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December 06, 2019




Thomas Collins

Trump's approval numbers show how much influence Oligarch Media still has. Any other POTUS's numbers with this kind of economic performance would be in the sixties at least.

The Yale prof is clueless. Outside of the rarefied atmosphere of academia, Oligarch Media and coastal gentries and aspiring gentries, people want good jobs at good wages. As far as inequality goes, they are more likely to look at their neighbor's new BMW than how many private jets Jeff Bezos has.


4 Aces? Trump has two dozen more of the Aciest Aces that ever Aced up his sleeve.


These are the same experts who told us Hillary would win.

Not buying it. He has unheard-of support in the black electorate, and I don't know one Trump supporter who has abandoned him, whether on-line or in my community.


As I've noted, predictit.org's markets seem to be a bit biased toward the libtard view, but not enough to take full advantage given how winnings are taxed. And by the way, it's more than just a little. They take 10% of profits, and the 5% of withdrawals. So if you put $500 in an account, end up with $1000 after your betting, and withdraw that, you will take home $855, I believe. So it never makes sense to bet on short odds (like something priced at 75 cents or higher, because that 5 percent withdrawal tax is huge.



The Confederate statue is the one nicknamed "Silent Sam."


I'm still livid about Barbara's completely benign and humane posts getting censored on Facebook. Is there an organization or website that catalogs these abuses? I understand that FB can do what it wants as a private entity, but they Zuckerdork cannot do this while going around and claiming that they are neutral. I would wager that if someone posted something to the affect that anyone with a MAGA hat is racist, or anyone anti-abortion is a misogynist, that would be just fine with them.


they in the above post



This looks to me like she's contemplating running again.

Also, another example of her lying.

Tom R

From the last thread:

The FBI has been a toxic mess since Hoover, and the DOJ was trashed by Nixon, if not earlier. You want to save the constitution? Build a federal legal function based on the bill of rights. Not on a century of bureaucratic overreach and disdain for mere civilians.

We are in 100% agreement that the DOJ and FBI that Trump inherited was corrupt to the core. I don't see how getting rid of them and starting from scratch solves the problem.

The policies and procedures of the DOJ and FBI were founded on the Constitution/Bill of Rights. The problem is that for 6+ decades the Communists/Progressives have been infiltrating the entire federal government and they don't give a crap about the Constitution/Bill of Rights which is the main reason we are in the predicament we are in right now.

If you disband the DOJ/FBI and start from scratch with a legal system based on the Constitution/Bill of Rights that still does not address the root cause of the problem and won't prevent the Communist/Progressives from infiltrating and corrupting the new version of the DOJ/FBI.


Big if true

Chad Pergram
Scalise: I've heard reports of 3500 pages of phone records.. How many members of the press are being spied on by chairmen? How many other members of Congress are being spied on?..I've never seen a chairman of cmte abuse their subpoena power to go after other Members of Congress
3:46 PM · Dec 6, 2019·Twitter Web App


Jane!! Air kiss air kiss.
Thanks TLG

For keto-ers in apple season, something you might like:
easy keto apple tart – low carb & gluten free

4.6 from 10 reviews
Author: Mellissa Sevigny Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 55 minutes Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes Yield: 8 servings 1x

This easy keto apple tart celebrates the flavors of fall in the best possible way! It comes together quickly and the entire family will love it! Keto, Atkins, Low Carb & Gluten Free!

SCALE 1x2x3x


6 Tbsp butter, melted
2 cups almond flour
1/3 cup erythritol sweetener
1 tsp ground cinnamon

3 cups thinly sliced Granny Smith apples (peeled and cored)
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/4 cup butter
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 cup erythritol sweetener

1 Tbsp erythritol sweetener
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees (F)

Combine the melted butter, almond flour, sweetener and cinnamon in a medium sized bowl.
Stir with a fork until well combined and crumbly.
Press the crust dough firmly into a 10″ springform pan. Create a rim about 1/2 inch high up the sides of the pan, using your fingers or the back of a metal teaspoon.
Pre-bake the crust for 5 minutes.

Combine the sliced apples and lemon juice in a medium bowl.
Lay the sliced apples evenly across the bottom of the crust in a circular (or other) pattern. Press the apples down lightly when done.
Combine the butter, cinnamon and sweetener in a small bowl and microwave for 1 minute. Whisk until smooth and brush or spoon evenly over the top of the apples.
Bake the tart for 30 minutes at 375 degrees (F).
Remove the tart and gently press the apples down flat with the back of a spoon or spatula.
Reduce the heat to 350 degrees (F) and bake the tart for another 20 minutes.
Remove from the oven.

