I had forgotten that and I was there by the Australian Olympic team. He was really good and I remember how much fun the team was having dancing to his music.
Newsom is feeling the heat and has said "nothing is set in stone".
It's going to be interesting to see, if there is a second wave, whether people allow themselves to be locked up again.
President Obama is being quoted on Flynn, saying "There is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free." It is a curious statement. First and foremost, Flynn was not charged with perjury...
It isn’t curious at all when you accept how lazy and ignorant Obama truly is.
“Umm duh ummm, well how about umm we get him in one of those ‘perjury traps’ ummmm. You know the stuff you guys do. Ummm do it again. And leave me out of it”
Obama invested no time, thought, or energy into anything after he called the Code Red Perjury Trap on Flynn. To this day he remains as uninformed as the day he hatched his one sentence plan..
Meanwhile, everyone in Publix today was wearing masks except moi 😷
And I have a theory why. We are basically post-lockdown. Restaurants and bars are open. Barber shops, hair and nail salons open on Monday, etc.
So, why still masks? Because they are all stylistic, very arty or even cartoonish. Who can have the funniest one, the most clever, the creepiest, the most erudite (saw one that was the Table of Elements), the most artful (A Mon Lisa) was worn by one of the Publix cashiers.
It might remain with like the CB radio craze of the 70’s
Thank you for the compliments on the previous thread. It is really a team effort here on JOM. This is the best internet aggregator of non-fake news. I may be quick to judge but is almost always based on details I gather from the insight shared here.
I will tell narciso directly one more thing that I will be proven to be correct on. Please, please, please do not post at Patterico’s unless you are certain, and I mean absolutely certain, you are not leaving enough of a footprint for him to doxx you.
The man is insane.
Without getting as mushy as GUS I do care for you and I only predict bad things will happen when that clown goes supernova.
Beach News ..
It begins to look like the Governor has thrown in his hand on the beaches.
Monday the CNB councilman filed his lawsuit against Gov Newsom.
Tuesday the Gov opened Socal beaches again, 'with restrictions'. With the exception of Newport Beach. No soup for us.
Wednesday the Gov opened Newport Beach 'with restrictions'.
It turned out 'with restrictions' meant 'for active recreational use only', whatever that meant.
I've been staying on the Oceanfront the last few days, down by the Balboa Pier. Walked and jogged up and down the beach. I don't know what the intent was, but the City is clearly interpreting it to mean 'regular beach use'. Family groups with umbrellas, singles, couples laying out on towels .. the lifeguard trucks roll right by.
And, bonus, the homeless campers under the pier are still gone. 8 or 10 microtents up where the underside of the pier meets the beach sloping up. 50 yards away you'd never see them. City cleaned them out when the beaches were first closed. Guess they're not 'recreational users'.
And there sits is CH’s favorite Issahole. The F&F loser extraordinarie.
Issa is running for Congress in a district that he doesn’t live in, after thoroughly abandoning his previous district and sabotaging the replacement republican candidate, and the GOPe is all in. It is down to him vs a smooth talking terrorist. I do not envy the poor bastards in that district.
Issahole has said that even after his two years of hiding, if he gets back in he will retain his seniority. WTF?
So it is a choice between known bad and known worse.
PS make sure you listen to Hannity squeak out a defense of Gowdmouth while Gatez is steamrolling.
The dem pushback is starting fast. Even a very uninformed democrat in the park ("I vote the way my husband tells me") told me my facebook posts make her laugh.
Without getting as mushy as GUS I do care for you and I only predict bad things will happen when that clown goes supernova.
Thanks to GUS I found out the loon's wife, who is surely the brains of the family and is either asexual or as ugly as a cat's ass, works also in the prosecutor's office where she surely keeps the dimwit from being canned. He was definitely broke by BK but that just finished the work in progress.
And there sits is CH’s favorite Issahole. The F&F loser extraordinarie.
Issa is running for Congress in a district that he doesn’t live in, after thoroughly abandoning his previous district and sabotaging the replacement republican candidate, and the GOPe is all in. It is down to him vs a smooth talking terrorist. I do not envy the poor bastards in that district.
The loon's type of Repuke. Does the GOP have a subprimate breeding farm where they come up with jerkoffs like this who keep returning like bounced checks? Un.Be.Lievable.
Everyone seems to give Rosenstein a pass, but he was arguably the most instrumental player in the entire operation.
TomR doesn’t know whether to shit or go blind:)
What gives you that idea? I’m enjoying all the recent revelations that have come out. Perhaps Mollie Hemingway and everyone else who is giving Rosenstein a pass (including CH, Clarice, Melinda and a few others here) interpret the facts differently?
I read yesterday that the reason for the second Mueller scope memo adding Manafort, Flynn and others was because after Rosenstein stripped control of Crossfire Hurricane from McCabe, McCabe opened up new, separate investigations into Manafort, Flynn etc. The second scope memo served the same purpose of stripping those investigations away from McCabe and giving them to Mueller.
