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October 30, 2019



Peach mint. Yeehaw.


I dont like that flavor, its like mango gateorade.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Let's vote and affirm that we have an investigation that we didn't vote on.
What a cynical and fundamentally unserious bunch of wankers.
Jefferson would be wondering why the citizenry had lined up and shot the entire congressional cohort and party leadership of the party he supposedly founded.


Bolton hires him to replace Fiona Hill. He’s just following his meal ticked to the next carcass.


Bolton won’t testify. I expect his assistant Morrison won’t either.


Former national security adviser John Bolton won't appear voluntarily before House committees conducting the impeachment inquiry, his lawyer says


Yes hes an arms control expert, what that has to do with conventional weapons??


Well that tells you more than 100 articles that say otherwise.

Soylent Red

this thing we have

Cosa nostra alright. They're all fucking gangsters.

Another Bob

Bingo, SR.


Last I read, there will be no vote tomorrow.




Schridingers inquiry.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Seems my 7:38 was off. Revision and extension ensues;
Let's NOT vote and affirm that we have an investigation we didn't vote on.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Schridingers inquiry.--

What she said about passing Barrycare to see what's in it finally makes sense.


Does that make Schiff Maxwell’s Demon?

Captain Hate

Did he jump, or was he pushed?

Richard Thompson fan?



I think it is 50/50 whether they will vote tomorrow.
All the tv pundits say tonight, vote tomorrow
That article is from this morning .
I guess we shall see tomorrow
Ext and Soylent:
So wonderful to see you both here!
Happy belated birthday to Cathyf


Morrison supposedly has been thinking about leaving for awhile.


Heres an interesting twist about the good colonel



Appears in civilian garb, when out in public.


But his contact, with naftogaz, which is supplied by burisma.


But you see this musical chairs vindman replaced ciaramella, in 2018, in the eastern european desk,



Did you know Eric Cairamella at Yale?


Regarding Durham and the place of any trials, recall the 6th Amendment provides that the trial shall be "by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law."


Jane, whistleblower boy was class of ‘08. My niece might know him.


The earlier data could have been obtained by oliver darcy, who was the bundys neighbor on married with children (just kidding)



What a travesty this whole impeachment sham.
Your article from Conservative Treehouse exposes the so called military hero as nothing more than a partisan hack.
He is negating his medals by participating in the kangaroo court the Dems have created.

Another Bob

Gurriel HR. 1-0 ‘Stros.


I recently met Mr Kirsanow at a Republican Club meeting and he described the same occurrences stated in the article.


So , some young punk from Yale was actually convinced by Schiff he could take down a sitting President elected by 63 million
Arrogance thy name is democrat.



Despite all the media shaming, seems like Americans still know whae makes sense.


Its just a game of telephone, why do any first hand research.



Ask her.


How does the leaker , not a real w/b get a job at Langley after getting fired from the WH because of leaking?
Who is vetting these losers?


Well thats a change of pace:



Posted by: Narciso | October 30, 2019 at 07:58 PM



All electrical service has been restored in CA other than Kern county (down south). We have both cell and cable service back.

I think this one is over unless the weather does something unexpected.

Manuel Transmission

Just got this email from friends traveling in China:

Monday afternoon, we were getting ready to board our Yangtze River Cruise. There were 70 wide stone steps down to the gangplank, Barry tripped, tumbled into the water unconscious. A quick thinking group member and our guide pulled him from the river, beat him on the chest until he spit up.

Blood everywhere, ambulance ride to ER. Stitched him up, CT scan revealed subdural hematoma. Transfer to brain specialist hospital. Two nights there. Barry looks like heck- huge black eye, cheek and big bandage. Released at noon today. We are on 7 hour train ride to catch up with the group tomorrow. I am now a specialist on Chinese hospitals.

No food, toilet paper or drinks provided unless by the family. Thank God for an OAT representative helping me- and I got to sleep in the 3 person room (very lucky- some rooms house 16) on a picnic type bench with a sheet and tiny pillow.

