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July 31, 2019


Texas Liberty Gal


Texas Liberty Gal

That almost never happens!!!

Texas Liberty Gal

I've been out of pocket all day and came here to see what's happening and all I get is myself!

Texas Liberty Gal

Anybody here???

Texas Liberty Gal

Evidently the new Green Deal played a big role??



Texas Liberty Gal

Must have been pretty boring - headline on Drudge -Fight NIGHT - Biden Swings and Ducks..


Looks like he clicked himself

How's the hand?


I’m still not getting a straight answer what Tulsi smacked Kamala on....


Her denial about her health plan, and who came up with itm

Texas Liberty Gal

HI LK!!!

Texas Liberty Gal

LS I nmeant


I’m still not getting a straight answer what Tulsi smacked

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Sen. Kamala Harris' time as prosecutor: "I'm concerned about this record of Senator Harris. She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana." (link: http://abcn.ws/2SXbNjz) abcn.ws/2SXbNjz #DemDebate


DrJ from WAY back...
"That bears little relationship to how food is metabolized, and what we excrete"

And it's not just chemical pathways, right?
We have millions and billions of bacteria in our gut that help digestion but take their cut of the energy available. Those organisms (I think) are not part of our tissues. They're foreign cells.


I didnt know he wrote fir the Babylon bee



Also for leaving an innocent man on death row, and keeping inmates in jail after their sentences were up so the state could profit from their labor. And just by having hair that was leagues nicer than Kamala's.


She is a nasty piece of work isnt ahe?


How will that work out in Pennsylvania?

Biden says there’s no place for coal or fracking in his administratio


Well you ain't having an administration bub.

jim nj



Candace Owens

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Tulsi Gabbard is a wee bit dangerous.
Don't wish too much luck on her.


There's no room for Brains in Biden's head, what with all the plugs and scar tissue.

Hey anyone see TLG recently??? Wink wink.

jim nj

update on USS Ford



Tulsi and Yang and Delaney are the only 3 I can stomach.

jim nj

What will we see first - Ford's elevators or the DOJ IG report?


Maryrose, that's a sad commentary on the once proud FULL COMMIE PARTY.

Yang is a nut. Free money for everyone.

When did we get to the edge of COMMUNISM.

Who supports free money for everyone???


Pssst: (Most Of Wall St, so long as it’s just for them.)

Another Bob

Ig, what makes Tulsi dangerous in your view? I’m not disagreeing BTW.


Yes, I knew it as soon as I clicked on post.

Another Bob

MMT on line 2 Mel.

Do the PTBs have control over the crypto’s yet?


I didn't watch but apparently Tulsi accused Trump of supporting ISIS and Al Quaeda. WTF?


Yeah Jimmy, she's a fucking moderate??

They're all fucking nuts. Each and every one of them. It's like watching a horror movie. These people added to the PROPAGANDIZED BILL AYERS culture.

This country is fucked.


I didn’t see that part about her comments on the President.
That is just whacky.

jim nj


But we do worry about what these Russian and Chinese weapon systems might be able to do. Myth or fact, we have no defense against them and have only begun the needed(?) research on how to defend against them.

I suspect the Russians are hyping vaporware, especially if you read the link below. The Chinese may be for real.


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

First, she's attractive and plenty of guys are dumb enough to vote on that.
Second, she's a vet.
Third, in a country of blind, utterly zany, far left prog Dems the one eyed broad who can sound slightly less zany is queen.
Fourth she's anti-war in almost any form which appeals to a lot of people who are sick of endless wars we don't win or even try to win.
Fifth, she's attractive.

I don't even know if she could win more than a small handful of blue states but my spidey sense is always tingling when she starts doing well, and it aint the thrill she puts up my leg that's doing the tingling.


Wasnt she the author elliot met in dc.

I think that sums it up, well.


Shes still a crowd of crazy people like the post apocalyptic scene in the first tng episode.
Now the Saudis have enlisted the wahhabis sometime actual al queda to fight the Houthis. The UAE has done similar

Another Bob

Gotcha Ig.

For me, it’s ”attractive” (non-politics resume-wise) candidates that come out of nowhere and get traction. I wonder who’s running them, ‘cause that isn’t organic, and they have no basis to be a chief executive of an ice cream stand. Same deal with Yang, Buttigag and that 100% phony O’Rourke.


Well she's been on a shoe string budget since the beginning


jim nj


"One of the petition organisers said the saga had already taken a toll on the finance industry, with some private banking clients already shifting assets to neighbouring economies, such as Singapore and Taiwan."

jim nj


China reminding Taiwan with invasion drills that Taiwan is vulnerable. Taiwan, in counter drills, reminding China that it will pay a huge price if it tries it.


Celebrated my Aunt's 93rd birthday yesterday in Troy, Ohio.
A beautiful day, a beautiful soul.

