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September 19, 2019


Jim Eagle

ראשו (First in Hebrew)


If Israel had an electoral college they would know who won.


Tom Maguire @Tom_Maguire

Can Biden survive this?
With the media circling (No, NOT circling the wagons) I'll wager that if Biden told people he didn't believe Anita Hill then AND he is lying about that now, people will be deserting the sinking ship.


Bombshell new claims from a longtime friend and adviser to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas allege that then-Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Joe Biden, D-Del., "repeatedly" assured Thomas that he would be confirmed, despite concerns that Anita Hill's sexual harassment allegations would derail his 1991 Supreme Court nomination.

very Comey of him.


Excellent post.Still think Biden will get a pass on this.
Media doesn’t want Biden, they want Warren.
Let them put their weakest candidate up against Trump so that we can win easily.


I think he was arguing for the electoral college while being too ignorant to understand it.

LOL, CH. That is a great summary.



Reposting this from the last thread. It has a 40-minute video of President Trump at the Border Wall answering questions from the press and enjoying explaining the construction immensely.

I had to think of Old Lurker and others here because at one point he is talking about making "one call" to launch an attack and he says "It could be today, tomorrow, or TWO WEEKS from now." LOL!


People better acquainted with Israeli politics than I say Bibi will win.


Its a very close call, clarice, bibi is a force of nature that they think they have checkmated.


The Wall Street Journal @WSJ

Chinese authorities detained a FedEx pilot, elevating pressure on the shipping company that is already caught up in the U.S.-China trade war




Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--And this is OUR problem to solve for the rest of the freeloading world?--

It is only tangentially about oil and slightly less tangentially about the Shia/Sunni schism.
It is primarily about Iran's fanatical pursuit of regional hegemony and the destruction of Little Satan, Israel, and its long term goal of harming the Great Satan, us.
I may have said this before but it's worth saying again;
We may not be interested in Iran's 40 year war with us, but Iran's 40 year war with us is interested in us.
I tend to think [contra my immediate reaction] a direct military strike is not a good idea at this time, but they only get more technically advanced and spread their tentacles wider the longer we wait. We need to wage brutal economic warfare against them and foster and foment as much political and social upheaval in Iran as we possibly can with the long term strategy being the destruction of the theocracy.
They are our and our ally Israel's sworn, ruthless, fanatical, tyrannical enemy. And while Saudi Arabia is not exactly our friend or even an ally, they are the enemy of our enemy, so assisting them against Iran is in our interests.
If a criminal gang invades my neighbor's home, a neighbor who was kind of a pill and did nothing to defend himself, and has its sight set on me next would it be wise to rely on my feckless neighbor to protect myself from criminals or to assume that because I have a fence that I can shelter in place until they go away? Would it also be wise to shelter in place until they're strong enough to injure me severely in my own backyard or to root them out on my neighbor's turf before they can injure me on mine?


Wish I haD KNOWN:

Watch Live: Tea Party Patriots Host ‘Stop Socialism, Choose Freedom’ Rally



EWarren goes all in on giving the finger to the US:



Unlike this fellow, i dont trust gantz


Why would an Israeli election be about the US media's obsession with #OrangeManBad? (could ask the same about Brexit or the next Russian election).


I guess the Chavez Center was booked.

Dan O'Donnell @DanODonnellShow

EXCLUSIVE: Racine Horlick High School is tonight hosting a pro illegal immigration event from a radical left-wing group that routinely compares ICE to Nazis and immigration enforcement to the Holocaust.



Because bibi is the closest local equivalent. Gantz is general zinni if he was prodded to run.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

This seems like a pretty rational analysis of the situation in Israel.
It is ZH so I would do as I did and under no circumstances read the comments.


Narciso, that dude looks like LARRY KINGS retarded little brother.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

So what other parts of the Constitution would POC Liz remove? The 2nd amendment obviously. The 1st?


Ignatius is a prince of the post, his father managed the paper for kay graham, his first novel was good, however unlike silva its gotten stale.


Ig, certain penumbras and emanations are permanent.


Yes its very good, taking out hamas is not as easy as it looks as we discovered in 2008 and 2014 (thatz when khashoggi was celebratimg them)

Old Lurker

Re the latest flap slamming Trump:

Henry, I see that that "leak" was from an unnamed Intel person reporting what Trump said to an unnamed foreign leader.

One problem I have had is the "dumbing down" of our demand for justice against the Coup Gang Conspirators such that many will be satisfied if McCabe goes down for an unpaid parking ticket, and, wow, if Comey gets nailed for being late on a tax return...all will be OK.

The CIA and NSA and all the other 92 intel agencies all played a key part in the coup, and in the resulting theft of Trump's POTUShood even while he holds the title. This was not just "some group within the FBI".


