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June 21, 2019


Jim Eagle



Cuomo is waiting in the wings for the Motley Crew to deflate.

By then New York’s governor will have all his bona fides in order to save the Democratic Party.

Jim Eagle

New York is part of NEPC which includes Quebec and their expansive hydro generation. So, free ride is definitely in the cards. If so, Quebec doesn’t come under FREC and just raise their export rates to make dummy Cuomo look more of a moron than he actually is.


Jack, you might want to consider expediting the sale of the Southampton property.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the exodus pick up steam and drive property values down.

Jim Eagle


Jim Eagle

You are a mind reader, Buckeye. But until Wall Street moves to Kansas, I think I am fine.


Gee, take an area, fill it with rich folks, ban self defense, ban energy and private cars, then during the next blackout the invading barbarians will have a great time. Way to go Cuomo.

Jim Eagle


I know the family. You are too complimentary.


Escapd from New York the hoe to manual.

Doesn't new York state have nearly as many people as all of canada.




Did they give blackbeard a book contract

James D.

Weissmann should have been fired, disbarred and probably prosecuted himself for his past actions.

He certainly should be charged for his corrupt actions during the Mueller witch hunt.

It is SO far past time for these criminals to be punished. But instead they not only roam free, they collect seven-figure book deal bribes, to go along with their lifetime, gold-plated, taxpayer-funded pensions.

I want blood in the goddamn streets at this point.


The other day henry posted about smart TVs and concerns about the IOT (Internet of Things). But who knew there were smart light bulbs? I didn't, but this from GE (video at link) is unintentionally hilarious:


I would short GE stock immediately. Thomas Edison is rolling in his grave.


I think Weissmann should be prosecuted. For what? I'm not sure. But he should be.

Gee, I sound like a liberal.


"NY State Democrats approve the most virtue-signalling green program yet"

Next up: anti gravity and a faster than light propulsion system!
Still in committee: perpetual motion.

James D.

Well, Jane, the Democrat Party, the DoJ under the reign of Obama and his holdover moles, and the MSM, all have told us that it's just peachy keen to start a prosecution without any actual crime, or evidence, or anything like that, if you really, really, really don't like somebody.

Their rules. Time to use them against the progs.

Jim Eagle


What would be the charge if someone, say a prosecutor, tried to frame a person, with a dubious charge the SCOTUS


Thanks for the keto feedback back thread.
I'm off to China on Wed where well meaning people will try to stuff me with rice and noodles, but yeah--the diet has been easy and pleasant.

Jim Eagle






I can't find the article now, but just read a great piece on this New York virtue signalling energy crap. They are closing the nuclear plant in Buchanan, New York that provides half of New York City's electricity and replacing it with two gas-fired plants further upstate which will generate more carbon. It's all virtue-signaling, no substance, all the time. The only thing that the ne law actually mandates is a committee of twenty two officials to rule on who gets to use what resources. Something tells me Bane will still have his SUV, and Chuck and Andy will still use their helicopters, while the rest of us have rolling brownouts.

Jim Eagle

Played by Trump again. They really have no clue.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The only zero these dumbasses will net is wealth.


They keep stepping on the rake like side show bob.

James D.

Something tells me Bane will still have his SUV, and Chuck and Andy will still use their helicopters, while the rest of us have rolling brownouts.

That's the goal. That's always the goal. They see themselves as feudal lords living it up, looking down at us serfs who shiver in the dark and kiss their feet when they deign to throw us a few scraps now and then.


So that tells me the target was one of those missile launchers not thr navy base at jask from where they launched the attack on the Norwegian and Japanese tankers.



So that’s gonna happen, anyway.

Jim Eagle


You shut down Indian Point you are in big doo-doo. You can’t replace that much base load with some combined cycle NG fired plants. Time for some serious engineering intervention followed by guys with straight jackets.


