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September 25, 2019



I don't think Nadler's tux is back from Omar the Tent Maker yet. So things must remain informal.


and.... ooooops!

The Wall Street Journal @WSJ

Breaking: President Trump asked Ukraine's president to look into Joe Biden's son, didn't make an explicit link to U.S. aid, according to a transcript based off "notes and recollections" of officials on.wsj.com/2n5dzmX


Transcript out.

NBC calling it “alleged transcript”.


What is this deja vu again.

Hes waiting for the harkonnen antigrav harness


Fair enough, NBC has alleged humans as anchors.


NBC cuts coverage short, goes to “analysts”....


Replicants or surrogates, i told you from the thread with the fmr head of wh situation


Restating earlier coverage, ignoring own reporting.


The White House @WhiteHouse

As President Trump promised, here is the full, unredacted transcript of his call with the Ukrainian President:



Seriously is that it, let the poodles go.


He doesnt even particularly reference burisma or biden, what haooened to the earth shattering kaboom i was promised.


CBS is all in on National Security issues circumvented for political purposes.


John Cardillo
Today will not go as the Democrats hoped

Trust me on that.


Reinterpret back to what we said earlier and hit send:



Norman coordinate.

Did they drag david martin, or are they relying on morrell?

Captain Hate

Am I reading this right?

No, John, your reading comprehension is nonexistent.


I just heard it read.

Big fat nothing burger.

Jim Eagle

I see where the House cafeteria is having a special today on Nothingburgers.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Are we certain Trump isn't orchestrating all this via 4D chess, cuz it's hard to figure a group of people voluntarily acting more contrary to their own interests than the Dem gang that couldn't shoot straight.
They don't even present the pretense of having an actual legislative agenda and their policies seem to consist solely of socialism, stealing OPM, blacks are helpless, the 3rd world needs to live in America, boys are girls and OMB.
Who among them thinks those appeal to anyone other than their base of Marcusian Marxists?


Who among them thinks those appeal to anyone other than their base of Marcusian Marxists?

The other guests at George Will's cocktail parties. Plus possibly Pauline Kael.



It's hard to imagine that the dems are experienced politicians. It's like they have all gone insane.

It was interesting to me that the Ukrainian president said they took ideas from Trump's campaign. I believe several other new leaders did as well, including the new Brazilian president. Modi seems to have taken a lot of ideas from Trump as well.


In explanatory note accompanying the Pope’s message, the Congregation said that the May 14 global pact initiative seeks to involve “international organizations” and the “great ones of the earth” in helping to “heal the fracture between man and the Absolute” and the separation between “reality and the transcendent.”

It also aims to heal the “horizontal fracture” between men of difficult cultures, religions and backgrounds. And it intends to heal the “fracture between man, society, nature and the environment” in the face of an “urgent need” to create an “ecological citizenship” based on sustainability and an “austere responsibility.”

“The objectives set for the next few decades aim to set up training models that take into account a constantly increasing population, diminishing resources and the fact that climate change places everyone before a serious responsibility: that of developing our planet in a sustainable way, with an eye to the needs of future generations,” the Congregation said.

“The choice of education as a ground on which to make a global pact is a priority topic in the horizon of current and future scenarios,” it added.

Conferences and events will be held throughout the coming year to prepare for the May 14 signing of the “Global Pact” on education.

from https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pope-francis-global-education-pact where publications are started to report on what I warned about a few months ago on education and the Vatican's New Humanism agenda.


Tom Maguire @Tom_Maguire

Wow.Trash-talking Merkel and Macron in a "private" call didn't work out so well for Zelensky.

(link to transcript)


Another nice day on the Island. Buckeyette says the water is about perfect temperature.


How much money is floating around in bribes and payoffs, siphoned out of our governemnt's budget, siphoned out of corporate funds, pocketed in NGO coffers, etc?

The Clinton Foundation alone accounts for a huge amount of money which isn't used for much of anything except enriching the Clintons.

How much wasteful stuff is done in obscure government departments which no one ever investigates because they are liberal strongholds?