Of course not, but you think it will happen, the left went after helms, felt and miller because they were goimg aftet our enemies. The reverse is true now.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

More on that WeWork guru fruitcake Adam Neuman
who is reportedly in pursuit of being the first trillionaire, the ruler of the world and immortal.
The author notes;

With the IPO on hold, the bigger question for Neumann is: Can 'We' change? And can the co-founder start winning back investors' confidence and shirking his frat-boy reputation? Then again, he can make all the governance changes he wants - he can't change the fact that the company is still burning $2 in cash for every $1 of revenue that it takes in.



"Donate to Democrats. Get your first 2 murders free!"


W let "sloppy" Sandy Burger off the hook.

The rest is history.


OL, there were 93 other intel agencies that ALL AGREED with each other. But none of these 318 agencies noticed all the criminality going on, until 3 weeks before Obama was shitcanned.

Dave (in MA)
Hey, guys@jtLOL
 Justin Trudeau has cancelled everything on his
schedule today. Sounds like he's going

( •_•)
( •_•)>⌐■-■

Gus , So true.
No strike on Iran until after President Trump gets re-elected.
After that bombs away!


I doubt Trudeau will get re-elected.

Old Lurker

Iggy, I see you used your 11:42 to make some valid points, springing off my one line about the freeloading world.

Certainly I appreciate all the points you made about the long term threat from Iran. Who doesn't?

MY point was twofold. WE have enough oil for our needs and have plenty more where that came from. So going to war, as urged by some leaders here and abroad, or even using extreme sanctions going it alone, to protect the oil flowing to the rest of the world is not immediately about us (I am ignoring the fact that oil pricing is fungible like money so I can make my point).

Your appeal to "protecting my neighbor so I can protect myself" will encourage that neighbor to never do his share and always let you spend your money to protect him. And in doing that, he hurts us too.

If my point were made clearly and loudly, perhaps US citizens would appreciate how important Trump's move - successfully in short order - to become energy independent was so brilliant on his part and thus blocking his every effort in that regard is against our own self interest. Secondly, if the rest of the freeloading world stopped counting on our expenditure of ~5% of our huge GDP building and fielding a military so that they can benefit from ours while spending ~1-2% of their own, then perhaps they might spend more of their own money helping us protect THEM, and thus they might spend less of their money on stupid socialist undertakings which then ripple through our elites to pollute our own thing. "We need to be more like XYZ..."


"Robin: I was just today skating by the Cornell boat house
SBW: Usually the New York winter holds off until the beginning of October. ;-)"

I was thinking the same thing LOL
Then realized she must be a roller skater/blader


After general cartwright blabbed all about stuixtnet to sanger and co, the iranians sent a similat package to aramco.


Why are all LIBTARD FULL COMMIES and DEMOCRATS ......white supremecists???

Captain Hate

Just got another positive update on KK. He's probably being removed from ICU later today to the rehab unit.


Capn, he's apparently starting for the RAIDERS this weekend. Unless he's got frostbite on his feet.
Sounds like he's doing quite well.

Captain Hate

So what other parts of the Constitution would POC Liz remove? The 2nd amendment obviously. The 1st?

Do Senators take an oath to defend the Constitution; the real one, not that "living" horseshit drawn on an etch a sketch? Squaw Paleface's forked tongue should be better employed in porn; really bad porn...

Captain Hate

Gus, I don't think the rehab people have to worry about unwanted advances unlike Father Flanagan Belichick's latest Boy's Town Project.

Jim Eagle

Ever notice that when the Dems talk about the Constitution they want to weaken it not make it stronger. That doesn’t sound like the oath they took and borders sedition.


maryrose, you watch Mika and Joe????
Going for sainthood, hmm?

I used to refer friends to them, back in 2008. I started watching after Obama won--I was rather confused (and oh, sooooooo naive!!!) as to how such a clearly inexperienced guy could win that election, and was looking for some insight into the political process. Joe was far more grounded in reality then--and married to the mother of some of his children---and he did have some inside baseball stuff.
But when he was surprised by the 2010 election results , I realized life in the blue bubble was getting to him--but I'd never have guessed he'd end up a flat out Orange Man Bad socialist.


Or maybe doing a cardiac stress test. Listening to NPR is how I screen myself for weak cerebral aneurysms.
If I had any, they'd have long ago burst!


Jack, the FULL COMMIE PARTY is my enemy. No fucking doubt about it. They would rape your beagles given the opportunity.
The worst filth ever to have power in this nation.

Dave (in MA)

The brother-marrier wants to guarantee "living-wage" federal jobs to all Americans. Comrade Bernie thinks it's the government's responsibility to provide a minimum wage high enough to be able to have a 2-bedroom apartment.



The latest and last Rambo film is coming out, and the critics don't like it because they think it is Pro-Trump.

