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September 22, 2019


Captain Hate

It's gonna be great watching this blow up those monkeys like Bill Ayers dimwitted friends.


Well, Rudy has something to say about this. I recommend everyone listen to him. I think there IS evidence, regardless of what the New Tork Times (already caught lying about Kavenaugh) has to say. The Following link goes to Fox News Sunday and Rudy's interview:



Link goes to article in India Today:

Will be in Houston to be with my friend. Will be a great day in Texas! https://t.co/SqdOZfqd2b

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2019

As far as the New York Times, the President has a quote and a question:

Donald J. Trump
“The @nytimes
is trying to make someone (Justice Kavanaugh) into an evil person when they don’t have the information to back it up. It is a false hoax.” @MZHemingway
Zero people were fired at the Times. Why?


Look forward to being with our great India loving community! https://t.co/RldaoFw0Uc

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2019

Link goes to photo and article in India Today, along with a thread they have posted. HUGE crowd!


I wonder how many in that crowd are naturalized citizens and VOTERS!!


Donald J. Trump
Justice Kavanaugh should sue The Failing New York Times for all they are worth!


As I said yesterday, I think the Ukraine thing was manufactured to get Biden out. Pretty smart of the manufacturer (Soros?) to do it via Trump.


yeah, i'm just unmoved by the nyt reporting.

mostly i don't care if trump even did so.

mike in houston


Houston has a large Indian population.




Pompeo: Former U.S. Vice President Biden should be investigated if he corruptly meddled in Ukraine probe of son


They won’t open the stock market if Elizabeth Warren is the next president.’

That’s Leon Cooperman, the billionaire boss at Omega Advisors, joking to a crowd at the Delivering Alpha conference in New York this week about what a win for the left could ultimately mean for investors.


mike in houston,

I see they do, judging from the crowd size! I am curious how many are US voters and how many are voters in India.




I ran into a visitor from England the other night.
She was a non-stop talker about all topics, but at one point she zeroed in on London, which she said was ruined. I was expecting some story about Muslims but instead the culprits were the Polish, the Rumanians and the worse were the Albanians.

Captain Hate

UCLA scored 50 points in 19 minutes last night.

mike in houston


Most are US citizens and generally are very conservative. There are some software guys that work for the major oils that are H-1, but not that many. They are very family oriented and really big on education.

mike in houston

I should also add that many are in our very large medical facilities

mike in houston

I should probably say WORK in our large medical facilities

Captain Hate

I was very happy when my daughter married someone from India. If he was Pakistani I'd have been suicidal.


I wonder how many in that crowd are naturalized citizens and VOTERS!!
My bet is most of them. They sure aren't planning on going back to India! Except to visit the fam.
The Indians I work with are huge advocates of free enterprise, value family, education and hard work. They joke they are "the Jews of the 21st century--Hindjews."


Its atriking how inverted the atory is, there is no evidence that trump was holding up the wsapons in fact they only got javelins under trump, prigozhin was only challenged under trump.


Live feed has Indian spiritual and American black gospel singers singing together:



Now rushdie proved he was an idiot in midnighr children thinking the wars were about him, this was pre zia. Where he started to get it with ahalimar 25 years later.


The feed now has sitar instrumentalists playing. And BOY, the crowd!!




I think it was A-mom who discussed the Mollie Hemingway book back-thread, I'm now on the wait list at the library, thanks for the reminder!

henry, you won't be disappointed if you check out Oxygen by Nick Lane. It's getting long in the tooth (pub 2002) but is incredibly stimulating, esp the final chapters discussing human physiology, aging and the diseases of old age.


"I wonder how many in that crowd are naturalized citizens and VOTERS!!"

Anecdotal, but when I started in high tech, nearly all Chinese were US citizens while almost no Indians were. The Indians all planned to return to their home country to grow old and die. About 10 years ago, the number of Indians who got US citizenship just rocketed. They pull grandparents and cooks/nannies/drivers over here too as many have an extended-family life style with both parents in the professional work force.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Myron Cope claimed a Pittsburgh TV station had definitive film showing it hit Tatum, and that he’d seen it, but could not located.--

To me there's no doubt it hit Tatum. If you stop it you can see the ball clearly went just over Fuqua's head and bounced off of Tatum but it's close to inconceivable that it didn't also hit Fuqua considering the ball, Fuqua's head and Tatum's chest/shoulder all hit each other at the same time.
But by the rules of the time if it him hit them both it was a reception so I ruined a good hat for nothing.