It seems to me that Hunter Biden being paid $50,000 per month, not counting the money that he "managed" and whatever he got from China plus that big diamond is a big sign that there is a whole lot of money floating around that we don't know about.

I don't think this entire thing is going to draw more people to the democrats.


“Who ya gonna believe? Me? Or yer lyin’ eyes?”

Transcript: https://twitter.com/breaking911/status/1176866413774036992?s=21

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Off to one of me least favorite jobs, wrestling with a window regulator.


What is a window regulator? Please advise, Ignatz, when you return.


California regulates everything.


The President of Ukraine gave permission for the transcript to be released through Secretary Pompeo.

And personally, I think he is glad to have his opinion of Merkel and Macron broadcast, as they have not helped as they said they would. Per usual.


I assume Ig is referring to the frame that allows a modern car window to open and close.


Corn Pop's Rusty Razor
Trump has a press conference at 4:00 today lol that's gonna be entertaining


Because they are worthless,



A window regulator is the mechanism buried in your car door that makes the window go up and down.

I have replaced a few, a real pain.


Now that Trump has shown full transparency ...

Trump should declassify and release all phone calls between Obama and Iran, Russia and Ukraine.


Thanks, Buckeye. I thought it was a person, a la henry's post. LOL!

I am not mechanical.


asked by whom? name names.

The Wall Street Journal @WSJ

Department of Justice officials say the department was asked to consider whether President Trump's Ukraine call was a campaign-finance violation. It declined to open criminal inquiry.


Grasping at straws:



What the heck is Maguire smoking?!? You think that THIS is "trash talking" ?!?

I did talk to Angela Merkel and I did meet with her. I also met and talked with Macron and I told them that they are not doing quite as much as they need to be doing on the issues with the sanctions. They are not enforcing the sanctions. They are not working as much as they should work for Ukraine. It turns out that even though logically, the European Union should be our biggest partner but technically the United States is a much bigger partner than the European Union and- I'm very grateful to you for that because the United States is doing quite a lot for Ukraine. Much more than the European Union especially when we are talking about sanctions against the Russian Federation.
It sounds like perfectly polite and diplomatic language. Oh, wow, saying "they are not doing quite as much as they need to be doing" is fighting words now? Sure the Europeans are wusses, but nobody is that wimpy!


So bezos assured us yesterday omb had frozen the aid thats not how any of this works.


Aha, behind the paywall it was Schiff that asked if it was a campaign violation.



You are not a Registered Guild member that can just look at those emails legally.

Only the MFM can handle those things safely...


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

“Democrats wrote to the Ukrainian government in May 2018 urging it to continue investigations into President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign — collusion later found NOT TO EXIST.” breitbart.com/politics/2019/…


Rudy Giuliani

The biggest surprise today will be that President Trump had a constitutional duty, under the Take Care Clause of the Constitution, to make certain that the laws regarding serious corruption against a former VP of the United States were properly executed.

Had Obama understood this clause under the Constitution, this pay-for-play scheme, might have been stopped at any early stage. It’s not a single act, as you will see, it’s a pattern of abuse of public office.


It's only 11:00 AM!! How much more will happen today?


Schiff asked? Hah!

Comanche Voter

Just where is she blowing that smoke? My buffalo's hiney wants to know. He's looking uncomfortable.


Hillary Clinton
The president of the United States has betrayed our country.

That’s not a political statement—it’s a harsh reality, and we must act.

He is a clear and present danger to the things that keep us strong and free.

I support impeachment.


Of course you do, you criminal hag. Well, tough. I support your prosecution and incarceration.


thread on Vance's tax return grab:

Adam Klasfeld

Marrero: "I am inclined to grant the U.S. Attorney's office to grant a few days" until Monday.

SDNY's 11th hour entry appears to have been deciding factor.



How has President Trump betrayed the country? There is nothing in that call except friendliness.

What about those pallets of cash that went to Iran?


