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November 29, 2019



So the london bridge knifer with an id tag, was attending the cambridge u, when he went kamikazi scotsman


Details here:



AND, Narciso, he was stopped by THIS guy:


Thread. First tweet:

Sartorial Thug
(Secretary of State for Bounders)
Yes. That is a chap with a 5ft narwhal tusk, taken from Fishmongers Hall, tackling a terrorist on London Bridge


Indeed, like the glasgow at the airport


Steve Herman
Attacked named by @metpoliceuk
as 28-year-old Usman Khan, who was convicted of terrorism offenses in 2012.


I think Steve meant attacker.

Dave (in MA)

If narwhal tusks are outlawed
Only outlaws will have narwhal tusks
Except for narwhals

A bit much for a bumper sticker.



Another Bob

MM, a video I saw had a number of bystanders on the perp, presumably beating the crap out of him. A cop dragged the last bystander off the perp, and as soon as the bystander was cleared, perp was shot. One of the bystanders is seen walking away briskly with a 10” chefs knife in hand.

Excellent sign for the Brits that they’re no longer simply running away.

Dave (in MA)

Better to plug 'im than to just bring him in for another round of mayhem when the next idiot lets him out "on licence" again.


Another Bob,

I agree. Replies on several threads from Brits want him given an award or knighted.




MORE: A man and a woman were killed during the London Bridge attack; a man and two women were also injured and remain in the hospital https://reut.rs/2Dvg2Mt


Oh hes one of choudharys gang



Reposted from the last thread:

And I thought I had pretty much seen it all...

My youngest grandson got a radio-controlled "vehicle" for his fourth birthday, which was yesterday. So what is he driving around, to terrorize the cat?

A turd.

Yes, a radio-controlled turd. He loves it. Sheesh!


And the fact he was a guest at a cambridge cve


To understand what Trump is REALLY accomplishing, take 2 minutes and listen to this.

Democrats should be shaking in their boots! This lady represents millions of Americans who are ditching the demonic Democrats in their enthusiastic support for @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/bEpipx9vmO

— Don Purser (@DGPurser) November 29, 2019

Audio at the link.



You should send a picture of it to that Twitter poster I follow, Catturd!

Dave (in MA)

DrJ didn't say it was from a cat.

Jim Eagle

A reason the Tory's win big time in December:

Jerymy Corbyn in a tweet: "Today a man was killed by police in broad daylight." No context. Extent of his tweet. Good Lord.

Another Bob

JIB, either that tweet was deleted or someone made it up.


“My heart goes out to the victims of this appalling attack.

We owe a deep debt of gratitude to our police and emergency services, and the brave members of the public who put themselves in harm’s way to protect others.

We must remain united across all our communities.”


It looks like he was affiliated with these lads, but not the original cell


Dave (in MA)

It is being claimed that Corbyn tweet was a hoax. I'll just assume that's what he thought, but didn't actually tweet.


Every single person here is old enough to remember when putting the flag on anything other than a pole would get you arrested : https://twitter.com/rdrhwke/status/1200570976741810176?s=21


Pin, no problem. She looks Polish.

Dave (in MA)

I'm old, but I don't remember that.

Jim Eagle


It is fake but the only one I had seen.

Debunked but like a lot of things with Corbyn probably his true intent. After all this is a guy in a senior political position who has opposed every anti-terror legislation in the Commons and is about as anti-Semitic, pro-palastenian you can get. May be the reason I believe it at first.


So who let him go.


Johnny Carson knew about Prince Andrew in 1984... pic.twitter.com/FeacSxGpq2

— M3thods (@M2Madness) November 30, 2019

Video at link. Amazing. we weren't paying attention back then.


Didn’t Meathead put the flag on his ass pocket?


He replaced michael savage on this station



We'll make allowances.


This is who he is:



I’m not against free expression per se, I’m against crass commercialism. They will sell you the red white and blue pillow they smother you with.

jim nj

Back in the early 70's I knew two different guys that painted their Ford Econoline vans with US flag motifs.


I know I’ve got you all interested in looking for scoundrels under that dress.



Thread on how going after the cartels is going to cut off drug money going to Congress.

Read the replies, too.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki


Thanks for the Leno/Lee link on the Dino. I've watched a few other ones on Lee's collection. Dude must be loaded.

I wonder what shop in England did that restomod. Well done!--

This guy did.

jim nj



Thanks Iggy!

