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August 22, 2019




Matt-sent you an email about your plans to visit our part of the US.

Maybe none of the trumps is a little mermaid fan.


Polar Silk Road. Europeans being corrupt. Laser pointer.

Saw this morning a former PM of Denmark is butthurt about being called out for underfunded defense spending per NATO.

Seems the joke is Denmark / China more than Trump.



This candidate seems a bit underwhelming.

Jim Eagle

I see where Drudge has jumped the shark this morning and has declared a recession is coming sooner than you think. He continues to be the most depressing website in America.


I believe we were just discussing Howard Zinn, and lo and behold:



Andrew Malcolm‏Verified account @AHMalcolm · 17m17 minutes ago

REMINDER for Manhattan & NJ: 930am Thurs over the Hudson you'll see an unprecedented airborne parade of military jet demonstration teams--the AF #Thunderbirds, Navy #BlueAngels & UK's Red Arrows + F35s All together. Do NOT miss!



Interior wants to move the Bureau of Land Management to Grand Junction, Colorado. House members object so there will be hearings and the usual dem troublemaking.




Not sure if this was already posted. It's Gateway Pundit, but seems to be true anyway:

Dr. Robert Epstein @DrREpstein

@HillaryClinton, whom I have strongly supported for many years, told blatant lies about me today. As a result, I have been subjected to widespread condemnation by mainstream media. I'm going to fight this. Stay tuned tomorrow for my first-ever twitter storm.


It's a good reminder of what happens to any Democrat who dares to be honest.



Macron wants to tax global digital tech companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon.

He says it's social justice, which I find rather amusing.


And the Twitter responses there are pretty funny: "Make a will." "RIP."





It's closing a loophole where people don't have to meet eligibility requirements to get food stamps.



Brad Parscale's comment to this article on Twitter: "Our last rally had more people in the bathrooms."


NEW: Razor brand Gillette says it is “shifting the spotlight from social issues to local heroes” after an ad attacking “toxic masculinity” caused a massive consumer backlash costing the company $8 BILLION. https://t.co/sVuGkCeQ9O

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) August 22, 2019

Link goes to Australian article, since obviously this isn't something OUR press would cover.


Lemme guess, the local heroes will be battling toxic masculinity.


POLITICO @politico

Breaking: Hickenlooper to run for Senate in Colorado



Maria Bartiromo‏Verified account @MariaBartiromo · 11m11 minutes ago

Happening now: @KansasCityFed pres Esther George "the consumer is confident. I'm expecting 2% growth this year. The headwinds are biz investment & exports" @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness @EdwardLawrence

Jim Eagle

That Maggie Haberman article on Trump and Greenland was more involuntary satire than what you would read at The Babylon Bee. Talk about writing with a straight face. The only thing missing was a discussion of slavery in Denmark.


During his embarrassing walkabout through Iowa, @Hickenlooper repeatedly made the case that he was “not cut out” for the US Senate.

It seems to be one of the few things he got right as a Presidential candidate.

Colorado shouldn't be anyone's back-up plan.#COsen #COpolitics pic.twitter.com/NPu07KvEw9

— The Senate Majority (@NRSC) August 22, 2019

Video at link! Pleased to see the NRSC is right on top of things.



Jim Eagle

Another reason to avoid Chinese quality control.



Rudy Giuliani‏Verified account @RudyGiuliani · 6h6 hours ago

The NYT attacks me for doing the job they should be doing in exposing the Biden family history of making millions selling Joe’s offices-pure sleaze.Millions from Ukraine criminals, billions in Chinese investments to sonny boy Biden as Joe caved into China. The truth will prevail.

Another Bob

Um, TM? Don’t you know by now there’s always an ulterior motive? More to the story with Trump?

The Danes are already starting to sell it to the Chinese.


IMO the “nasty” part is a western country is taking money from an enemy of the west, while deficient on its (already too low) NATO defense payments.



Politico lets us know that the press isn't really happy with the chopper pressers.

Yesterday reporters were griping about how they had to stand out in the heat so long, until someone pointed out that the President, in a coat and tie, stood out there just as long. What a bunch of whiners!