“Umm duh ummm, well how about umm we get him in one of those ‘perjury traps’ ummmm. You know the stuff you guys do. Ummm do it again. And leave me out of it”
It's really a damn shame that the nation's first non white President is such an obviously dirty filthy cowardly ignorant corrupt son of a whore, but that's where we are. Too bad the "opposition party" ran disgustingly inept and unlikeable challengers but that's our Uniparty wing.
Because the enemedia is unable to discuss race like intelligent people, this won't be able to be discussed in a mature manner. But it damn well should be.
JiB, I believe the gist of MissM's 12:24 is that Pence is a Bush plant and not to be trusted.
I haven't trusted him in a long time, since it was revealed that a plan was discussed to remove the president via the 25th amendment which would have required his vote iirc. (i think)
March 1: Flynn was the first obstacle who had to be overcome. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was the next. The Trump loyalist with a strong Department of Justice background would also need to be briefed on the anti-Trump efforts unless he could be sidelined. Comey admitted that early in Sessions’ tenure, he deliberately hid Russia-related information from Sessions because, “it made little sense to report it to Attorney General Sessions, who we expected would likely recuse himself from involvement in Russia-related investigations.” To secure that recusal, yet another leak was deployed to the Washington Post’s Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima and Greg Miller. The leak was intended to tar Sessions as a secret Russian agent and was dramatically spun as “Sessions Spoke Twice To Russian Envoy: Revelation contradicts his testimony at confirmation hearing.” One meeting was in passing and the other was in his function as a United States Senator, but the hysteria was such that the Post authors could get away with suggesting Sessions was too compromised to oversee the Department of Justice’s counterintelligence operations involving Russia. It is perhaps worth noting that the Special Counsel idea was pushed in this article.
Rocco, the assumption is Yates. As I recall, Trump bypassed the Obama pecking order to skip past Yates. Since the entire DOJ and FBI were bad apples, it didn’t matter that Trump bypassed the favorite bad apple.
Oh those pesky Unintended Consequences when our much smarter betters deem to tell us what to do
You knew that was coming. Someone at the Horde pointed out that his wife having a breast lump looked at was deemed "elective". AYFKM?
My opinion of Big Medicine is at about at the same level as the GOP. Fortunately I've already lived so long I'm already a genetic outlying point. House money, bitches!
“Unlike Attorney General Barr, I had an official role in that campaign. I was with the president many times as we traveled the country. I was chairman of the National Security Committee, officially reported to the FEC. So when the rules say you can't investigate a campaign that you're a part of, it clearly applied to me."
"I did the right thing, I did. I cannot back down on that."
“I would just say this: Had I not recused and had I taken action to try to suppress, stop, eliminate, fire the people who were doing this investigation, it would have been a catastrophe for the rule of law. It would've been a catastrophe for my ability to bring control over that department that was out of control and needed discipline."
In pro wrestling the pinned wrestler does his best to tag his partner so the new guy can beat the shit out of the opponent. Sessions cowardly move was to stay pinned despite, according to the quotes above, he knew he should have tagged his lame ass out of the ring.
As a followup I thought I remember reading that Grassley, who everyone seemed to love how he handled the Kavanaugh hearings except me, refused to schedule a confirmation hearing on a Sessions replacement.
Yes. Trump, according to witness testimony found in the Mueller Report, kept the resignation letter with him for a short while after he told Sessions to stay. As if he had a bit of blackmail on Sessions. He finally returned the letter at the request of Preibus, IIRC.
Trump was trapped. If Sessions quit, the media would spin it as Trump Fired His AG!!!! The “coverup” narrative would have hit overdrive well before Trump had a chance to unravel the scheme.
Sessions should have resigned before he recused. That would have been the honorable thing to do. Instead he let the mess drag on until he was able to blackmail Trump into keeping him.
I may be overthinking it, but I assume the coup plotters would know that Trump wanted an “outsider.” Christie was as much of a fake outsider as Sessions. Keeping Rosenstein as behind the curtains as possible allowed him to steer the direction of the DOJ without taking the heat.
Rocco, the assumption is Yates. As I recall, Trump bypassed the Obama pecking order to skip past Yates.
Now we know the reason Obama issued an EO and changed the order of succession at the DOJ to move Dana Boente down lower in the order and replacing him with an Obama loyalist, whose name escapes me. Obama knew Yates would eventually be replaced with Trump’s own choice for DAG so while the coup attempt was going on an Obama loyalist would be the acting AG for all matters Sessions recusal affected. Trump rescinded Obama’s EO which meant Boente was moved back to his original place in the order of succession.
"I did the right thing, I did. I cannot back down on that."
“I would just say this: Had I not recused and had I taken action to try to suppress, stop, eliminate, fire the people who were doing this investigation, it would have been a catastrophe for the rule of law.
The same exact point Jonathan Turley made. The AG is not the consigliere for the POTUS and had Sessions closed down Crossfire Hurricane while a significant chunk of America still believed the false allegations being spread by Democrats and the Fake News then Trump almost certainly gets impeached in 2017.
Instead he let the mess drag on until he was able to blackmail Trump into keeping him.
