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January 13, 2020



Way to get the scoop on Booker TM!


Actually I am first even though I had to sign in.
DeNiro no Oscar nomination for the Irishmen.
Better stop insulting our President.
Same nominees as Golden Globes.

Thomas Collins

Packers and Chiefs are my predictions for the Super Bowl, with Andy Reid getting his first SB win. OL, I'm sure you are going to point out that my prediction of the Saints in the SB was a dud. :-) However, if the Chiefs prevail, one of my predictions for 2020 will have been proven correct!

Thomas Collins

Was I seeing the Chiefs crowd doing the tomahawk chop on Sunday? Someone tell The Squad so they can pressure San Fran Nan to support a House resolution condemning Chiefs fans!

Captain Hate

A female Iranian athlete in the Netherlands just defected, also denouncing the Regime. She said she had wanted to for a long time, that all women in Iran hated the regime, but after the killing of all of the Iranians on the jetliner, she had to.

This looks like the beginning of a preference cascade. People on the edge are jumping. Does Iran have anyone as strong as Suleimani who can supply enough force to stop the protests?

Or is the last days of Ceaucescu, replayed?
Posted by: Tom Servo at January 13, 2020 11:46 AM (Kpl3J)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Nice guy--



The way the Democrats are rallying around the Mullahs, you'd think they were getting kickbacks out of the $150 billion.


Let the refugee floodgates open!


Since 1979, Neo....

Captain Hate

--Nice guy--


Maybe after all the attacks on joooos in NYC by mentally ill colored people people of color, TM gets nervous about criticizing someone who calls himself Spartacus.

Tom R

The New Yorker apparently didn't get Sundance's memo that AG Barr is a member of the Deep State Swamp.



I wonder if Hillary's thinking about running now that Huber has (cough cough) vindicated her?

I'm out, gotta wrestle with a leaky trap under a pedestal sink.

Captain Hate

Let the refugee floodgates open!

My guess is most of the Iranians want to stay there if the repression goes bye bye. In fact I'd expect some past refugees might want to return.


Barr talked a good story during the honeymoon, but so far he hasn't really made any meaningful difference.


I am more inclined to believe that the refugees will occupy portions of US cities and not assimilate to American culture in any way, shape, or form.


War powers resolution is better named Enemy Emboldenment:https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/354567/


Anti-Semitism at Georgia Tech:https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/354554/

Manuel Transmission

Well, crap. Should have refreshed.

I’m confused by all this football talk. You see, I was Varsity at AZ State for three years when Frank Kush was kicking ass. But I only saw those big dudes at the annual banquets. They kept telling me to go under the stadium on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and make .22 diameter holes in paper with 1mm dots arranged in geometric patterns. And we were all very polite and didn’t encourage any bodily contact, especially with the lethal weapons involved.


Sharyl Attkisson🕵️‍♂️
READ: Senate Homeland Security Chairman asks DOJ & FBI to answer longstanding questions about Attkisson's computer intrusions

htt ps://sharyl attkisson.c o m/2020/01/senate-homeland-security-chairman-asks-doj-fbi-to-answer-longstanding-questions-about-attkissons-computer-intrusions/



Tom McClintock voted against Enemy Emboldenment.

That is the truth.

Captain Hate

Sundance's memo that AG Barr is a member of the Deep State Swamp.

This might be his Jarles Chohnson/Patterico moment. Has he gotten any pushback?


Has he gotten any pushback?

It varies. Despite the claim that he deletes contrary comments, quite a few people don’t see it the exact way he does and their comments remain.


His moment? Again? So soon?


To those still running on WinDoze7:


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

IG Report Bombshell: Did The FBI And DOJ Ask Putin’s Buddy To Help Get Trump?

"DOJ official Bruce Ohr called a meeting of several federal agencies to discuss ‘working with’ a Russian oligarch because of his belief, premised on the unverified Steele dossier, that Trump was corrupt."

James D.

Iran State TV's anchor resigns saying, "It was very hard for me to believe the killing of my countrymen. I apologize for lying to you on TV for 13 years."

Can you imagine any of our MSMers ever doing something like that?



This link makes it easy to scroll both bad and good CTH headlines about Barr.

As usual, it is more nuanced than TomR portrays.

Captain Hate

It can't be a real moment without a massive Purge, which TK stated hasn't happened.

James D.

I am more inclined to believe that the refugees will occupy portions of US cities and not assimilate to American culture in any way, shape, or form.

