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November 27, 2020


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--However I did just sit through why .22 Long Rifle ammo/guns are more useful than the traditional 9MM or larger rounds. The guy makes a good case.--

I think I posted that MT. I'm not sure he was saying more useful, but instead that the 22 is not nearly so easily dismissed or as useless as it is always portrayed.
As I was writing this I realized this debate is a lot like climate science. You have all these yapping know it alls who are essentially modelers arguing back and forth over calculated energies and ballistics and using slabs of gelatin or sheets of plywood or like one guy I watched comparing 9mm, 10mm, 40 S&W and 45 ACP using a model consisting of two shanks of pork ribs encasing a pigheart and all of it wearing a flannel shirt and an overcoat.

But then I always go back to actual data regarding actual real world results in almost 1,800 real world shootings as compiled by Greg Ellifritz. Why consult a model of the real world when we have the real world itself? And in that real world the 22 long rifle is the equal of pretty much every other handgun caliber except in the not unimportant are of the incapacitation [or not] of the shootee. In the real world, all the wrangling over caliber is largely irrelevant, but how many clicks would that generate compared to "We compare the popgun nine mil to the bone crushing 45"?


History for them begins today.


How could anyone not support the Flynn pardon?

Morons everywhere!



I loathe this man with the heat of a thousand stars.


“It’s every man’s business to see justice done.”
― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes


From end of previous thread:


Above is link to short thread which I will copy here for those who don't use Twitter:

Stop the Steal - Stu Cvrk

Gordon Chang is Right!

1. We can no longer compartmentalize China.

2. The Communist Party is blatantly committing atrocities. Therefore, those who trade with China, invest in it, or promote ties with Beijing— ....

3. ... in other words, strengthen or legitimize the regime that dominates the country—are enabling the Party and therefore becoming complicit in its crimes.

4. Xi Jinping is forcing the issue by making it clear where China is going, so it's time for people to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions.

[And the ChiComs are complicit in the massive election fraud!]

///The end.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Iggy "And I have to say there isn't a word in OL's 9:01 I disagree with."

Now THAT is a true Thanksgiving Miracle indeed.--

Just to make sure you don't go all Squanto on us OL, I will say I don't agree with this;

Clarice "I think Trump can win but if he loses Biden will be the weakest president in US history."

Absolutely true; but sufficient to achieve the goals they desire.

None of us have any idea where this insanity leads next and we certainly have no idea whether the two dim-witted chimps foisted on us by the Dems could pull the skin off of rice pudding, let alone pull off what the progs contemplate.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I thought clarice's 12:20 link said "chin czar John Kerry...." :)


The Election Wizard

BREAKING: While on Steve Bannon's War Room,
announces the PA legislature will draft a joint resolution to take back power from the Secretary of State in the appointment of presidential electors.

Another Bob

That was in interesting link Ig.

Re. "the not unimportant area of the incapacitation [or not] of the shootee" my horse sense tells me that those high on certain substances wouldn't have the "hey I'm shot, I'm supposed to run away or fall now" reaction, and the size, location and depth of the hole will matter. This is why I (before the canoe accident) had 9s sitting around over .22s. And just smile when someone repeats the Col. Cooper adage about never showing up at gunfights unless your caliber starts with 4.



Nothing to worry about here - right Governor Kemp?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I'll always remember Reagan not knowing he was shot even though there was a 22 bullet about an inch from his heart.
Again, I think the point of the video was having a whole lot of 22 firepower available is a lot more effective than people realize, not that a 22 is superior to a 9mm.
Here is the link to Greg Ellifritz's data and tables.


Well the only crime was thr cover up of the transcript, so...


I loathed him since he carried water for the sandinistas in the 80s.


My latest for Pipeline:https://the-pipeline.org/sidney-powell-releases-the-kraken/?fbclid=IwAR2QetVuRzOFqPylLs6NyPWwJEqNbVYLXLxfFE9GKL99iAcl3TPUDIr2M2Y


The times obfuscates as much as possible


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

YouTube Gets Brutally Ratio'd After Attempting Woke Takedown Of Thanksgiving

Most of the answers were in the "What about Hong Kong/Uyghurs" vein when I would approach things from the "when are google and its many tentacles going to quit squatting on native lands" angle.
They're perfectly happy to mouth off about our evil ancestors so long as it costs them nothing except maybe a bit of cash for cultural indulgences, just so long as that cash is not sufficient to actually put a dent in their lifestyles. Meanwhile they continue to profit massively standing on the shoulders of the evil ancestors they claim are genocidal racists.

James D.

Ig @ 12:24

The biggest harm will be in their appointments. Biden may be a paste eater but whoever he puts in at AG - and, worse, whoever they appoint and promote - will be able to do incalculable damage, much of it out of the public eye.