That’s a dishonest way of putting it. Your irrational dislike of Sessions is not serving you well here. Sessions did the honorable thing and Trump refused his resignation. Period. End of story. The buck stops at Trump so he is 100% responsible for keeping Sessions on the job.
had Sessions closed down Crossfire Hurricane while a significant chunk of America still believed the false allegations
Sessions put himself in a position where he couldn’t expose the fraudulent investigation let alone shut it down. Like he explains in the recent interview, a person like Barr wouldn’t have had the same conflict. He needed to leave.
The buck stops at Trump so he is 100% responsible for keeping Sessions on the job.
So much for you worry about media spin forcing Trump’s hand.
Sessions set up the awful timeline that neutered Trump’s ability to get rid of him. The day the lawyers instructed Sessions to sit out of the coup attempt is the day he needed to do the honorable thing and resign. When he finally did offer to resign it was after the SC was underway.
You forget one key fact. While many Trump pundits like Sundance and Jim Hoft were spewing out anti-Rosenstein fear porn, after AG Barr was confirmed Barr allowed Rosenstein to remain in control of the Mueller SC which also resulted in Rosenstein extending his retirement date. Mueller himself testified that neither Barr nor Rosenstein pressured him to end the investigation.
If there was any truth to the fear porn that Mueller was on a “witch hunt” and Rosenstein was part of the coup attempt, then both Trump and Barr (and Whitaker’s) were pretty stupid in allowing Rosenstein to remain on the job.
You are explaining the measures Trump and Barr has to go in order to untie a deep state Gordian knot. And I am explaining how Sessions helped tie that knot.
People having a really bad day:
-Adam Schiff
-Jerry Nadler
-Jim Comey
-Andy McCabe
-Rod Rosenstein
-Sally Yates
-Jim Clapper
-Barack Obama
-Joe Biden
People having a really good day:
-Americans who value justice
I was actually responding to your 2:30. Sessions recusal and Rosenstein in charge of Mueller had no negative impact on the outcome of the investigation which went greatly in Trump’s favor. While the Mueller SC was in progress and everyone was focused on it, , Horowitz and Huber/Durham quietly were conducting the investigations into the criminal actions of the Obama criminal cabal.
I am not sure of the inside game on the republican side. We do know a lot about the inside game on the Democrat side now through their own words and actions.
What we don't need is a lot of blue on blue speculation.
There is a long pattern of criminal activity under the Obama administration, much of it centered in the DoJ. from Fast & Furious to Crossfire Hurricane they have been in it up to their eyeballs
The dam is breaking. These FBI docs are incriminating. We speculated a while back that there's a snitch in all of this. Is there? How would a snitch's testimony along with these docs help us put together the big puzzle?
What does Durham have that he can prove in court and will he? How does the American public view this cesspool? What will they do about it?
It seems to me that the entire establishment is like Mr. Creosote about to explode.
Son and daughter-in-law brought me a beautiful basket of flowers for Mother's Day and a lovely card, and we had a nice visit.
Here's the other thing I was listening to, which I don't remember hearing. Two whistleblowers from the NSA, interviewed in October of last yearm by Dr. David Jenga.
Agree and that DC Establishment consisted of a lot of RINOs and Neocons who I imagine are sweating bullets right now. After 9/11 they collaborated with the Democrats on the Patriot Act and the warrantless surveillance that it authorized. This coincided with the rise in popularity of all the leftwing controlled social media giants, How much spying on their enemies has the DC Establishment and Deep State/Swamp performed with the assistance of the social media giants since 9/11? There is no telling how much and how corrupt they are.
One dot that hasn’t been connected yet is the odd coincidence that Comey, Mueller and Wray were all opposed to the warrantless surveillance provision in the Patriot Act and all threatened to resign if the neocons got Ashcroft’s signature while he was doped up on drugs in the hospital. It’s extremely odd that three people who took a stance in support of the 4th Amendment are now being accused of being part of the coup attempt against Trump, himself a victim of illegal spying.
It is unsurprising @realDonaldTrump enjoys wallowing in his fetid self-indulgence, but I find it surreal that so many other government officials encourage his ignorance, incompetence, & destructive behavior.
BTW, history will be written by the righteous, not by his lickspittle.
First, I want to officially, in non-temperate tones to tell John Brennan to go fuck himself and he is still ugly.
I think Kamala (BJ) Harris has too much baggage but she is as good as any one else. But there is no way Bite-me can win without a couple of red states and that brings in Stacy Adams, which I would find fascinating Since she would dominate the pair.
But, knowing Joe’s proclivity for smelling girl’s hair, I then go with the Madame Tussaud’s very own Gretchen Whitmer.
Glenn Greenwald✔
The abuse of power during the 2016 election by the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA -- and the subsequent Schiff-led lies repeatedly disseminated in the media to justify that abuse -- is a vastly more serious scandal than "Russiagate" ever could dream of being
So we're up to three honest liberals (Greenwald, Dershowitz, Turley). Can we get to 10, or should God rain down burning sulfur on the whole lot?