That's a place I will visit if I ever get a chance.


This guy got sick of everything being anti-Trump or a paid subscription, so he started a You Tube channel with old movies that are in the public domain. Lots of these are movies we used to watch on the Early Show after school on our local channel, like the Charlie Chan movies.


Great for insomniacs like me!


Here's what you have all been waiting for: the Pile Driver!


It includes a realistic feel!



Target audience: boys under 16. LOL!

The inventor will make a fortune!

jim nj




They aren't going to pursue it. Probably the Queen made her wishes known.

jim nj


Understanding “The Budweiser”: The History of the Navy SEAL Trident

The Navy’s sea commando force has its own unique insignia for decades.



The four-year-old grandson love it. Kids these days! :)

On a more serious note, the eldest granddaughter did a great job with Thanksgiving yesterday. It was great to see (and taste!).


Of course they wont i think the mimistry of silly walks was more to the point, not kingsman not the avengers not bond


30) Blacks are doing currently under PDJT compared to BHO’s was amazing.

This is a must watch interview.https://t.co/d0mcjFnu55

— Baba97 (@Baba9773) November 30, 2019

Linked video with Tucker Carlson and Peter Kirshanow. Warch it!



I bet my youngest grandson would love it, but my son and DIL would kill me. LOL!


"How Kamala Harris’s Campaign Unraveled"

Well, when she rode to power atop her boss's baloney pony, it's hard to take her seriously as a 'front runner.'


Big Brother Serenades to His Baby Sister ❤

— Kevin W. (@Brink_Thinker) November 30, 2019

Absolutely sweetest video ever at link!

jim nj


Black Friday Weekend Will Deepen the Divide Between Retail’s Winners and Losers

"The season has gotten off to a solid start, thanks to many retailers starting deals earlier than ever, judging by preliminary online results: in the first two weeks of November, online sales rose 17.5%, according to Adobe Analytics.

But if retailers are getting aggressive earlier despite a strong consumer spending environment, it's because the retail sector has largely been very promotional even before the holiday season and many big chains, particularly department stores coming off of a string of weak quarters this year, can't afford to lose any more ground."

I can see a retailer not wanting to lose market share or declining sales, but I wonder if the discounting is going to show up in reduced profits.

I wouldn't be surprisde to see more retail store closings next year.



The Education Department is investigating two American universities—the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Maryland—regarding whether they’ve properly reported contracts with and gifts from several foreign governments and tech-related entities, according to letters sent to the institutions in late September and recently released to the general public.

Officials are specifically interested in records of anything they’ve received from the Russian, Chinese, Saudi Arabian and Qatar governments, as well as Huawei, ZTE and other foreign companies that have recently been exposed to more severe federal scrutiny.
More at the link.


Heading to bed.

Good night, everyone!

jim nj


This isn't the first time I've read of something like this.

Farmer checks with two federal agencies before planting a field of wheat. Later the Army Corp of Engineers tells him he is violating the Clean Water Act.


Planting occurred in 2011, while the iBama rule was in place. EO undoing it came later.


Which ties into the question i raissd re dirseys little vacation in africa.


I read up on dorsey to figure out where he comes from, hes not an innovator hes just the last figure standing when the dust clears, of course prince talal is one of his benefactors.


I think we grokked this on general principals



I know they are also three doppler shifts left but they are on point


Now usman doesnt appear to be a major figure in thr cell, however one of theit targets 9 years was one boris johnson.


Nadler sets Dec 6 as deadline for Trump's counsel to participate in impeachment proceedings saraacarter.com/nadler-sets-de… via @SaraCarterDC

12/6=12+6=18=6 6 6

The Gematria checks out.

Another Bob

Trump isn’t going within several parsecs of Nadler’s committee, right?


Oh this cant end badly?


jim nj


I would publicly discuss the conditions under which I would attend. Then declare the conditions unfair and refuse to participate.

Nadler, with his arbitrary deadline, is trying to say we gave them a chance and they refused. I would turn it back on Nadler anyway I could.


Eventually Google will run Social Security and you won’t draw a check each month until you watch enough commercials on YouTube.

jim nj


Glenn Reynolds

"If President Donald Trump is re-elected next November, he'll owe a lot of his victory to the army of activists working tirelessly to put him over the top. No, I'm not talking about the red-hatted MAGA crowd, tireless as they are. I'm talking about the army of leftist activists whose nonstop craziness is moving moderates into the Trump column day by day."