She and my sister and I are all Trump supporters and reveled in our shared viewpoint. :) :)

I heard this claimed recently in a PowerLineBlog podcast- Trump ran in 2012 but dropped out early. Who else has no memory of that?

He added: "I have spent the past several months unofficially campaigning and recognise that running for public office cannot be done half-heartedly. Ultimately, however, business is my greatest passion and I am not ready to leave the private sector."
(This following I remember. MissM has pointed it out several times)
The decision comes after the businessman was repeatedly trounced by Obama last month over the "birther" issue. Trump took doubts about Obama's birthplace from the fringes of American politics to the mainstream, but the president undercut him by publishing the long form of his birth certificate, proving he had been born in the US. Obama humiliated Trump a few days later with a series of jokes at his expense at the White House correspondents' dinner, with the businessman present.

With the 2012 presidential election three years behind us, it's easy to forget that billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump was briefly atop Republican polls before he decided against running.


"Biden did have a few senior moments, the most bizarre of which came at the very end of his closing statement when he urged people to “go to Joe 30330.” I think he wanted people to text him at that number. He also warned against eight more years of Trump, as though this were 2017. ... since Biden was being attacked from the far left, he probably solidified his position as the choice of Democrats who aren’t radical leftists. Frankly, there just isn’t much competition in that lane"

jim nj


Congrats on your aunt's 93rd birthday.

I remember Trump's brief run. I think he may have surmised that taking on a sitting president was a "bridge too far." Taking on a fat, juicy target like Hillary must have been a wet dream for him. He knew who he would be facing before he dispatched all the Republican candidates.

It's not unusual for candidates to take a run at something and decide that the timing is not right.


Thanks jim_nj

Happy to see this
Slaughterhouse owner who used illegal immigrants sentenced to 18 months in federal prison.

Now...back to sleep

jim nj

If there is such a thing anymore, "rational" Democratic voters are backing Biden, as the alternatives are seen as too radical to win.

They may knock Biden down a little, but they won't knock him out.

jim nj

Putting employers of Illegals in jail - what a concept.

jim nj

Similarly, I have to wonder if the Chinese leadership is no longer "rational".

Crack down on Taiwan whose companies have invested billions in a great many factories in China.

Crack down on Hong Kong the prime entrepot of investment into China.

No more Taiwanese investment, indeed disinvestment. No more Hong Kong financial market as investors take their money to safer markets.

Right now there is no reason to stop buying and selling on the Hong Kong exchange, but there is no good reason to leave your money there. You can trade the HK market from anywhere.

jim nj


Really strange story.

jim nj


San Francisco decides that busing the homeless to a less liberal destination might help them.

WTF? What if every other city thought the homeless would be better off in SF?

Gives a whole new meaning to Kamala Haris's support of busing.

jim nj

Congress should fully fund the "Greyhound" bill. Every "homeless" person should have unlimited travel on "Greyhound" buses. By definition they would be "nomads" not homeless. Problem solved.

If they all decide they like the California benefits and weather, they'll be legal immigrants with access to all the benefits that illegal immigrants can access.

They'll be taken care of in no time.


Would you carry them thru Twilight Zone: The Movie?

If you traipse your kid 2,000 miles in dangerous conditions you're not only a criminal, you're a shitty parent.

Wow. The complete lack of sympathy, respect, and general awareness is astonishing. Also, I would carry my kid through fire if it meant escaping hell.


If you put Peter peter peter eater on Beatoffs shoulders, they would add up to about half a man.


The MFM is abuzz about Slo Jo Biden calling Kameltoe "Kid".

I guess he thought WHORE was inappropriate.


Corey Polly not Gay Booker, has a "Community" and they have a saying about KOOL AID.

Naturally they do. Booker is not a bright man.


When Biden and Cory "Probably not gay" Booker talked about beating up Trump, I think Booker threatened to hit POTUS DJT with his purse.


This is an even better look for SV:



Obviously in it “for the children”:



but the president undercut him by publishing the long form of his birth certificate, proving he had been born in the US.

Not to open up a Pandora's Box, but is that accurate?


Here's the story about Tulsi claiming Trump supports Al Quaeda. I guess her claim is that Saudi Arabia supports AQ and Trump supports SA.



Good morning!


Gee, Mitt takes a break from bashing POTUS:

Mitt Romney
Asked why
is so angry, the answer is simple: 28 years in Congress and never able to pass even a scintilla of his socialist agenda. All hat, no cattle.


This was yesterday:



Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump · 7h7 hours ago

The people on the stage tonight, and last, were not those that will either Make America Great Again or Keep America Great! Our Country now is breaking records in almost every category, from Stock Market to Military to Unemployment. We have prosperity & success like never before..

...It will soon be time to choose to keep and build upon that prosperity and success, or let it go. We are respected again all around the world. Keep it that way! I said I will never let you down, and I haven’t. We will only grow bigger, better and stronger TOGETHER!