I thought I saw the vid of the ex-jarhead shaming the Sacramento police here, but wherever I saw it you have to see it. It’s all starting to come together and you can bet the local an State tyrants are making plans to open up rather than face the insurrection.
That Marine was the canary in the coal mine and not only did he live he produced 16 Tons!
Big Mike serves as such an in-their-face corrective to the expert windbags who've been hectoring us to ignore our lying eyes about someone who could look pleasant if she ignored her revolting instincts about what makes her appear glamorous.
I forgot to officially LOL at Dave's "We're gonna need a smaller noose" the other day after Trump's nine inch pencil neck Schiff comment.
Still makes me laugh.
This made me laugh;

Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | May 09, 2020 at 11:07 AM
RIP Richard Penniman.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 11:07 AM
I had forgotten that and I was there by the Australian Olympic team. He was really good and I remember how much fun the team was having dancing to his music.
Posted by: rse | May 09, 2020 at 11:12 AM
I think this link was from here but I'll link it again just in case; 3,000 California Churches Plan To Reopen In Defiance Of Gov. Newsom’s Orders.
Newsom is feeling the heat and has said "nothing is set in stone".
It's going to be interesting to see, if there is a second wave, whether people allow themselves to be locked up again.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | May 09, 2020 at 11:23 AM
MM posted this:
It isn’t curious at all when you accept how lazy and ignorant Obama truly is.
“Umm duh ummm, well how about umm we get him in one of those ‘perjury traps’ ummmm. You know the stuff you guys do. Ummm do it again. And leave me out of it”
Obama invested no time, thought, or energy into anything after he called the Code
RedPerjury Trap on Flynn. To this day he remains as uninformed as the day he hatched his one sentence plan..Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 11:29 AM
One of my faves set to Jayne Mansfield strutting;
The Girl Can't Help It.
If she smiles the beefsteak becomes well done. :)
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | May 09, 2020 at 11:33 AM
Meanwhile, everyone in Publix today was wearing masks except moi 😷
And I have a theory why. We are basically post-lockdown. Restaurants and bars are open. Barber shops, hair and nail salons open on Monday, etc.
So, why still masks? Because they are all stylistic, very arty or even cartoonish. Who can have the funniest one, the most clever, the creepiest, the most erudite (saw one that was the Table of Elements), the most artful (A Mon Lisa) was worn by one of the Publix cashiers.
It might remain with like the CB radio craze of the 70’s
Posted by: Jack Lillywhite | May 09, 2020 at 11:39 AM
Not Little Richard but from the same flick, another dead rock dude, the terminally cool Gene Vincent and his Blue Caps;
Be Bop A Lula.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | May 09, 2020 at 11:40 AM
...with us....
Posted by: Jack Lillywhite | May 09, 2020 at 11:40 AM
Thank you for the compliments on the previous thread. It is really a team effort here on JOM. This is the best internet aggregator of non-fake news. I may be quick to judge but is almost always based on details I gather from the insight shared here.
I will tell narciso directly one more thing that I will be proven to be correct on. Please, please, please do not post at Patterico’s unless you are certain, and I mean absolutely certain, you are not leaving enough of a footprint for him to doxx you.
The man is insane.
Without getting as mushy as GUS I do care for you and I only predict bad things will happen when that clown goes supernova.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 11:40 AM
Don't forget Fast and Furious TK. Obama is an ass!
Posted by: Jane | May 09, 2020 at 11:41 AM
TK, Thomas Becket was assassinated by four of King Henry's knights who acted on even less obvious direction than did Obama's gang of conspirators.
Posted by: Old Lurker | May 09, 2020 at 11:42 AM
Beach News ..
It begins to look like the Governor has thrown in his hand on the beaches.
Monday the CNB councilman filed his lawsuit against Gov Newsom.
Tuesday the Gov opened Socal beaches again, 'with restrictions'. With the exception of Newport Beach. No soup for us.
Wednesday the Gov opened Newport Beach 'with restrictions'.
It turned out 'with restrictions' meant 'for active recreational use only', whatever that meant.
I've been staying on the Oceanfront the last few days, down by the Balboa Pier. Walked and jogged up and down the beach. I don't know what the intent was, but the City is clearly interpreting it to mean 'regular beach use'. Family groups with umbrellas, singles, couples laying out on towels .. the lifeguard trucks roll right by.
And, bonus, the homeless campers under the pier are still gone. 8 or 10 microtents up where the underside of the pier meets the beach sloping up. 50 yards away you'd never see them. City cleaned them out when the beaches were first closed. Guess they're not 'recreational users'.
Posted by: Art in Newport | May 09, 2020 at 11:48 AM
Fast and Furious is coming full circle, Jane, and not in a good way.
Sundance recaps Gaetz slamming Treytor and includes a set of failure theater mugshots at the end:
And there sits is CH’s favorite Issahole. The F&F loser extraordinarie.
Issa is running for Congress in a district that he doesn’t live in, after thoroughly abandoning his previous district and sabotaging the replacement republican candidate, and the GOPe is all in. It is down to him vs a smooth talking terrorist. I do not envy the poor bastards in that district.