Sounds to me like the movie is going to make a boatload of money!


Rambo is pro Trump because Trump likes killing Mexicans. Someone flush Hollywood, no humans remain.


Heck no!
I was just channel surfing and saw them bloviating about the whistleblower.
Everyday it is the same.
You would think they would get tired of this relentless pursuit of false stories.



I find it hilarious. Those drug cartels are unjustly portrayed, I guess. LOL!

I guarantee you that movie will make a ton of money.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The problem is OL, we put ourselves in danger while waiting for others to defend themselves. Often they don't or they do so too late and another of our buffers is gone and our enemy is stronger.
Our dithering over entering WW2 could have, with just a couple of less stupid moves by Hitler and Japan, resulted in us, isolated here in North America, facing an axis of the Imperial Japanese Asian Empire, The Nazi European Empire and the Soviet Eurasian Empire. They would have eventually destroyed each other but that might have been after they destroyed us.
There is a balance point between world cop and isolationism that results in a surviving country. Miss it by enough and the result is different.



I as just talking to my youngest sister (the nurse and a Trump fan) about Trump in California.

She made the excellent point that the Hollywood set and the Silicon Valley folks don't have to put up with al of the filth, but the average Califiornians do.

She wonders how many votes he will get from fed-up Californians who appreciate him doing something about cleaning up San Francisco and Los Angeles.

I would stay up all of election night if I thought I could see California swing to supporting Trump! LOL!


Being as TRUMP has killed more peeps than Mao, Stalin and Hitler combined, I don't know how he has time for 2 scoops, 12 Diet Cokes, and stolen pancakes.


I think staying out of foreign entanglements is a good thing.
If we are attacked we must fight back in some way.
I will let President Trump decide the best course of action.



You reminded me of an article that made a huge impression on me when I was in high school. It was in Parade magazine and it talked about the German and Japanese plans for dividing up North America (including us) and how they were going to give the Japanese everything west of the Rockies and east of that the Germans would rule. It was pretty scary.


Hi Maryrose. I agree with you about foreign entanglements, but on the other hand, bi-sexual Barry and Gigolo Johnny Kohn Kerry Heinz, as official government big shots, gave aid and comfort and SHIT LOADS of cash to IRAN. Who in turn uses the money to attack it's neighbors and our soldiers. Unless we act with leadership as a nation, Israel may have no options other than to turn IRAN into a pile of rubble and glass at some point.


This seems like a pretty rational analysis of the situation in Israel.

Yes, but my impression is that Lieberman won't tolerate the religious parties in a coalition with Netanyahu. That was why the previous election failed. He wants a broad coalition with his party, the Likud, and the Blue & White, excluding the ultra-orthodox. That seems to be the only way the numbers work, and then it's a question of who can be PM. Bibi's problem is that the Israeli left is like ours, they don't like elections, they like prosecutions, so they're trying to indict Bibi for some trivial corruption charges.

Old Lurker

Can't argue with that, Iggy.

Requires good leadership to strike the right balance and the right timing.

Otherwise we will run out of KY Jelly.

Old Lurker

Looking at the mess the Parliamentary System is making in Israel and the UK makes you really happy that our Constitutional Republic so cleanly passes the torch from one elected official to the next, doesn't it?


OL, at least our deep state knows who to persecute right away.


Our system is supposed to do that.
Until Trump got elected we had smooth transitions.
Now so far no one has been held accountable for the soft coup and the spying on the Trump campaign.
McCabe says no deal for him on the Cuomo show.
If he gets a chance to nail Comey instead of going to prison I bet he changes his tune.


Guess who doesn't want to be reelected:

Evers said during a news conference Thursday that he would consider mandatory buybacks for assault weapons.



Comey still free,
McCabe still free,
Rodham still drunk,
Strzok still free,
Page still free,
Abedin still free,
Ohr still free,
Loretta Lynch still free,
Lois Lerner still free,

Manafort and Stone, not so much.


Evers and Beatoff O'Dork can come for our guns anytime they are ready. Fucking pussies.


Evers did not learn rule number one for Democrats in office.
The gun issue is a loser for Dems.
Just like gay marriage was a loser for Republicans.
Beto is toast now because of his pronouncement.
Even fellow Dems are telling him to shut up.


When will justice come?


I guess Beatoff will have to live off of his wifes families money. He'll write a book and fly about the world in luxury.

James D.

The gun issue is a loser for Dems.
Just like gay marriage was a loser for Republicans.

Disagree completely. An anti gay marriage bill won a statewide referendum in California of all places.

If the GOP had actually stood and articulated a coherent position and FOUGHT on it (as it does on guns), things might be very different now on that topic.


Not in our lifetime Maryrose. We are nearly 3 years in to DJT's term. NOTHING NADA.

