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November 20, 2019


Jim Eagle


Good morning.

Jim Eagle

I though it was Mayor Pete’s so-called wife’s job to watch his six?


Mayor Pete will get flack from that claim of black support when it was a HUGE exaggeration if not lie.

I look forward to reading his explanation which will probably insult others.


Brent Bozell
Things are going so bad for Dems that they are attacking their own witnesses to save face!! Maybe someone should invoke the "mercy rule" and put a stop to this. Then again, why show Schiff and Co. any mercy? #DemsGotNothing


Donald J. Trump
“White House Confidence Grows As Hearings Wear On.” @WashTimes
This is just an attempted takedown of the Republican Party by the Do Nothing Democrats. It will never work. #2020


Gov. Mike Huckabee
Tuesday's impeachment hearings were like listening to an endless loop of “Seasons In The Sun” while sitting on hot coals under angry wasp nest, eating tofurkey with kale stuffing and forced to watch Joy Behar’s home movies. I thought Dems were opposed to torture?




So an incompetent small town mayor who’s only interesting resume item reads “GAY” is the new definition of centrist? He’s still off the left hand margin of any piece of paper you graph political positions on.



He will never get the votes of minorities in the numbers he would need.



This is about having the money follow the student, rather than geographic districts.

Since in my state schools are funded by property taxes, I have no idea how this would work, or if it's feasible. It seems to me that the posh suburban schools would get a flood of kids and the inner city schools would be abandoned.


Re-enable a nation's internet in order to aid protestors?
I had seen a headline pass by but didn't dive in and read.
jim_nj did, though. Fascinating concept, indeed

From his 4:17, back-thread
"The last time Iran went through a crisis it blocked individual apps. Now it appears that they are trying to block the whole internet.
Some here have commented on news articles that suggest that the US may try to re-open the Iranian internet.
That's a fascinating concept if achievable. I've always thought, probably like most of you, that a US goal in cyber-warfare would be to take out a country's internet. That restoring a country's internet might be a better goal never occurred to me."


I have a friend who is a Program Director at NIH. His name is very Islamic. It turns out that his father is Persian, and his mother is Irish Catholic. He attends Bible studies. His loquaciousness takes after the Persian side.

I love this country!


Tucker Carlson on Alexander Vindman: “Now we learn that the Ukrainian government repeatedly asked Vindman to take formal control of the entire Ukrainian military, which, for the record, is a very strange thing to ask of an active duty American military officer.” pic.twitter.com/xxPxMIqSnf

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 20, 2019

Video at link.


I didn't click through to the link, so not sure if the breakthru is "fasted bird fryer in the universe" or something else.

Tom Maguire
Sure, it may save the planet, but if billionaire Bill Gates gets even richer on this can Bernie and Elizabeth approve?

(Bonus Query - how is the Pentagon *not* looking at this?)

Secretive energy startup backed by Bill Gates achieves solar breakthrough



In case there was any doubt that #impeachment forces are taking their marching orders from the liberal media ... pic.twitter.com/JjSaeTW05R

— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) November 19, 2019

Video evidence at the link.


Maria B. reporting suspicious package at Longworth office building.


An oldie, for JamesD. Perhaps one day DIAF will be replaced by "strangled with the entrails of" LOL

James D.

JimCA, I would have no problem with that.



I clicked through to read the article but since it is CNN's science writer coupled with the guy touting the process for Bill Gates, I remain cautious.

James D.

Henry @ 7:47


Nobody on the Dem side is remotely "centrist" by any reasonable definition of the term.

The reality is, in terms of actual policy, President Trump is the true centrist. His economic and immigration policies are close to mainstream Democrat Party views from the early 1990's, for one thing.


