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November 01, 2019



Well, the left does believe the world is overpopulated. This plan will fix that problem— at least in North America.


Tax and spend!

Jim Eagle

The woman is nuttier than a Cherokee fraud phony.


Well Stephanie is stuck somewhere need Tampa so we are postponing our meet-up. a long ride for them.


I asked a bunch of people on Face book from MA what Pocahauntis has done for them.

Not a damn thing. She did pass some horrid bill with no government oversite which is about to get tanked by the Supremes.

Jim Eagle

Oh course on the sports line is will the Ravens with Lamar Jackson win against the Pats.

My answer is hell no. Look at his record so far against winning teams and Brady's. Plus Belichick is 21-0 against 1st and 2nd year QB's.

Welcome to the real NFL, Lamar.


Keep us posted when you finally get together.
Warren is delusional with her plan.
Gun confiscation and taking away tax exempt stttus for churches did Beto in.
His ratings have dropped like a stone
In some polls he was down to 0 in Massachusetts.


What time is the rally?


I like WARRENS plan. It will bring us all together. We'll be bankrupt, but unlike that ICKY TRUMP, we'll all be one big happy hungry broke family. Then WARREN can give us MOAR!!!

She isn't divisive and doesn't have white privilege, she has RED privilege.

In MOAR ways than one.


Rally link: some dude is speaking now


Another Bob

Tin Lizzie’s plan brings us one step closer to The Beast.


Maryrose, BEATOFF O'DORK is as clownish as it gets.
Who on earth would vote for such a reeeeeeeatard???


Gus, less than half of Texas voted for him last time.


Carrying over from the other thread



And some more common sense:




These Mississippi guys are on fire!


That cyber security article is interesting. Personally, I believe security is achieved by “not being seen” as shown in Monty Python.


Yes but that works about 50/50



Thanks for that Caroline Glick article. It is fantastic!

Jim Eagle

Mexico is a bigger battlefield than Afghaistan, Iraq or Syria. You have a military that can't even hanled the drug cans.


Narciso, as the chans showed with Chia Leboof’s hide the flag, not being seen works exactly as much as in Monty Python: 0%. That is once they look for you, you are toast. All you can do is make it more costly than it’s worth to them. Adaptive helps with that. However, if you are an asshat like Chia (or a bank or the government) you may piss off the hacker so much that price doesn’t matter. (Or the hacker could be Chine’s CCP where national pride overrides cost).

The legal system is stuck on the fortress metaphor... with bonus 20/20 hindsight and deep pockets flexibility for blame. Worst possible approach to the problem except for trial lawyers.

Jim Eagle

..handle the drug clans....


Jack, Mexico’s military are the drug clans.


Donald J. Trump
Republicans have never been more unified than they are right now! The Dems are a mess under the corrupt leadership of Nervous Nancy Pelosi and Shifty Adam Schiff!

Jim Eagle

I have done the same thing. I have gave up my NY residency to a Florida one. I did that when in London. 2001. Screw NY and their tax regime. I am not the only one down here. I am surprised he hasn't done it before.


Donald J. Trump
Oh no, Beto just dropped out of race for President despite him saying he was “born for this.” I don’t think so!


onald J. Trump
You can’t Impeach someone who hasn’t done anything wrong!

Jim Eagle


Good point. probably all the way up to the President.


Dan Bongino
Elizabeth Warren: “We need to dream big”

Also Elizabeth Warren: my plan to take over the healthcare system & cancel your insurance will cost the economy 2,000,000 jobs and $52,000,000,000 in new taxes and spending.

Jim Eagle

Trump rally in Mississippi is a not miss. people overly excited.

Where is MM? She is usually on top of these events.


Donald J. Trump
The Whistleblower must come forward to explain why his account of the phone call with the Ukrainian President was so inaccurate (fraudulent?). Why did the Whistleblower deal with corrupt politician Shifty Adam Schiff and/or his committee?


I wish Lyle was still around.

I need some advice on wines made with the Mourvedre grape.



I am right here watching! I posted the link on the last thread.


JiB, Miss M linked the rally above. (And I like the Diamond & Silk RSBN YouTube above that).

Not sure when Trump starts.



The first people in line were there at 3AM when it was 29 degrees!

Jim Eagle

Does anyone know of grassroots kind of rallies Trump has had in the past? Even Obama? I know of none for the Clinton/Bush dynasty. Lemmings, right?

Now there is a new dynamic, and the other side can't compete. Who is going to pack an arena for Joe, or Fauxchohantus, or Mayor's Pete or Cory?

No one. But as a personal aside, I would like to meet Tulsi only to talk about her surfing experience. Too bad she is a committed socialist because if she was even middle of the road she would have a chance better than the others.


Bernie got a big NYC crowd.



