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November 01, 2020


Young Lurker


Young Lurker

small children don't get the memo to "fall back".. it's business as usual despite the candy ranger the night before and whatever the clocks happen to say.

Young Lurker

I enjoyed Clarice's piece this morning! I'm trying to maintain my outlook as "cautious optimism" but it's hard to not get ahead of oneself when one sees the pictures from the PA rallies.

Thomas Collins

Here's my prediction for the status of the race at 9 am Eastern Time on November 4th:

-Biden will have held NH and Minnesota.

-Ohio, Florida, Iowa and Arizona will clearly be going for Trump.

-Chaos in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. It will look good for Trump, but the margins will be close enough to give Dems a good chance of Colemanning Trump.

-GOP makes gains in House, but not enough to make Designer Ice Cream Nan former Madame Speaker.

-It won't be totally clear, but it will look like a 53-47 Senate split still in favor of the GOP.

-Oligarch Media will start a meme that that all of the electors should be released and be able to vote their conscience.

JM Hanes

Ah, now I remember why my digital & analog clocks were duking it out this am! I'm still bummed out about the British Library though. Wouldn't want to willow that! But never mind. Yes, I'm talking to myself, and I came to JOM to do it.

For those who didn't start out on the previous thread:
Clarice's Halloween Pieces

Old Lurker

Two good ones in a row for Newt:


JM Hanes

Good morning, YL!

I should probably go back a thread and post "Last!" which seems to be my usual spot.

I'm sort of a "cautious optimism" type myself, although in my case, I think it's more a matter of superstition than restraint. Wouldn't want to jinx anything!


Its fine jm now when you amswer yourself.


This was a sort of reply to OL from his question about why Bezos doesn't get hit with anti-trust violations, willowed from the last thread:

Good morning!

NO trick-or-treaters, which is just as well as no candy.

I would like to know the justification for foreign governments, particularly those who are adversaries, having ownership or heavy investment in entertainment, music production, advertising, news-gathering companies, broadcast, publication, professional sports, and social media, all without public knowledge.

Why is it that Fisher-Price got bought up by another corporation , moved to China from upstate New York, and then changed from wooden figurines to cheap-ass looking plastic ones which do not work with the older buildings and vehicles? Why is it that Madame Alexander dolls, whose clothing was sewn by seamstresses in Harlem, got bought up by Mattel and had their production moved to China, throwing a bunch of skilled black women out of work and at the same time pushing the advertising and marketing of over-sexualized Barbies to the forefront of doll sales? (All made in China.)


And cool jm.


Video ad at link. One minute, and a good one I haven't seen.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--The Biden campaign has canceled 2 scheduled events after witnesses said...--

We're now beyond 'who ya gonna believe, me or yur lyin eyes' to 'who ya gonna believe, me or a half dozen videos of exactly what happened as it happened'?

If the dishonest abdication of any journalistic impartiality while maintaining they are neutral and balanced is the thing that pisses me off the most, the demand by the nutcake progs that we must acknowledge and endorse as legitimate the world of magical thinking they live in runs a close second.
One of the issues I've dealt with, with both my personality disordered brother and my ex is they are so irrational and insecure they lie pathologically to maintain the fictional world of misperceptions they live in.
Progs seem to do the same thing. Reality is too painful and challenges the utopian dreams they indulge, so lies, blatant obvious lies, must be concocted to defend cloud cuckoo land from the cold thin blade of experience and irreconcilable eternal truths that cuts to the heart of their utopian fantasies. They invent a whole menagerie of horrible beasts and brutes and hobgoblins in opposition to, and the only things preventing, their heaven on earth. These animal spirits consist mostly of individualism, independence, liberty and traditional values that constitute all the most frightening aspects of life that threaten the childish, the insecure and those unwilling to do what has to be done to live a free and independent life.

The thing I have never pinned down is most people rely on their small social networks of friends, family, church, colleagues etc when they need help in living a free and independent life. Most progs seem to have most of those social networks intact so what prompts them to seek to nullify those voluntary networks and replace or augment them with coerced, compulsory collective networks?


https://t.co/gsFSghkmdM pic.twitter.com/zX4bqgtWqH

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 1, 2020

VIdeo referenced above. I need another cup of coffee.

Old Lurker

Try to say anything better than this: "They invent a whole menagerie of horrible beasts and brutes and hobgoblins..."


Yes with a minimum of adornment.


The NYT actually did report on the Seal Team 6 hostage rescue. On page A12, in the "international" section.