Issahole has said that even after his two years of hiding, if he gets back in he will retain his seniority. WTF?
So it is a choice between known bad and known worse.
PS make sure you listen to Hannity squeak out a defense of Gowdmouth while Gatez is steamrolling.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 11:55 AM
To this day he remains as uninformed as the day he hatched his one sentence plan..
Well said, and that's probably not gonna cut it with Barr over the target.
Posted by: Extraneus | May 09, 2020 at 11:56 AM
Indeed, OL. Obama more likely said “umm perjury?” And they were off to the races.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 11:58 AM
..."off to the races" as he fully intended.
Posted by: Old Lurker | May 09, 2020 at 12:02 PM
Boy that Ric Grenell article someone posted last night from the Epoch times is fabulous!
Posted by: Jane | May 09, 2020 at 12:24 PM
The dem pushback is starting fast. Even a very uninformed democrat in the park ("I vote the way my husband tells me") told me my facebook posts make her laugh.
CNN is now determined to save its own ass.
Posted by: Jane | May 09, 2020 at 12:30 PM
"What were in those envelopes?"
Dr. dave Janda discusses what he believes was the envelopes during the George HW Bush funeral contained.
I ran across this from a year ago. I have seen some curious comments on the Bush funeral, but these were very interesting to listen to.
I have wondered why Pence is brought along with President Trump everywhere. Keeping an eye on him?
Could this also explain the resignations of Trey Gowdy and Paul Ryan?
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 09, 2020 at 12:34 PM
What is in the envelopes?
Posted by: henry | May 09, 2020 at 12:40 PM
It would seem so:
Posted by: Narciso | May 09, 2020 at 12:45 PM
You know penn state got 55 million in the stimulus re mark steyn?
Posted by: Narciso | May 09, 2020 at 12:46 PM
Posted by: Narciso | May 09, 2020 at 12:50 PM
From narc's link:
Posted by: Extraneus | May 09, 2020 at 12:53 PM
Without getting as mushy as GUS I do care for you and I only predict bad things will happen when that clown goes supernova.
Thanks to GUS I found out the loon's wife, who is surely the brains of the family and is either asexual or as ugly as a cat's ass, works also in the prosecutor's office where she surely keeps the dimwit from being canned. He was definitely broke by BK but that just finished the work in progress.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 12:55 PM
And there sits is CH’s favorite Issahole. The F&F loser extraordinarie.
Issa is running for Congress in a district that he doesn’t live in, after thoroughly abandoning his previous district and sabotaging the replacement republican candidate, and the GOPe is all in. It is down to him vs a smooth talking terrorist. I do not envy the poor bastards in that district.
The loon's type of Repuke. Does the GOP have a subprimate breeding farm where they come up with jerkoffs like this who keep returning like bounced checks? Un.Be.Lievable.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 12:59 PM
Everyone seems to give Rosenstein a pass, but he was arguably the most instrumental player in the entire operation.
TomR doesn’t know whether to shit or go blind:)
What gives you that idea? I’m enjoying all the recent revelations that have come out. Perhaps Mollie Hemingway and everyone else who is giving Rosenstein a pass (including CH, Clarice, Melinda and a few others here) interpret the facts differently?
Posted by: Tom R | May 09, 2020 at 01:01 PM
Can someone explain the envelopes and Pence theory. I felt like I was watching an episode of Twilight Zone.
Posted by: Jack Lillywhite | May 09, 2020 at 01:05 PM
I read yesterday that the reason for the second Mueller scope memo adding Manafort, Flynn and others was because after Rosenstein stripped control of Crossfire Hurricane from McCabe, McCabe opened up new, separate investigations into Manafort, Flynn etc. The second scope memo served the same purpose of stripping those investigations away from McCabe and giving them to Mueller.
Posted by: Tom R | May 09, 2020 at 01:08 PM
“Umm duh ummm, well how about umm we get him in one of those ‘perjury traps’ ummmm. You know the stuff you guys do. Ummm do it again. And leave me out of it”
It's really a damn shame that the nation's first non white President is such an obviously dirty filthy cowardly ignorant corrupt son of a whore, but that's where we are. Too bad the "opposition party" ran disgustingly inept and unlikeable challengers but that's our Uniparty wing.
Because the enemedia is unable to discuss race like intelligent people, this won't be able to be discussed in a mature manner. But it damn well should be.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 01:08 PM
Oh those pesky Unintended Consequences when our much smarter betters deem to tell us what to do:
Posted by: Old Lurker | May 09, 2020 at 01:12 PM
JiB, I believe the gist of MissM's 12:24 is that Pence is a Bush plant and not to be trusted.
I haven't trusted him in a long time, since it was revealed that a plan was discussed to remove the president via the 25th amendment which would have required his vote iirc. (i think)
Posted by: Rocco | May 09, 2020 at 01:16 PM
Way off topic, but I love the late Mic Gillette. Tower of Power, back in the old days.
Posted by: DrJ | May 09, 2020 at 01:19 PM
From the link rse posted on the previous thread
So if this was all a premeditated plot to have Sessions recuse, just who did they plot to take over for him?