Jim Eagle

Houston has many national and international engineering and construction firms mostly to support the hydrocarbon industries. That an the medical and software professions.


Jim_sunnyvale, I ordered Oxygen. Sounds like an interesting book.


Funny photo, took me a minute to get it ...


Indian gal with a Texas accent is singing the national anthem in a sari. President has arrived with Modi and everyone is standing at attention.

Captain Hate

I take a back seat to no one when it comes to rending garments over adverse sports outcomes. I'm second only to Hulk Hogan in ripping tee shirts, minus the 28 inch pythons.


So all the kerfluffle was over a missile boat we were going to warn the crew, all from anonymous sources but that sounds like the way clinton reacted to an assasination against bush sr in 93.


Mow 4 Indian children are singing what I believe is the Indian national anthem in Hindi.


Wow, Modi is giving a huge compliment to the President. Speaking at the podium, he says that "His name is known to every person on the planet. He was a household name and very popular even before he became president."

I will have to get the transcript, since I left a bunch out.


70,000 brown-skinned people are standing, applauding and shouting "Trump Trump Trump" in Houston, Texas.
The Indian Prime Minister himself is praising @realDonaldTrump
& I think today should be the end of @TheDemocrats
"Trump's a white supremacist" narrative, because it's idiotic


Our great President @realDonaldTrump meets with Indian PM Modi with huge crowd filled arena. @DonaldJTrumpJr pic.twitter.com/rr1QO5beOm

— Tweetybird4Trump❤ (@Kath4500) September 22, 2019

Short video at the link, which will let you see the crowd.


Pats up 13-0 in first quarter!

mike in houston

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Pacific Gas & Electric Company is considering turning off power to portions of six counties in Northern California, according to a release sent Saturday evening.

Power would be shut off for parts of Butte, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sutter and Yuba counties within the next 48 hours due to weather conditions, PG&E said.


How'd it go this week mike.



One of the largest LNG deals in US history.


How about the folks that meed um electricity?


Pats up 20-0 in the 2nd!


From a black Trump supporter:

Christian Lamar
Elizabeth Warren now Iowa front runner for Democrats. Warren is supposedly to the center for Moderates & Independents.
Warren wants Medicare for all,
BAN Healthcare Insurance, BAN guns “ BAN the weapons of war, ” &
polls in single digits w/ Black voters.
Great for Trump in 2020


MM, thanks for those feeds. Awesome!





You are welcome! If I hadn't seen the President's tweets this morning, I wouldn't have gone looking for them.

mike in houston's information was also valuable. I didn't know anything about the Indian community in Houston.

Brad Parscale did, though. He's from Texas! AND on top of everything. I will bet you 10 bucks the democrat candidates didn't even think about the Indian vote, and there are a lot of them here. We have quite a few because of hospitals, Lilly Pharmaceuticals, and the universities. And a lot become citizens and thus, voters!



If he was Pakistani I'd have been suicidal.

I understand why you say this, but you really do have to take people on a case-by-case basis. A very good friend is a Muslim Pakistani who was born in Tehran of all places. She is a lovely person, and a force of nature. Perhaps being raised by a German aunt in NYC made a difference

FWIW, I enjoyed meeting and getting to know you son-in-law during our last meetup.


Recall it was a brit, general cawthorne who set up the isi, i think during the cold war we may have bent over backward toward pakistani because nehru was at leasr neutral if not loyal to the soviets.



While the left of course trashed it, it sold out on line.

Meanwhile, be sure you scroll down to the bottom to see Michelle O's gown at a state dinner.

mike in houston

Just another day in Space City Narc.:)

We're down in the 80's so that's another $100 off the electric bill.


OK, this is enraging. I have twice tried to post the President's tweet with the video of the President's speech and it is disappeared.

I am going to tinyurl. I am HOT!


I say because of the atorm.


Let's see if this works:


I checked and it goes tot he video on the Presideint's feed. Of course, my daughter thinks I am nuts. "No one is going to make your posts disappear, Mom."

Do not get me started.



James D.