Good afternoon! Ha,Howie Carr opened his show with the "M.T.A." song by the Kingston Trio,because the red line will be closed all summer after the recent derailment. He also talked to former Gov. LePage,who is very upset about the situation in Portland. He said the immigrant influx is draining money and resources from the needy elderly,children and homeless vets. LePage said,who could imagine that homeless people would be sleeping in front of Longfellow's house?


Where will NY get all the natural gas? They banned fracking.


I know you regret you missed it captain:



Yep they are going full Venezuela on an Express elevator,


CNN Panel Slams House Democrats for ‘Offensive’ Treatment of Hope Hicks


Is there any chance Nadler called Miss Page “Side Piece Lis’”?


A meeting between Zero and Bono (with Clooney thrown in) ought to generate plenty of natural gas. Can they capture it?



Termite mounds and big cities share a lot of characteristics aside from homogeneity and termites won’t hit you up for bus fare.


Kim Kardashian studied the law or

Legally Swarthy


NRA Suspends Chris Cox, Alleges He Took Part In ‘Coup’ Attempt. He Says Claims Against Him Are ‘Patently False’

The National Rifle Association suspended chief lobbyist Chris Cox, alleging he participated in a coup attempt against CEO Wayne LaPierre, according to court documents.

The gun-rights behemoth said Cox’s text messages and emails with a board member show an apparent attempt to oust CEO Wayne LaPierre, reported The New York Times on Thursday, noting the full context was unclear.

The allegations were disclosed in the latest chapter of the NRA’s ongoing management saga: a lawsuit the gun group filed against former president Oliver North in response to his alleged attempts to collect legal fees related to his litigation as well as a Senate Finance Committee probe.

They should put it up for a membership vote. I'd vote to oust LaPierre, too.


Happy Summer! The first day of summer here has been cool and rainy,so hubby burned brush. I'm running out of closets and cupboards to clean on these rainy days! It is going to be a short summer! For the sake of the tourists and the locals (who are desperate for good weather) I hope the weather improves.


This just in: Hope Hicks is Hawt.

Now back to regularly scheduled programming.


Giving Kim Kardashian yet another platform for self-promotion is by far worse than Stormy Daniels and creepy porn lawyer but what’s the alternative? WTF are you thinking, PDJT?


I second the notion, lyle.

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

I got a renewal call from the NRA this morning and told them not until they got their house in order.

The caller didn't argue but just said thank you and hung up. I think they are well aware this shit is hurting membership and $$.




So 5hey were going to arrest him and hold him in battery park.

Captain Hate

I know you regret you missed it captain

Crowe must have been in the Jack Aubrey mode when cast as Ailes. I'm glad he didn't just take the pencil neck's self preserving stupidity as anything other than what it is. Ailes last great action was recognizing Tammy's talents were squandered on BOR's clown show and moving her to Fox Business spots.

Jim Eagle

First day of summer in the Hammock: 90F, 60 % humidity, no breeze. Time for Lavender scented ice towels.


BOR's clown show

Sean's clown feet filled those shoes nicely:)

Captain Hate

Not that the Horde dwells on things excessively

"to think I used to get really angry when you guys would bait me with the Michelle Fields "one arm" joke
Posted by: ace at June 21, 2019 02:48 PM (PbpT7)"

Yeah being a faggy white knight for Michelle Fields is definitely one of the worst things I ever did here.
Posted by: Broseidon - New Work Computer, Same Work Ethic at June 21, 2019 02:49 PM (oZ6kz)


He reminds me of syme from 1984:


Jim Eagle

As an O’ Brien fan ((all the books) Crowe was the ideal Captain Jack Aubrey. No dissent on my end.



— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 21, 2019

Video at link, guaranteed to infuriate dems. HA!

Captain Hate

Really, Jack, that was perfect casting. My mental picture of Aubrey through each subsequent book was Crowe.

Captain Hate

But, but, but no toned arms!!!





