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November 05, 2020



Richard Grenell is on the ground in Nevada:

Ballots are not automatically legal votes until they are checked"



More snippets of the above press conference:


I have not seen a speech from Trump himself




since when does a supposed mature nation state need a week to count ballots. i suppose we should get used to living in the third world however.


Imagine if Trump was actually listening to his attorneys (a little) about what to say during a time like this. It might be a good omen, if that were so.

Tom R

It would be totally within the Constitution for the state legislatures of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to exercise their duties and name a slate of electors for Donald Trump due to the outrageous fraud in the counting of the votes.

Does anyone know off the top of their head which party controls the state legislatures in those 3 states?


Poll worker gives his account of what happened when he tried to monitor the vote in Nevada


Captain Hate

I love how Grenell never passes up a chance to remind the enemedia what they're supposed to be doing.




You expect them to steal in a day, rich, so lowden and fairfax joined the borg again?

Captain Hate

Exactly, rich. This should be considered unacceptable to anyone with a concept of doing things correctly.


Imagine if Trump was actually listening to his attorneys (a little) about what to say during a time like this. It might be a good omen, if that were so.

Yes, because normally he doesn’t listen to anyone and runs around with his dick in his mouth.

Or... there was that time where his lawyers wrecked the Consent Decree in Pennsylvania in 2016 and Trump kept is stupid mouth shut.




They're trying to steal every race, still. Even the ones that have been called.

Chinese interference IMO. I know that sounds like conspiracy but there you go. CCP in cahoots with the Dems since before the vyrus to bring this exact scenario to pass.

I'd like to see some attorneys out there that are harder hitters than Rudy. I love Rudy but I want current killers, not guys whose prosecutor days are nearly three decades in the rearview mirror.

Haven't caught up since last night so maybe those guys are making appearances.

I agree with YL on the last thread, today feels a bit different in terms of our side fighting. Good to see.

Captain Hate

Didn't we agree to stop posting links with no comments about the content?

Captain Hate

Totally agree on Rudy, Porch. He's like cold molasses down a frozen pipe on getting to the point.


The Democrat-controlled high court of PA is now barring Republican officials from even observing the process This is in direct violation of Pennsylvania election law https://codes.findlaw.com/.../tit.../pa-st-sect-25-2687.html…


since when does a supposed mature nation state need a week to count ballots.

I was thinking about this, but figure it's a side effect of our federalist system, along with the electoral college. Each state gets to run its own election. Still, as we learned with Bush v Gore, the 14th Amendment equal protection clause does apply.


Shouldnt they have fired him after the lie about churchill



Didn't we agree to stop posting links with no comments about the content?

I think there's an official exemption if the link is sufficiently informative about the underlying content. Never the case for tweets, of course. Or YouTube.

Of course as to what is "sufficient," YMMV.

Thomas Collins

Re Third World elections: I don't know which world we'd be classified as in 1824 and 1876, but those also were barnburner elections with plenty of maneuvering after election day.


>>>You expect them to steal in a day, rich, so lowden and fairfax joined the borg again?

Posted by: Narciso | November 05, 2020 at 12:19 PM<<<

i had figured an attempt at a steal was baked in but i didn't think the dems and the gope hobgoblins would go to these desperate links. not content with allowing the commie cough to flourish then bull rushing everyone into a panic when they sensed opportunity now they have a national plan to steal the election. they've taken away our businesses, recreation, and even our churches and now they want to take away our vote. they really, really want to do this the hard way.


I love Rudy but I want current killers, not guys whose prosecutor days are nearly three decades in the rearview mirror.

Pam Bondi is in there. Would be good to get Sidney Powell, though she may be busy with Flynn. (Double-checking the spelling of "Sidney," since CH is watching. :))


it's 2020 tom. the scantron machine was invented in 1972.