I am somewhat concerned that I found yesterday so enjoyable, when I should be mad as hell at what the Ds/MSM/Deep State (they call themselves Interagency, if anyone cares) are doing to this country with this insanity---spending our tax money, dividing the electorate, spreading lies, obstructing the Executive--but I had a most enjoyable day yesterday, as I realized I was listening to the cast readings of The Office

I took great pleasure in listening to NPR's "analysis" of the ten hours of hearings, which they covered live, being the good propagandists they are and having very different expectations of how that day would go.
They could not manage to put whipped cream and a cherry on the steaming pile of caca they had before them, though they tried, they tried, they tried.
I especially enjoyed that they had to report their own poll shows a drop of support for impeachment among independents. Who apparently are remembering the POTUS sets foreign policy. Who may even think having expectations to go along with the boatloads of money we send other countries is not a bad thing! (I always thought that was what "aid" was all about.)
Volker blew the whole thing to pieces. His factual portrayal of what happened when, his professionalism in dealing with policy differences between POTUS and basically every single other person/advisor involved--and that is about what it was, even Sen. Ron Johnson's letter makes that clear--his total LACK of hair on fireness about POTUS's take on Ukraine made clear that Vindman and Robinson were simply inexperienced, ego inflated rookies who somehow did not understand that they work for the POTUS. And lack the skills to persuade.
Not to mention Vindman's boss's testimony under oath that he was warned about V's judgement,and that he likely leaks.
NOT good for the D side, that.

And now I am really intrigued as to how Pelosi will get out of this morass, as I think she is a masterful player of the game.
So much so, that I have wondered if she did indeed set Schiff up. But that stretches credulousness. I even found myself over the weekend considering the possibility she and DJT set this up, to tank her far left--the AOC crowd.
Yes, that is absolutely Nuts.
But Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself is not a crazy thought to entertain!

(MM, just for the record: you did not post the Julie Kelly article, narc did. And she wrote about a different show, Office Space, which I've never seen or heard about--but sounds like it is much the same.)


I'm going to need a primer on solar in "cement" making that seems to have been slid past the censors at CNN (where that 2nd click goes) and their "noted" Science!11! editorial staff.



Mostly I am posting this for the end portion of the story, where we learn that the democrats didn't like it at all that this bit of information came out.


“Now we learn that the Ukrainian government repeatedly asked Vindman to take formal control of the entire Ukrainian military, which, for the record, is a very strange thing to ask of an active duty American military officer.”

I wonder if anyone has actually corroborated Vindman's claim, or if this is just part of his delusions of grandeur?



Thanks for the correction. I sometimes remember stories I have read and confuse them with stories I have posted. I certainly don't want to take credit for others' work - that's the Joe Biden way!


I was discussing with my local friend yesterday how absolutely unimpressive all of these apparatchiks are that the democrats are calling as witnesses and how it certainly makes an easier case for reducing the size of government.


Someone's been digging into the OTHER end of the iBama terms, a k a before he was legally able to "Go!"


Captain Hate

So an incompetent small town mayor who’s only interesting resume item reads “GAY” is the new definition of centrist? He’s still off the left hand margin of any piece of paper you graph political positions on.

Yes, the amount of eye rolling the first sentence of the post produced kept me from reading the rest of it. Patterico level trolling.


The three year Hoax continues! https://t.co/Yht2KQb5aW

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 20, 2019

Tweet and video of Jesse Watters at the link.


It's all about the words and how you define them:

ShareBlue will now be operating as The American Independent:



Deplorable Don
Epstein guards "thought their orders were to Watch Suicide instead of Suicide Watch."

Lots more, too
The Daily Beast reported, "Oleksander Danylyuk, the former Chairman of the National Security and Defence Council in Ukraine, said he only remembers speaking with Vindman once about the defense minister position. He said he and Vindman had engaged in a light-hearted conversation about how the two used to live close to one another in the former Soviet Union. It was then that Danylyuk jokingly told Vindman that he should take the defense minister job in Ukraine."
Vindman thought it was a real offer


#Breaking Ex-Baltimore mayor Catherine Pugh charged with fraud and tax evasion involving sales of self-published children's books.


I wonder if this goes into the "Book Deal" angles...