James D.

KiB @ 7:47

What a piece of garbage that article was.

Note this quote from Ivo Shandor, former NATO ambassador under Zero:

“It’s not just the unthinkable notion of buying and selling territory as if we’re talking about a building or golf course,”

I guess they don't teach history at whatever Ivy League formerly-elite-diploma-mill he attended, because that's how we acquired pretty much half the freaking country he's a citizen of.


Miss M, they really don't like being off camera the entire time.



No they don't. As further evidence, look at this:



They also haven’t caught on he needs to keep his comments restricted to simple sentences, because juicebox.



Well, Kristol sure snagged a good one.

Captain Hate

Yes, Rove's Big Tent includes a lot of deadbeats.


Some shoe must be about to drop regarding the Clintons: it's the only time they can stomach being together. Retail sales of wine in the Hamptons way up.



After 14 years in complete darkness, the wreckage of the ill-fated Titanic is in the spotlight again, after a wealthy undersea explorer captured new video of the massive steamship pic.twitter.com/PN5RD3oCMl

— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) August 22, 2019

Video at link.


GRASSROOTS 2020 @harambe_fren

Barak Obama is buying a mega mansion in Martha's Vineyard that cost $15 million dollars and not one media outlet is asking how a former president with a net worth before office of $1 million magically can afford that on top of other real estate he owns.

Captain Hate

Yesterday reporters were griping about how they had to stand out in the heat so long, until someone pointed out that the President, in a coat and tie, stood out there just as long. What a bunch of whiners!


Maybe they should've exerted some peer group pressure on Desi Acosta when he turned past pressers into clown shows. But no, it was all about muh rights. Blame that bald fuck, Jeff Zucker, and yourselves for this. Rights have responsibilities, dickweeds.

Comanche Voter

There are a lot of sand traps in the territory that Jefferson bought from the French--it's called the Louisiana Purchase after all. Sorta like a golf course. Not many water hazards though since it's sorta dry.


Liam Donovan @LPDonovan

“I did not meet one Biden voter who was in any way, shape or form excited about voting for Biden,” @PollsterPatrick said. “They feel that they have to vote for Joe Biden as the centrist candidate, to keep somebody from the left who they feel is unelectable from getting the nom."

Trip Gabriel

Many Democrats seem to explain their support for Biden this way: A lot of other people seem to support him so I will too. Via @katieglueck nytimes.com/2019/08/22/us/… via @nytimes


Old Lurker

Henry, how many Russians wondered how their oligarchs became billionaires?


OL, the Oligarchs never hid how they stole the money.


I'm willing to bet that the back channel to Denmark has been "You sell Greenland to the Chinese and there will be hell to pay".


Yes, they did.

At first they didn’t have much, then they had it all. Because magic.


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump · 9m9 minutes ago

Germany sells 30 year bonds offering negative yields. Germany competes with the USA. Our Federal Reserve does not allow us to do what we must do. They put us at a disadvantage against our competition. Strong Dollar, No Inflation! They move like quicksand. Fight or go home!


Book deals are nothing more than money laundering.

I wish someone would tote up ACTUAL sales for his books and Michelle's. I would bet the sales don't even approach 1% of the money they were advanced.






Front Page says the President was right on the money, as usual.


73 year old in a coat and tie standing out there shoving a hot weather poker right up their.....

Works for me.

Captain Hate

What does the left gain out of grifting money to the Gaylord family? If they had been on the conservative side I'd have considered them the worst RINOs imaginable in terms of moving the ball in more than a temporary manner. Once you get past being black, which the left is incapable of doing but for arguments sake, they have to consider him a miserable failure in what was accomplished and trashing the future of his party.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--“It’s not just the unthinkable notion of buying and selling territory as if we’re talking about a building or golf course,”--

"You should just grab it, like we did."
An Imperialist European country steals a piece of North America from its Inuit occupants who migrated there from Canada and Alaska and doesn't actually gain control of it until the early 1800s and doesn't make it anything more than a backwater colony until 1953 and now they're getting uppity.