Meanwhile, be sure you scroll down to the bottom to see Michelle O's gown at a state dinner.

No, thank you.

mike in houston

Much of the real heavy flooding was way east of the city. I'm 15 miles west of downtown, so we didn't get much rain. Beaumont and Winnie were the worst. The flooding in Houston was in the usual places. As you can see by the crowds at the stadium it really didn't harm mobility at least in town. Now if you were driving east on I-10 a day or two ago you would have been in some trouble.

Captain Hate

A very good friend is a Muslim Pakistani who was born in Tehran of all places.

I've worked with some Pakistani contractors who seemed very westernized and good guys. Family is different. You try to set your children up to succeed and injecting Islam is a wild card that would bother me. It's a moot point anyway.




I heard about what happened with the barges and i 10.


Incredible! https://t.co/SHs0RkxjzF

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2019

Link goes to a tweet by an Indian-American who was there with a short (10-second) video showing the crowd.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--How about the folks that meed um electricity?--

That's why they make generators.


Trump holds event with Indian Prime Minister Modi https://t.co/1jlZIcQ6tg @FoxNews #AAG

— All American Girl (@AIIAmericanGirI) September 22, 2019

Video at link is an interview with California Representative Tom McClintock, commenting on both the rally in Houston and the Ukraine hoax.


The Indian people love Trump. Fake media will never cover this because it doesn’t fit their false narrative that Trump is a White Supremacist.
Trump stands with the people of India on many issues including taking back territory from the radical Pakistani government. pic.twitter.com/t7JG8dxKwd

— Melissa A. (@TheRightMelissa) September 22, 2019

Great picture at the link.


this is a powerful gathering in Houston, for certain.


Well, easiest fix ever. I bought a new DVD outboard player-burner and now I can rip CDs again. Not a software issue (or maybe it was, but the new generic Chinese DVD player's software works fine.

Jim Eagle


Its always been the Polish Plumber, Albanians running the Fish and Chip shops, and other interesting tribes like the Serbs and Hungarians. Very few Brits, the kind we think of in Miss Marple movies or Dowington Manor live in the city. That is why they have so many train stations serving the city.

When I lived there back in the late 90's early 2000's I was first in Kensington and then in Belgravia. Brits made up 1/3 of the crowd with western Europeans, especially French and Italians the rest.

The average blue-collar Brit lives in the east end like West Ham.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

From TWIP comments;


The Hill
Romney: Trump asking Ukraine to investigate political rival "would be troubling in the extreme" http://hill.cm/UkEaHgG

I would like to trouble Mitt Romney quite a bit. He's aligning himself with Kristol, it looks like.





That's hilarious!

Jim Eagle

Don't look now but the Ravens are moving downfield with some incredible plays. Will they catch the Chiefs? No, but they will put a little urgent fear into their defense.

Jim Eagle

Romney needs to get back into his magical underwear.

How many here remember that kerfuffle with Sara?:)

Captain Hate

If I ever get access to a time machine, I'm going back to delete my vote for that sanctimonious piece of latter day shit in 2012.

Jim Eagle


Anybody who can't debate Zippy and win hands down and let Candy Crowley bully him doesn't even deserve to be the Mayor of Podunk, Utah much less their Senator. I don't know who was a bigger wimpy loser, him or Paul Ryan getting creamed by the paste eater.

We really won the perfecto with those two.


Think about the FULL COMMIE DEMOTARD PARTY, pulling out all of the stops. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, FBI, CIA, NSA, RODHAM, LORETTA LYNCH, KAVANAUGH is a GANG RAPIST, KAVANAUGH is a SERIAL GANG RAPIST, TRUMP was "OVERHEARD" saying things to the head of UKRAINE, by someone, who told someone sumpting about "OVER HEARING" this nonsense, the clown show is posed by the COMMIE MEDIA as a "WHISTLE BLOWER".


Very uncommon sporting event ongoing. GUS’ Brewers have a combo perfect game going through 6.


Gus's Brewers are en fuego. They are 15 out of the last 17 or some such deal

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Jack Dorsey: 'Let Me Be Clear: Twitter Is A Platform For ANY And ALL Ideas I Wholeheartedly Agree With'


Pirates have a single.
Gentlejim, do you know anything about the Brewers Manager Craig Counsell?