We're seeing it already. If they were assimilating at all, we wouldn't have folks like Ilhan Omar in Congress right now.

Jim Eagle

Continuing from last thread:


The Hogs and when they ran their trademark “counter-trey,” Joe did pull. The only Hogs to be in all 3 super bowl wins were Bostic, Grimm, Jacoby, and Don Warren. May, Ed Simmons,and McKenzie 2 of them.

The Skins have never been the same.


It’s a bit hard to tell, but overall I do not read the data as supporting the notion that Bernie is “surging.” He seems to be basically where he has been all along in terms of support, maybe a bit of an uptick. Warren’s stock really fell last fall but seems to have stabilized. Mayor Pete has been on a decline for a while. Biden is, if anything, down a bit of very late.

Right now the surging Dem candidate seems to be “None of the Above.”


I have full confidence in AG Barr.
Ever since he called out the Obama administration for spying on the Trump campaign and illegally abusing the FISA court I am in his corner.
Huber was never one of us.
The guy investigating the FISA Court is an Obama flunky.
More cover-up from the powers that be.
Love that Cheryl Atkisson is calling out Rosenstein, further proving the opinion that Rocco and I have had of him.
Sometimes in my opinions I trust my gut.
My gut tells me at the absolute core, Roberts and Rosenstein are not die hard Trump fans.

Jim Eagle

The female Iranian who defected was the only Iranian to earn a medal at the last Olympics: A bronze in Tae-kwan-do. Good looking gal.


Hillary stole the Iowa caucuses from Bernie in 2016.
Coin flipping was deciding some of the precincts and rigged to favor Hillary.
His supporters are surging back and demand justice this time.
Butyigieg is a flash in the pan.
Warren is really fading and is now going on s tirade against Bernie people because she is losing.


I am interested in how impartial Roberts will be in the Senate trial.
I will be watching him closely.

Captain Hate

Can you imagine any of our MSMers ever doing something like that?

Taibbi and Greenwald have refused to lie anymore. Sharyl Attkisson refused to play along as did Catherine Herridge, Lara Logan and Brit Hume. The F Chucks and Georgie the Gerbils are planted propagandists who will never change; the question is will the Chris Wallace types ever change.


I believe it will be San Francisco and the Titans in the Super Bowl.

Jim Eagle

Every Iranian, whether a recent immigrant or 2 or 3 generation Iranian-American, I ever knew assimilated. Granted 90% of them were professionals like medicos, engineers, computer scientist, etc. I don't know of any Iranian or Persian conclaves separate from the general population. I could be wrong but even in London they assimilated at least while I lived there.

Captain Hate

I agree with Jack on Iranians, keeping in mind that most of them were fleeing the current regime. Anyone leaving now would be just the opposite and hopefully DJT's people would have proper vetting procedures in place.


D —

I agree with each of your points. I don’t think, however, that the data supports a strong Bernie “surge.” He is nonetheless in second place among Dems at the moment.

It could be a train wreck for the Dems. If things stay on course, Warren and Pete could be gone after NH. That would make the race between Joe and Bernie — two very old white guys — plus whatever old white male billionaires want to keep spending their kid’s’ inheritance.

Joe should win that contest I guess but eventually they will wake up to the indisputable fact that he is Joe Biden.


Okay, my browser is inexplicably, ahem, full of ads for “Best Large Bust Swimwear” replete with, ahem, lots of, ahem, close-up pics.

Personally, I blame Iggy... 😉

Comanche Voter

Sad to say, I don't think Chris Wallace has it in him to be an honest broker. He wants to keep being invited to the "best" cocktail parties in the Swamp.

Captain Hate

I'm assuming Miss Marple's pc is nonfunctional.


They must want bankruptcy asap.

PJ Media @PJMedia_com

Illinois Becomes 20th State to Cover Transgender Surgery Under Medicaid



Lyle —

I would blame whoever posted a link entitled “More Fat Chicks In Their Underwear.”


Carla Babb @CarlaBabbVOA

#SpaceForce commander Gen John Raymond is being sworn in at the White House tomorrow


That would make the race between Joe and Bernie — two very old white guys

Make it a hat trick with Bloomie. And let's hope Hillary rides in on her broomstick to "save the day."


D —

The role of Chief Justice in a presidential impeachment trial is almost entirely ceremonial. Any “rulings” that he makes can be overturned by a vote of a majority of the Senators present. Rehnquist had no impact whatsoever on the Clinton impeachment and I think the same will be true wrt Roberts and Trump.



