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August 07, 2019



Castro should be hauled off for inciting a riot.


Kimberley Strassel @KimStrassel

1) This is appalling, and everything that is wrong with "transparency" laws. That a public official would broadcast across social media the names of private citizens, teeing them up for retribution and harassment by the mobs, is conduct unbecoming.


James D.

Respond in kind.

Mutual assured destruction works. It worked against the capital-C commies in Russia for 50 years, it will work against the small-c commies here, too.


facebook,twitter,and google helped cnn find some people whom re-tweeted a goofy picture from the tngop (so-called russian bot) account ... just sayin'.


Dems behaving badly is at epidemic proportions.

Since Gov. Evers took office in January 2019, his administration has refused to include MacIver News Service reporters on invitations to press events, which makes it harder for the news outlet’s reporters to stay up-to-speed on the governor’s activities. The Evers administration also blocked MacIver journalists from participating in a budget press briefing that was open to other journalists.


So Evers wasting my money on the lawsuit that comes from him trying to be a tin pot dictator.

Old Lurker

That's not who we are, James.



i think that this is what TM was thinking about



more here


sorry about the axios link (and the subject is just the right sleeping pill i needed ... too bad TM couldn't have flagged this up about 6 hours ago).

Old Lurker

For A-mom when she appears:

WSJ "More doctors, health organizations and students are pushing for medical education to include climate change, saying that physicians and other health-care workers need to prepare for the risks associated with rising global temperatures."

Looks like my gazillion dollar MD daughter graduated just in time.

So law schools were first to lose their way.

Two years ago I edited my own B-School out of my will because they fell down the same hole.

My PhD daughter joins DrJ in lamenting the politicization of hard science by manipulating who gets what published and therefore who get free money from grants to investigate which quackery.

Now I might be in the last generation of parents who used their own money to turn a child into a doctor.

Is Engineering the last bastion that allows physical facts to be physical facts wherever that leads? Or was that ruined too when I was looking elsewhere? (Ooops. I forgot about Elon Musk, Solyndra, and NASA outreach to celebrate Islam's impact on rocket science...)



I feel your pain, but at least you don't have a Republican Governor acting like a Democrat.


I just knew DeWine would be a disappointment.


The hackers behind a sophisticated seven-year Chinese government intelligence operation simultaneously use their talents to hack for personal profit by putting a bullseye on targets in the cryptocurrency and video game industries, according to the American security firm FireEye. The group, dubbed APT41, showcases a rare combination of activities for a country like China where the worlds of spying and cybercrime are typically entirely distinct.


Another Bob

There’s lots of panic out there about currencies this morning. In some instances, apocalyptic.




Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

“Three more Central Banks cut rates.” Our problem is not China - We are stronger than ever, money is pouring into the U.S. while China is losing companies by the thousands to other countries, and their currency is under siege - Our problem is a Federal Reserve that is too.....

....proud to admit their mistake of acting too fast and tightening too much (and that I was right!). They must Cut Rates bigger and faster, and stop their ridiculous quantitative tightening NOW. Yield curve is at too wide a margin, and no inflation! Incompetence is a.....

....terrible thing to watch, especially when things could be taken care of sooo easily. We will WIN anyway, but it would be much easier if the Fed understood, which they don’t, that we are competing against other countries, all of whom want to do well at our expense!


Another Bob, I was amused at the bitcoin guy piling on at the end.


Mark Warner has a back channel to deripasha and aa part of yandex has major Russian business, shirley

Captain Hate

Cordray was the violent anal rape candidate. DeWine was "just the tip".

Look no further than this loser for the "root cause" of El Paso



on topic:

Steve Scalise @SteveScalise

People should not be personally targeted for their political views. Period. This isn’t a game. It’s dangerous, and lives are at stake. I know this firsthand.

Another Bob

Henry, I'm annoyed about the charts.

Someone posted an Aussie dollar chart with narrow range that showed a vertical line down nearly the entire Y-axis.


The "tanking" was from 68 to 67.25.

Come on, man...

Old Lurker

Just sayin:



Castro should be put in jail. Talk about an invitation for murder.


DeWine was "just the tip".

Roger that CH. I'm not suicidal.



DeWine was "just the tip".

Roger that CH. I'm not suicidal.



Another Bob, it was a dreaded "head and shoulders" or the feared "cup and handle" !!!!

what are you doing looking at the scale?


When they chart the "pantomime horse" we know it's over.


The Babylon Bee @TheBabylonBee

Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics



Xi is lucky that he gets to blame his currency devaluation on Trump.

Hopefully Powell will return the favor, but so far he doesn't look too bright.


I don't think the charts are really telling the story.

We have 2 guys playing a really high stakes Poker game.

We get to watch, but we have no real idea what cards are left in the deck.

Bunch of people watching are talking about how nervous it makes them.