Captain Hate

Is Roger Stone in prison (Duck Duck Go sends me to a bunch of jackoff sites when I pose that question)?

Captain Hate

Just like gay marriage was a loser for Republicans.

Thanks to the black robed tyrants its a done deal but it was never a popular issue on the pro side. The Uniparty-R caved anyway so it's a moot point.


It was inevitable that gay marriage was going to become universal throughout the country.Live and let live.
I have fought back against Roe vWade for over 50 years.
Quietly making progress in the states, Ohio being one of them.
We also have a free to carry gun law in Ohio.
I ignore the liberal states.
They do what they want regardless of what the government rules are.
People in California voted against it and the powers that be in that state ignored their wishes.

Old Lurker

Your list is way too short, GUS.

You forgot all the Brennans, Clappers, Rices and the entire Clinton Crime Family at the UN, State & Arkansas.

Old Lurker

Maryrose "When will justice come?"


I'm am still stuck on "Will".


Doubleplue good,OL. I give thanks every day that we do not have a parliamentary system.


Today in our current atmosphere they would have gotten married by fiat if the Court hadn’t ruled in their favor.


We will not get the Clintons or Obama.
I have accepted that fact.
However Clapper, Brennan, Rice and Powers( if she can’t get someone to own up to the unmasking done in her name” should go down for this.
Put tarmac Lynch on that list as well.


For iOS Geeks, read up:



And hit Back Up before you launch it!



I would be booking a rental car back to Atlanta.

Captain Hate

My iOS systems are extremely old because I refuse to upgrade. I'll have to get a new phone this Fall because of some fucking around they're doing with the way they transmit data (I assume most of you will as well) to keep it functioning, so I assume they'll have the new iOS.


Captain Hate,

Is that true? I do not WANT a new phone! All I use mine for is talking, texting, occasional photos, and occasional internet when I am stuck in a waiting room or something.


I use an 8+, always 1-2 models behind, less buggy.



Old Lurker

What is an "iPhone"?

Captain Hate

I use Straight Talk as a carrier, Miss Marple, and they said I had to. It's hard to imagine differing types of incompatible signals being out there BWTFDIK.

Captain Hate

What is an "iPhone"?

Something those damn kids use on your lawn.


"Harris revamps campaign presence in Iowa "

Didn't Newsom ban Californians from going to Iowa? Will she be jailed?


Deplorable Don lists Trump promises kept.
Here are two. There's lots more.

He promised a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health). He delivered.

He promised a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated. He delivered.


Colt to suspend production of civilian rifles:


Jim Eagle

Well, be prepared to wait more than usual. For the last 10 minutes, iOS 13 has been "preparing to update" versus actually updating:) But Rush was raving about all the new features so we'll see. It's really strange that Rush is Apples unofficial and unpaid celebrity endorser when they are so left-wing a company. Don't believe me, then subscribe to Apple News:)s

He reaches more people in 3 hours than any Apple commercial does plus he gives their products away quite often. Strange bedfellows indeed.


My I-phone died on me after 3 years so I had to get a new one and an upgrade.
It is a racket I tell you.

Captain Hate

The Horde often criticizes Rush's Apple huckstering.


Jane :
Harris and Beto are on life support.
Multiple relaunches won’t help these two losers.
Tucker’s rant on Harris crashing and burning was epic on his show last night.

Dave (in MA)
...German and Japanese plans for dividing up North America (including us) and how they were going to give the Japanese everything west of the Rockies and east of that the Germans would rule...

The Man in the High Castle


Colt is going to lose a lot of money.


Is Colt busy making rifles for the military??



Users who want to skip the iOS 13 update can wait until Sept. 24 and go straight to iOS 13.1, Apple confirmed.

rumors of bugs in 13.0

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Colt has been mismanaged and in and out of bankruptcy and reorganizations and strikes for decades. They were even the target of gun owner boycotts years ago because one of the CEOs was all for registration or some such.
They are being outcompeted by other civilian AR manufacturers and I think they lost [again] their military contract so just another story in the mismanagement of Colt saga.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

What Colt always had going for it was a reputation for very high quality. Their revolvers were never my cup of tea but the quality was fantastic. The strike lasted for years and their quality deteriorated and once you lose that rep you've got a hard to solve problem.
I don't even know if they make double action revolvers anymore.

Jim Eagle

MR aka D,

For some reason, Mrs. JiB keeps everything we have ever bought like Apple phones, computers, monitors, etc. So, last year I convinced her that we should sell all the used stuff. On eBay, I was able to sell the iPhone's Original, plus the 4, 5, 6, and 7 which now the unsuspecting buyers can not use iOS 13. Also, 4 MacBooks including a rare "Black" one.

We are totally Apple and digital. Even our TV watching is streaming on Apple TV. Reduced my cable bill by $150.

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