As I said before, let's not buy it. Let's acquire it in the way Denmark did. The only difference will be we don't force the Greenlanders to live in poverty, sacrificed on the altar of environazis.


What Iggy said.


What does the left gain out of grifting money to the Gaylord family?

I think it is more like a final payment from an individual or small group for a "job well done".


Milwaukee coming along nicely for the DNC:

Milwaukee police responded to eight reports of armed robberies over a three-hour period early Wednesday.


Captain Hate

I think it is more like a final payment from an individual or small group for a "job well done".

Obviously I'm a sterner taskmaster...


Obviously I'm a sterner taskmaster...

Roger that.

Come hell or high water, no way I'm going to go to work for CH:)


Ivo shandor, carpathian warlord, shirley.

Old Lurker

Morning, Iggy. I plan to steal your word "cripes" since it is often perfect word.



Old Lurker

Cap'n "Obviously I'm a sterner taskmaster..."

They paid the pre-negotiated enrichment wealth, but I think they withheld his performance bonus because he did not implant a successor to seal the deal.


A rainbow appeared above the White House at 7:10pm before ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ arrived at the South Lawn of the White House from Louisville, KY, en route to Washington, D.C around 7:45pm.
Photo by William Moon pic.twitter.com/ZIKrq0qkms

— White House Photos (@photowhitehouse) August 22, 2019

Photo at the link. A Sign in the Heavens!
Press corps even more upset!


Yes the qataris with a moroccan front man, hacked 1200 persons and fed the take to the likes of devlin barrett, who would have bought col. Jessups story in a few good men


Last nightz thread about feinste8ns hisband who was part of the greenland geoup who was in partnership with jeffrey epstein, its like real life quantum of solace.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Morning, Iggy. I plan to steal your word "cripes" since it is often perfect word.--

LOL. Be my guest, OL.
At first I had "Jeez" but then remembered that old stand by from when my parents were only moderately exasperated with something I was engaged in. :)
Cripes a'mighty is presumably for somewhat more serious circumstances.



The answer, of course, is to SPEND MORE MONEY on "volcano readiness."




If Trump hadn't run, and then been elected, we wouldn't have known a tenth of this stuff. It's really amazing how much we have learned, and how connected all of these bad actors are.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Interior wants to move the Bureau of Land Management to Grand Junction, Colorado. House members object so there will be hearings and the usual dem troublemaking.--

Leave it to the corrupt Dems to object to part of the Department of the Interior being moved to, you know, the interior and the Bureau of Land Management being HQed somewhere in the vicinity of 99% of the land it manages.


Funny, the bus lanes won't be returned to use by cars. Also the suburbs are where the hotels the DNC is gonna need are.

Vicki McKenna @VickiMcKenna

Milwaukee transit to cut bus lines to suburbs/festivals because "suburbanites can afford their own cars", and the bus is only for poor black people. Or something.



Henry i would say its more 'exterminate, exterminate' with the dalek tanks.



Meanwhile, the dems are scrounging for money in Mexico.


“The fact that the White House press corps can no longer grandstand on TV is of no concern to us." — @PressSec.

This is from Jay Rosen retweeting the Politico article again. I love this quote.


Ben Hunt

From "stakeholders not shareholders" to the US Vegan Climate ETF (no, I am not making this up), we are now securitizing wokeness.




Captain Hate

That story on Elliott Broidy makes me sick. It's way past time to expose the unfree press in Qatar's pocket.


More proof that there is a convergence going on even if we are no on board.

Economics is a science of individualism. True conservatives have a soft spot in their hearts for organic collectivity. It is small wonder that there is no truly conservative economic doctrine. True conservatives think people spend too much time thinking and acting “economically” in the United States, which has always encouraged individualism, ambition, and mobility at the expense of stability and community. Thus real conservatism has been a marginal and primarily cultural school of criticism.