Robin, eff 'em all

Whew boy, just caught up.

Spent the weekend at our first ever volleyball tournament in Rochester. THAT was an eye opener. Whose kid played volleyball here? Was it Bubaroni or Gentlejim? I can't remember. Anyway, our talented guitar player is not so talented on the court, but she had a good time and has a great coach willing to play the less talented, but more dedicated (the kids who show up at every practice) even knowing the wrath of certain parents. It was a interesting weekend.

They played at this place called the Pinnacle Sports Complex, and their ability to flip the areas from volleyball to basketball, soccer to baseball, and whatever else is required was impressive. I found a soulmate who, like me, was analyzing the logistics of switching the spaces to fit the need. After four games, it's not as much fun to watch. Maybe I'm just a bad sport parent.


as if they'll do anything before December.

Vicki McKenna @VickiMcKenna

Judge finds Wisconsin elections commissioners in contempt of court, orders them to quickly remove people from the rolls



$250 / day fine for Commissioners, $50 / day fine for the commission.

Feb 18 primary for local offices and WI Supreme Court.

Robin, eff 'em all

And if they're going to hold parents hostage to the food they serve at these complexes, could they offer better fare? We snuck food in (knitting is very useful for this stuff) and shared, but those stuck with the options IN A HEALTH COMPLEX were shortchanged.

Captain Hate

I just linked that Patterico full retard move at AoS.


It is very very hard to get out of Iran if you want to defect. You can't just say it and do it, or most of the country would be gone.

Tom R

This might be his Jarles Chohnson/Patterico moment. Has he gotten any pushback?

CH @ 12:19

Sundance has been the subject of much ridicule on Twitter for his belief that AG Barr is a member of the Deep State Swamp and thus an enemy of Trump.

It started awhile back but ramped up in intensity when the Horowitz report was released. When the Horowitz report did not accuse [he who can not be named] of any wrongdoing Sundance doubled down and asserted that was confirmation AG Barr was a member of the Deep State Swamp and that the Horowitz report was a coverup to protect[he who can not be named].



Some Twitchy mercenaries are trolling his latest post. This will be a fun day, CH.


Now it's operational, Captain Hate.

My sister called to talk for a while.

Dave (in MA)
I am interested in how impartial Roberts will be in the Senate trial.
It's a tax.
Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Concur with Jack and CH on Iranians assimilating and on there being a great many attractive ones.

Arabs and Persians truly are very different people.
That's one reason the Iraq-Iran confluence is not so tidy despite their shia similarities.


Donald J. Trump
“We demand fairness” shouts Pelosi and the Do Nothing Democrats, yet the Dems in the House wouldn’t let us have 1 witness, no lawyers or even ask questions. It was the most unfair witch-hunt in the history of Congress!


Thank you for that information.
Thank you for the voting update from Wisconsin.
I am excited to watch every Tuesday as the Dem fiasco unfolds.
I don’t feel nervous because our guy is already set.
I can laugh every Tuesday as the Dems proceed to a brokered convention.
When the superdelegates make the wrong choice on the candidate the rest of the Dems will stay home and the President will win handily.
Life is so interesting.
Adam Driver from the recent HBO series The Girls is nominated for his role in The Marriage.
Lena Dunham, star of said series has faded into oblivion along with Brian Williams daughter Allison.



That’s bub’s daughter that was the volleyball beast. My middle daughter played briefly.

Captain Hate

It looks like the Loonarian Guard types have gone into full protect mode, TK. Also with the expected flood of qualified prosecutors applications from San Fran as well as the Twitter meltdown, the head monkey might be very busy.


As s former veteran of the volleyball wars with my daughter every Sunday tournament, for some reason never started on time.
Delays upon delays in which many a dinner was spoiled.
My daughter was on the A team and finally chose It over Irish Dancing.
Helped her get an A in Phys Ed in high school so there was that.
Saturday’s were basketball for my son.
My husband and I would split the difference if the schedules collided.

James D.


When did he ever have any credibility to lose?


It’s a tax.

Yesterday it was a fee...


Don’t we limit the number of Iranians allowed entry into the US?

Robin, eff 'em all

Mary Rose, did they have the teams not competing during a round officiate? That seemed to cause the most trouble at keeping to the schedule. The U14's haven't played enough to really understand the scoring, which lead to the ref climbing off his/her perch to figure out what was happening numerous times. It worked better when the coach of the officiating group hung out to help.