Combine the cinnamon and sweetener.
Sprinkle over the top of the tart.
Serve warm or chilled.


Strip these federal functions of their history and heros. Make new ones. Else it is Hoover, Comey, Holder, Lynch, Deep Throat Felt, Strzok et all that are the holy pantheon. They are the institution in all important cultural ways. Make something new. Stick it somewhere out of the way in Montana. Get new hero’s that take out deep state enemies of the people.



Over 200 miles of roads in and around Paris clogged with traffic jams.


Waiting to see if Nancy needs his vote.

Chad Pergram
From colleague Sally Persons. Dem SC Rep Cunningham on if he would impeach: We're going to..see what articles are drafted if any. It all depends on what's drafted..People didn't send me up here to impeach the president. People didn't send me up here to protect him

Tom R

Wouldn't a professional journalist resign in protest?

"They get a paycheck," Bloomberg said during an interview that aired Friday with "CBS This Morning" co-host Gayle King. "But with your paycheck comes some restrictions and responsibilities."


James D.

We are in 100% agreement that the DOJ and FBI that Trump inherited was corrupt to the core. I don't see how getting rid of them and starting from scratch solves the problem.

If you have a massive termite infestation that's rotted out all the beams in the house, you tear it down to the foundation and rebuild.

If you disband the DOJ/FBI and start from scratch with a legal system based on the Constitution/Bill of Rights that still does not address the root cause of the problem and won't prevent the Communist/Progressives from infiltrating and corrupting the new version of the DOJ/FBI.

Of course they will, just like the termites will come back. But at least you begin anew with a clean and uninfested house to start from.


I like this post by TM.

And I agree with TC that these are curious times.
I have to believe that Trump supporters from '16 are holding steady.
Also, some complement of low info voters swayed by media's refrain "all the cool kidz are voting for Hillary" must have woken up by now.
And, Black support for Dems might (might!) be wavering.
So you'd think re-election in '20 is a slam dunk.

But there are enough counter currents to keep some (me, for one) puzzled and unsure.

James D.

Wouldn't a professional journalist resign in protest?

They would, except there aren't any in the MSM anymore.


I rarely post willowed comments LOL
I'll make an exception this time

Google employs thousands of censors to scan YouTube vids.
Problem: some are starting to be convinced by the conspiracy theories they watch.



And it looks like a hanging curve....

Tom R

Hanging curves tend to end up as home runs. Not certain what Melinda is referring to here.



That's the opening to haggle on price by Cunningham, IMO.

Captain Hate

I hate these worthless turds more than the libs


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Seems to me Saudi control would be a lot more effective and constitutional than gun control.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I didn't realize Douchenozzle French jumped ship to The Dispatch garbage scow.
Wouldn't mind too much seeing the staff of the Dispatch dispatched, I must confess.


"True Conservative" means "Pay Me".

James D.

CH @ 4:28

I've got plenty of hate to go around for them and for the progs.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

French fried;

"That's how deeply it's sunk into folks here that there was literally "nothing" to the Russia controversy. Regarding Ukraine, I've talked to a number of people who are completely convinced that Biden did the exact same thing that Trump did. Biden did not."

Correct. Biden did something very wrong and corrupt. Trump did not.

"For example, regarding Russia, if you recite the established facts of campaign contacts with Russians or Russian assets, many will look at you as if you're perpetuating the "Russia hoax." Again, I'm talking established facts, not Steele nonsense."

The established facts are nothing of any consequence was prompted by any Trump guy while many of Barry's guys and Deep State creeps did try to orchestrate a crime outside of the Steele nonsense. There are no facts that could lead one to his view absent his insane bias.


Larry Schweikart
So now it appears Max Rose (NY) and Dan Kildee (MI) are joining Heff Van Dybe (NJ), Cindy Axnie (IA), & 1other IA congresswoman in opposing impeachment.

Brindisi (NY) & Horn (OK) are under water. Are they going to support?