Just a slightly different angle



In the song Fancy the mom wasn’t named but Kris Jenner is as good as any:

“It was Kris who engineered the deal behind the scenes and was responsible for the tape seeing the light of day.”



Dems are the party of death.


GOVERNOR DEATH: @GovEvers just vetoed bills that would protect infants born alive after botched abortions; prevent discrimination-based abortions; provide women taking the abortion pill w/info about reversing it; prohibiting medical assistance $$ from going to abortion providers.


There is probably no God, but if there is, it would be better if He was on our side.



Environmentalism is the state pseudo religion, we know this. The Orthodoxy of the past forty years has been depopulation. With the success of that gospel now there’s a new revelation: we don’t have enough people.

Really? No, not really. We don’t have enough of the right people. Who are the right people? Anyone who rejects Logos.

We can work with those people.


That was a read I wasn’t expecting in the NYSlimes, Clarice. Thanks!


My pleasure.


What was behind the NYT paywall?

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

Interesting info on foreigners traveling in Mexico:

Another good reason to obtain your FMM...

Starting yesterday, all long haul passenger bus lines in Mexico will be required to see proof of ID for all bus passengers traveling within Mexico. Foreigners will be asked to provide proof of legal status provided by INM...

In order to ride a bus there, you now have to prove you are there legally.

Old Lurker

Iggy "The only zero these dumbasses will net is wealth."

Bell Curve.

For every million or so serfs who will net zero wealth (if they are that lucky since the range extends below zero), there will be an Al Gore, Elon Musk, Clinton, or Obama who will scoop up all the change under the tables and get very, very rich imposing that crap on the rest of us.


I travel to Florida, Philly, Baltimore, and on rare occasion Chicago. What is a FMM?


to resurrect nondelegation doctrine, SCOTUSblog (Jun. 20, 2019, 10:32 PM), https://www.scotusblog.com/2019/06/opinion-analysis-court-refuses-to-resurrect-nondelegation-doctrine/


henry, I can't post anything on this page except cut and pastes.


The NYT article is an op ed along the same lines as the Scotus blog article--are we seeing the beginning of the end of the administrative state?


Clarice, no need for cut & paste. A two sentence hint would be great.


William Wilhelm gives us MEATLESS MONDAYS.
Andrew C. Homo gives us HEATLESS Tuesday-Saturday.

Nice work 'tards, what do you do for an ENCORE.

Bring you aborted child to work day??




GUS, parts exchange Wednesday?


just fixed it by closing the page and starting it up again.
The Op ed in the nyt suggests that the Ct is moving away from the FDR era which allowed Congress to delegate law making power to the executive branch.



President Donald Trump has scored his highest approval rating ever in a key national poll, but the media outlet that produces it, USA Today, never mentioned that fact in its write-up.

Old Lurker

That was a good read, Clarice.

What the writer fails to grasp, in warning of overturning almost a century of allowing agencies to run wild with broad stroke laws, is that until Trump, those agencies were allowed to be "run" by an elected POTUS who got to act as CEO of ALL agencies without question.

Denying Trump his executive authorities by injunction or "resistance" makes the "government" answerable to no effective control by any elected official.

Looked at that way, he is damn right that "the entire government" is unconstitutional.

Bring it!

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

Online tourist card (FMM) facts:

Requires a valid passport or passport card.
The FMM is free if your trip is 7 days or less and you are traveling by land.
Online fee: $533 pesos - approximately U.S. $24 per person.
The fee may be paid by Visa or Mastercard only (credit or debit card)
Print out the FMM form in minutes.


So there was an ig investigation of wiesman and they shut it down when he joined the special counsel office? The is a $hitshow.😒 pic.twitter.com/2Ro9EeS8D2

— Mccabe's Porsche on blocks (@Larry_Beech) June 21, 2019

Screen cap from a FOIA release at the link.


I may write about Gundy on Sunday--and if I do, OL I will certainly add your well-considered point.



