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January 28, 2020




Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--CW3 will put all ethnic cleansings to shame, if it ever makes it off the pages of Loompanic’s Preppers BEWARE dime novels.

All the hideaway gun totters will restore the republic? LOL. Let me know when the MRE bunker dwellers get a hold of an F-35 or two.--

I notice dismissive scoffers and caricaturists almost universally never served, don't own guns or if they do it's a 22 they inherited and are urban, usually coastal urban.
Not universally, but close.


Trump middle east peace plan highlights.



This is closer to Red October


than anything under control of anybody.


From the last thread:

What a strange world we live in. The Deep State is desperate. The Chinese are deranged. And Bernie Sanders isn't just a crazy Commie, he's assembled a crew of Stalinists who can't wait to open the Gulags.

My deep thanks for your prayers for my sister. We want to especially thank you, Kev, for the intentions tree and prayers. My sister is doing well. There's a very slight concern with her speech. She'll be going to a rehab facility this week sometime. So, we're very positive of her recovery. Thank you again!


Why did you bring that to the new thread, Ig?

I will get my kids to school and decide if I want to play along or not.


Kyiv???? Is that near CUTTER??? Isn't that where JENJJJISS CON and ISIL are from????

I'm confused, but then again, I went to a STATE KOLLIDGE.


State corporate tax roundup:



Posted back thread, but do watch. It's a minute or two of CNN Prog Dems and a GOPe mocking Trump voters.
Like Momto2. henry. JMH. OL. Iggy. AMom, GentleJim, Mel.
All of us.

This is how they see us.

Captain Hate

i wasn't here for the brouhaha inspired by The School Marm who believes that i insulted her with my comment "Sweet.Screaming.Jesus." in response to her "thought" which, more or less went something like this(in a discussion re LE, backdoor access to phones, and privacy): "i have nothing to hide they can search my phone."

that "thought" is outrageous on its pasty face. my measured retort meant as much. that "thought" is an INSULT to the priciples of free Americans. some Germans gloated over not having their homes and businesses marked (doxxed) by the Reich under similar fashion "nothing to hide." similar by degree.

I wasn't going to bring this up but since you mentioned the specifics, about which maryrose said that she thought less of you and sbw for your reactions, perhaps she should consult her good buddies OL and Rocco and find out what they think about the advisability of just blithely giving the constabulary access to your phone contents.


JimNorCal, when TRUMP is re-elected, these bastards will shit their collective PANT.



Regarding all this talk of Red vs Blue battles in the streets, I think there's no chance of it, there's too many girly men on the left. Right believes in American values, left believes in nothing, I'll take the believers any day."

i'm envisioning a more substantive conflict for national survival than girly men vs. real men.

the Leviathan of national government and its tentacles reaching into our lives will, if it will not be dismantled ( hell even slowed down) will result in said government morphing completely out of any form of constitutional republicanism.

this will become more than street battles for settling scores and aimless profiteering.

"a republic if you can keep it." the Royalist minded DC denizens have erected King George 2.0 and THAT will be "our" foe. the Tree is showing signs of an emerging moment when the need for refreshment will become too great.


Capn. Phone first, what next. FALSIFIED WARRANT APPLICATIONS???

What if I "DO" have something to hide???
Is me walking into Jim Comey's house and digging through his daughters underwear drawers ok???
What does he have to hide???

Our FREEDOM is not negotiable to the governments demands. I DO NOT TRUST the GOVERNMENT already.
They have misused the power already given to them, and have YET TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

Robin, eff 'em all

Try again....

I'm going to reiterate my support of Ted Cruz's Verdict podcast for the podcast listeners here. Over the weekend it beat Joe Rogan to be the #1 podcast. That is huge.


Episode 6 covers yesterday's events. Cruz mentions a little known statute regarding witnesses in senate trials. Apparently, there is no way that Bolton testifies and Hunter Biden doesn't. And if Hunter testifies, they expect that he will plead the 5th to many questions. However, this statute empowers the senate to force him to testify by giving him immunity FROM HIS TESTIMONY, not his crimes. So his testimony in the senate on this subject cannot be used against him in a criminal trial.

Cruz practically cackled as he relayed this information.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Iggy, is this Joycean/Proustian for style points, or is the sentiment of such magnitude that it demands to be spit out in one breath?--

My usual writing style is to have to go back over the thoughts I barfed out and add a bunch of periods.
In that particular case I left them out on purpose. Seemed to flow.