Looks like Botoxic akready down to a margin of 10


Andrew Malcolm
Try to control your grief, folks: For the 2d yr the Trump White House will not host a holiday party for DC journalists. The First Family did in 2017 but--are you sitting down?--did not pose for photos w/the journos as the previous pres did for their egos.
Malcolm writes for McClatchy.


Wray working hard!

FBI on Twitter: "Through a partnership between the #FBI and the @USPS, you can now submit your fingerprints electronically for an identity history summary check (IdHSC) while you buy stamps or mail packages. Learn more about IdHSC and find participating post offices at http://edo.cjis.gov

Tom R

The established facts are nothing of any consequence was prompted by any Trump guy

Who does Trump have to thank for establishing those facts?

Sorry couldn't resist the hanging curveball there.


Who’s ego was Odumbo posing for? Jock sniffer in Chief loved hanging out with athletes and celebs (which he and the media think they are).


In letter to @RepJerryNadler, WH Counsel Pat Cipollone says House Dems should "not waste even more time" with more impeachment hearings. Says @POTUS says they should impeach him "so we can have a fair trial in the Senate." pic.twitter.com/uYd4UHdZMk

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) December 6, 2019

Screencap of letter at the link. Knoller is a reporter for CBS Radio.


Wray asking for everybody to send in their fingerprints? Gonna make molds to unlock phones big guy? Fucker is as big a statist shithead as Sessions and Rosenstein.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The curious thing is why the Frenchs and Goldbergs and Kristols of the world are perfectly happy to do what TK or someone was noting the other day. As soon as the questioning is over at the impeachment shindig where the progs are trying to stage a coup and it's all adversarial, all of a sudden it's all smiles and back pats.
It reminds me of the old Warner Bros, Wolf and Sheep Dog cartoons. One minute they're stuffing kegs of blackpowder under each other or dropping 16 ton boulders on the other guys head, then the whistle blows, they punch out and it's "See ya tomorrow, Fred".

These fake conservatives are happy to tie one on with progs who call them every vile name in the book but find Trump and his supporters as a class and a group collectively guilty of...well I'm not sure what...but it's pretty bad, because they sure keep telling us how deplorable and imbecilic we are. But they sit up, beg and wag their tails when some prog creep who would slit their throat for a sawbuck agrees with them in their comments on how ghastly we are.

James D.

Ig, the sheepdog cartoon is EXACTLY what these guys think they're starring in.

matt - deplore me if you must

Wray must be taking lessons from the Chinese. This is getting scary. Schiff-head gaining access to a journalists', the president's lawyer, and another Member of Congress is as big a human rights violation as we have had in this country.

Someone has to rip him a new one. This is criminal and extremely creepy. That the media cannot bring themselves to comment says volumes. That they did the same when Obama turned his NI assets loose on reporters and Congress just reinforces the fascist mentality that runs through these people.

No more tar & feathers. Heads on pikes.

Tom R

Iggy @ 4:53

Since Trump is clearly pro-Israel you would think Jewish neocons like Kristol and Goldberg would approve of him. I dislike Goldberg and Kristol so much that I won't give them the benefit of the doubt and assume their NeverTrump attitude is because someone has some dirt on them.



How clever of Wray.

Nice way to update IAFIS.


Typhus left out my /sarc after Wray. Hmm.

Tom R

Not an oped you would ever expect CNN to publish.



Matt and lurkersusie:
Your posts are excellent and spot on.

matt - deplore me if you must

That Jennings op/ed is spot on.

Just one donut more
poodles gnawing Trump's ankles
crapping broken glass

Jerry Nadlers death haiku. You saw it here first.

James D.

That the media cannot bring themselves to comment says volumes.

The media didn't say word one when Obama wiretapped reporters, prosecuted them, jailed them, and sat on his hands while they were kidnapped by ISIS, tortured and beheaded.

The media didn't complain one bit when Hillary's campaign literally herded reporters along with ropes like preschoolers on a field trip. And the media saw no problem with reporters sending their stories about Hillary to her campaign for editing and final approval before publication.

99% of MSM reporters will tolerate just about any abuse or ill treatment or deception, up to their colleagues being LITERALLY killed, as long as it comes at the hands of a Democrat politician.

Screw them. Screw them all.

Captain Hate

Wray was on the short list that the Singer Senate Repukes would confirm, in case you think DJT had the unfettered universe to choose from.


Brilliant haiku, Matt!!