By the way i skimmed throgh weads book its very good in giving us interior perdpective.


Trumps strong preoccupation worh the prospect of nuclear war

jim nj


"The president did what he could for Hong Kong and the protesters appreciate it. He signed a law passed overwhelmingly by Congress."

I think Trump gave serious thought to vetoing this bill and then decided it worked in his favor. He can tell Xi that Congress would have just gotten more pissed off and over ridden his veto.

Maybe I'm being cynical but I think the Congress had two motivations for this bill. One, to show support for the people of HK, second, to bind Trump in the trade negotiations by pissing off the Chinese.

The end result is he blew off anyone who voted for the latter reason and he sent a message to the Chinese that he doesn't need the trade deal as much as they do. So get over this insult and do a deal or not.

jim nj


This was like a one-two punch.

The election results.

Then Trump signing the HK bill.

jim nj


Europe’s Backlash Against Huawei Has Arrived
Resistance to Chinese technology is growing in Germany—and the ripple effects could reach across the continent.

Worth reading as it's just not about Huawei.

The EU sought to take advantage of the US-China trade dispute to cut a sweet deal of their own with the Chinese.

"Under acute pressure from U.S. President Donald Trump’s trade war, the reasoning went, Xi would be compelled to find common ground with Europe. It was a chance for the EU to wring concessions from China on a range of issues, including long-stalled negotiations on an investment agreement that would open up the Chinese market to European firms."

And that's not quite working out. I think Europe misjudged the dynamic. China might like to cut a deal with Europe to offset the pressure from the US, but China can't give Europe stuff without giving the same or better to the US.

The US is a much larger trade partner with China than Europe is. I think the European view of Trump has also clouded their judgement. They have probably convinced themselves that the bumbling Trump needs a new trade deal more than China.

Anyway, Europe is now on its back-foot, rather than its forefoot, in any trade discussions. It could have worked with the US, but by taking their own trade stance the US deal will come first and they are now a backwater in the trade negotiations.

jim nj


"Worse, even before Obama made his boast it was clear that China’s state-controlled emissions data were unreliable. In late 2015 it came to light that the country had far more coal plants that it had admitted, and as a result had been emitting a billion tons more CO2 that it officially proclaimed. A report in Skeptical Science last year notes that CO2 emissions for China still “aren’t known with any accuracy.”

The whole climate thing relies on statistics and unreliable predictive models. And China seems to fudge all of its statistics.

And its learned how to play the Climate PR game with headlines like, "CO2 emissions per capita GNP continue to decline since 2005." Sounds great until you stop and say wait a minute. You had compound GNP growth of roughly 8% per year during that time period so emissions might have gone up 7.9% each year and your statement is still true.

jim nj

A little weird, but I can understand the bureaucratic thinking in NYC.


jim nj

A little more weird.



jim nj


On the ICE college sting:

"Just how do we tell the difference between a “fake” university preying upon unsuspecting students and a “real” university (say Evergreen State or Oberlin , for example) that preys on unsuspecting students and delivers a useless or fraudulent education? Talk about entrapment!"


You’re killing me, Ron Perlman:

As I was saying, shooting a little indie in Canada and just learned something interesting. Did you know that Canadians own more guns per capita than anyone in the US? And did you know that the human death rate here is zero? So what’s the difference? No automatic guns. Muthafuckas


No really, stop:

Also... shooting off automatic rounds here in Canada doesn’t seem to be the sexual fetish of it all like for some folk. Maybe start usin that trigger finger to find your significant other’s clit’s the answer. Whuddo I know...

jim nj


In the UK, but you have to wonder about how much money comes from overseas to affect American opinion also.

Sorting out the money flows would be an excellent Trump 2nd term project.

And we can adopt the China "posture" every time some foreign leader or group criticizes us. Don't interfere in our internal policy. And accuse them of funding fringe groups here.

jim nj


Kinda funny that we're being lectured about guns from an actor who played an amoral motorcycle gang leader in a TV series.

jim nj

I see that "It's a Wonderful Life" is on at 8PM Eastern on NBC.

Should I watch it for, like the millionth time or not.