CT scan (the 4th) tomorrow AM to determine if we will be able to fly to Hong Kong.

Something to think about for all us geezers traveling in 3rd world places.


Good news, dr. J.


Commenter: it's NOT Texas. It's Austin.



Yikes mt.


Yes it is, narc.

There still are fires to put out, so those in burning areas are not done. But for those of us not in the line of fire, as it were, are done.


Another Bob

Mantran, I’ve been all seven continents, wife six of seven. We’re thrilled we didn’t put off the “adventure” travel, for exactly that reason.


Yike, MT.
I've heard it's bad to be hurt out of your town on a weekend because many Chinese hospitals require cash money upfront and ATMs are rare or limit disbursements.


Maryrose, chiapet (Or however he spells it) was hired by Brennan, posted to the WH by Brennan, and returned to Langley into the welcoming arms of Chez Deep State.

Another Bob

BTW Mantran, that location sounded like Chongqing?


Close enough, hes brennans mini me from his cv.

Captain Hate

How does the leaker , not a real w/b get a job at Langley after getting fired from the WH because of leaking?
Who is vetting these losers?

You keep acting like the deep state is some figment of a few people's imaginations or that it magically surrendered on 11/9/2016. They're thoroughly entrenched and plan on outlasting DJT.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

They plan on outlasting us.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The Kincade fire in Sonoma is ~75,000 acres and 30% contained. Once you get to around 50% containment they usually don't do much more damage as the most vulnerable areas are where they build line first. Exceptions always occur of course.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I did learn one thing you smart guys probably already knew; drawing propane out of a 5 gallon bottle at the rate a generator does makes it amazingly cold. So much so that the outside of the bottle was soon covered in frost and when it got down to around 1/3 full I'd have to slosh it around a little just to loosen things up enough for the generator to still be able to run.


Dan Bongino
There’s no bigger disgrace seated in the US Congress right now than Adam Schiff.

Texas Liberty Gal

I wouldn’t travel to China for all the money in the world. Just too risky. I’m happy just to look at the pictures.
It sickens me to read about the Austin schools. We loved living there in the 80s but boy has it gone downhill.


Althouse had a thread about the first column:




How many hours is the propane tank good for??


But in the Senate, we have a contender:

"What you can't have is a couple athletes driving around in Ferraris while everybody else is basically having a hard time making ends meet."@MittRomney, who's in favor of athlete compensation for name, image and likeness, explains there needs to be adjustments to the approach. pic.twitter.com/R38klYEDSk

— Outside The Lines (@OTLonESPN) October 30, 2019

I agree with Rosie:

Rosie memos
Do your sons race around in fancy cars @MittRomney
? It’s not your business what people do with their money especially athletes that work very hard for it. Could you be more out of touch or racist? God you are embarrassing.


Squirrel, is this really the most pressing subject the senate can concerm itseld with.


From the #EasyFire in Simi Valley - this thoroughbred goes back into the blaze to get his family. Not all heroes wear capes...💪🐎😍 pic.twitter.com/BsU6PlBq8R

— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) October 30, 2019

Video at the link.


Snow has started. 2-5” expected per NWS. Local forecasts have me in the luck 4”+ zone.


Kirsanow has gone into the action theiller type, its enough dealing with the fiction of the other commission members.



— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 31, 2019

Video at link. Message: FU Jack Dorsey! Ha!


Adam Schiff and Omar are tied in my opinion.
I really wish somehow when a new President comes in he could get rid of any of the leftovers from the previous administration.
Brennan going down and on trial Is what I hope to see in the future.


Dems find it very easy to do so, they get rid of all the us attys, they get the fmr fbi director fired, they hold off picking an ig for years.


When they are voted out, the leave moles at justice in the bureau in other security services, thats the tripwire ive referred to.

Captain Hate

Squirrel, is this really the most pressing subject the senate can concerm itseld with.

I'm incredulous at how they need to do reverse LeBrons.