Posted by: Rocco | May 09, 2020 at 01:25 PM
Rocco, the assumption is Yates. As I recall, Trump bypassed the Obama pecking order to skip past Yates. Since the entire DOJ and FBI were bad apples, it didn’t matter that Trump bypassed the favorite bad apple.
Posted by: henry | May 09, 2020 at 01:28 PM
Oh those pesky Unintended Consequences when our much smarter betters deem to tell us what to do
You knew that was coming. Someone at the Horde pointed out that his wife having a breast lump looked at was deemed "elective". AYFKM?
My opinion of Big Medicine is at about at the same level as the GOP. Fortunately I've already lived so long I'm already a genetic outlying point. House money, bitches!
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 01:29 PM
So if this was all a premeditated plot to have Sessions recuse, just who did they plot to take over for him?
I think Fat RINO Bastard would be on the list. After Comey was shicanned I believe he was calling for Wray to be head honcho early on.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 01:30 PM
Sessions explains:
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 01:35 PM
In pro wrestling the pinned wrestler does his best to tag his partner so the new guy can beat the shit out of the opponent. Sessions cowardly move was to stay pinned despite, according to the quotes above, he knew he should have tagged his lame ass out of the ring.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 01:47 PM
...his knowing..
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 01:47 PM
So it’s a shaggy dog story where Sessions is proud to be the fire hydrant?
Posted by: henry | May 09, 2020 at 01:53 PM
Did Sessions offer to resign and Trump said no?
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 01:54 PM
As a followup I thought I remember reading that Grassley, who everyone seemed to love how he handled the Kavanaugh hearings except me, refused to schedule a confirmation hearing on a Sessions replacement.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 01:57 PM
I was thinking Rosenstein.
Posted by: Rocco | May 09, 2020 at 02:05 PM
Did Sessions offer to resign and Trump said no?
Yes. Trump, according to witness testimony found in the Mueller Report, kept the resignation letter with him for a short while after he told Sessions to stay. As if he had a bit of blackmail on Sessions. He finally returned the letter at the request of Preibus, IIRC.
Trump was trapped. If Sessions quit, the media would spin it as Trump Fired His AG!!!! The “coverup” narrative would have hit overdrive well before Trump had a chance to unravel the scheme.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 02:10 PM
Ig, that Little Richard clip reminded me somehow of that famous photo of Sophia Loren and Mansfield.
Posted by: matt - deplore me if you must | May 09, 2020 at 02:10 PM
Sessions should have resigned before he recused. That would have been the honorable thing to do. Instead he let the mess drag on until he was able to blackmail Trump into keeping him.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 02:12 PM
I was thinking Rosenstein.
I knew that.
Posted by: Extraneus | May 09, 2020 at 02:13 PM
I may be overthinking it, but I assume the coup plotters would know that Trump wanted an “outsider.” Christie was as much of a fake outsider as Sessions. Keeping Rosenstein as behind the curtains as possible allowed him to steer the direction of the DOJ without taking the heat.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 02:19 PM
Rocco, the assumption is Yates. As I recall, Trump bypassed the Obama pecking order to skip past Yates.
Now we know the reason Obama issued an EO and changed the order of succession at the DOJ to move Dana Boente down lower in the order and replacing him with an Obama loyalist, whose name escapes me. Obama knew Yates would eventually be replaced with Trump’s own choice for DAG so while the coup attempt was going on an Obama loyalist would be the acting AG for all matters Sessions recusal affected. Trump rescinded Obama’s EO which meant Boente was moved back to his original place in the order of succession.
Posted by: Tom R | May 09, 2020 at 02:19 PM
Someone in The Horde pointed out the Georgia shooting happened two months ago and the enemedia brings it up now as Flynn is exonerated?
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 02:20 PM
Always happy to be reminded of that pic, Matt;

Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | May 09, 2020 at 02:23 PM
"I did the right thing, I did. I cannot back down on that."
“I would just say this: Had I not recused and had I taken action to try to suppress, stop, eliminate, fire the people who were doing this investigation, it would have been a catastrophe for the rule of law.
The same exact point Jonathan Turley made. The AG is not the consigliere for the POTUS and had Sessions closed down Crossfire Hurricane while a significant chunk of America still believed the false allegations being spread by Democrats and the Fake News then Trump almost certainly gets impeached in 2017.
Posted by: Tom R | May 09, 2020 at 02:24 PM
Instead he let the mess drag on until he was able to blackmail Trump into keeping him.
That’s a dishonest way of putting it. Your irrational dislike of Sessions is not serving you well here. Sessions did the honorable thing and Trump refused his resignation. Period. End of story. The buck stops at Trump so he is 100% responsible for keeping Sessions on the job.
Posted by: Tom R | May 09, 2020 at 02:29 PM
had Sessions closed down Crossfire Hurricane while a significant chunk of America still believed the false allegations
Sessions put himself in a position where he couldn’t expose the fraudulent investigation let alone shut it down. Like he explains in the recent interview, a person like Barr wouldn’t have had the same conflict. He needed to leave.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 02:30 PM
Our host reminded of that three threads ago.