An extremely accurate and satisfying thread about Vindman, written by a veteran and son of a veteran. Do give it a read, it will bolster your confidence.



Anyone seeing anything on the "new" ABC poll?

It's a hoot!!



I will call my sister today and tell her about that arrest. It should make her feel good that she was on the right track!


Bread and circuses. No one but stoned beltway nerds pay attention to these theatrical productions. Yet already, the fix is in. The Leftists on both sides of the camera will flail and wail until the Hillary/Michelle ticket parachutes on top of all in Summer 2020.

Or should I have issued a spoiler alert?


Donald J. Trump
Nancy Pelosi will go down as the least productive Speaker of the House in history. She is dominated by AOC Plus 3 and the Radical Left. Mexico and Canada, after waiting for 6 months to be approved, are ready to flee - and who can blame them? Too bad!


Yep, should set things up nicely for the DNC next summer:

Vicki McKenna @VickiMcKenna

Charges of MURDER and CHILD RAPE not enough to keep MKE defendants behind bars under dangerous and expensive commitment to "alternatives to incarceration".




Trump ordered Ukraine 'quid pro quo' through Giuliani, key witness Sondland testifies



“Mr. Giuliani’s requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit” for Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Sondland says in an opening statement provided by his lawyer to CNBC.

Tom Bowler

Henry, Regarding that solar breakthrough:

Heliogen, a clean energy company that emerged from stealth mode on Tuesday, said it has discovered a way to use artificial intelligence and a field of mirrors to reflect so much sunlight that it generates extreme heat above 1,000 degrees Celsius.

Seems like that kind of heat might warm the planet.

Jim Eagle

Melinda & Henry,

Cement making: Once you quarry, crush, mix components beside limestone it may include iron ore, slate, etc., you then dry them in large refractory lined kilns to tempertures approaching 2,700F. Cement production consumes huge amounts of electricity to produce that process.

Concentrated solar is not a bird-fryer since it focuses it's solar energy on a single point receiver. The biggest breakthrough with Heliogen's process is using AI to control the reception and receiver transmission of the heat as well as the storage component. Not necessarily novel but an expotential advancement of the engineering science.


Bill McKibben
And so it begins. After relentless organizing, CA gov Gavin Newsom announces temporary ban on fracking and long-term pledge to 'manage the decline of oil production in the state.' It's not all that activists wanted--but that language is an important signal



A variation on "Eminent Domain".


That's the precise technical information I was looking for JiB. Thanks!


Office space was a film about engineers, i dont know what they actually made at dundermifflin.



Salena Zito and Brad Todd


Drill baby drill!

Californians will soon be willing to pay even more dearly:)



I have no idea why my link was superimposed over your post.


JiB, I didn't make that up.

The OLE biologists found that “significant avian mortality is caused by the intense solar flux that produces feather singeing.” i



Miss M, typhuspad didn't like my link to an article on concentrated solar installations frying birds in flight.


Im not going to quibble about credit.



Wayne has a point:

"This should be one of the biggest stories of the century. A former president and his wife’s charitable foundation lost $32 million, and nobody questions the loss. I am beside myself."


I believe Sensenbrenner will be replaced by a solid guy.

Scott Fitzgerald @FitzgeraldForWI

I'm incredibly honored to have @ScottWalker's endorsement. Scott and I worked hand in hand to pass Act 10, advance countless conservative reforms, turn our economy around and make sure Wisconsin was open for business. I'm so grateful for his support.


Tom Bowler

And now I am really intrigued as to how Pelosi will get out of this morass, as I think she is a masterful player of the game.

I've wondered about that myself, anonamom. My prediction is that the House never votes on impeachment. Rather than risk a Senate trial that could feature Joe and Hunter Biden and Eric Ciaramella as witnesses, along with all the questions that have been disallowed in the House, House Democrats will drop the impeachment and find or manufacture a new scandal. I expect a new round of hearings. Maybe Jerry Nadler will get another shot at the limelight.