CH, I am amazed by the posts claiming Trump can hire / fire as he pleases then denoting hat color thereby. The President of The US is much more constrained than a corporate CEO firing a protected class person (ie, lots of i’s to dot, R’s to cross, and Oxford commas to be unomitted).

But most of my friends assume I have godlike power over my employees. There are things like boards, employment law, etc that curtail my whims. I don’t assume Trump is satisfied merely because someone is still employed.

Sammy Small

Gov't already has both my fingerprints and my footprints from Air Force days as well as my life history for clearance data.



I assume he has gotten more done than other presidents BECAUSE he has had to work around such laws and regulations, and is used to looking for loopholes and workarounds.

I also know that he can't just hire and fire at will.

I consider it a mark of his leadership skills that he still has his base on board. Those rallies are really genius-level marketing. Parscale gets data volunteered by the attendees, people who go feel like they are part of the club, and none of the democrats can attract such crowds or excitement, and if they attempt it they look lame.

Captain Hate

Exactly, henry. There's a huge divide in this country of people who are either self employed or entrepreneurs and those who aren't their own bosses. Even when I was a consultant I worked for a consulting company, within which I had a lot of autonomy but they did all the paperwork. My father had his own business and I knew he worked his ass off to make it successful. It wasn't so much that I was afraid of hard work so much as I wasn't driven to create something from scratch.

My point in the above is that people who work for someone else, who represent the huge majority of the workforce, don't adequately appreciate the constraints that people heading up something they built; or at best they appreciate it from a distance. Your 5:49 provoked this.

Captain Hate

Yes, my prints were given for my security clearance, the data in which was eventually hacked. I'd strongly advise against volunteering your fingerprints.

Jim Eagle

Sama, sama. Not just Military & security clearence but I now have up to date prints for my Global Entry card. I am on a Long Island RR train to Southampton. Long story best forgot over a vodka tonic when I get home.


“I’ll state upfront if Horowitz implicates Rosenstein in the FISA scandal I will
admit I was mistaken” per TomR.
I will believe that when I see it.
Anyone still believing that Mueller and Trump are working together has lost all credibility in my book.
It is Groundhog Day here again today, but hopefully we will advance to the next day on Monday with the Horowitz.
MM: it is not that anyone wants to be proven right.
It is that we don’t want to be talked down to or our opinions minimalists.
An example:
TomR stated he was the only one aware of the Hope Hicks 302 notes.
How can he possibly know that?
We have lurkers here who probably follow politics as much as we do.
This sanctimonious, know it all attitude and at times trolling baiting comments are what turn people off.
I happen to think posters like Rocco and Jimmyk and Tom Collins have a lot of wisdom.
Clarice , Iggy and Henry also have wise insights as do a host of other posters.
I will wait and see as you have suggested.
The truth is on our side no matter how furiously the Dems want to bury it.


(Tongue bitten)


I can’t find a direct link, but it appears the jury let Elon Musk off the hook for calling the Thai cave rescue guy a “pedo” in a tweet.



Boy, there is a whole lot more of this than I ever suspected!


I had hoped to go to my grave without surrendering my prints, but when my husband sailed through Customs in less than five minutes using his Global Entry while I stood online for 45, I caved.

Yes henry--all over my Twitter feed. Elon walks. Jury was out less than hour.

Tom R


This guy makes a good observation about Manafort The same evidence used to convict Manafort can be used in other cases as well. I bet Mueller turned it over directly to Durham.


I assume the government has my prints etc. I never “gave” them to the government, but spent enough years visiting the other statue of Nathan Hale and other stops on the IC interagency shuttle (often with a Compaq luggable, which confuses the guards) and then various airbases studying electronic engineering practices that I’d be surprised if they didn’t.


Great post, TM.

I offer the following if not linked already:

How To Prepare For The Impending Justice Department Inspector General Report

Impeachment's Next Phase Could Hit Biden Worst of All


☆Ophidian Pilot☆
A Second Federal Judge Denies FBI Motion to Block Release of Key Communications with Perkins Coie Lawyer Who Hired Fusion GPS
buff.ly/2Yq4GD3 via @RedState




All necessary work has been completed to declare Mexican Cartels terrorist organizations. Statutorily we are ready to do so. However, at the request of a man who I like and respect, and has worked so well with us, President Andres Manuel @LopezObrador_ we....

....will temporarily hold off this designation and step up our joint efforts to deal decisively with these vicious and ever-growing organizations!