>>>Chinese interference IMO. I know that sounds like conspiracy but there you go.<<<


i suppose i shouldn't put on my tin foil had during the afternoon but you're right. not even a conspiracy.

shit they probably had boiler rooms filled with people doing nothing but filling in mail in ballots and returning them.


It looks like Republicans control the state legislatures in all the battleground states except Nevada.



Btw the court spokesman say they didnt makr a decision, would maura barrett lie?



Don't Believe the SurrenderCons, the Supreme Court and a Weak Senate Majority Cannot Stop Biden-Harris's Rush to Socialism

The most ridiculous idea is that the Senate will act as a restraint on Biden-Harris. It won’t.


Do you really think a Senate with a Romney, Murkowski, Collins, or Alexander are going to do anything but beat a path to Chuck Schumer’s door to make accommodations? Do you really think the Senate Judiciary Committee is going to be any barrier whatsoever to the confirmation of Marxist and Socialist judges once the Quisling Coalition springs into action? Especially when collaborating with Biden-Harris will let them paper the walls of their lairs with laudatory press clips?

No. Absent a strong hand in the White House, the collaborationist tendencies of a few GOP senators and their gleeful willingness to sell out principle and voters for self-aggrandizement will rage uncontrolled like a Wuhan virus of failure.

The SurrenderCons are just trying to make you feel good about listening to them. Don’t. Ever. We are on the cusp of a policy disaster with all the progress made by President Trump on border security, Middle East peace, civil rights protections for school students, abortion, trade policy, and a host of other issues being sh**canned. Romney and Murkowski and Collins and Alexander are going to be upfront helping Biden-Harris do it.



They need to put him with the gorilla



My local Congressman, Tom Suozzi won't concede despite being down 1 and a half points (4,000) votes. I can't believe my district may actually have a Republican in the house for the first time in maybe 50 years. (Hard to say exactly, since the districts keep getting re-drawn, but we had repulsive character Gary Ackerman for 26 years of total waste.)


I love Rudy but I want current killers, not guys whose prosecutor days are nearly three decades in the rearview mirror.

Who was runner up to Chris Kyle?




I don’t know about “brutal” but anyway...


What the atty from oklahoma who was slimed by fusion,



fairfax wasn't a mystery as so many residents are federal government employees. loudoun has been a slow burn as the gope hobgoblin corporatist party allowed to place to turn blue (the dems enacted 'the blueprint')-slowly then all at once. it started with importing a lot of fortune 500 employees from the west coast and the obama administration ladling in an illegal alien population. it will be indistinguishable from fairfax in a few more years (but nicer, i still love ashburn and would love it better if i could afford to live there).


Thanks for the clarification.

If they break in and only take 1,000 shapiro is fine with that. This is why sundamce gave him the gimlet eye


Its like the norridge city council



and all i'm doing is pissing off myself being online so be well one and all. i'll check back in tomorrow.


More like the beirut city council.


48 hour rule.


UPDATE: PA Supreme Court Spokesperson says, “There is no filing in the Pa Supreme Court and the Court has NOT overruled any action by the Commonwealth Court. Again, the PA Supreme Court has NOT taken any actions on any Commonwealth Court case nor do they have any pending filings”


The pigeons havent gotten to city hall yet




Deep Dive on City of Milwaukee, WI Voting Numbers:
Takeaways: Biden under-performed Hillary 2016 Numbers in Most Black Wards (Northside) and many Hispanic Wards (southside), yet over-performed in the White Wards (Downtown Mke especially).



But of course



Seriously what are the odds


I think that Tom Collins is correct. Past elections have been challenged AFTER election day — most notably and recently the 2000 election. Every possible gambit, move, legal challenge, should be employed to bring down the democrats once and for all. President Trump has a proven record of working for America and peace in the world. ANYTHING that we can do to ensure his victory is acceptable and AFAIC, essential.

James D.

narc @ 12:46

Nate Silver should be fed to the dogs. Along with a LOT of other people.