As to Pelosi's gamesmanship, I credit that to her willingness to be nasty and dishonest. Intelligent? Not so much.


With his own words, @RepAdamSchiff has just guaranteed the Ukraine will now conduct the most extensive investigation in history, of the Biden’s.




Zack Beauchamp
This is it. It's the whole ballgame.


Link goes to Sondland quote on Giuliani.


Chad Pergram
Schiff: If the President abused his power and invited foreign interference in our elections..and did so by withholding official acts..it will be up to us to decide, whether those acts are compatible with the office of the Presidency.



Tim Carney saw a driver try to mow down a high school kid deliberately with his car. Carney called the police, who did nothing. Here's the thread with his account, including pictures of tire tracks.



Someone should tell Schiff to stop calling our president "Trump."


Panama Papers Arrest in Malta? That's not supposed to happen.




Wasn't Guiliani sent over there AFTER Trump was elected? How could this have anything to do with inviting Ukraine's interference in the 2016 election? Plus, Zelensky wasn't even president then.

Also, how do we KNOW that Sondland is telling the truth or that we aren't just reading his interpretation? And if it was a quid pro quo, wasn't it Sondland's duty to warn Guiliani or the President?



Sean Davis
The newest Democratic obsession—a WH meeting for Ukrainians—is especially bizarre in light of Vindman’s testimony.

The Ukrainians already had a potential defense minister working on their behalf inside the WH. That’s way more valuable than a photo op.


Yeah, Ivy League and all, but:

Mice fed a ketogenic diet were better able to combat the flu virus than mice fed food high in carbohydrates, according to a new Yale University study published Nov. 15 in the journal Science Immunology.



Fasting day here. No food help, thank you.

(But that is interesting)



Also learned in this that the President is going to tour the Apple factory in Texas today.

Captain Hate

Is there any of this green horseshit that doesn't result in massive bird kills? Where's the fucking Audubon Society or any other birdbrained do gooders on this?



Good Byron York column.


Captain Hate,

That is a good point.



The “green wave” of campaign cash that boosted Democrats and liberal causes in 2018 included an unprecedented gusher of secret money, new documents obtained by POLITICO show.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund, a little-known nonprofit headquartered in Washington, spent $141 million on more than 100 left-leaning causes during the midterm election year, according to a new tax filing from the group.


Julie Kelly
House Intel letter on subpoenas:


[Link goes to letter from Nunes & Jordon on Due Process and Fairness, legally now on the record]


BREAKING: Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg says in a statement:

“I was on the much-reported July 25 call between President Donald Trump and President Zelensky … I heard nothing wrong or improper on the call. I had and have no concerns.” pic.twitter.com/ta9eoyKoNl

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 20, 2019

Lt. Gen. Kellogg was not allowed to testify, so he issued a statement. Link goes to screen cap of his statement.

Jim Eagle

I wouldn't say the bird-kills are massive. Ivanpah was only a little over 300+ from a January to June time frame. I have sent an email to Heliogen asking them what procedures or technology they are using to minimize bird kills.

Lets see how they come back. Possibly using similar technology used by airports.



Senate pans bribery charge.

Captain Hate

I'm thinking more of windmills, Jack, particularly ones placed in obvious migration paths.




Memo Given To Fusion GPS Described Ukrainian Lawmaker As Potential ‘Conduit’ For Publicizing Information


Details on the Pugh Scene:

So many talk about sealed indictments & guilty pleas, so few notice when they are unsealed.
DOJ unsealed the guilty pleas of 4 Baltimore City employees for various schemes to make money for themselves & the mayor.
Mayor Pugh indicted!
HT to @Inquisitor1124

Jimmy Holland @BluesBrother91
a multi-count federal indictment against former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh will be made public later Wednesday morning.



[Nice thread laying it all out. I especially enjoyed the misuse of Fed grants, which smells like an audit trail to me. Pity that.]


Sondland sounds almost as butt hurt as Vindman.




Carson v Waters. KO first round.



Adam Klasfeld
Sondland goes off-script.