“Democrats wrote to the Ukrainian government in May 2018 urging it to continue investigations into President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign — collusion later found NOT TO EXIST.” https://t.co/wYdRmpfddk

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2019

Link goes to the Breitbart article that clarice linkes earlier.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

What Buckeye said.
My dad, who was the best mechanic I ever knew, had the nickname Mr Hammer, not because he was destructive but because he knew when to apply judicious force and when not to. He always advised me to apply a little before disassembly.
After giving the door panel a judicious whack with my prybar before gutting the door, the window rose sublimely from the Stygian depths and seated itself in its proper place on my command.
How long that will last I don't know but I really didn't want to fight with it today and it was stuck in the down position with rain forecast this weekend.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--What the heck is Maguire smoking?!? You think that THIS is "trash talking" ?!?--

I sure hope TM isn't planning on merging JOM with...gulp...The Bulwark.


Apparently commenting in public is a high crime and misdemeanor.

MarketWatch @MarketWatch

Adam Schiff says Trump’s comments alone warrant impeachment inquiry


The House intelligence committee chairman says regardless of what a transcript of President Donald Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s leader says, Trump himself has said plenty to warrant an impeachment inquiry.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

“You don’t see a direct quid pro quo in this.” @BretBaier


What a fun day! Next up the link between the whistleblower and a democrat candidate. I'm betting on Kamilla.

Biden is done. If we are lucky Obama will be done too, but I wouldn't put a nickel on that.

The dems are a ship of fools and they are sinking.


We have to remember how utterly ignorant people on the left are. I was chatting with a tennis pal this morning, nice guy, educated, intelligent. He said, "What do you think about this impeachment?" I didn't want to get into it with him, but I said, "We'll see what the transcript says." Then I said, "But Biden has a problem, because he's on video saying he got the prosecutor fired." And this guy said, "Really??" He had no idea. This is what happens if you just watch CNN and MSNBC, or read the NYT.


Mark Meadows

Seeing some political conflation about two sections of the report:

The "favor" section of the call is referencing "crowdstrike," or an investigation into election interference. This is NOT the same thing as the Biden section.

Conflating the two is misleading and irresponsible.


Having read the replies to Meadows' tweet, the dems seem to think that this is Trump talking like a Mafia boss. I guess it's the Queens accent again.


LOL, this is Schiff's take on the transcript:

Adam Schiff
The transcript of the call reads like a classic mob shakedown:

– We do a lot for Ukraine
– There’s not much reciprocity
– I have a favor to ask
– Investigate my opponent
– My people will be in touch

Nice country you got there.

It would be a shame if something happened to her.

Now do the transcript of Biden's comments at that Foreign Policy forum.


Wow.Trash-talking Merkel and Macron in a "private" call didn't work out so well for Zelensky.

It *was* a private call, or as private as these calls can be. And it *wasn't* trash talking.

Come on, TM. Take the orange colored lenses off.



— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2019

Video at link.



They must have sent out the mob/mafia talking points.


Strassel on the transcript. (article on her tweets)



Question: "Is there a discomfort, do you think, in the Vice President's [Biden] role in all of this?"

Sen. Kamala Harris: "I'll leave that to the voters to decide. I'll leave that to the voters to decide." pic.twitter.com/dxNmuzBcuS

— The Hill (@thehill) September 25, 2019

Video at link. Kamela doesn't look particularly confident.



I didn't know this. Must have missed it.

Kimberley Strassel

· 1h
Replying to @KimStrassel

3)(Indeed, this is a big enough issue that we find out this morning that U.S. Attorney John Durham is looking at what role the Ukraine played in the FBI investigation.)


Quisling Romney "deeply troubled" right on cue


Yes. The must have put a run on Depends.

James D.

Hey, Porch, are the morons in your former home state ever going to wake up and stop electing people who Neanderthal their lives and the lives of their children, and also cost the taxpayers millions of dollars in lawsuit settlements?


James D.

“Endanger their lives”

Not sure how auto correct turned that into Neanderthal.

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

The next scandal will be for Trump's FEC violations for failing to report the in-kind donation Pelosi just made yesterday. Derp.


Yesterday's comments about Pelosi's ploy by Kevin McCarthy were pretty weak. Heard them and then immediately after, heard Old Yeller, who made the same points with much more clarity. Why can't the GOP have some articulate spokesmen?