--Regarding all this talk of Red vs Blue battles in the streets, I think there's no chance of it, there's too many girly men on the left. Right believes in American values, left believes in nothing, I'll take the believers any day.

The left is not stronger today, they're just crazier; they had eight years of Obama to burrow into government, but eight years of Trump should undo most of it (but what is the matter with DJT, anyway, why didn't he fire all these lefty goobers when he took office?).-

The left is often headed by girly academics who hire their muscle. and they've got a lot more swag with which to hire them these days.
As far as draining the Swamp. It's 100 years of taking over our institutions not 8 years of Barry.
If Trump is reelected he will not have even begun to touch the surface.
It would take decades of Trumps just to reverse the government and many more to reverse the culture.

I'll stop bangin this drum but I can't help feeling like Churchill just a bit. The storm is gathering and it is as plain as the noses on our faces but people comfort themselves that it's different this time, just as every nation caught off guard by some cataclysm always thinks.
We're too civilized. Our Marxists aren't inherently violent Marxists like other countries' Marxists. They're not really Marxists at all. All that violent settlement of scores was back in old days and over in Europe and Asia and stuff. [It's not a whole lot different than 'the Constitution is like a hundred years old' argument.]
But we're better then that; we're different; we're special; we ARE exceptional. We aren't exceptional and never have been. Our culture and institutions are, or rather were. Our exceptionalism is, if you haven't been listening hated by the left, and they've done a good job of destroying a lot of it. If it goes, we're right in the same boat with the rest of humanity not protected by those exceptional institutions and the culture and heritage that spawned them.

There is nothing new under the sun; Civilization is fragile and thin and there are always many people who hate it. Human nature is immutable and there is evil and the capacity for horrible things in each one of us given the right circumstances. The spirit of Cain was at the beginning and it still is.


GUS, no payback in Year1-Year3 so far.
Maybe next term?
Maybe #2weeks. Time will tell.


Looks like MSNBC is looking for an ever more selective audience:Paranoid nutcases.
Before all you he-men take to the streets in armed rebellion, it might be a better idea to work on getting more silent majority folks to the polls.It seems to me DJT is working hard at that,


D Senator Van Hollen is pitching Roberts decide who witnesses will be.
NO WAY will Mitch do that!


Also, pitching that "goal of a trail is to get to the truth."

The Senate MUST evaluate this ONLY based on what the House brought them, or this will be the "New Normal."

matt - deplore me if you must

Gus, if one pair is pants, multiple pairs must logically be pantses!

H, that CNBC article was basically worthless. Nothing new. No details. Just another talking head telling us what we already knew. It will be interesting to see the details.

And the Palestinians will riot because that is what they do best.

Robin, eff 'em all

Ig, I would second your opinion and here's why. There is a sense on both sides that we have become too soft. People make jokes about being prepared for the apocalypse or the zombie invasion, but I think people deep down know that we are reaching a point where we will have to sacrifice our comforts for something bigger or because of something out of our control.

There's an uncanny calm right now that I find unsettling. All eyes to Virginia, I think. Much like Fort Sumter.

James D.

Going totally on topic, I could not possibly care less what Andy McCarthy says, or give him the slightest credence on any topic.

For every good thing he says, he says a dozen things they are stupid at best and more likely utterly asinine. His inner never-trumpet is never far from the surface, and his slavish respect for prosecutors in the face of endless reasons to doubt them is completely pathetic.

Captain Hate


The derp state has made me cynical enough, and maybe I should've been this way all along, that they get no voluntary cooperation from me on anything. Too bad it's come to this but they created the situation.


There always comes a point, if you stay in a conversation with Theo long enough, where you have to ask yourself whether he is high-functioning autistic, purposely obtuse or as Mel says, a concern troll.

Thanks for the heads up--but if you know that already, why do you engage?


Clarice. We already went to the POLLS. We WON.



A D’Alessandro machine pol scheming to remove procedural rule making from the governing body and place it into a single pair of compromised hands?

The deuce you say!


Barbara- you're so very welcome. my wife and i just emerged fr some tough health times which included me narrowly avoiding a stroke/ brain bleed tragedy due to the endocarditis resolved by valve replacement.

i'm sharing this with you because we were talking about our intention re your Sis last nite. we recounted the very weird experience of me coming out of an exploratory MRI before the endocard diagnosis was even a concern. i had a sagging face and slurred speech.

things got real very quickly and that "slight" brain bleed led to the formation of the medical/surgical team which brought me through. the sagging face symptom was gone an hour later and my speech was fully restored by next day.

my point: our prayers were focused on the Greatness of our Creator not the symptoms or the primal desire to be rid of the fear those had inspired ( terror was more like it).

i'm in awe how that medical/surgical team threaded the needle to bring me out of a desperate situation to this high mesa on which i'm thriving today.

