming to the fore now directly contradict their propaganda.
Their platform is a tapestry of lies, so how can they even think they can successfully engage the middle?
Posted by: matt - deplore me if you must | May 26, 2019 at 11:45 AM
This is a nice story:
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 11:46 AM
Posted by: clarice | May 26, 2019 at 11:50 AM
Trump genuinely likes people. Saw him at a rally last year and you cannot miss it when seeing him live.
I watch a lot of videos of his White House events and his engagement with the people attending, whether cabinet officials, sports teams, or average citizens, is remarkably the same. Lots of personal contact, shoulder patting while shaking hands, joking, and the use of first names.
I dono't think the left understands how important this is. Every one of their candidates (and people in Congress as well) seem mostly concerned with telling people what to do and convincing everyone that they are smarter than everyone else.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 11:52 AM
Not only that, but he worked for Eric Holder's AG department before being appointed!
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 11:54 AM
New Abortion Laws Reportedly Affecting College Enrollment Decisions
Posted by: Extraneus | May 26, 2019 at 11:56 AM
Helio Castraneves will carry Betty Rutherford's name on the side of his car. She was Johnny Rutherford's wife and passed away last winter. She is remembered fondly in Indianapolis as one of the pioneers of women at the track.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 11:56 AM
JiB, the crew at the event were in either D or G models. They explained that there were a lot of G models lost due to them having much less jamming capability as their main purpose was going over the pole, not dodging S-2s. In fact, they had a stand down day early in the eleven day campaign after losing 4(?) Buffers in one day.
Posted by: Manuel Transmission | May 26, 2019 at 11:58 AM
Just announced by Tirico that Bart Starr has died. 85y.o. RIP Bart.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 11:59 AM
This is an April article I hadn't seen. LOTS of information on the new president and the monumental clean-up task he faces.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:00 PM
13m13 minutes ago
DEVELOPING: Exit polls from 7 EU countries expected at 12 pm ET, 6pm CET, including exit polls from the Netherlands and Germany.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:02 PM
That and expanding tonnage of ordinance both in the bay and wing pylons.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 12:03 PM
RIP, Bart. (RTR)
Posted by: Beasts of England | May 26, 2019 at 12:06 PM
Maybe it was Lombardi's system but I thought Starr was a boring QB.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 26, 2019 at 12:07 PM
Like Woody's, 3 yards and a cloud of dust:)
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 12:11 PM
Actually he headed a division at Covington and birling and may have worked alongside Mueller in northern califirnia
Posted by: Narciso79 | May 26, 2019 at 12:16 PM
Pretty much, Jack; pounding Taylor and Hornung. He was turning the Skins around when he died. #9 even lost his gut!
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 26, 2019 at 12:17 PM
Ponnuru is hindi for frum, have I not made that clear.
Posted by: Narciso79 | May 26, 2019 at 12:18 PM
Opening ceremonies starting. Presentation of colors, Invocation by the Archbishop of Indianapolis, National Anthem, and Back Home Again in Indiana.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:21 PM
On update, re: (Dr.) Naomi Wolf. Her book was based on her doctoral thesis at New College (Oxford). That's some serious elite'n rat there!
Posted by: Beasts of England | May 26, 2019 at 12:22 PM
In this thread, Stu channels our Stephaie. Hilarious!
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:24 PM
'...have I not made that clear.'
That's Hall of Fame material, narciso!! 👊🏼
Posted by: Beasts of England | May 26, 2019 at 12:24 PM
I am so uncaughtup with reading so wanted to say how appreciative I feel for being invited to accompany MT to the Museum of Flight yesterday. So memorable on so many different levels. Veterans, aviation and American history in magnificent abundance. Our meal afterwards after flying back to Friday Harbor was a nice experience after such an eventful day.
Posted by: hoyden | May 26, 2019 at 12:25 PM
I just love listening to the opening ceremonies. They also played taps, and a laady is now singing "God Bless America."
It's so very Hoosier and old-fashioned, and I love it!
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:26 PM
Kelly Clarkson singing the National Anthem after the announcer asks everyone to rise in respect and remove their hats.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:28 PM
Flyover by Air Force Heritage Flight.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:30 PM
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:30 PM
Interesting, that W issued an EO allowing military veterans to salute the flag heads uncovered during the Anthem but you rarely see that at large gathering like the 500.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 12:32 PM
Gove is a slimy little weasel, who was rewarded by may for stabbing Johnson at the finishline.
Posted by: Narciso79 | May 26, 2019 at 12:33 PM
Gove is the weasel who gave them May if you remember. Boris will clean his clock.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 12:35 PM
How did the pilots flying arclight that would be 66-67 feel about their missions over north Vietnam.
Tk theres a knob with six setting on the left, thr farthest is the hottest.
Posted by: Narciso79 | May 26, 2019 at 12:37 PM
Jack, Narciso,
I cannot help but think that the Brits, having seen the weak leadership and zero personality of May, and the larger-than-life and strangth of Trump, would prefer Boris Johnson.