Posted by: Narciso | May 09, 2020 at 02:34 PM
The buck stops at Trump so he is 100% responsible for keeping Sessions on the job.
So much for you worry about media spin forcing Trump’s hand.
Sessions set up the awful timeline that neutered Trump’s ability to get rid of him. The day the lawyers instructed Sessions to sit out of the coup attempt is the day he needed to do the honorable thing and resign. When he finally did offer to resign it was after the SC was underway.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 02:34 PM
TK @ 2:34
You forget one key fact. While many Trump pundits like Sundance and Jim Hoft were spewing out anti-Rosenstein fear porn, after AG Barr was confirmed Barr allowed Rosenstein to remain in control of the Mueller SC which also resulted in Rosenstein extending his retirement date. Mueller himself testified that neither Barr nor Rosenstein pressured him to end the investigation.
If there was any truth to the fear porn that Mueller was on a “witch hunt” and Rosenstein was part of the coup attempt, then both Trump and Barr (and Whitaker’s) were pretty stupid in allowing Rosenstein to remain on the job.
Posted by: Tom R | May 09, 2020 at 02:42 PM
I have no clue what you are explaining, Tom.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 02:44 PM
You are explaining the measures Trump and Barr has to go in order to untie a deep state Gordian knot. And I am explaining how Sessions helped tie that knot.
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 02:52 PM
..had to go to in order...
[fucking autocorrect is telling me to do something else with my time right now]
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 09, 2020 at 02:53 PM
People having a really bad day:
-Adam Schiff
-Jerry Nadler
-Jim Comey
-Andy McCabe
-Rod Rosenstein
-Sally Yates
-Jim Clapper
-Barack Obama
-Joe Biden
People having a really good day:
-Americans who value justice
Lisa Page
Peter Strzok
...And many more!
Posted by: henry | May 09, 2020 at 02:54 PM
I was actually responding to your 2:30. Sessions recusal and Rosenstein in charge of Mueller had no negative impact on the outcome of the investigation which went greatly in Trump’s favor. While the Mueller SC was in progress and everyone was focused on it, , Horowitz and Huber/Durham quietly were conducting the investigations into the criminal actions of the Obama criminal cabal.
Posted by: Tom R | May 09, 2020 at 02:57 PM
Some other pics from that same confab.

A shiny nickel for whoever can identify the guy near Jayne's left boob most clearly shown in the last pic;
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | May 09, 2020 at 02:59 PM
Looks a little like an aged David Niven.
Posted by: sbwaters | May 09, 2020 at 03:01 PM
I am not sure of the inside game on the republican side. We do know a lot about the inside game on the Democrat side now through their own words and actions.
What we don't need is a lot of blue on blue speculation.
There is a long pattern of criminal activity under the Obama administration, much of it centered in the DoJ. from Fast & Furious to Crossfire Hurricane they have been in it up to their eyeballs
The dam is breaking. These FBI docs are incriminating. We speculated a while back that there's a snitch in all of this. Is there? How would a snitch's testimony along with these docs help us put together the big puzzle?
What does Durham have that he can prove in court and will he? How does the American public view this cesspool? What will they do about it?
It seems to me that the entire establishment is like Mr. Creosote about to explode.
Posted by: matt - deplore me if you must | May 09, 2020 at 03:01 PM
It’s not Niven. Niven didn’t have a nose like that.
Posted by: lyle | May 09, 2020 at 03:13 PM
Apropos of nothing amazon has a series of films based on the 17th century spanish mercenary alatriste portrayed by viggo mortensen
Posted by: Narciso | May 09, 2020 at 03:17 PM
Son and daughter-in-law brought me a beautiful basket of flowers for Mother's Day and a lovely card, and we had a nice visit.
Here's the other thing I was listening to, which I don't remember hearing. Two whistleblowers from the NSA, interviewed in October of last yearm by Dr. David Jenga.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | May 09, 2020 at 03:18 PM
Matt @ 3:01
Agree and that DC Establishment consisted of a lot of RINOs and Neocons who I imagine are sweating bullets right now. After 9/11 they collaborated with the Democrats on the Patriot Act and the warrantless surveillance that it authorized. This coincided with the rise in popularity of all the leftwing controlled social media giants, How much spying on their enemies has the DC Establishment and Deep State/Swamp performed with the assistance of the social media giants since 9/11? There is no telling how much and how corrupt they are.
One dot that hasn’t been connected yet is the odd coincidence that Comey, Mueller and Wray were all opposed to the warrantless surveillance provision in the Patriot Act and all threatened to resign if the neocons got Ashcroft’s signature while he was doped up on drugs in the hospital. It’s extremely odd that three people who took a stance in support of the 4th Amendment are now being accused of being part of the coup attempt against Trump, himself a victim of illegal spying.
Posted by: Tom R | May 09, 2020 at 03:22 PM
It is unsurprising @realDonaldTrump enjoys wallowing in his fetid self-indulgence, but I find it surreal that so many other government officials encourage his ignorance, incompetence, & destructive behavior.