Pennsylvania Appeals Court Tosses Trump Lawsuit, Setting Stage For Supreme Court Showdown



Good day Mr Maguire. I think you post was designed to say something. It ended up being your usual quality. Mindless shooting crap from the hip. What was Flynn's crime that he was pardoned for??? Who stands behind the prosecution??
You're really not that dumb.


Ig, you'll love this. My STATE DEPT brother was handed a new portfolio to Security in GUESS WHAT COMPANY.

Hint: Biden, and his addicted son, have been greased by this COUNTRY. And the WUHAN VIRUS DID NOT COME FOR THIS COUNTRY.


Gus, I miss your point. It seems to me TM was defending the pardon against the bleatings of the millennial press idiots.


My point is that he was equating FLYNN PERSECUTION with real investigations. He knows that.



— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 27, 2020

Video at link; 44 seconds.


Clarice Flynn did nothing wrong. He was being investigated for something that never happened. A set up by the FBI for obvious reasons. And threats to his son's freedom.

He shouldn't be in the same conversation with the punks MAGUIRE injected. It's merely the lastest lib slap in the face by MAGUIRE.

TELL ME I'M WRONG. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden walks free.


Might as well be speaking in klingon



Retweeted by the President:

Lou Dobbs
Trump says coronavirus vaccine deliveries will start next week



Did even look at the evidence, as judge mcullough did.





Tom Fitton
.@Twitter-promoted leftist "expert" on #COVID19 promotes labor union strike of health care workers during pandemic.
Eric Feigl-Ding

· 21h
More than 100 doctors, physician assistants & nurse practitioners who work at urgent-care facilities within Seattle’s MultiCare health system went on strike Monday, as #COVID19 pandemic worsens, to protest working without adequate PPEs and other harsh conditions.

Associated Twitter thread:

Dr.'s public bio on Twitter:
"Eric Feigl-Ding

Epidemiologist & Health Economist. Senior Fellow @FAScientists. Fmr 16 yrs @Harvard
@BrighamWomens @HarvardMed. Room Rater 10/10. #COVID19 updates from Jan’20.

I can't help but notice that he is Chinese. Also associated with the "It's all Trump's fault" group.


Robin Monotti Graziadei
Archbishop Carlo Mario Viganó on The Great Reset: "While the politicians are barricaded inside their palaces promulgating decrees..businesses are failing, shops are closing, and people are prevented from living, traveling, working, and praying."


Direct Link to his letter: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/abp-vigano-warns-trump-about-great-reset-plot-to-subdue-humanity-destroy-freedom


I think I hate Kerry the most. I remember walking into Suffolk County Courthouse with him. Must have been in the 80’s. He was an ADA. Don’t remember why I hated him then, but I’m sure I did. He’s a corrupt asshole who has always lined his pockets, and is on Iran’s side - where his son-in-law is from. He needs to be jailed!

Old Lurker

Iggy "...to make sure you don't go all Squanto on us OL, I will say I don't agree with this;"

Thank you. NOW I feel nature is back to normal.



I am pleased that SOMEONE remembers Squanto!!



People who can't read more than simple books and do basic math--that's what we are churning out. Morons.


No one knows about sinovac


Old Lurker

Jane "I think I hate Kerry the most."

Understandable for sure. But, like the scorpion, we knew what he was before we offered him a ride on our backs.

I think I hate the "Leaders of the GOP" the most because they attacked us from within while lying through their teeth about their true goals.

The left would never gotten this close to the finish line if the boys who came home from WWII had continued to fight for Truth, Justice and The American Way as hard as they did the enemies abroad. High on that list would have been smacking the hell out of me and my Boomer peers in the 60's. Other things too, circa 60's.

Captain Hate

Did Caspar Weinberger say something recently against DJT? DuckDuckGo gets credit for not tracking users but the search engine smells like ass.


Like conrad stark



Time for a Revolution OL. Are you ready?


Hes been dead for a while, so i dont think so.

Captain Hate

I think I hate the "Leaders of the GOP" the most because they attacked us from within while lying through their teeth about their true goals.


Add in the corporate sellouts and Gas Chamber of Krony Kapitalism.


About 14 years so...

Captain Hate

Shit, you're right. No telling whose name I got him confused with...


Learning curves are flat



He was also fooled by theranos.

Jim Eagle

Cap Weinberger was our General-Counsel for awhile in our SF office. He was a prick.

When he got called by Reagan, our 30 person Legal & Insurance unit went to a bar not far our office and collectively got shit-faced.

Jim Eagle

Now resurrecting my old boss Shultz, who is still lucid but living in the pre-Trump years of secret hand-shakes.