Laura Ingraham
Grassley Received Classified Briefing on Acquisition By Chinese Firm Tied to Hunter Biden https://theepochtimes.com/grassley-gets-classified-briefing-on-acquisition-by-chinese-firm-tied-to-hunter-biden_3134916.html… via

Jim Eagle

NYC doesn't count, henry. Rock groups get bigger crowds as do subways that are late.


Trump at 8:00 or so.


I won't be the least bit surprised if Trump gets aggressive tonight.

Like I said after the most recent "Impeachment" vote, time to let loose the dogs.


Fair enough Jack. Abundance of caution at my end. I have joined big NYC freak show crowds in the past (eg. the big no nukes rally in mid 80s), so I get your point. We need to be careful when dismissing any sign of enthusiasm for our enemies.

Jim Eagle

Mississipi is a great place to ge aggrisive since he is there to support the Republican candidate for Senate.

I may be off to bed before he speaks.



Unless anyone forgets, Tubpelo, MS is the birthplace of Elvis Presley!

Jim Eagle

Parscales should be giving RSBN a special stipend for broadcasting these rallies instead of me.



#BREAKING: On Monday, @POTUS @realDonaldTrump will welcome the #WorldSeries Champion Washington @Nationals to the @WhiteHouse! #STAYINTHEFIGHT ⚾️

Another Bob

Buckeye, can’t help you with vintages, but what do you want to know?

Jim Eagle


he lost NY in the last election. he doesn't need their crowds.


If I were the shareholders, I’d dump it on him today.


California Gov. Gavin Newsom is threatening a state takeover of PG&E unless the company exits bankruptcy and dramatically improves the safety of its electric grid before the next wildfire season



Over the last 6 months, on 3 different occasions I have bought Cline Cellar's Cashmere 2017.

First time was a lark, just saw it and decided to try it.

It is a GSM blend, Grenache, Syrah and Mourvedre. New to me.

Curious if any other vintners on the west coast have something similar?


I don't know if this is correct but it's thought provoking.
Via Insty.



Yes the zetas came from their crack soecial forces unit, that was the call sign of their commander.

Jim Eagle

Off to bed. Slaap lekker, Tot morgen and God Bless Donald J.Trump.

Captain Hate

Ok it was good to spend the day offline; I should probably do it more often.

To respond to things in order:

a claim made by no one. I am simply pointing out that attendees at any such convention would be politicians. I do not trust the current crop.

I think that's an erroneous assumption. Each state would choose its delegates as they see fit. This would be something which exists independently of business as usual so congress and senate critters would have their, pardon the term, jobs to do while the convention does its work. Same with state and local gubment employees. And the black robed tyrants.

Btw thank you for the civil reply. I've gotten vexed here with a number of people in the past that regard the voters as a bunch of retards, of which there were over 63 million exceptions to that in 2016. Plus I voted like a retard in 2008 and 2012 so I'm not throwing any stones.

Jim Eagle


I am only a Bourdeaux guy with some adventures to Italian and Spanish but not something to write home about.

Another Bob

Yeah, can be found in Cali (mostly Central Coast I think?). I’ve seen Columbia Valley as well.


#Breaking: Just in - Massive anti-police protest going on in Downtown of #Brooklyn in New York. pic.twitter.com/Yvp05TQOHr

— Sotiri Dimpinoudis (@sotiridi) November 1, 2019

Aerial video at the link.


CH, frankly that sounds worse. Who is on tap for that power grab? Why the staffers at the Chamber or ALEC... the hidden deep state controllers of the politicians I don’t trust. The people who write the crappy laws politicians vote on to see what’s in them. Why those people? They provide the cash. Yikes!

Another Bob

Costco’s Cotes du Rhone Villages is a GSM as well. (That’s about my speed.)


Remember that movie extreme prejudice with nick nolte the unit he was tracking is the real life version.

Manuel Transmission

Well, we had our Halloween blowout last Saturday and I won most creative. The lady in the foreground brought her costume back from Africa. Even could balance her basket on her head.

BTW, I determined that I could never go tranny.. I was pulling strands of hair out of my mouth all evening. Yuk!

On a side note, about 4 couples wandered over to the Legion later and ended up not staying, because only about half of the people had their ID. They wouldn't let us in. Absolutely absurd. A bunch of 70+ yr old people would get carded? I was ready to shoot any MFer who would be stupid enough to challenge us. Grrr.


Heh, good grief.


I was pointing out who would likely be in that delegation,


Mantran, your youthful hate made it clear you were high school kids with a double layer disguise. ;)


Youthful gate.

G and h are adjacent, and my fingers are no longer youthful.


Re the apelbaum piece, ive been struck how easy hacks have beem either from within either snowden or manning, the toolkit exfil was dramatized after a fashion in hawaii 5 0 last season finale.


Narciso, human engineering is the preferred route to hack anything. A silver tongue hacks more than the slickest code.


Ronna McDaniel

Facts about Warren’s disastrous health care plan:

*she admits it would kill 2M+ jobs

*a $52 TRILLION plan would absolutely raise taxes on everyone

*quality of care would suffer

It's terrible policy that Americans don't want!
That's "T" for Trillion!