BTW, history will be written by the righteous, not by his lickspittle.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 03:32 PM
Okay, time to start a JoeMentia veepstakes pool. I’m taking the whore who slept her way to the top, Cameltoe Harris. Who you got?
Posted by: lyle | May 09, 2020 at 03:36 PM
If there were a public hangings pool, I’d take him, CH.
Posted by: lyle | May 09, 2020 at 03:38 PM
Iggy @ 2:59... Clifton Webb? His face rang a bell because I watched “Cheaper by the Dozen” a few weeks ago on TCM.
Posted by: Marlene | May 09, 2020 at 03:39 PM
Susan Rice
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 03:40 PM
I'd show up for that, lyle.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 03:41 PM
Who you got?
The salad-with-a-comb lady.
Posted by: jimmyk | May 09, 2020 at 03:43 PM
Who’s taking Big Mike?
(I’m sorry but that nickname still cracks this permanent adolescent up.)
Posted by: lyle | May 09, 2020 at 03:48 PM
First, I want to officially, in non-temperate tones to tell John Brennan to go fuck himself and he is still ugly.
I think Kamala (BJ) Harris has too much baggage but she is as good as any one else. But there is no way Bite-me can win without a couple of red states and that brings in Stacy Adams, which I would find fascinating Since she would dominate the pair.
But, knowing Joe’s proclivity for smelling girl’s hair, I then go with the Madame Tussaud’s very own Gretchen Whitmer.
Posted by: Jack Lillywhite | May 09, 2020 at 03:50 PM
Okay, so far we have...
Me: Harris
CH: Rice
jimmyk: Klobuchar
JiB: Whitmer
Posted by: lyle | May 09, 2020 at 04:01 PM
Tank Abrams is a distant second to Big Mike in making me laugh, lyle.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 04:03 PM
Madame Tussaud’s very own Gretchen Whitmer.
Too good, Jack.
Posted by: lyle | May 09, 2020 at 04:03 PM
Glad I’m not the only permanent adolescent around these parts, Capt. 😬
Posted by: lyle | May 09, 2020 at 04:04 PM
I wouldn't imagine that Joe would sniff Tank.
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | May 09, 2020 at 04:06 PM
MM, IMO that "envelope" video is loony tunes.
Posted by: clarice | May 09, 2020 at 04:07 PM
Glenn Greenwald✔
The abuse of power during the 2016 election by the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA -- and the subsequent Schiff-led lies repeatedly disseminated in the media to justify that abuse -- is a vastly more serious scandal than "Russiagate" ever could dream of being
So we're up to three honest liberals (Greenwald, Dershowitz, Turley). Can we get to 10, or should God rain down burning sulfur on the whole lot?
Posted by: jimmyk | May 09, 2020 at 04:08 PM
should God rain down burning sulfur on the whole lot?
Burning sulfur, with or without.
Posted by: sbwaters | May 09, 2020 at 04:12 PM
I thought I saw the vid of the ex-jarhead shaming the Sacramento police here, but wherever I saw it you have to see it. It’s all starting to come together and you can bet the local an State tyrants are making plans to open up rather than face the insurrection.
That Marine was the canary in the coal mine and not only did he live he produced 16 Tons!
Posted by: Jack Lillywhite | May 09, 2020 at 04:13 PM
Big Mike serves as such an in-their-face corrective to the expert windbags who've been hectoring us to ignore our lying eyes about someone who could look pleasant if she ignored her revolting instincts about what makes her appear glamorous.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 04:13 PM
should God rain down burning sulfur on the whole lot?
Dear You Know The Thing, I don’t ask for much.
Posted by: lyle | May 09, 2020 at 04:13 PM
So we're up to three honest liberals (Greenwald, Dershowitz, Turley). Can we get to 10, or should God rain down burning sulfur on the whole lot?
Taibbi makes four. Good luck on double digits.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 09, 2020 at 04:15 PM
You're nickel is in the mail, Marlene. :)
The original Mr Belvedere.
Also was in Laura and The Razor's Edge.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | May 09, 2020 at 04:18 PM
You know what they say that the left & right meet in unexpected places and Spygate may be one of them. They (the left) could be next.
Posted by: Jack Lillywhite | May 09, 2020 at 04:20 PM
I forgot to officially LOL at Dave's "We're gonna need a smaller noose" the other day after Trump's nine inch pencil neck Schiff comment.
Still makes me laugh.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | May 09, 2020 at 04:23 PM
From my 4:30. The video. Much watch. A lot of vets in that police force and you can see a few look at each other and squirm.
Posted by: Jack Lillywhite | May 09, 2020 at 04:26 PM
Also diogenes in a classic sense.
Posted by: Narciso | May 09, 2020 at 04:30 PM
Not just california and ny
Posted by: Narciso | May 09, 2020 at 04:37 PM
WCVD Saturday Spin, seventh caller gets wristbands: Bobby Bare-The Jogger
Posted by: Pinandpuller | May 09, 2020 at 04:47 PM
Hillary for Veep.
Posted by: henry | May 09, 2020 at 05:00 PM