That NYSlimes piece goes to the core of that Mark Levin segment with Prof Marini.


From Insty:https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/rosiak-exposes-another-hill-computer-outrage-the-daily-caller-news-foundations-luke-rosiak-busted/


Bernie Sanders: Illegal Immigrants ‘Absolutely’ Covered in His Medicare for All Plan


Who shut it down? Why can’t it be re-started?


Why it’s almost as if one branch of government was a fully functioning crime syndicate, with plug and play “elected” officials.



Not such a surprise that it was in the NYT, since the point was to raise the left’s blood pressure over the prospects of a conservative majority in the court.

There was also an op-ed in the WSJ by an old-school liberal lamenting what liberalism has come to today. Behind the paywall no doubt, but I’ll link it anyway:



Gundy versus the Cook County Skool O’ Bidness?

I may need a UHaul for my popcorn restock trip this evening.

And Bernie? How many of your “Naturally Covered” Illegales will be available after Sunday morning’s Raids? Hmmm?


Scottish lad kicked out of class by Brainwashed Boomer for opining there are only two genders:




Most have left the state so they are being fined $500/day.


I bet that’s less than their per firm.


NBC Hails Teens ‘Rewriting Rules of Gender,’ ‘Educating’ Parents

“This morning, we’re kicking off a special series called Pride 50 with an eye-opening look at gender fluidity....How the teens of Gen Z are changing the rules and educating their parents,” co-host Savannah Guthrie proclaimed at the top of the 8:00 a.m. ET hour as she teased the upcoming story celebrating the left-wing social agenda.


Snow praised the alleged the wisdom of the younger generation:

It used to be gender was pretty straightforward. There was just he and she. But today, gender lines are blurring with the teens of Gen Z embracing gender fluidity. A recent survey found more than half of teens now shop outside their given gender [whatever that means] and know someone who goes by gender-neutral pronoun like “they” or “them.” And more than a third of Gen Z believes gender doesn’t define a person as much as it used to.

“And it’s impacting nearly every part of our culture,” the reporter gushed as she highlighted: “Mainstream clothing brands like H&M and Zara have introduced gender-neutral clothing lines....Popular TV shows like Orange is the New Black and Billions feature gender-fluid characters and ten states and Washington, D.C. now offer a gender-neutral ‘X’ option on their driver’s licenses.”

So great to have something new to celebrate.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I meant the economy of the state of New York would net zero wealth, OL.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I'm getting confused.
I thought we had to believe sexual orientation was a dyed in the wool genetic certainty.
But if gender is fluid doesnt that mean who they're attracted to must be fluid also or the first assertion seems false.

I propose a more common sense assertion. There are lots of weirdos and perverts in the world and it was a better world when they lived in closets.


I could see getting kicked out of German class for insisting that there are only two genders.

I think Ta Neesi Coates took German so he could write “die polizei” a hundred times on the chalkboard.


Women wearing dresses and makeup is a social construct.

The first thing a man does to become a woman is put on a dress and makeup.


I had a trans friend. He was a great man and a pathetic woman. I couldn't even imagine a man would think like that about a woman.


Didn't we read the other day about a movement to sue the Spanish language because it only includes male and female nouns and has refused to add "Latinx" to the dictionary?


“Per firm” = “Per Diem”

Thanks, autocucumber!


I probably told this story before Mr Iggy but it bears repeating. We had a notorious transvestite in my county when I was growing up. I always heard about Larry sitings at Safeway or the bank but I never ran into him.

He worked at the nearby power plant. I had a route sales gig for a while and I delivered to said plant.

One day I’m walking through the men’s locker room delivering overalls and I notice something. There’s a long shelf where the fellas set their hard hats. In a sea of white hard hats there’s one pink one.

I guess Larry suffered from the delusion that many people have about the colors blue and pink.


I'm a big fan of the color pink. Just got a pink fly swatter yesterday in fact.

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