I am going to have prints made of the HK citizens with the Trump posters to put in the religious Christmas cards I send to to selected cousins this year. With the Madonna and Child stamp, of course. (As always.) It's just three of them, thank God.
They keep posting that insane, ill informed anti American anti religious leftists crap on FB--I gotta believe they are just not aware of world events, as they must be watching CNN and MSNBC.
They saw us all Thursday--they don't need a picture of my family anywhere near as much as they need to see what the liberty seeking world thinks of POTUS.

mike in houston

The Week in Pictures: Tryptophan Hangover Edition



Let's hear it for that "toxic masculinity" thing, once again! With a big Huzzah! for thinking on your feet.

The tusk wielding fellow joined a fire extinguisher spraying fellow to bring down the terrorist on the London Bridge:



That sounds just like Sel-ma!

Captain Hate

Maryland has recently chosen to adopt the recommendations of the Kerwin Commission, which set a goal of jumping from the middle of School standings in the United States to being number one on the entire fcuking planet.

Cost is over 4 BILLION dollars just to get this turkey off the ground.

One of the revenue streams is the intended legalizing and taxing of recreational marijuana.

I asked one of our State Senators at a public forum if Maryland was considering legalizing any other vices to raise money for the children.

He was NOT happy with the question.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at November 30, 2019 06:51 AM (cqNba)


Hey Stephanie

Bet we are both glued to the TV at Noon.

Bet they're on different channels:)

Good luck!

Hey Anonamom and DrJ

Can't say the same:)


https://www.city-journal.org/reading-essays is very good on learning to write non-fiction essays well and how rare that is these days.

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

Probably going to be the same channel. Who wants to watch a slattering? Unfortunately, Tech sux this year.

James D.

One of the revenue streams is the intended legalizing and taxing of recreational marijuana.

I asked one of our State Senators at a public forum if Maryland was considering legalizing any other vices to raise money for the children.

He was NOT happy with the question.

I'll bet he wasn't. Actually being confronted with the logical and entirely foreseeable consequences of his policies and being asked to defend them? How dare any of the voters actually do that!


I'm not feeling real confident.

Kinda like there is a "disturbance in The Force", if you know what I mean.

Jim Eagle


Thanks for the City Journal article on writing HS essays. I have passed it on to Frederick, who does well in both non-fiction and short story fiction but continuous improvement is always there I front of you.

Jim Eagle

...in front of you.

Captain Hate

I'll bet he wasn't. Actually being confronted with the logical and entirely foreseeable consequences of his policies and being asked to defend them? How dare any of the voters actually do that!

That's the downside of the unfree press being obvious propagandists and never issuing even modest questioning of what's really going on. Not everyone is dumb and compliant. I can think of 63 million exceptions.

Captain Hate

Here's an interesting tidbit I'd like the Horde's take on- Mirengoff, over at Powerline has a brief on a poll that shows 53% of Republicans believe Trump is a better President than Lincoln. As a NeverTrumper, he presents this as ipso facto evidence that Trump is essentially a cult leader. My question, is this, inarguably true, or can a reasoned argument be made? Show your work (or not, who the hell am I to tell you what to do?)

NeverTrumpers and leftists have been trying to degrade Trump supporters since day 1 by calling them stupid or cult like. They will use almost any "evidence" to support their smears.

What should scare these people is that a huge number of Republicans feel so strong in their support of Trump that they consider this a valid question. We aren't the cult, they are.
Posted by: JackStraw at November 30, 2019 08:36 AM (ZLI7S)

Jim Eagle


"We aren't the cult, they are."

- Jack Straw (Bumper Sticker Author)


Jack, did you see Kevin de Bruyne's goal?



Thnx, rse. Just sent the essay on essays to Mrs. sbw. She’s considering sending it to our HS English Dept.

Shakespeare is supposed to have read Montaigne.


I never believed Assad used chemical weapons in 2018. I'm not claiming he never did, just not the last few times. It didn't make sense.



Nvertrumpers must be jerks. From rse's essay:

They read “How to Tell If You’re a Jerk,” an essay in which philosopher Eric Schwitzgebel examines the phenomenon he calls “jerkitude.” He points out that it’s difficult to perceive in oneself, and that when we do, we often excuse it. He proposes a tentative definition:
Jerks are people who culpably fail to appreciate the perspectives of the people around them, treating others as either tools to be manipulated or fools to be dealt with . . . To be a jerk is to be ignorant in a specific way—ignorant of the value of others, ignorant of the merit of their ideas and plans, dismissive of their desires and beliefs, unforgiving of their perceived inferiority.

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