Maybe they should walk over to the Craps table.


For the past half century, America’s political history has been driven by the Democratic Party’s effort to fire up these constituencies by denigrating the rest of America. As elements of cynical calculation melded into self-images of righteous entitlement to rule inferiors, the boundaries between the party and the constituencies’ most radical parts have eroded.

In the 21st century’s second decade, explicit statements by the party’s principal figures—President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to name only a few—have led their epigones in power as well as millions of followers to think and act as if conservatives were simply on a lower level of humanity, and should have their faces rubbed in their own inferiority. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo simply declared that pro-lifers and other conservatives have no place in his state.

As the media amplified and cheered such guidance from on high, it would be surprising if many ordinary followers have not concluded that harassing if not harming conservatives in restaurants, airports, as well as in their public functions is not just permissible but praiseworthy, and if thousands of persons who exercise power over cities, towns and schools have not concluded that facilitating such harassment and harm is their duty.

https://amgreatness.com/2019/08/06/igniting-civil-war/ is very good, particularly in its history of civil wars generally and how they fit with what we are seeing today. Our experience of the Civil War is actually atypical.


I believe some time ago SCOTUS ruled that socialist members/contributors? did not have to report their affiliation because of just this sort of thing. Maybe it should be extended to Republicans and conservatives.


No that doublrplusungiid


Racial violence is a deliberate effort to polarize the country by sowing racial hatred. The gunmen in their manifestos often speak of a desire to radicalize and divide the country along racial lines. The objective of the killers attacking churches, shopping centers and public streets is another brand of identity politics.

White and black racial terror plays into stereotypes and hostilities on both sides. Beyond inspiring a small group of potential imitators, the shooters also reinforce the racial nationalism of the other side. They play into the identity politics conviction that beneath the surface, a racial civil war is underway.

Identity politics was born out of an effort by leftist activists to identify and mobilize potential supporters by breaking down a sense of national solidarity along the lines of group victimhood. Every act of terror breaks down national solidarity further and strengthens the appeals to race over nationality.




Currencies don't trade all by their lonesome, but as pairs. Were all those charts against the US$, or was his BBerg terminal "localized" to where ever he is posting from?

I have no idea.

There most def is a currency crisis mid bloom, and it's generating a Yuge margin call in commodities, particularly Industrial Commodities, like Iron ore. It's almost as if a mercantilist country's demand pile of 4 types of cash has evaporated.


So, everyone and everything is falling off the Cliff of Death according to Raoul?

All because of Trump?



When Andrew LBGTQUOMO, said that CONSERVATIVES had no place in his state of NEW YORK....I remember Joke Tapper being appalled. Where are NEW YORKERS supposed to go "back to".

Sounds racamatist to me.


{{{ The gunmen in their manifestos often speak of}}}
Of the 300 murders in Chicago this year, I've yet to see a NEW BLACK PANTHERS "manifesto".



A rule put in place by the Obama Department of Education threatens to exacerbate the sort of problems identified in the Fordham study. This rule requires states to set discipline thresholds for disabled students in each racial group and if the state reports above it, the district will have federal IDEA aid potentially reduced.



Featured in one of my morning news feeds--

"As we head toward a hotter, more uncertain future, New York and other megacities will have to be both proactive and reactive, to ensure that the nightmare scenarios mentioned above do not happen—or to minimize their impact. Future intense heat waves and other extreme weather events will only serve as reminders that the clock is ticking."


That kind of rhetoric will keep the environmental nutters calm about policy differences.


Huddling in megacities always ensures prompt food deliveries.


When NY bans AC in public buildings and government offices to reduce carbon, I'll believe there is an AGW problem.


Here's the SCOTUS case--Castro just walked right into a claim that the right should not be compelled to disclose political contributions:https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/459/87/


The yuang has depreciate .005 vs thr dollar the dollar was gone 20% to the euro,


all those stinky CONSTITUENTS that used to come visit the CAPITOL in the SUMMER. Harry Reid had no time for them.


Which Yuan, there are 3 of them.


Soylent green soylent green, I think they predicted 20 million in NYC in that film


Wheeee! the Dow roller coaster is down at the moment. (600 or so)


440 Disney's earning arr down?


indigestion over buying Fox.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Our experience of the Civil War is actually atypical.--

You might even say it was exceptional. :)

Captain Hate

That's a terrible court ruling treating contributors to political parties differently because of somethings that might happen. Was it shred the Constitution day for the black robed tyrants?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

If the economy tanks now there is time for it to be headed out the other end by next spring or summer [maybe]. If it tanks next year, tough time for Trump and therefore the USA.


Our civil war was strongly geographically distributed along border lines, the English Russian et al not so much


I read the words but my mind keeps hearing Commander Lloyd Bucher’s “Tall Tales of the USS Pueblo



Good for the goose, CH..In any event it is a precedent and a lawsuit to challenge Castro's conduct would shine a spotlight on it IMO.