The local radio guys think she has lost her mind!


Presidential motorcade on its way to the arena from the Tupelo airport!

Captain Hate

I'm confused, henry. You argued against politicians but now don't like non politicians. Is there a Venn diagram of who you would find acceptable? Buckeye and I have available time.

Back to prior questions in order: James D

I know I’m nowhere near as smart as the Founders.

The problem is, neither are the people who would make up an Article V convention.

They put Article V in because the Constitution wouldn't have been ratified without it and it was barely ratified with it. I'm sure the founders insisting on it accurately foresaw how people would eventually fuck things up with dogshit like Marbury v Madison, the 17Th amendment and the administrative state making laws, for a few examples. So somebody in the future was trusted with fixing it.

Although the Founders surely had a better classical education than what gets upchucked by the state run extended daycare centers, I don't think they considered themselves anything exceptional. I'm sure some of them were stubborn cranks.


Put it another way, captain who would you trust in your delegation, not to backstab us.


According to the horde they pulled a squirrel with the latest jack ryan,



CH, why distinguish between politicians and the 501-3c (or whatever) political staffs? The are interchangeable. We just saw Ryan replaced by his staffer, while he went to a nonprofit policy outfit. They are all deep state.

Random names from the phone book would work better... but we both know that won’t happen. The powers that be intend to stay that way, and they control who is appointed to a convention. (So they will appoint themselves, though in staff form).


Bye, Beto. What a joke. I expect the remaining stickers to be peeled off the Austin Prii shortly. Even the Dems are cringing.

Captain Hate

jimmyk agrees with me so that's good...

narc has an error free

marcia fudge and restraining order would be in your delegation captain, probably mailmans son as well.

Already responded to the first two and surely nobody would send Katshit since everyone hates him.


He saw wendy davis and said hold my beer,


Fab ManTran. What did your bride go as ?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

If the state took over PG&E you know that renewable mandates would expand even more and liability would decrease drastically.
So when your house burns down or you die in a fire you [or the survivors] won't even have any recourse. And it will cost twice as much.
Go for it Gavin.


The seed pods have totally taken over, well that assumes gruesome ever had commom sense, he was like that getty heir that cut his ear off.



My neighbor goes to Costco every week. I will have him snag me a bottle next time and give it a try.

The Cline wasn't overly expensive ($13) but I would be happy to pay less:)

Captain Hate


Now that's irony, coming from the one who's so sure the Constitution needs to be fixed.

Au contraire, the Constitution itself is just fine, other than a few amendments like directly electing Senators. It's the deviation from it that's problematic. Like what Cathyf pointed out on having the Ted Stevens trial in DC which contradicts the words of the Constitution. This happens so frequently that we're expected to just lie back and take it. To hell with that.

I'm not sure why it's surprises you that almost no one wants to sign onto an open ended conclave of politicians. I'm also not at all sure why you seem to think that people we trust would end up controlling the process or the outcome.

The first has been answered. As for the second, I can't promise that things will work out fine and I won't pretend otherwise. I just find business as usual, even with Trump, intolerable. Maybe the rest of you think this will cure itself but I'm very skeptical. The Constitution isn't being adhered to and I'd be satisfied with just that happening.

Another Bob

Kirkland Signature label. $7.99 IIRC.


I tried to find that particular spanish wine but total wine doesnt carry it.

Another Bob

“The Constitution isn't being adhered to”


I’m curious to know why you think a convention will fix that.


Even someone as honorable as edmund burke can off kilter in the hastings inquiry, something kafka might have taken notes on.


Hes as original as milli vanilli:


Captain Hate

I’m curious to know why you think a convention will fix that.

Doing nothing isn't fixing it.

I'm not answering any more questions on this. I get it. You guys don't like it. I'm tired of trying to convince you otherwise.

Another Bob

I might like it if I understood it.


Power corrupts, guiliani is in part responsible for the crew of nazguls that is now trying to eviscerate him.


Why would anyone willingly join deadspin, its like boarding the titanic after the iceberg hit?

Captain Hate

Levin addresses it in The Liberty Amendments which I don't own. In it he suggests specific amendments.


Does soyboy come in vegemite:



Seems to me you have to start with the education system so kids can understand and respect our constitution and our country.


I hare to say it but this is a boring rally.

Another Bob

Apropos of nothing at the moment... Anyone else think it was strange that Miss Lindsay gave up leadership of Judiciary?


Well you give up something you werenr using like galoshes.



It's not boring to me. The crowd is excited and the President is fired up1

Captain Hate

I really don't understand Graham although his buddy McRINO's past isn't going to look good in anything revealed in the future and maybe he's in some of it.


Another Bob, he gave it up after the 2020 elections. Grassley is more senior and would yank it anyway. Might as well be generous.


They are never boring to you MM - to your credit.

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