Peace be with us all, especially you and yours Barbara.

(how's that for a windy "your welcome"?) :0


In the HOUSE, they did not work with the Republicans in ANY WAY. Is that not patently obvious to all of us??
Why on earth would McConnell give them ANYTHING in return. Van Hollen is merely going to the MFM to amplify the FULL COMMIES demands.
The MFM, including FOX this a.m., gladly hand him the microphone, as does all the rest of the MFM.
I believe that the GOP may be the first casualty when violence begins. Paul Ryan did not protect America. THAT'S NOT WHO HE IS. The LEFT is using brass knuckles, the GOP is using pillows.


Identifying as a "he-man" these days is a revolutionary act. :D

Robin, eff 'em all

Gus, they are trying to keep Hunter Biden from testifying. The Republicans are not going to give them this. Hunter Biden can be compelled to testify fully due to a senate statute and Democrats know this.


And you all thought she wouldn't....


She's coming. She has to.


CBS Truck towed from Wildwood rally site:




Thanks for the link to Cruz's pod cast. I tend to listen to a lot of podcasts while I am puttering around here, since our talk radio station went to a couple of annoying local hosts and moved Rush to an SH channel I can't get, and I don't have cable to listen to Fox.

I would also recommend Dan Bongino's podcast, which I find on YouTube. It's one hour and he is very good at explaining things.

Manuel Transmission

The notion that the conservatives would necessarily win that war is a wishful fantasy.

Let a few numbers rattle around in your head. There are estimated to be about 1Trillion rounds of ammo sitting around in cabinets and shop drawers. So if there are 1Million lefties needing dispatched, that’s 1Million rounds per dipshit. You can run the body count up or down from there and still never worry about running out.

TK, you should have put a snark tag after the F-35 comment. I don’t think everyone would get that.


Did Paul Ryan go back to work as a driver? Somebody's a bit rusty in Waukesha....


(You have to see it to believe it.)


Ig, I apologize for the caricature.

I will try to avoid CW3 prediction topics.



Thank you for the Ted Cruz podcast. It gives an up close view of what's happening in the Senate Chambers and behind the scenes.


Yeah, they all do it. (Note, my firm does not do this).


BREAKING: We’ve confirmed that the Ring doorbell app on Android covertly shares personally identifiable information on its users with third-party companies, including Facebook.



You are correct, MT. It was a late night rambling on my part.

JM Hanes

Since we're all bringing our willows over,

Ignatz and Theo:

"There always comes a point, if you stay in a conversation with Theo long enough, where you have to ask yourself…"

…why someone shows up out of the blue every couple of years, assumes the role of political coach, saying "we" this and "we" that, when he clearly means "you" this and that.


There always comes a point, if you stay in a conversation with Theo long enough, where you have to ask yourself whether he is high-functioning autistic, purposely obtuse or as Mel says, a concern troll.

Thanks for the heads up--but if you know that already, why do you engage?

A good question.


Paul "Eddie"Ryan... weenie wagon jockey... it's


Back to my impeachment break.

Robin, eff 'em all

Ted Cruz is very likable in that podcast. This is a smart gig for him. And it was the number one podcast over Joe Rogan this weekend, much to his 11 year old daughter's amazement.

We are not alone in wanting to understand what's happening without the media spin.

Robin, eff 'em all

MM, I was listening to Bongino pretty regularly, but now stop in when there's big news since otherwise he gets repetitive.


I saw the Weiner mobile in Waukesha this passed weekend. Carlos Danger was driving.
But seriously, it passed me and my Son, he barely noticed.


"1 Million Rounds Per Dipstick"


Let that sink in. <@@>




Living in Mommy's basement.


re the "we" this and "we" that-

is that dead mouse-in-pocket Chinese?
asking for a friend.

JM Hanes


It seems to me that the presumption underlying McCarthy's criticism is that there was in fact, a quid pro quo there which could potentially be exposed. Perhaps prosecutors are predisposed to assume that defendants are guilty. If one assumes that Trump is not guilty, however, does McCarthy offer any alternative suggestions as to how Team Trump should go about trying to prove the negative?