Sandy Daze

Deep state tried a two-fer, hitting Boris in the UK in the Brit Supreme Ct decision, and DJT for this hokey-pokey. Seems to me the deep-state sweat level is high.




Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Finally something that Mittens and I concur on; he is indeed "deeply troubled".

Sandy Daze

(for a number of weeks I was unable to post. Wouldn't accept my twitter log-on, and using the open-source ID, I constantly receive a message that the email addy is already in use, but I cannot for the life of me, use it, or update my password. Thus, I stopped for a bit.)


Hi Sandy!

Sandy Daze

Latest sign in front of my home:




If biden was the tie to the whistleblower, he is dumber than even I thought.


Glad to have you back, Sandy.

Sandy Daze

Off topic...

anyone watch the NCIS premiere last night?

Good to see Ziva back, I guess the series, with all of the personnel changes, was not doing as well.

But, Ziva looks a bit, what is the correct word... hmmm, maybe I should just say she's not as fit as she used to be. She even alludes to it saying to Gibbs (paraphrase):
I'm not who I was Gibbs, and you are not who you were either..."

I gotta say, in what was an otherwise uninspiring script, the line where Ziva tells Gibbs that he never came looking for her, where she suggests she thought of him as her father and that he had abandoned her after the bombing; that line was one of the heaviest guilt trips I've heard on the small screen. wow. ...and Ziva is supposed to be Jewish, not Catholic. HAHAHAHAHA.


Biden may be the straw that broke the uniparty's back.

Sandy Daze

Hi, Jim, thanks JimmyK

Where's Mitch Rapp when we need him?


Gee, what a surprise:

David French @DavidAFrench

So, this is the key statement near the start of the transcript. Note the Trump says Ukraine hasn't been "reciprocal" -- which is fine for presidents to say -- yet then the rest of the transcript lays out Trump's requests. /1


Sandy Daze

Biden may be the straw that broke the uniparty's back.

I'd like to think so, but imo such optimism is mis-placed.

Captain Hate

Why can't the GOP have some articulate spokesmen?

The GOP is an ideologically incoherent pseudo party, more like a money laundering machine for disorganized crime.


Hi Sandy!
The same thing happens to me.
Welcome back.
Giuliani was great on Fox and Friends.
Lying Schiff on all channels.
Turned the tv off.
Dems seemed determined to lose the House in 2020 which is just fine by me.



JUST IN: Trump says US and Japan have reached an initial trade agreement



Where's Mitch Rapp when we need him?

My thought exactly Sandy Daze.


source familiar...

Kevin Corke

#NEW A source familiar with the #WhiteHouse Situation Room staff confirms that the two Situation Room transcribers who listened in on President Trump's call with Zelensky are #CIA employees. They are/were detailed to the WH from the CIA... per @GillianHTurner


I also thought McCarthy was wimpy and did not forcibly make his arguments.
Not a very good minority leader in my opinion.
It should have been Scalise in that position.


LOL, this may be the only way the MSM reports on this stuff:

Andrew Desiderio @AndrewDesiderio

Hmmm… The White House just sent its talking points on Ukraine to House Democrats.

Here are some screenshots, per source.



Sandy Daze:
I watched it and enjoyed it very much!


Hey sandy, how have you been, so it appears sahar was at least at one point, aris girl, you would shed be more angry at gibbs


It was savage the way they got out of that ambush.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Every day we move closer to a hot civil war, because the left will do anything to gain permanent power and the rest of us won't allow that to happen.
Hard to see a way out, given their thirst for control.


and Ziva is supposed to be Jewish, not Catholic

Hey, Jews are just as good as Catholics at the guilt thing!

James D.

Reasons to hate the media, number ten million:


Sandy Daze

Yeah, Narc, the script was lousy... if sahar was Ari's gurl, then she'd directly want Gibbs, not simply through Gibbs to get to Ziva.

Savage? You mean they way Ziva recovered the necklace?? lol



To make sure they got that circulated everywhere, the White House sent out an email recalling it! LOL!

You ust KNOW the press all thought there MUST be some error in it or something that wasn't supposed to be revealed! He plays them like a fiddle!

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