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February 12, 2020


matt - deplore me if you must



Bloomberg is right, brown people commit all the crime, so he isn’t racist for pointing that out. It is the facts on the ground.

8 years of disparate impact bs from Odumbo/Holder means those two are the racists.

Works for me. Give the little guy a pass here. Now explain big gulps.


From @WSJopinion: Everyone is piling on Michael Bloomberg unfairly, including President Trump, writes The Editorial Board

Tom R

I lost a potentially great comment, but I still want to go on record as concluding that Sessions is a deep state NeverTrumper

To me this idea is so silly that I can't give it ten seconds of thought anymore. Even if I live to be 100, there's just not enough time to waste on it.

Another Bob

As I mentioned toTM on the twitter flavor of this...

The irony of Watergate, the Plumbers, Ratf*cking? All completely unnecessary.

Might be a reasonable explanation for why Trump isn’t being as aggressive as some of us would like in burying his tormentors.


Lengthy Codevilla argument --Abolish the CIA


Captain Hate

Everyone is piling on Michael Bloomberg unfairly, including President Trump, writes The Editorial Board

A reminder of why I let my long time subscription lapse.

Deplorable D

I don't know if this has been posted here, but Ace points us to an absolutely devastating twitter thread where Calvin Freiburger absolutely destroys David French, calling him out as the condescending hypocritical ass he is. Here is the entire thread with all the twitter crap stripped out. I recommend you take a look at it.



The Federal a Government employs 2 million civilians. That is one huge swamp. How many people in DC can Trump count on? A couple dozen?

Tom R

I don't see the slightest ethical basis for Sessions' actions unless he was in league with McCabe and Rosenstein on the Article 25 caper

It still boggles my mind that a Trump supporter still believes McCabe’s version of events.



Your idea about Sessions works for me. It's the only explanation for some of his actions, such as demanding the AG position even though Trump wanted to give it to someone else, and his recusal after Mueller was named as Special Prosecutor.


Well did bloomberg believe it then, what changed


Who was going to get it, and whi couod be confirmed, whitaker was a cipher then guiliani mukasey there are reasons why that wouldnt have passeed muster.


A reminder of why I let my long time subscription lapse.

I only wish I had had your prescience long ago, CH. sigh


Wasnt much of the plumbers work clearing a path for mcgovern?


Just heard on Lou Dobbs, Romney expects to run for VP as a democrat.


As Jimmyk so aptly put it BB before:
It is Groundhog Day all over again.


Richard Goldstein on with TuCa. I mute as always but I’m now thinking of a marketing angle I hadn’t considered previously: his visage as a semi-silhouette at 21’...


I hate autocorrect: Goodstein. POS


So funny. My first presidential campaign, which I devoted my life to, was for McGovern

Another Bob

“Wasnt much of the plumbers work clearing a path for mcgovern?”

I think that’s the accepted story, I don’t know. But would Muskie have beaten Nixon?



Well, that should seal his doom and end his political life. He will be unacceptable to gays, Antifa, blacks, evangelicals, and other traditional democrats. He will be driven out of Utah with sticks and clubs.

Poor Ann!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki
America’s Intelligence agencies are the deep state’s deepest part, and the most immediate threat to representative government. They are also not very good at what they are supposed to be doing.
Codevilla sometimes displays an almost perfect economy of words.

Probably not, he had the personality of oatmeal



That was an easy win for Republicans and the first election I could vote in.
Coming down to Florida tomorrow.
How far are you from Punta Gorda?


And hes been in the belly of the beast from naval intel to company analyst to congressional staffer, he takes some responsibilty in that tablet piece for fisa.




Tom R

MM @ 8:02

Can you provide a citation that backs up your claim Sessions demanded to be AG? I know he wanted the job but requesting it versus demanding it are very different things.

Since Sessions tenure as AG resulted in many accomplishments that advanced the MAGA agenda (and pissed off the Progtards), I am curious to know how that jives with Extraneus’ belief Sessions is a Deep State NeverTrumper. Sessions entire career in the Senate clearly indicates he was an advocate for the conservative MAGA agenda long before Trump was.



About a mile.



Who is Ann?


Codevilla sometimes displays an almost perfect economy of words.

He then expends in excess of 10,000 in support that perfect economy.


I always had my doubts about Sessions especially after he told Jason Chavetz that he couldn't go after Pagliano because he was too close to Hillary. 9 minute mark.



Mrs romney who showed more determination.


Jane —

I did not work on the McGovern campaign but I was at the Democratic Convention in Miami Beach in 1972. The McGovernites were in my impression very earnest and totally clueless I was a neophyte to politics but even then it seemed obvious that if they could not run their own convention they coukd not possibly run the country.