Last comment. I scrolled through Henry’s 10:38 tweet and noticed several people saying that this is why people should get away from Android and go to more secure Apple. I decided to see if Avast is available from Apple. Yep.

Nothing is safe.


Donald J. Trump
Really pathetic how @FoxNews is trying to be so politically correct by loading the airwaves with Democrats like Chris Van Hollen, the no name Senator from Maryland. He has been on forever playing up the Impeachment Hoax. Dems wouldn’t even give Fox their low ratings debates....

.....So, what the hell has happened to @FoxNews. Only I know! Chris Wallace and others should be on Fake News CNN or MSDNC. How’s Shep Smith doing? Watch, this will be the beginning of the end for Fox, just like the other two which are dying in the ratings. Social Media is great!


Donald J. Trump
Are you better off now than you were three years ago? Almost everyone say YES!


McCarthy==pheh,jmh--good at explaining statutes but little else IMO,


Donald J. Trump
The Fed should get smart & lower the Rate to make our interest competitive with other Countries which pay much lower even though we are, by far, the high standard. We would then focus on paying off & refinancing debt! There is almost no inflation-this is the time (2 years late)!


McCarthy's problem, IMO, is that he's afraid to take a stand. He finally releases his book and what does that pesky President Trump do but complicate the situation. Everything in McCarthy's world has to be neat and tidy, all lined up at right angles. That's not the way the world works.


Carlos Danger and his runnin buddy Pierre Delecto.

it's time to bring Pierre back into the news cycle as he strokes his Peach Mint cred into something relevant.

PS: i'm reading the Bolton play by the NYT as a gimmick. more Al Capone's Garage theater.

hilarious that Dems have to be tied down while POTUS fills stadiums.

can we arrange for Vindman and his bro to meet at the airport in Baghdad? whoops.




The storm is gathering and it is as plain as the noses on our faces but people comfort themselves that it's different this time, just as every nation caught off guard by some cataclysm always thinks.

Someone with the opposite point of view could be just as insulting and say "The clouds are lifting, we are winning, but people alarm themselves by magnifying the success of their political opponents and minimizing the importance of the strides their side has made".

But we're better then that; we're different; we're special; we ARE exceptional. We aren't exceptional and never have been. Our culture and institutions are, or rather were.

Well, we are our institutions, but whatever. America, even under Obama, is always exceptional because if you're born here or manage to get in, you are protected by a legal system based on rules laid out a long time ago in an exceptional document. Trump is a double-barrel win; on the one hand he's a patriot who has benefitted us through his judicial appointments, his rollback of regulations, his stance on the border, etc. On the other hand, he loves kicking Dem butt, publicly and perpetually.

I'm in heaven, ymmv.


Dems. A con job every time.

Speaker Robin Vos @SpeakerVos

About that special session...Farmers are already telling us the governor’s package does more to grow the size of government than actually help our rural areas



Sounds like Trump is ready to tee off Trump News Network either next year or in five years, i.e. when he gets some free time.



It’s too late for Hillary to get in. The doors are closed.


TV News HQ
· 28m
New: @HillaryClinton says she feels the “urge” to run again for the White House after the “odd result” of 2016, but she has ruled out a 2020 run.
Greta Van Susteren
With the new DNC rules ...if no one wins on 1st ballot at convention, it could open the door for @HillaryClinton or someone else ...


DNC anointment in Milwaukee, the rules committee is headed by friends of Hill.


By friends of Hill, Podesta and Barney Frank


I want to second the Ted Cruz podcast Robin recommends. A well spent 26 minutes:




I’m going to have to overrule you and say “Super Delegates”. If the DNC (still run by her cabal) says it’s going to be her, it’s going to be her.


The only real difference between Apple and Android is Apple pretends that they brought a condom with them.



Why the achievement gap is far greater in progressive cities than it is in conservative ones


So, what the hell has happened to @FoxNews. Only I know! Chris Wallace and others should be on Fake News CNN or MSDNC.

I think it is a safe bet that Little Chrissie won't be moderating a Presidential debate in 2020:)


I wonder what Trump means, that only he knows what happened to Fox.



If someone can get the Super-Delegates on the second ballot, that person can get the nomination, even if that person didn't run in a primary.

Hillary got the nomination last time by getting the support of the Super-Delegates.


... just as insulting and say "The clouds are lifting, we are winning, but people alarm themselves by magnifying the success of their political opponents and minimizing the importance of the strides their side has made"

Well to be comparable I think it should be written thus:

The clouds are lifting, we are winning, but people alarm themselves by focusing on violence from the left by antifa and others at rallies, protests and the ever increasing leftist hysteria at every important gain in economy and foreign policy"
Because that's what is obvious under discussion.