Actually, I'm ready to skip everything and just fast forward to the breaking of the seals and the Last Judgement. I don't even care if I go into the lake of fire, as long as I get to see at least some of the commie assholes trying to steal our country get thrown in first.


Robin, last thread you posted about your friends, and how you keep quiet around them. I did that for years, and then one day I just decided they were not worth my time. I have very few close friends, and I know a lot of people. I interact with people all day in the store. That is enough for me. It is quite liberating, because I don’t care what they think of me.

I was first introduced to the true blindness of the left when I was on the School Council. Group of parents, teachers, admin, and citizens. There has been a local school override question. It failed. The lefties on the council insisted that people did not understand the question. I said, “No. They understood it, and they were angry that funds had been mis-spent the last time they approved an over ride.” They insisted they were right. Then continued to march on the same old path. It works. Look at Mass. Sad.

Tom R

yet over-performed in the White Wards (Downtown Mke especially).

There is a Twitter Sleuth I follow that has been making the point the NeverTrumpers, GOP Establishment, Fox News, etc are all in cahoots with the Biden campaign and that a significant chunk of the fraudulent mail in ballots are from pre-dominantly white, GOP-leaning neighborhoods to help disguise the fraud.


I think that this is a legitimate way forward. Hopefully, the President's legal team is ahead of the game. I also suspect that the Internet army may play a pivotal role. /LizardKing

* * * * * * * * * *
There's a lot of noise right now but when all is said and done, contaminated voter rolls, things like dead people and out-of-state people voting, are going to be the way to win the legal challenges.


Is Nate going to gloat if Biden ends up winning (which he gave 89% probability to)? He has no basis, since the battleground state polls were obvious garbage, regardless of who manages to eke out a victory. Even if Biden does win, it's obvious that he's been way off for two consecutive elections. And in the same direction, naturally.




Tom R, there are no GOP leaning wards in Milwaukee.


I'm informed this is a fake report--the PA SuCt did not overrule the lower court and ballot counting in Penn is halted.@MauraBarrettNBC
· 19m
UPDATE from @mitchellreports - The PA Supreme Court has overruled the Commonwealth Court ruling favoring the Trump campaign on watching the mail in ballot count in Philadelphia. The mail in counting is resuming. twitter.com/maurabarrettnb…

Captain Hate


Mrs Hate was the head of the local PTA and it was a real eye opener. The local elementary school had such a good principal that she was enticed to a richer suburb. The list of replacements was terrible and she told them that and was told too damn bad. As a result the school went down the shitter but the teachers still got paid.

School administrators actively resent any parental involvement and make it crystal clear. They all need the Rachel Corrie treatment.


Yeah. Right. Sore as reasonable in defeat. Didn’t happen Loserman.


From @WSJopinion: In 2000’s disputed election, Al Gore showed me the importance of accepting an adverse outcome and putting country over party, writes Joe Lieberman

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--I thought Trump had been referring to Biden's proposal to force low-income housing on suburbs. I suppose that could be considered "keeping out the blacks," but it's an obnoxious proposal by Biden. It should have been a big campaign issue.--

it was more than Biden's proposal. IIRC, Trump reversed an Obama policy which, in typical unconstitutional prog fashion, forced low income housing into suburbs.




So Wretchard want us to coexist? I can't see how that works. Remember the metaphor of the snake.


Lyle. While a weak Congress will be a problem, a much larger problem is the large number of executive orders that will be used to implement Biden's program. Don't forget, a Biden administration will also unleash the civil service to once again run rough shod over the American people

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--I’d actually started to make one additional donation, but stopped when I realized I couldn’t actually tell if they were legit, and they wanted my cellphone number. Anyone else have experience with them?--

WinRed is the GOP counterpart to ActBlue, which over the last few years has developed into a fundraising and distribution juggernaut for the commies.


Oh, I get that, Davod. Bigly.