Ahhhh, thanks. I’m pretty sure she will always stick with her husband


a-mom @ 8:25: heh™


Narc,MCT oil is fine. Don’t worry about it.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Excellent link, Deplorable D.
When I was logging we had a slang term for a tree the size of the log in David French's eye; a pumpkin, meaning a fat, ponderous, old growth tree.
I wonder if he'd like me to cut that out of there for him.


Well Theo, I was a kid - a junior in college and I loved him - or maybe I really hated Nixon, but it was a start

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--He then expends in excess of 10,000 in support that perfect economy.--

Big subject = big economy.

Tom R

More MAGA winning...



How about the heavy cream, or are you sparing on that.


Jane —

I ,totally understand. I wasn’t against McGovern or for Nixon myself. But seeing the McGovern people in action made me admire their idealism and enthusiasm and question their ability to accomplish anything.


Another blackhat moment goes back a ways



I noted this from the journal piece excerpted in al jazeera about the saudi sovereign fund.


These peoplr are terminably neurotic







WELL WE PRETTY MUCH ACCOMPLISHED nothing. I think, pretty much, everyone was high.


Thanks, can you have too much coffee with the oil, should one alternate




I put butter, mct, coconut oil in my coffee and add heavy cream and cinnamon. -and that’s not even my happy coffee.





Geez, I go over to Althouse's cafe to see what's new, and narc's got like five posts of stuff he's posted here already.
Maybe new neo??


I skimmed through peter bergens latest, which has a nugget or two like the meet with enlisted personal but surrounded by folderall


Amy Wax on woke lawyering:



He's the best. https://t.co/OiepAUNMeV

— Nick Searcy, DOGFACED PONY SOLDIER, FILM & TV STAR (@yesnicksearcy) February 13, 2020

Link goes to a rweer which links to a video of President Trump giving his assessment of the Democrats.


Link goes to a TWEET..,


For example, he suggests that the birth ceruficate thing was trumps notion, he circulates the slanders against gorka painting his father as iron cross, and gorka by extension, misrepreating the mukharabat al queda ties


Gorkas show which is noe on dr savages schedule is a much better show than hannitys


Link goes to a photo. Take a look at it.

Something doesn't add up, @PeteButtigieg.

❌ No Unit Patch
❌ No Name Tape
❌ No "U.S. Army" Patch
❌ No Deployment/Combat Patch
❌ No American Flag Patch On Right Sleeve
❌ Uniform Clean As a Whistle

This guy is a fraud. pic.twitter.com/0gviVSXcrr

— OEF_Tr8der (@OEF_Tr8der) February 12, 2020

Did he lose the patches in the wash.



I have no idea. There are 5 patches listed, including the name tape. To me, it would be really strange to have all come off in the wash.

The information I dug up said he had been in Afghanistan for 1 month as a translator in the office. Someone probably should do some digging on his background.


“So funny. My first presidential campaign, which I devoted my life to, was for McGovern“

Same here, Jane. Well, not my life but some of my summer. My excuse is that I was 12 years old. Eight years later I voted for Reagan.


Come on guys. Sessions was Trump's first supporter in either house of Congress, certainly his first in the Senate, in fact for months his ONLY supporter in the Senate, which was a big factor in getting other key supporters on board. Sessions helped kick off Trump's primary campaign with a huge rally in Alabama, and campaigned hard for him all through the campaign.

It's not even remotely a stretch to say that Trump would not have been elected without Sessions. Trump has said so himself, several times. So if Sessions was a deep state NeverTrumper all along, he had a funny way of showing it.

Now maybe he flipped after the election or was compromised somehow. But the simpler explanation makes sense - Sessions was totally unprepared for the strength of deep state opposition, he recused because he didn't take the threat seriously and thought it was the right thing to do, and the coup thus continued with him as an unwitting accessory.

You see how hard it is to survive these treasonous assaults even with all hands on deck. There's no need to assume malice to explain events.


Im sure he probably was there? I think they call them fobbits, which is a nicer update of a nastier term for offsite support personnel


The malice, IMO porch, was Sessions not quitting when he realized he was in way over his head.


I want to share a story from when President Trump invited me to his table

I told the President I didn’t want to stay long so he could spend time with his family & he said “No you can stay You are Family! We’re all Family”

Thank you @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/BotbMR67kk

— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) February 13, 2020

Video at the link. Terence is a youg blck guy who supports the President.


It was mostly the same guilt trip played of ashcroft a southern senator of stromg faith? Fourteem years earlier.


I think the 9:27 likely has been Fotoshopped.
Removing things is the easiest stuff to do.

MM, do you "know" the poster? Reliable?



has him in lots of uniforms with all the patches

Captain Hate

Have any of you guys, particularly the Massholes, heard of this?


My grandson mentioned it, including getting the year right, and it instafilled quickly when I started typing it in Bing.


Willowed --

To AP:

The Associated Press might want to add this to the proposed Nadler/Barr hearing article:

"Nadler says in his letter: ‘we have repeatedly warned you and your predecessors that the misuse of our criminal justice system for political purposes is both dangerous to our democracy and unacceptable to the House Judiciary Committee.’