Its worse than he knows



Jack as soon as George Shultz came up, I thought of you.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Your tax dollars at work;
"Voters, not lawyers, choose the president," reads the opinion from the appeals court, adding "Ballots, not briefs, decide elections."
Not too far off Stalin's calculus.

Captain Hate

Weinberger was the fall guy for Captain Queeg Walsh after the Senate numbnuts conducted a show trial on Ollie North and inadvertantly shoved Macy's Christmas tree up the Grand Inquisitor's monkey ass with double jeopardy. That still brings a smile to me. Idiots.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Perhaps we should amend the Constitution to elect Federal judges so that we might see if they gain a new appreciation for ballots vs briefs.


I think TRUMP had Weinberger killed in retaliation for SUMPTING.

Another Bob

Cap, I think you're thinking of Dick Cheney who signed on as a Biden advisor?


I have it seared in my memory (h/t fucking Kerry), Flynn was plotting with Weinberger, TRUMP left him off to save himself. It was during the TET OFFENSIVE. Just call PRESIDENT JOHNSON, he'll verify this.


Yes Ig, we could call the new law the DOMINION ACT.
And all Judicial Elections nation NAY!!! Worldwide would be required to BUY DOMINION!!!!!
Of course Stedman Holder would supervise these elections.

Captain Hate

I don't think that's it, AB, since I've already stated my disappointment with the Warcock and daughter. But maybe I hastily misread something. It's not like we haven't been inundated with links lately...


I guess many just want to give a scorpion a ride again.


Deserves to be crushed by a rambaldi artefact


Tom R

The three judges who ruled against Trump were all Republicans and one who wrote the opinion was a Trump appointee. On the first page of the court document it says Rudy "doesn't plead fraud...This is not a fraud case".

What about the legality of mail in ballots and boxes upon boxes of ballots showing up in the middle of the night?

Dave (in MA)

Is there an online guestbook up yet where people can express their condolences to Preznit Pallets?


Link doesnt work



Donald J. Trump
Biden did poorly in big cities (Politico), except those of Detroit (more votes than people!), Philadelphia, Atlanta and Milwaukee, which he had to win. Not surprisingly, they are all located in the most important swing states, and are long known for being politically corrupt!

Dave (in MA)

Twas a straight c+p of the text from your 12:45, shrug. Not imoortant, I was just taking a shot at the mullahs' pole smoker.


Point taken i used that link because it had more info than the times piece.

Jim Eagle


Last time I was with GPS he came over to Holland for a meeting with the PM and his transportation minister and finance minister as we lobbied for the High Speed Rail project. Since my wife is a native Dutch speaker we were assigned as his and wife's escort through all protocols.

Driving around he and I relived a few interesting vignettes like him being called back to DC during the Falkland Island war. Around the same time as the drunk lawyers party:) He is a super guy who like to eat the donuts during our Exec. Comm. presentations and never offer us any.

TMI: As an ex-Marine has an Anchor and Globe emblem tatoo'd where the sun doesn't shine:)


"Why consult a model of the real world when we have the real world itself? And in that real world the 22 long rifle is the equal of pretty much every other handgun caliber except in the not unimportant are of the incapacitation [or not] of the shootee. In the real world, all the wrangling over caliber is largely irrelevant, but how many clicks would that generate compared to "We compare the popgun nine mil to the bone crushing 45"?"

So for those of us who don't want to parse a lot of words and guess at the meaning, please give me a bottom line TL;DR summary--When we start to shoot Democrats in the street is it OK to use .22LR or not?

Another Bob

JimSun 220, 221, whatever works.


Jenna Ellis
Arizona State Legislature to hold hearing on election integrity Monday, November 30. Mayor @RudyGiuliani
and I will be present on behalf of President @realDonaldTrump.

Ralph L

WaPoo reported in the 80's that Schultz has a Princeton tiger on his ass.

Captain Hate

Brennan removing all doubt


Jim Eagle

Ralph L,

You are correct. Why I said Globe and Anchor I have no idea. But I knew he had a tatoo there and now I remember the Princeton tiger. Thanks for the memory correction.

It sucks when you get old and your memory follows you:)

Ralph L

I wonder if Trump et al should have taken the evidence to the state legislatures first, so he doesn't run out of time. Gore got his delayed certification, and that hurt him.