Volleyball is a great sport - I love to watch....just maybe not five games in a day.


Imam of Peace @Imamofpeace

One of Iran’s most popular actors, Taraneh Alidoosti, (who has appeared in an Oscar-nominated film), has bluntly criticised the government in Tehran in a post on Instagram, telling her almost 6 million followers that “we are not citizens” but “captives”.


Robin, eff 'em all

It may be just that I'm in a college town, but the Iranians I've met are wonderfully smart, lively, and enthusiastic community members. Also quite entrepreneurial - creating businesses and jobs.


Thanks JiB, The Hogs, what a nickname for those guys eh?

But when I think about guards, that Lombardi Sweep is what comes to my mind with Kramer leading the way. This vid was made before he made it to the HoF but there's some great footage of him blocking. Notice how low he stayed on that play described as the best block ever. That's how all O linemen blocked back then, they stayed low and drove their opponent back. Today they stand up and dance with each other.



Robin - My daughter also played high school volleyball. My cousin told me during that time to try to embrace and enjoy the season. It will be over "in the blink of an eye" and you will forget the missed meals, smelly uniforms, angst about this and that. You will remember the joy of winning, the after-game trips to get burgers, and mostly the talks in the car as you drive for miles and miles. I found that all to be true.


James O'Keefe @JamesOKeefeIII

Stay tuned everyone. Something very big is going to happen.

The first bombshell tape is going to drop this week.


Never forget that in 2016 @PVeritas_Action exposed why extreme violence was taking place at @realDonaldTrump rallies.

You aren't going to want to miss what we expose in 2020: Expose2020.com



Captain Hate

This Iranian thing, with DJT giving them encouragement, is moving quickly. I'd be surprised if there wasn't regime change by the weekend.


Look forward to the OKeefe drop.
Yes it was all over too soon and then we had to figure out what to do on the weekends.
After my mother-in-law passed I found my Saturday evenings hard to fill since I had spent them with her for almost two years.
I would sleep over and then go out for breakfast for us in the morning.
I mastered the art of making the coffee just right.


From your lips to God’s ears.
These Iranian students and young people deserve a free life.
Almost too late for Syria who has lost tens of thousands.



How fun would this be: “We now interrupt you’re regularly scheduled Senate impeachment trial to bring you the swearing in of the new Iranian President”.



Yes, I would love that.


Should’ve been directed at CH, but I think JiB would enjoy it.




Iranians are indeed captives. I have a friend who escaped after the Shah left - she had been here for college when that was alowed and has no accent at all. She is absolutely gorgeous, now living in NY city. Her family has gone from being very successful family to poor people forced to wear hajibs when they are not part of that religion. It's awful.


Iran is sooooo ready for regime change.


He can talk up the ceo of maple leaf foods.


Hey guys, let me know if there are any SUG sightings at ACE or POOOOTER BOY.


How do you say surprise in russian?



Full chimp alert:


Captain Hate

Just to point out the obvious, Gaylord's Iranian deal financed the continuing repression of the people there and I'm pretty sure they understand that, which is why it's so important that DJT is giving them the green light to go for it.


It turns out siemens which is knee deep in iran since the 70s also is big in xinjiang, the same notes different somg.


Ali weiwei pointed out


Tom R

CH @ 1:27

I can't link to it right now but if you go to @dawsonsfields Twitter account look for his recent comment on a tweet by someone named Ghavami(sp?). If the Ghavami tweet is accurate then it is an extremely positive sign.


Huber not doing anything? 🤔 read bottom “DOJ says probe into Clinton Foundation NOT YET CLOSED amid (WAPO BS) report it found no wrongdoing”


On the more important events of the day.


Captain Hate

I really wish I had more insight into what was behind the ousting of the Shah. There were enough leftist tools here spanking it more than usual over it to think it wasn't a planned op and I wouldn't be surprised if some State quislings considered the embassy people as expendable as Chris Stevens.


Don’t recognize Dawson’s fields as an accurate source on anything.



BREAKING: MLB suspends Houston Astros executives for one year & fines team $5M after cheating investigation


Looks like QE2, has UNFRIENDED, The PUKE of SUSSEX and his moooooochelle esqe wife.


Astros GM suspended for stealing signs.

Captain Hate

Holy shit, henry


And the Nats still won!

Tom R

Looks like the Red Sox are going to get hammered as well.




Okeefe teaser trailer....

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