However, it's up to the MP's and not the voters, so we will see.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:38 PM
Totally OT but sweet video of mama with hatching baby to hear their little chirping. (These are in the UK)
Needed a little something to lower my blood pressure after spending 5 minutes on Twitter :)
Posted by: Momto2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:39 PM
Now the Purdue band an an IU grad singing "Back Home Again in Indiana."
I cannot tell you guys how homesick I was when I heard this performed on the Armed Forces Network when I lived in West Berlin.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:39 PM
Drivers are now in their cars.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:42 PM
Much like the drivers in the 500, narc. They were stoked to finally drive into harm's way. A lot of adrenaline for the first t/o.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 12:42 PM
Video at link, although not all of the song.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:44 PM
Green flag. They are off.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 12:51 PM
67 passes already, according to the radio guys!
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:52 PM
This explains the Magnitsky Act, which I knew nothing about.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:53 PM
Verified account @WISH_TV
25s26 seconds ago
#INDY500 YELLOW FLAG: Trouble with car of Colton Herta.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 12:54 PM
I like the idea of darker blue.
Did Hoyden fly right seat to or from Boeing?
Posted by: Buckeye | May 26, 2019 at 01:17 PM
Buckeye, no, Mrs MT was helping due to shitty WX. Sadly there was no sightseeing either.
Posted by: Manuel Transmission | May 26, 2019 at 01:20 PM
My nephew left Microsoft for a position at Amazon. Seems as this is the current fast track path.
Good news is he is 29 years old and started at Amazon at $280K.
Bad news is he still can't afford to buy a house.
West coast cost of living is in the stratosphere.
Posted by: Buckeye | May 26, 2019 at 01:23 PM
A lot of empty seats at the 500. Or are the occupants getting food and drink?
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 01:25 PM
Housing is so expensive and it affects everything. In SF a nanny costs $80k a year.
Posted by: clarice | May 26, 2019 at 01:25 PM
Back in my time in SF, I had a one bedroom apartment with kitchen, dining room, living room, garage space in Pacific Heights for $1,100 a month:) That was 1992 to 1997. I even kept it when I went to permanent status in Buenos Aires not knowing if I would have to come back to fill another position. I let some friends across the Bay use it as long as they kept it clean and no parties.
The Landlady was Elizabeth Warren's doppelganger:)
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 01:42 PM
So where is PETA on Putin?
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 01:49 PM
Red has a good friend who went to stanford and then stayed in sf to work in business after graduating. All 4 roommates had 6 figure incomes and all they could swing collectively was a small basic apartment.
He got fed up after two years or so and took a job in austin.
Posted by: rse | May 26, 2019 at 01:51 PM
Can't be sure. Those stands are metal, so I wouldn't want to sit on them very long.
The weather has been iffy and it may be some people bailed. Looks like the race will finish before the next round of storms blows in.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 01:56 PM
What Obama, Holder, and Comey have wrought.
Amazing that in 8 years two institutions of American security were so compromised and corrupted. Still on the Ledge but will do handstands if Barry somehow gets exposed as a treasonous asshat.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 02:00 PM
Leaving for a while. We have to go down and pick up a sewing machine in a cabinet that a friend is giving my daughter.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 26, 2019 at 02:04 PM
Beasts @ 8:59 from the previous thread.
I have to give you credit. You can quibble to evade answering questions better than anyone else on this blog. You know good and damn well the allegations Trump was facing when he took office and you know good and damn well that was the point I was making.
BTW this is the main point you decided to ignore:
There is no way in hell Trump could have gone on the offensive on Day 1 with that cloud hanging over his head. He couldn’t go on the offensive until he was proven innocent of the false allegations.
Allegations and charges are synonymous terms in this context.
Posted by: Tom R | May 26, 2019 at 02:11 PM
Well holder was a college radical at Colombia and brennan was an actual communist in 1980, so not a surprise, his predecessor Panetta was a Soviet dupe as noted before.
Posted by: Narciso79 | May 26, 2019 at 02:12 PM
Althouse asks where did Naomi Wolf get her PhD. and finds this. Oxford has a lot to answer for.
"From 1985 to 1987, she was a Rhodes Scholar at New College, Oxford, but did not complete her original doctoral thesis.... Wolf returned to Oxford to complete her PhD in 2015, supervised by Dr Stefano-Maria Evangelista. The PhD thesis that she wrote was the basis for her 2019 book 'Outrages: Sex, Censorship and the Criminalisation of Love.'
Oh! So this book was an Oxford PhD thesis?! Wow. Oxford needs to account for itself. There's a brand that ought to mean something. Do the thesis advisers there rely ultimately on authors for the integrity of their research and fact-checking? Did the NYT attempt to talk with Stefano-Maria Evangelista? Can we get him on the air at BBC?"
Posted by: mike in houston | May 26, 2019 at 02:24 PM
80 laps to go. Frog still in front.
Posted by: Jim Eagle | May 26, 2019 at 02:24 PM