Given that Trump tweet above, the Peach Mint chorus is gonna regret accepting all that cash donation from “peaceful migrants” when the RICO and account freezes hit.



Congressman @LanceGooden has done a wonderful job for the people of Texas while supporting our #MAGA Agenda. He continues to protect your very important #2A. Lance is Strong on Crime and the Border, he Loves our Great Vets and Military. Lance has my Complete & Total Endorsement!



The New York Times admits it was wrong about the job market.


Btw, the first link I posted was Mollie Hemmingway, and the second from someone from RealClearPolitics named Susan Crabtree. I don't think I'd ever heard of her, but she's pretty cogent.


Hi Ext,

Here's DiGenova's 2 cents (i know, i know, but he's due for a win)




Do you have a link for the Twitter account that posted the story about the FBI partnering with the USPS re: fingerprints? I'd like to know where they got such information. Either they misinterpreted something or they're making it up.


To work in education you must be fingerprinted before you are hired in Ohio
Also to work in the Catholic Church you must have Virtus Training.





Nice one, Rocco.

Another Bob

Feds already have my prints.

And FTR, that deal is for people who are required to turn in rap sheets with employment applications. (Didn’t see that mentioned.)



Record-breaking year of arrests for ICE.


Donald J. Trump
GREAT WORK yesterday by the Senate to support our Historically Black Colleges and Universities! Thank you @BetsyDeVosED, @SenAlexander, and @SenatorTimScott
for your leadership...

...This Bill HELPS students get the student aid they need to go to college! STOP the headaches, and STOP the PAPERWORK barriers to HIGHER EDUCATION! Congrats to Lamar!


From the nags mouth


Another Bob




Crabtree also noted that call transcript of guilaiNi calls were less than meets the eye.


Good DiGenova interview!


Saw that Crabtree article.


Interesting, narc. Her name just didn't ring a bell.


Now thats a surprise:



I noted her from sean daviss feed i think


Hey ext how have you been?


Feds have my prints too. First from employment where a background check was necessary and there were confidentiality requirements. Then from TSA pre-check. I never really worried about it. Maybe I should have.


Donald J. Trump
Nadler hasn’t had a single fact witness testify! Zero substance—Country wants #USMCA and Growth, not Impeachment. Polls have tanked on the Do Nothing Democrats!


Malcolm writes for McClatchy

McClatchy gets slathered in the last pages of Lee Smith’s excellent book, "The Plot Against the President".

Throw the book at anyone who is a fan of the NYTimes, WaPo, FBI, DOJ, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Ohr, CIA, Brennan, Clapper, Schiff, Pelosi. Hell, you know who I'm talking about.


Anyway, I'm ready for the IG report and the impeachment in the Senate. The battle is finally on.

I have no hope that Horowitz will save the Republic, btw. He's just the next chapter. Durham had better be the closer.






Why is the World Bank loaning money to China? Can this be possible? China has plenty of money, and if they don’t, they create it. STOP!


Donald J. Trump
Fake News @CNN
is reporting that I am “still using personal cell phone for calls despite repeated security warnings.” This is totally false information and reporting. I haven’t had a personal cell phone for years. Only use government approved and issued phones. Retract!

Another Bob

Jimmy, you had a semi-prominent semi-government gig no?

Captain Hate

Democrat house passes Voting Rights bill restoring requirement that certain states must get federal permission before changing local voting laws. One Republican voted in favor.
Posted by: Jen the original at December 06, 2019 07:07 PM (QHnrh)

This can't be remotely Constitutional.


Great to have you back.
I look forward to your opinions of the Horowitz report and his testimony on Wednesday.
Will all the channels carry the Senate Judiciary hearings?


CH, will Mitch push it through?

Another Bob

CH, restoration of “The Restraining Order”?


Why is the World Bank loaning money to China? Can this be possible? China has plenty of money, and if they don’t, they create it. STOP!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 7, 2019

Still doing his job.


Celebrated the joys of the #Christmas season with children at @ChildrensHealth. We made crafts and read "Oliver the Ornament meets Belle" and even got to see Santa and Mrs. Clause! pic.twitter.com/Ps4tBBmJMP

— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) December 6, 2019

Pictures at the link. These are different from the ones posted earlier.


Right he worked for the fed as an analyst, that involved certain nonpublic info as an analyst

It was amash who votwd yes?

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