Captain Hate

They stacked the deck, maryrose, and they do it every time. When Homeland Security was set up I was hoping the GOP would push back against it being unionized. Frankly I was hoping they'd stall the whole thing from being created at all.

Neither of those happened.


I guess its relatively harmless, until we see the price tag.


I also didn’t want Homeland Security unionized.


How do you know when theyre lying:



Beyond satire:


Another Bob

2-0 ‘Stros.


So Mrs. sbw and I will go see "Hamilton" in NYC Sunday night. Mrs. is reading the book. We listened to the CD and followed the words.

Interesting to me that the original cast saw it from a leftist POV. I see it as validating conservative principles and damning the Jefferson Federalists ( the first Democrats).

Hamilton was an immigrant who advanced on merit and created stable institutions. Burr was a chameleon.

When they were unable to stop Hamilton’s proposals using arguments, Jefferson, Burr, and Madison resorted to corrupt press to attempt to destroy Hamilton (James callender) by revealing an affair where the husband tried to blackmail Hamilton, alleging corruption.

However Hamilton documented all payments, not caving to the Democrat libel.


Hamilton was a patriot.



If the #Democrats were winning the race to raise cash against #Trump, this platform wouldn't have banned political ads.


Isnt that the truth, when they cant win the throw shade or change the platform


Hey everybody, thanks gobs for the b-day wishes, but my birthday is in March!


narciso: "Dems find it very easy to do so, they get rid of all the us attys, they get the fmr fbi director fired, they hold off picking an ig for years."

Also, by not passing a budget they lock-in their funding priorities using Continuing Resolutions.

When will Repubs fight back?


Heading to bed.



When indeed?
Where is the Horowitz report?
Time is of the essence.



Take it in on Sunday as though you are expecting the hype as to have been overdone, only know that it's US History as told by the inner city.

Let it roll over you.

Report back Monday and we'll compare notes. Bring your copy of The Federalist Papers.


Commenter at BJG says the Trump Campaign is running ads on the game tonight. No Dem ads LOL

Another Bob

Rendon. 2-1 ‘Stros.



Your listing on another site said something else, my fault.

Captain Hate




Seen the ads. Looked like a warm up artillery shot.


G'night all.

JM Hanes

Washington Times via Instapundit:

Democrats appeared to abandon hope of securing GOP defectors for the [impeachment] vote, as Republicans closed ranks ahead of the first test of the push to punish Mr. Trump for prodding the Ukraine president to investigate corruption involving former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, a political rival, and his son Hunter.
Captain Hate

I saw at least one DJT ad and it was good and current.

Another Bob

Kendrick 2R HR. 3-2 Nats.


Another Bob

Kendrick is your MVP if Nats hold on.



Manuel Transmission

On the way into town just before sundown this afternoon, I saw a big buck laying beside the road about a 100 yds before our marina where it is still heavily wooded. On the way back, there was a pickup parked in front of it, so I pulled up to see what was going on. It was just a guy checking to make sure the buck was dead. However he was shocked to see what I could also see after stopping: there was a deer balloon on a string that had been set out apparently as a Halloween trinket at the driveway entrance. The buck apparently tried to hustle it and got his antlers wrapped up in the string and got hit by a car?!

Captain Hate

I really think Hinch should've left Greinke in.

Another Bob

Yeah CH, it’s a tough call. Greinke was basically cruising, but managers get famous in a bad way for leaving that cruising pitcher in one hitter too long.

I’d have considered Cole in that spot.

Regarding Durham and the place of any trials, recall the 6th Amendment provides that the trial shall be "by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law."
Yeah, tell that to Ted Stevens. And remember that it was Sullivan who granted the motion to move the trial to DC. The alleged crime was about a FREAKING BUILDING. Nothing is less ambiguous a location as REAL ESTATE!

Poor buck, MT.


Dang. Nats winning.

Captain Hate


Another Bob

Nats get one more. 4-2.


correct, cathyf..and the witnesses were largely there and the jury could have seen the fairly ramshackle a frame in site.

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