Mark Levin
41 minutes ago



CH, are you saying there will be a run on bulldozers!?


I’m off to make a big donation to WineRed. Alb’s is having a 25% off sale plus another 10% if you’re a geezer. Yay! 😎


Yeah, it's pathetic that people think that a media outlet calling a state for a candidate has any legal meaning. Even some weak sisters on our side.

Dave (in MA)


Tom R

President Trump's campaign remained confident Thursday, predicting not only that the incumbent Republican will win the 2020 election, but that the result could become apparent as soon as Friday.

This comes across to me as lacking any substance. I have no doubt the Trump campaign will fight this all the way up to the SCOTUS but that is going to take weeks to resolve and there is no guarantee SCOTUS will invalidate enough ballots to deliver the win to Trump.

In order for something to "become apparent as soon as Friday" IMO is going to require some kind of bombshell revelation that is convincing.

Captain Hate

Pancake breakfast fundraisers, ccgirl.

Ol' Yeller sounds ready for another Cleveland Clinic visit.


Captain Hate,

Exception is if you had 2 grandparents with 50 years of teaching each (one also being the football and wrestling coach), a parent who was English Department head and eventual Dean of Girls, and a father who took a job as township school maintenance supervisor, where he popped in and out of every school. Large suburban school system.

NO ONE argued with me when my son got enrolled when we moved back from Evansville. I would smile sweetly and say things like "Didn't you used to be at my grandmother's elementary school?" or "Didn't you used to coach with my grandpa?"

That is why I sort of understand how they are pressuring people in DC, because I used a similar method. It's also why they are afraid of Trump. He was probably ignored like my dad was, until they realized that he (like my dad) knew who was a crook and a dummy.

Dave (in MA)

henry | November 05, 2020 at 01:19 PM

I dug out my old Sore Loserman T-shirt yesterday.
I'm afraid my wearing it will be misinterpreted, though.



Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I don't think Wretchard is saying "coexist".
As he has noted before Trump's rise has been a terrible sign for the left. No longer will the rubes tolerate GOPe dopes selling them out and a new coalition threatens to form. His thesis is it already has and the progs are no longer in the position they thought they were as recently as Barry, in that they assumed their assumption of total power was a fait accompli except for the coronation.
He thinks that worldwide, not just in the US, the rising power is populism and resistance to the elite's universally traitorous globalization nexus of state capitalism and prog politics.
So he is stating that presently there is a stalemate which compels coexistence for now.
As an argument in his favor look at the last four years. Every single formal institution in the US has been in open warfare with Trump and despite that and considerable electoral cheating, if they win it will be by the skin of their teeth and downticket they have already lost despite holding all the cards.
What they want to do is demoralize us even as they have reached a considerable roadblock in their easy rise to power.
If we stick with it, their project may yet be reversed peacefully. It's a long shot but a lot stranger things have happened and progs have since the dawn of man demonstrated an uncanny and inevitable facility to blow themselves up, because their project is ultimately doomed as it is contrary to human nature.

James D.

So Wretchard want us to coexist? I can't see how that works. Remember the metaphor of the snake.

Yeah, we're really going to do well coexisting with the people who've called us racists, sexists, homophobes, deplorables, morons and nazis the last four years, wished for us to die off en masse, etc etc etc.

Sure thing. Let's get right on that.


Yes, Iggy--that's how I read it, too.



It's "Sydney"

Captain Hate

I think she knows how to spell her own name



CH, the worst but most eye opening experience of my life about the madness of groups was the 10 years I served on a school board.

Tom R

Facebook shuts down the Stop the Steal group.


Jim Eagle

Let me see if I can summarize Rush's statement:

1. The GOP has picked up 5-7 House seats.

2. Kept the Senate

3. Better GOP turnout than 2016

4 But we are to believe Biden is over Trump?

Either there is a large contingent of #NeverTrumpers splitting their tickets or there is massive fraud. And the massive fraud had been telegraphed by the Dems and Left for weeks before the election.