It was a Marshall decision Capt that burger signed on, because socialists are persecuted yadda yadda,


vid at link

Benny @bennyjohnson

President @realDonaldTrump condemns all hate groups, including Antifa leftists:

"I am concerned about the rise of any group of hate. Whether it's white supremacy -- Whether it's Antifa. Whether it's any group of hate. I am very concerned about it and I'll do something about it."



DIS reported yesterday afternoon and disappointed across the board all while over using their credit card.

Iger was unapologetic and basically told everyone “You don’t get it.” When it came to lack of customers willing to pay up.


Same for civil rights activists, just like Kennedy factotum and Russian and Haitian oligarch Greg Craig gets a pass from judge jackson


Well ESPN stinks on ice, like rancid bear grease


Yes dark Phoenix was a tunguska level flop, what were they thinking

Old Lurker

POTUS "I am concerned about the rise of any group of hate."

Disagree strongly, Mr. President.

I truly hate a lot of my fellow citizens, legal or not. Words mean things, so if the show fits:

feel intense or passionate dislike for.
synonyms: loathe, detest, dislike greatly, abhor, abominate, despise, execrate, feel aversion toward, feel revulsion toward, feel hostile toward, be repelled by, be revolted by, regard with disgust, not be able to bear/stand, be unable to stomach, find intolerable, shudder at, recoil from, shrink from;
intense or passionate dislike.
"feelings of hate and revenge"
synonyms: loathing, hatred, detestation, dislike, distaste, abhorrence, abomination, execration, resentment, aversion, hostility, ill will, ill feeling, bad feeling;

Old Lurker

show? shoe...


Echoing rse's 9:20
Codevilla is bleak but unfortunately clear sighted


You have to address the portion of the public that doesn't think logically,

I would treat these two incidents as multiple capital crimes, the el Paso one deliberated on targeting so he wasnt crazy.


That really is an indefensible SCOTUS ruling. The problem is that Rs and conservatives can’t really claim past persecution. We really need a change in the law to allow donations to be confidential, but maybe discoverable by court order if there’s evidence of bribery (though of course that’s subject to abuse too). As it is, Castro only disclosed public info, so I don’t see how he can be guilty of anything.

A belated congrats to TLG on her recovery.

Old Lurker

He has a place of honor on the Ledge, Jim.


Castro only disclosed public info, so I don’t see how he can be guilty of anything.

Still like to see some 9th grade girl give him a real ass whoopin'.


jimmyk, the same thing happened to supporters of Prop9 in California and there was retaliation against them.It would be a fun complaint to write, citing all the Maxine waters, et al call to violence.


Well let's start at the top then.

"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," Obama said at a fundraiser in Philadelphia Friday, according to pool reports.

"We don't have a choice but to win," Obama said, joking that he has heard "folks in Philly like a good brawl. I've seen Eagles games."



"As it is, Castro only disclosed public info, so I don’t see how he can be guilty of anything. "

I think you are probably right - unless one of them gets murdered and Castro becomes an accessory. For some reason this has pissed me off as much as anything lately. It's an open invitation to Antifa.


Don't forget this one ...

"After a weekend of chaos at airports, mass protests and diplomatic outcries, criticism of Trump’s proposal even came from Barack Obama, who broke his silence for the first time since leaving office.

“(FORMER) President Obama is heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country,” Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said.

James D.

President @realDonaldTrump condemns all hate groups, including Antifa leftists:

"I am concerned about the rise of any group of hate. Whether it's white supremacy -- Whether it's Antifa. Whether it's any group of hate. I am very concerned about it and I'll do something about it."

I'd really like him to stop using the phrase "white supremacy." For a guy who's usually so good at messaging, to use the language of the other side, a phrase they regularly use to attack his own supporters, is a huge mistake.


Does anyone ever condemn non-white supremacists?

James D.

"As it is, Castro only disclosed public info, so I don’t see how he can be guilty of anything. "

Well, fine.

Then it would be perfectly legal to rent a billboard and put up a billboard with the names of donors to a Dem candidate, under a headline announcing that they support the most controversial, extreme policy that candidate is in favor of - fully open borders, third trimester abortions, drug legalization, whatever.

The ONLY way this will stop is if the Left is forced to live with the worst consequences of the rules they have decided to play by.

NOTHING ELSE will stop it. Being nice won't stop it. Complaining to unsympathetic and dishonest media outlets won't stop it. Trying to compromise with people who think we're irredeemable racist scum who should be killed won't stop it.


Black Panthers the young lords who Geraldo Rivera was a member of, shirley,


Use it often to dilute it usefulness.


I just got off the phone with a good friend who's been up at Banff on vacation. She called me from Minneapolis asking to be caught up on everything, and both of us are upset about these personal attacks.