No-no/perfecto broken up in the 7th with a clean single.


Maria Bartiromo
Breaking news: @DevinNunes
tells me #JosephMifsud was at the RT meeting where @GenFlynn
spoke at the end of 2015. He's investigating why? The story of #mifsud true identity & whether he was working for western intel has yet to be told. It's coming. @SundayFutures

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Why doesn't Mitt seem troubled that the Dems actually did use our own government to try to kneecap their political rival?


Ig, Mutt Rumbley only cares about his "image". He's not that up on policy or the needs of the American public. He's not only a prix, but he's and odd motherfucker.


Pro Trump rally breaks out in OF ALL PLACES NEW YORK CITY! #SaturdayMorning
😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 pic.twitter.com/vixVvwKNh5

— MS.💖 MAC (@MadonnaMadsen) March 23, 2019

Link goes to video which poster took from her TV.


Jimmyk, and Gentlejim, the Milwaukee Brewers have one no-hitter in their 50 year history.
April 15 1987, if memory serves me. Juan Nieves no hit the ORIOLES in Baltimore. Robin Yount laid out in Right/Center to catch a gapper by Eddie Murray.
My brother and I met the team charter when they came home that night.
The Brewers opened 1987 with 13 wins in a row.


And since we were complaining here about the NFL, I'll add that while I'm sure I'll always be first and foremost a baseball fan, MLB has really screwed the pooch by turning the game into a home run derby. Whether or not they juiced the ball this year, they seem to be content with it. The trend is that fewer and fewer balls are hit in play, which to me is the most interesting outcome. Also, lower-scoring games tend to be closer and shorter, also more interesting.

If they didn't juice the ball, they should deaden it for next season. But they won't, because they think fans love this. Maybe they do.


I don’t know much about Counsell. I knew I threw out a jinx the second I posted.


Nationals lose. If Milwaukee Brewers win today, they are tied with Nationals for 1st Wild card spot, and own the season series with Nationals.

If I am not mistaken.

James D.

Why doesn't Mitt seem troubled that the Dems actually did use our own government to try to kneecap their political rival?

Because Trump was HIS political rival, too, and kneecapping someone Mitt doesn’t like is far more important to Mitt than, you know, the Constitution, the rule of law, or the will of the voters.

What an utter piece of garbage he is.


G-Jim, Counsell is from Milwaukee, his father was a front office dude for the Brewers. Both Counsell and his Dad played baseball for NOTRE DAME.
Counsell scored the winning run in the 1997 World Series for the MARLINS.
My best pal and I used to drink beer and talk baseball with Craig, when he was single and just a marginal MLB player. He won a second World Series with ARIZONA, and had 3 stints as a BREWERS infielder. I bumped into him in the CLUB LEVEL seats in Denver when he worked in the BREWERS front office. He asked me "hey "MY REAL NAME", what are you doing here??" I introduced him to my DENVER nephew, and GUS JR..
Great guy, smart as hell, just turned 49, and a Milwaukee boy.


AIR FORCE ONE is wheels down at Lima Allen Airport, Lima, OH.


JamesD, you and my friend Capn' Hate, must be Bruthas, separated at birth.

Jim Eagle

Saints handling the Seahawks with some defense and a crappy shoe manufacturer. 7-0 Saints.


Packers won 6 games last year. Hard to imagine that being true.
They are 3-0 so far this year, with wins over Chicgao and Minnesota already. New coach, new GM, .......WE'LL SEE.


GUS, Very cool. You sure have some interesting stories.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Also, lower-scoring games tend to be closer and shorter, also more interesting.--

I thought about that re The Immaculate Reception.
Two all time powerful offenses and the game was 7-6 in the 4th quarter.
Who would remember the ImmRec if it had been 48-32 at the time?
The game of Browns, Nagurskis, Butkuses and Blandas with frozen turf jammed in their rudimentary face masks was a different and much better one than the present one of shiny white shoes, constant passing, interminable penalties and reviews and pretty, painted, petrochemical "grass".

Captain Hate

The Steel Curtain and the Raidazz had all time great defenses, Iggy.

Although they're losing today I'd like to thank the Redbirds for bringing the curtain down on playoff hopes of Wrigleyville.

Jack, we really rolled snakeyes with that horrible ticket. The Mutt and Eddie show.

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