I am going with massive Fraud which is slowly being revealed on ward, precinct, and state at a time.


it was more than Biden's proposal. IIRC, Trump reversed an Obama policy which, in typical unconstitutional prog fashion, forced low income housing into suburbs.

True. Biden has some vague language on his site about "exclusionary zoning," and how he's going to use the federal funding hammer to get states to develop "inclusionary zoning" policies. I presume that's all double-talk for doubling down on Obama's policy.


MT I left a response for you in the last thread.

JIB Thanks for that great message from Rush!!


Dammit, CH, when I believe something it simply HAS to be true!


Robin, eff 'em all

The lefties on the council insisted that people did not understand the question.

Is there anything more insulting than the educational establishment claiming their failings are based on other people's lack of understanding?

I had a very interesting conversation with our district's deputy superintendent after I emailed her that we "know exactly" what is going on in our high school daughter's classes because we can hear the teachers droning on for hours. I told her how tempted we were to pull her and homeschool for the year unless the teachers get their acts together. There might have been a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the phone.


On keeping the Senate: I see that Perdue-Osoff is going to go to a runoff in addition to the other Georgia race. I would presume the Republicans could win both in an honest ballot, but look for lots of monkey business with senate control at stake.

Captain Hate

I believe it, clarice. There was never any public school gatherings I went to where I didn't want to brutally torture multiple people, particularly helicopter parents. A few mostly conscientious teachers were the few bright spots.

The private school my other daughter attended's events were so well conducted I winced slightly less when filling out a check.


Yes, because normally he doesn’t listen to anyone and runs around with his dick in his mouth.

I know, right?

Another Bob

They’re going for it all Jimmy.

They “found” 141 Osoff ballots to force that runoff.

Jim Eagle

Hey, I know Brendan Sullivan. He was also a member of Army-Navy Club, as I back in the mid 90's when I was in DC. He wrote a big endorsement for Sidney Powell's new book. During the the North hearings he had a large table in the main dining room. The legal braintrust of DC enjoying the famous Bean Soup.

I will never forget his rejoined to Inouye during the Ollie North hearing: "What am I a wall flower to forget?"

Contested elections have been gaining strength from the days of in person voting only on the first Tuesday in November, to now using a mail-in system. What could have gone wrong? Again, no meaningful risk analysis but a "lets do it" attitude.


And if the Senate ends up at 51-49, who will the next Jim Jeffords be? Willard?

James D.

There is a Twitter Sleuth I follow that has been making the point the NeverTrumpers, GOP Establishment, Fox News, etc are all in cahoots with the Biden campaign

Well, the NeverTrumpers have made no secret of it. I wouldn't doubt it of fox news under it's crappy new management, either.

Another Bob

Allegheny Co (Pittsburgh) is stopping their count for the day.


If Biden ends up as President, I mean.

Tom R

The Bee strikes again.



This is from Snopes, so you can treat the expert comments about no US election fraud with a grain of salt.

"Voter ID cards were part of reforms enacted in Mexico in the 1990s because that country had a long history of institutionalized electoral fraud and corruption, to the point that many citizens no longer trusted the electoral process nor had faith in the organization created to oversee federal elections:.."

Tom R

Allegheny Co (Pittsburgh) is stopping their count for the day.

Translated: The count is going in Trump's favor.


I know, right?

Posted by: hrtshpdbox | November 05, 2020 at 02:03 PM



How Rude!

Another Bob

Folks, the fraud is too wide. No judge or justice will have the balls to overturn it all.


Folks, the fraud is too wide. No judge or justice will have the balls to overturn it all.

Very Birtheresque.

Jim Eagle


Zeldin crushed his opponent. Another east end lady liberal who doesn't know the district west of the canal.

Tom R


This triggers my confirmation bias so i believe it hook, line and sinker.

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