If ever there was evidence of an "elite" political class who thinks that "civilians" shouldn't run for high office, here it is.


Today, we honor all of our Country’s Purple Heart recipients, their loved ones, and our Gold Star Families for their immeasurable sacrifice. These American Patriots represent the unyielding and unmatched strength and determination of the U.S. Armed Forces: https://t.co/EVhPJD5azu pic.twitter.com/fcQMg9JI4q

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2019

Photo at the link.

Captain Hate

It's called being as dumb as a doorknob:



Yes I dont give Norma desmond the benefit of the doubt.


My college crush, who I referred to in the past, shes all for sanctuary cities, but I dont think I ever met anyone this abysmally dense.

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

Do the public donor lists from the FEC list the employers of those who donated that Castro published?

Cause he published both addresses and employers of those donors.. if the employer is NOT listed in the FEC docs, wouldn't that act be actionable that he went to the additional effort to disclose that as well?


Stephanie, yes. Employer is listed.


Manuel Transmission

From the comments under the Codevilla essay:

"At this very moment there are more Knights Templar riding down on the Citadel of Jerusalem than there are White Nationalists in the whole of America." -- Yogi Berra

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

Thanks, Henry

Captain Hate

Unlike Biden, old and still relevant



Eternal truths as rush would say.

I'm fairly sure she hates trump with a passion of a thousand suns,


I've got a big star on my lanai with the word "Trump" in the middle. I wonder if I should expect a canon to arrive and shoot both the star and everyone at cocktail hour.

I firmly believe the left has nothing to run on and they are losing constituents who believe in the American Dream in record numbers, particularly blacks and Latinos.

That makes it nearly impossible for the parties to come together because all the left has is "race" which is a joke.

And I blame the media for pretending that is a valid message. I think the thing that amazes me the most is how elected people on the left are all willing to live a lie.


In some places, it wouldn't be safe to do so.

I called her Norma Desmond because like gloria Swanson character she spoke of things that werent there.


But nicolle might be more like vi in Mildred pierce a spoiled brat, no matter how old she is.



Village People co-creator Henri Belolo has died at 82, remembered by cowboy Randy Jones as 'a visionary and international business genius'


Steph "do the public donor lists from the FEC list the employers of those who donated that Castro published?"

As henry said, yes.
I think so that influence and lobbyists can be tracked.


Castro did not simply publish publicly available info if one knows where to look. He coupled that publication with defamatory statements as to the intent of the listed persons.

That's essentially the same desire to create actionable anger against a group as Blood Libels were in the Middle Ages. It encourages the nutcases to act, making more el pasos, daytons, or softball shootings likely.

Think of the damage the deceit over trayvon martin and ferguson did to race relations.


So does this breaking raoul not calculate supply patterns when it comes to oil,


I got a phone call claiming my Social Security number was suspended. Foreign sounding guy who wanted my name, address, etc. and I am getting smarter. He said he was authorized to get the information as a "Social Security officer" which sounded bogus to me, and since I had no way to tell I hung up.

THEN I tried to call Social Security and got nothing but recordings which directed me to one telephone tree after another.

I finally was directed to call the Social Security Office of Inspector General, but the choices they had didn't fit what happened to me, so I gave up and called the local police.

I got the Sheriff's department and the lady told me it was a scam and report it to the Indiana Attorney General's office. Just got off the phone with them and indeed, it is a scam. She said I should get my check (automatic deposit) without a problem, but I should probably call the credit bureaus and report it.

What a pain in the neck!


Anyone know about this? It showed up on Twitter and I don't know if this is actual fact or supposition.

"NEWS: Baltimore lost/ Stole $5.5 BILLION; FILING Epsteins sex slaves service to powerful politicians, celebrities & world leaders; Assange LEGALLY published HRC emails (IT WAS NOT RUSSIA), 34% BLACKS SUPPORT TRUMP AFTER BALTIMORE COMMENTS #FactsMatter #PatriotsAwakened"


seems very hair on fire MissM.


It is interesting how it was mark Epstein who owned the property Jeff used for his transgressions, yet hes been very inconspicuous


The villain in the blood and treasure series last night ended up someone like captain nemos origins although he could blend into the west he felt alienated from


And these Red Flag bills Trump seems to be pushing are worrisome.

Glad you're doing so much better, TLG. I am with you on the Red Flagging.

Yesterday on Jay Sekulow's radio show the crew was in full Shamwow sales pitch mode. They suggested that Dick Blumenthal could be trusted in his Graham/Blumenthal legislation. "He promised that people's rights will be safe and the actual legislation as well as the courts will ensure that."

Then they assured each other that the courts are very 2nd Amendment friendly. "Nobody will lose their guns."

I was dumbfounded with this sales pitch on Trump's lawyer's show. Trust Blumenthal? Please.

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