Captain Hate

If the DNC (still run by her cabal) says it’s going to be her, it’s going to be her.

For all the complaints we, and specifically I, do about the GOP, the donks surely have more contempt for their members. There's a large part of their base that despises The Beast and that number hasn't decreased since 2016. If they try to force her in they'll deserve whatever that unleashes.


Schumer just made an accusation that the Presidents dealings in China enriched his kids and must be investigated. Rand is angry. Said he made it up and they need to sue for defamation. pic.twitter.com/4ULWrSqeGB

— Miz Donna⭐⭐⭐ (@mizdonna) January 28, 2020

Video at the link.


Chinese money deep into academia.

The Wall Street Journal @WSJ

The chair of Harvard's chemistry department was charged in a criminal complaint with failing to disclose that he received Chinese government funding


If anybody has questions for the trial, Ted Cruz wants them.

Tweet them to him at @TedCruz #Verdict.


If they try to force her in they'll deserve whatever that unleashes.

Might make 1968 look like a walk in the park.


henry- charged by whom?


Frogs in a sauce pan.

The clouds are lifting???

Our President has just been impeached by criminals.

This is about US, not TRUMP. Our choice of President and our free election has been under assault since mid-December 2016, when Obama, Brennan and Clapper went to work.

Enjoy the hot tub froggies.


I'm not sure why Andrew McCarthy feels that the "best defense" is no longer available to Trump. I haven't followed the Senate hearing, but surely they can make all those points. In my thankfully limited experience in legal proceedings, lawyers will often assert X, and then add that even if X is false, Y is clearly true and sufficient.

And here's Elise Stefanik handing owning some journalist on this exact point (50 second video):



Kev, the article implies Federal charges were unsealed, but does not report the basic facts. The Prof is Charles Lieber, lied to DoD and NIH about participation in China's Thousand Talents Plan.


handing I was going to say "handing some journalist her head," but realized that could be parsed in two different ways. :)


· 3h
C'mon folks, It's NOT rocket science!!

$736,000,000,000 in U.S. foreign aid given between 2000 & 2016.

ONLY #Trump is asking where the $$ went and which families are benefitting.


Captain Hate

Schumer is as scummy as they get. Too bad Califano didn't punch his teeth down his pencil neck for attacking his wife for voting for Trump.


This entire episode in U.S. History is absurd.
The President is NOT ALLOWED to fire an AMBASSADOR,
but Democrat/Full Commies ARE ALLOWED to fire him.
And the GOP keeps getting kicked in the balls, then ASKS FOR MORE.


Trump & Bibi livestream here


Captain Hate

The Horde has connections

I've had beers with Justice Thomas. On a couple of occasions. He's a gregarious, funny, self-effacing but powerful and confident man. He knows that even though he's black and came from literally nothing, all these white chillins (law students) love him as the second coming, and knows that he is a Justice of the Supreme Court of the most powerful nation the word has ever known. At the same time, he is friendly and open, and dead honest.

His most disturbing trait? Laughing really boisterously and looking you dead in the eye when he does it. It's almost a challenge to not laugh. Go ahead, he dares you not to laugh!!!
Posted by: imp at January 28, 2020 11:34 AM (SFOr6)


the GOP keeps getting kicked in the balls

they fooled the Dems, they don't have any balls.


we never know who our fellow denizens know. i especially appreciate those among us net denezens who DO NOT constantly name drop.

"imp" tells the tale in a wat that isn't a drop. cool story.


Pence in WI Capitol building... pic at link:

Vicki McKenna @VickiMcKenna

Getting ready for #SchoolChoice rally and @VP Mike Pence.





( gadzooks)




Another former a Trump employee gives his opinion

Seung Min Kim on Twitter: "“If John Bolton says that in the book I believe John Bolton," said retired Gen. John Kelly, who served as Trump's chief of staff for 18 months. https://t.co/lRS1IFPSQk" / Twitter


We need to hear what Ballsey Ford says about BOLTON.


White House feed on the Trump Bibi thing.



the feed hasn't started yet. But...


Trump's Middle East peace plan calls for two states, with Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem cnb.cx/2U5R1Rw


now live



I believe General Kelly didn't like President Trump very much. If General Kelly says that, I am less inclined to give any credence to Bolton.


Oh Yah--let the Comeys have this and not Yaacov.

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