"On July 25, 2019, Presidents Trump and Zelensky had their official call. I was not on the call."

The ambassador ad-libs that he was not invited either.

"In fact, I first read the transcript on September 25, the same day it was publicly released."


Mr. Klasfeld does something old fashioned, he listens and compares notes. Read the quick thread.]

Texas Liberty Gal

MM - can you recommend a good person to follow on twitter who is tweeting live updates of today's testimony.


Tom R

The quid pro quo argument has changed from "investigate Burisma or you won't get any US foreign aid" to "investigate Burisma or you won't get to visit Trump at the White House".

Texas Liberty Gal

Just found this from Rep Biggs

Rep Andy Biggs
Sondland testified that...

⇒ He was not on the July 25 call;
⇒ He read the transcript when it was publicly released;
⇒ No one shared any concerns with him about the call;
⇒ Zelensky didn't bring up any investigations during July 26 in-person meeting.

Captain Hate

Regarding Mayor Petey, that just feeds into my hypothesis that people don't like the ossified turds that the Uniparty litters WashLincoln with:

DJT - outsider
Gaylord - fresh HISTORICAL FIRST face
GWB - governor
Slick - pervert governor
GHWB - VP/spook
Reagan - governor
Carter - pervert wannabe governor


But hes wired into the truman project which has a pipeline into the obama administration and the burisma board. Hes as independent as macron.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

That Sondland stuff is days if not weeks old.
It's only brought up now because the "aid" end of things has died a natural death and so they're now trying to act as though a WH visit by the newly elected comedian/president of the Ukraine is some campaign benefit to Trump.


The quid pro quo argument has changed ..."

I have not seen a transcript of the discussion but one take might be ... "agree to make a public announcement to investigate Ukraine interference in 2016 and Burisma so we can move forward with arrangements to visit the White House."


Cool. let's end all the subsidies then.

PJ Media @PJMedia_com

Robert Kennedy Jr. Says Fossil Fuel and Green Energy Companies 'Don't Need Any Subsidies'


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I don't think the Ukranians offered Vindman command of their military.
Probably just a seat on the board and 50+ large ones per month.


Sondland is mostly covering his ass.

Understandable, given the "climate".


Hillary would have also insisted on a big fat donation to her foundation.



There is no insist.

It's implied.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Transcript of Sondland's testimony.
The 'corrections' are the last couple of pages. A nohingburger of presumptions and guesses and nebulous anticorruption statements. His corrections are Nov 4th. Nothing new.

We're going through this idiocy because the Dems would have been perfectly happy with Trump had he demanded a quid pro quo from Ukraine to NOT investigate corruption or they weren't getting their aid, because the Dems know how many corpses they have buried there.

Captain Hate

Is that the Kennedy whose wife killed herself over all his whoring around?


Texas Liberty Gal,


Stu gives you details and facts. Roscoe likes to mock. I follow both. If I can remember some others, I will post them here. Some started out following but got bored. LOL!

James D.

Is that the Kennedy whose wife killed herself over all his whoring around?

I think you need to narrow it down more than that!


MissMs link is worthwhile.
Explains why the election is close despite Dems being awful

I disagree with this section implying that Trump started the incivility.
"The emotional exertion of Trump’s combative approach continues to provide Democrats with avenues of appeal to buttoned-up suburbanites who otherwise resist liberal policies. And it has forced populists on the left to copy Trump’s antagonistic style,"

Other than that, solid important analysis

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Here's a confusing twist on Dr Gundry's lectins theory.FDA investigates possible link between certain pet foods and heart disease in dogs.

90% of the foods identified in the reports were “grain-free,” meaning they did not contain soy, wheat, rice, barley or other grains, 93% contained peas or lentils and a “far smaller” portion contained potatoes or sweet potatoes

Legumes [lentils] and nightshades [potatoes] have the highest lectin levels, but grains have them too. It's a paradox I tell you.
Either way 'grainfree' does seem to have some type of link to dilated cardiomyopathy.

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