I just very quickly scanned the Bibas opinion. The judge scolds the Trump lawyers for their delay in moving more quickly. I do not know the reasons why the complaints were not more broadly drawn up in the first instance rather than having to ask the court for permission for leave to amend pleadings twice. My gut reaction is that this decision does not augur well for the final outcome; instead one gets the impression that using Uncle Leo (Rudy Giuliani) as lead counsel in Pennsylvania, well past his courtroom prime may have been a major error, Conrad Black puts it much better than I could hope to: quote: The president predicted the abuse of unsolicited mass-mailed ballots and ballot harvesting, but did not put an adequate legal team in place on the ground in time with the necessary resources to combat it. He is not blameless in the incoherence and disorganization of this blizzard of uncoordinated lawsuits his counsel have mounted, or in the ambiguity of the status and implausibility of the claims advanced by the estimable Sidney Powell. end quote.

Prepare for a Biden inauguration, folks



Tell me about it.


Trying to cancel the Hopkins article about no excess deaths this year.




It is to be remembered that Conrad Black is Canadian, not American, and has little knowledge of the inner workings of the Trump cabinet or legal team.

I am not giving in to despair, and I don't think you should, either.


Margot Cleveland

BREAKING: It's Black Friday....for @carterwpage



MM, I am not despairing, but these legal opinions are rubbing the Trump team's attorneys' collective noses in their sloppiness of pleading. Likely a part of is due to Trump's inability to get top lawyers due to the Lincoln Projects doxxing of big law law firms, however, since Trump anticipated that there was going to be fraud in the counting, these complaints could have been drawn up weeks before election day. Instead, they all smell of the midnight oil. Again, I am not giving in to despair but I think that being realistic will result in less pain in the long run.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Julie Kelly's response to Brennan is epic,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I think the lawsuits' primary defect is it's easy to commit vote fraud and hard to prove it.


I am not giving in to despair but I think that being realistic will result in less pain in the long run.

A mainstay of The Ledge that often gets incorrectly called pessimism.


If you need a confidence boost, check out this dude, Dr. Steve Turley. He claims Wisconsin will fall as early as this weekend and then the other states will follow like dominoes.


matt - deplore me if you must

Handguns are generally useful out to @ 15-20' or so max with most users. One reason that many cops will fire a full magazine is that they are usually horrible shots. So when Buster Nutcrack in Kenosha pulled a knife he got capped in the ass several times.

A .22LR has pretty good velocity at those ranges. It may not kill you outright but it will f you up. Low recoil, so a flatter trajectory. .22's are pretty accurate.

Brennan needs to be taken out. Period. Maybe someone could arrange a boating accident with John F'ing Kerry.

jim nj


Issuing an executive order would be one way to get the issue into the court system.


My gadget is stuck in full buffing on the YouTube, Rocco. It will play others though. I also noticed that the newsmax clip at Trump’s Twitter suffers the same issue.


I am not logged into either twitter or YouTube, so I am not sure where the throttling is occurring.

Captain Hate

Putting Rudy on point reminds me that George Allen never won a Super Bowl.


I can’t get any YouTube to play. Something is broken.

Ralph L

Do they have video of the poll watchers being ejected or denied entry? It seems like the state Repubs weren't prepared enough--by the Trump campaign--to prevent fraud. Ounce of prevention, etc.

Jim Eagle


But Joe Gibbs is the only guy to win a Super Bowl and the Daytona 500:)

Unique company of one!


After several months of waiting, new fridge gets delivered tomorrow.

Wallet gets a break for awhile, at least until she dreams up another project:)


One very interesting aspect of the link at MM's 4:04 is that the home addresses of all these dirtbag deep-staters are listed. Now that we all know Doxxing is a perfectly acceptable tactic, as are confrontations at a person's residence, perhaps these addresses should be more widely distributed.

Comey lives at 7845 Westmont Lane, McLean, Va. Interesting that Zillow says it has a value of $3.3 million.

Ralph L

This was a criminal act & highly reckless. It risks lethal retaliation & a new round of regional conflict.
Iranian leaders would be wise to wait for the return of responsible American leadership on the global stage & to resist the urge to respond against perceived culprits.
— John O. Brennan

Sorry about your fren
— Julie Kelly


Good afternoon! Did anyone *celebrate* Black Friday? This morning I got my seasonal flu shot and part two of the pneumonia vaccine. Yay! I can't lift either arm. Ouch!

Jane, did you get the AC fixed?



Video won’t play for me at Turley’s Parler account.


Big brother has got your number TK.

YouTube works for me.



Captain Hate

I never saw Brennan this upset when our people were terminated.


< delete > < delete > < delete >

Neal Houston, Ph.D. 🇺🇲 ⭐⭐⭐
Johns Hopkins Study Mysteriously Disappears after it Revealed, In Spite of COVID, No More Deaths in 2020 Than In Prior Years

By @joehoft via @gatewaypundit
Published November 27, 2020
#SCAMDEMIC2020 #CovidHoax



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