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump · 8m8 minutes ago

Congratulations to Kelly Knight Craft of #Kentucky on her confirmation as United Nations Ambassador. After having served so admirably as Ambassador to Canada, & having done an outstanding job no matter how difficult the task, Kelly will be fantastic at the United Nations. Winner!

Another Bob

And jimmy, Tulsi was in the military so she can’t not be right about that.



Rally in Cincinnati today!


Wasn't FLYNN in the military?


There is a really nice article on Amy Barnett and a decision she wrote for a Title IX case at Purdue, but when I post it, it just disappears. Very strange.




Here's the part where Tulsi went after Harris. Video at link.


Cat 🐈 Fight 🤜🏼🤛🏼

Only truth of #DemocratDebate #FactsMatter


— ATX Patriot (@ATX_PATRIOT) August 1, 2019

This is from Harris’s press secretary

Ian Sams
· 10h
Reporters writing their stories with eyes on the modern-day assignment desk of Twitter, read this:

"The Russian propaganda machine that tried to influence the 2016 election is now promoting the presidential aspirations of a controversial Hawaii Democrat"

(link: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/russia-s-propaganda-machine-discovers-2020-democratic-candidate-tulsi-gabbard-n964261) nbcnews.com/politics/2020-…



This is a really good column by Kurt Schlichter.

Another Bob

MUH RUSSIA!!!111!1!!

I’ve seen that “foreign influence” crap starting to get suggested elsewhere too LS. The dems must be getting very scared of Gabbard.

When do democrats start taking responsibility for their bad candidates?


Someone tell Tulsi that OBL's son was killed and it is more than likely Saudis are involved in that.


Trending on Twitter at #4 is #KamalaHarrisDestroyed. For proof, go to the screen cap at the link on this tweet:


Well, good morning! pic.twitter.com/Rf3nnu1wmS

— Shem Horne (@Shem_Infinite) August 1, 2019
Another Bob

Did Kamala really say she’d be a prosecutor-President?

What is it about the dem worldview that makes them believe anyone who stands in their way is some criminal usurper?




internet sleuths, what idiocy can't they fluff?

Replying to @sethjlevy

Can’t wait until the Dems start defending Barr’s independence & commitment to the Rule of Law!

And people can’t fathom why it is valuable to pretend Comey isn’t on Trump’s team.


"Not to open up a Pandora's Box, but is that (MSM report is) accurate"

No. It's not.


moar butthurt for Evers:



Yes, The Obama Administration knowingly placed children with Human Traffickers.
Absolutely heartbreaking.https://t.co/xfIXnWPEFI

— Ann 🕊 (@Doodisgirl) August 1, 2019

Link goes to a Washington Post story.


3 y.o. story,MM


As might be expected, Antifa has a presence on college campuses. But what might NOT be expected is that Antifa’s members include college faculty ...https://t.co/eky8ruUffo

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) August 1, 2019

Link goes to a pretty good article by the Center for Security Policy.


Including mark bray at Dartmouth. I try not to call them antifa because it flatters them.


Hmmm. Story in The Hill so hopefully wrong

Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz’s team referred Comey for possible prosecution under the classified information protection laws, but Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors working for Attorney General William Barr reportedly have decided to decline prosecution


True then, true now.
Reminder why Obama could say he had a "scandal-free administration."
Because the MSM didn't follow up on stories like that one.


And yet they pushed Romney who was fairly useless on us, like the new hellboy movie.


sounds like Barr needs to do some housecleaning.


What is it about the dem worldview that makes them believe anyone who stands in their way is some criminal usurper?

I'm not sure they always believe it, but they know if the "criminal" label sticks, their mob will beat down the impediment.


Tom Maguire @Tom_Maguire

I Stand For Unicorns!
My favorite exchange of the night occurred when Biden and Inslee wrestled on energy policy and climate change:

INSLEE: ...I've heard you say that we need a realistic plan. Here's what I believe...
BIDEN: No, I didn't say that.




This is Doug Schoen's analysis, so take it for what it's worth.

Old Lurker

Henry "sounds like Barr needs to do some housecleaning."

Because you think POTUS actually intends to hold anybody accountable for anything, and that Barr is his weapon?

Until something we dream of actually occurs in real life and not in our dreams, I find it easier to assume we are all being played.



Speculation: Biden/Gabbard ticket coming.

Gabbard is a lot more scary than sleepy Joe. He's so out of it, I can't imagine anyone voting for him, unless they too are out of it.


Speculation: Biden/Gabbard ticket coming.

I agree!

James D.

What is it about the dem worldview that makes them believe anyone who stands in their way is some criminal usurper?

That IS the Dem worldview, full stop.


OL, Barr will start cleaning in #twoweeks. Trust him.



Supposedly he is not being charged with this because something much bigger is coming. Not sure that makes sense, but that's what I hear.

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