Having hollowed out their political philosophy to make room for an economic doctrine—a doctrine that recommends capitalism for its unsleeping dynamism—contemporary American conservatives are in a singularly weak position to preform the traditional conservative function of judging and editing the social transformation that comes with the dissolution of old forms and modes of action. Traditional conservatism has not been, and proper conservatism cannot be, merely a defense of industrialism and individualistic “free market” economics.


That pesky individualism.



Dirty Donnie's ads you dare to diss?
Though the Target's right there on your list?
Ask yourself Zuckie,
"Do I feel lucky?"
'cause you make him take aim, he won't miss.


So lionsgate is sliming riger ailes after death, guess who founded it, clinton foundatuon and uranium one broker frank guistra



That was great! You have a real talent!


Excellent lili beth



Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump · 13m13 minutes ago

The Economy is doing really well. The Federal Reserve can easily make it Record Setting! The question is being asked, why are we paying much more in interest than Germany and certain other countries? Be early (for a change), not late. Let America win big, rather than just win!


True conservatives have a soft spot in their hearts for organic collectivity.

[Cough! Bullsh*t! Cough!]

Texas Liberty Gal

"I listen carefully in church and swear they are not teaching the values taught when I was growing up or that my wife and I taught all those years teaching Sunday School, or what I believe from all the books I read about what preachers preached since the time of Martin Luther at least" As usual I'n way behind but wanted to comment on this discussion. I would encourage anyone who is not happy with their current religion to talk to a Missour Synod Lutheran paster. We are true to the preachings of scripture and Martin Luther. An interesting note, our youngest pastor is working with Mollie Hemingway (also a MO Synod Lutheran) on making a dating site for conservative Lutherans.

James D.

rse @ 10:13

What does that even mean?


sbw, that fails the "no true conservative" fallacy.


Texas Liberty Gal,

Thank you so much for that suggestion! I will see what churches are around here.



"When I was young" usually isn't written from experience, IMO. That boy has taken up residence in his own head, and believes his own press clippings...

Nice PhD, too.

Also: https://twitter.com/aggierican/status/1164511167194247169


That was very clunky writing, its always beem delicate balance between entrepreneurualism traditional values and power projection,


Now, if we can just get DJT to say "I am the Kwisatz Haderach"....


And if you read his other work its all over the map, as well.


Is this the start of the Leftist "Exodus"?



click bait. I fell for it.

Ignore that "Exodus" carp.


She'll be back, she wore out her welcome in guy ritchies scotland


Everything requires the lillian hellmam tesf:




LOL @ "Kwisatch Haderach!"


Too inside baseball, soros would harkonnen or the oadishah emperor.


Rebecca Ballhaus @rebeccaballhaus

Less than two months after she left her post as White House press secretary, Fox News announces Sarah Sanders as a contributor. She will debut on Fox & Friends on September 6.



Mercurochrome was the sort of less fiery substitute for methiolate. At least that is what I remember.


Apple plus GS, what can go wrong?

Apple further warns that the credit card, created with long time controversial finance company Goldman Sachs, should be kept away from loose change, keys, and other credit cards.



DailyCaller Politics‏Verified account @TheDCPolitics · 1m1 minute ago

Bernie Sanders Says His $16-Trillion Green New Deal-Like Plan Will Create 20 Million Jobs http://dlvr.it/RBhQf0
We will probably all have to make money planting potatoes or something.


Bernie didn't say all the jobs were in China, but that is where his plan creates jobs.


Should have made from vibranium, you have to laminate the card?


TLG mentions the Missouri Synod, and I know of the Wisconsin Evangelical Synod, the one my BIL is a pastor in.
The other large one is the Evangelical Synod, Wiki tells me, and there are 37 other denominations.

So, what's up with that??? Wiki just lists them, doesn't report on how they came to be.

We are true to the preachings of scripture and Martin Luther.

Are the other denominations untrue??

I'm guessing it's more of that less-than-perfect human element that has caused there to be forty denominations.
It appears to me to be no escaping it, while we are earthly beings.



Since we discovered that the Gillette "toxic masculinity" ad cost the company $8 billion in losses, I ran across this article referencing it from January, and thought it was worth reading.

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