"At issue in the hearing will be whether Trump’s associates used the criminal justice system for political purposes or stepped in to stop misuse of the criminal justice system for political purposes."

It offers readers a perspective to better understand the issue at hand.

Thank you.


Was he assigned to kabul or a more remote base, in the latter one might wanf as least id material as possible. Anyways he didnt seem to have drawn much lessons from the experience

Another Bob

Agree with amom here. Butty took a very easy path to his commission, he didn’t hardly have to work at it. Of course it’s legit.


Like milo minderbinder without the ambition


Robin, eff 'em all

But the simpler explanation makes sense - Sessions was totally unprepared for the strength of deep state opposition, he recused because he didn't take the threat seriously and thought it was the right thing to do, and the coup thus continued with him as an unwitting accessory.

I think that's right, Porch. He expended a lot of political capital early on backing Trump. My guess is he wanted AG because he felt that would be the best place for tackling illegal immigration. NO ONE seemed to understand what they were up against with the Deep State.

James D.

Just heard on Lou Dobbs, Romney expects to run for VP as a democrat.

Oh, bring it on! I can’t wait for the first debate, when President Trump can ask whoever picked Romney why they chose an obsolete, dog-murdering, homophobic, racist, pro-slavery, fascist, magic-underwear-wearing elitist liar as their running mate. With a clip file to back up every one of those attacks on Romney from 2012.

Captain Hate

My attitude toward Sleepy Jeff has somewhat softened, but not enough to stop using that moniker. It may well be that he did exactly what DJT wanted him to do but dear God the optics were terrible.

Robin, eff 'em all

Isn't that a crazy story, CH? I remember googling it after I heard about it as I was convince someone was pulling my leg.


1. I do not know the poster at all.
2. It never occurred to me to consider photoshop removal.
3. Thanks to anonamom for calling that to my attention.

Buford Gooch

CH, I read about the great molasses flood years ago. Great story.


I read that somewhere was is itdennis lehane or maybe some non fiction account

Robin, eff 'em all

I'm linking this again because it's a great read. This knitter and Democrat is walking away from the party after attending the NH Trump rally.


I think the Democrats have an ass-kicking coming to them in November, and I think most of them will be utterly shocked when it happens because they’re existing in an echo chamber that is not reflective of the broader reality. I hope it’s a wake-up call and causes them to take a long look in the mirror and really ask themselves how they got here. Maybe then they’ll start listening. I tend to doubt it, but I can hope.

Captain Hate

Maybe new neo??

Does he post stuff we discussed 12 or more hours ago?


MM, you absolutely canNOT trust Twitter! You know that!!

Captain Hate

It is a neat story. Should I be embarrassed about not knowing about it previously?


Mostof these are newly found links.

I have a title for my still uncompleted novella jambiya which is the name of a yemeni curved dagger.


Drunk History did a segment on the molasses flood.


I learned of the flood on a Duck Boat tour in Boston. I think one of their boats was named for the event.



I know Twitter is unreliable, but I have nowhere else to go. That's why I appreciate you calling my attention to errors.

Once in a while (like tonight) I follow a link from a tweet or thread, and end up flubbing.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Maybe John Kerry threw Piccolo Pete's patches over a wall.


holy moly...

i hate to bring up french drains again since I thought that got settled last fall but I've stumbled upon this:


can that really work?

i thought this was going to be something a landscaper with a backhoe and lots of tile and gravel would have to do.

this is on my bucket list this spring and if this an option I might rent a backhoe for a day.


I think it was paul reickoff foundee of ivaw, that fancied the next john kerry.

Captain Hate

I won't argue that there's something sketchy about Mayor Choad in a Gaylord way, besides the obvious.


Himself the next john kerry, but there were a host of other candidates.


Robin, I agree, no one saw the full extent of the threat. If they had, they all would have done things differently.

The malice, IMO porch, was Sessions not quitting when he realized he was in way over his head.

I can only speak for myself, but in my observation, most people who are in over their heads - and remember US AG was Sessions's dream job - do not realize it. After all the hard work Sessions did, and the political risks he took on behalf of Trump, I won't go all the way to malice. Not even close.


Mayor Choad, lol.


I think that drain tile is really expensive on a per foot basis compared to raw materials, bub. I dunno.

I can’t remember if I posted another solution to your problem recently. I’ll be right back with a YouTube.

Another Bob

Looks like a winner to me bubarooni.

I’ve seen pre-socked pipe, but the faux gravel is new to me.


Here is one version:




"Under the compact, Virginia agrees to award its electoral votes to the presidential ticket that receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia,” a bill summary states. "

More details in article.


And another:

Break out the checkbook!


Jane@8:55 —

As best I can recall, I certainly was.

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