Captain Hate

The WSJ/NBC monkeys say Sundown by 10 points nationally.



Do not get me started. Someone apparently put political stickers on Halloween candy handed out last night (obviously over-politicization) which got my daughter carrying on, so it must have been GOP.

The conversation segued into how wrong it is for Ivanka to work in the White House, and when I brought up Hunter Biden, she instantaneously said he wasn't doing anything wrong because he wasn't receiving a government salary (eyeroll number one), that he wasn't doing anything while his father was in office (eyeroll number two) and it was perfectly find for him to ride to China and Ukraine and other places WITH his father, who apparently WAS in office although she apparently thinks an official government plane is always referred to as AF 2 whenever a former vice president is on it (eyeroll number three).

There is probably a justification for my former excessive wine consumption, but God probably wants me to increase my prayer life instead.


The question is: Will we begin the transformation to totalitarianism this coming Tuesday: https://thedeeperthought.com/blog/


Listen you guys! We are winning! Relax and enjoy!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

----she instantaneously said he wasn't doing anything wrong because he wasn't receiving a government salary -

Not from our government anyway.
He [and his father] were certainly getting one from the Chinese government.

Soylent Red

The thing I have never pinned down is most people rely on their small social networks of friends, family, church, colleagues etc when they need help in living a free and independent life. Most progs seem to have most of those social networks intact so what prompts them to seek to nullify those voluntary networks and replace or augment them with coerced, compulsory collective networks?

I suspect there are two kinds of leftists. The first, benign, kind is the Leftist who truly believes collectivism and government control are going to actually work to make things better for people. Those are the people who dream of general utopia. Immanentizing the eschaton.

The second kind is the malevolent kind. The kind who wants to structure a system in which they can demand others comply with a plan that aligns with their personal preferences and well-being. Those are the ones who manipulate and dissemble to get their way, and often resort to overt coercion.

The first kind makes excuses for the second kind, because they share the same general policy beliefs, but the second kind isn't int it for utopia. They want power.

Collectivism is ultimately dehumanizing because it removes the individual's responsibility to our fellow man. Goverment will take care of it with the money I give them, and oh by the way, I'd better be sure to get mine too.


Yaacov, in many ways that transformation ramped up twelve years ago. Seems likely we will at least delay it for another four years.


WOW! It's snowing and they came out to see the President. Can't see that happening for feeble Joe.

Feeble Joe is curled up in his basement with his blankie.


Trump on stage in Washington, MI

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

That Rutgers play didn't have the drama of winning a game at the last second or the band rushing onto the field nor any history like "The Big Game" but I think it might have been even more amazing and more unlikely than The Play.


Can you imagine the panic after TRUMP wins.
Obama isn't shilling for this mentally destroyed 47 year hack, 'cause he likes him.
I think DJT's payback SHOULD BE epic.
Maybe they can put Biden in a women's prison or somewhere else safe.
Like Epsteins cell mayhaps??


Ignatz is right about the imaginary hobgoblins that progs have created, plus the cloaks of invisibility that others are endowed with in order to allow the illusions to be propped up.

I was just told we should stock up on supplies because people are acting so crazy, regardless of who wins she won't feel safe going anywhere if she can avoid it.

What I should have said but bit my tongue:

1. Why would there be riots if Biden wins? Were there riots in Indiana when Obama won?

2. Why would there be riots if Trump wins? Are people planning on that, and what good would it do other than letting people get free big screen TV's from Target and free expensive liquor from liquor stores?

3. What if Trump wins and announces arrests of certain officials for conspiracy (cough -Fauci- cough)? If Biden wins, when does he have authority to make changes? What changes will he make to improve our lives?

I asked none of these questions because I have nowhere to live right now, and she cannot make it here without my help on utilities. I cannot drive for at least 3 months instead of the 6 weeks I originally anticipated, so I am sort of stuck.


Apparently very cold

Thiis is Art in Newport, had to sigh in with Twitter

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I mostly concur Soylent but I find the unvarnished antifa maggot preferable to the blinkered do-gooder who pretends their brand of coercion is for their victims' good and doesn't lead inevitably to antifa thugs and worse.
In fact, if they are blinkered to that obvious truth I believe their blinkers are willful and deceitful.


I love seeing the nuns in the President's crowds! Their presence alone speaks volumes in support of our President.

This crowd is electric!


I saw photos of the Butler, PA crowd last night - wow!

And in other good news, ‘My Old School’ was playing while I was at Piggly Wiggly this morning. It’s the little joys in life...


I find the unvarnished antifa maggot preferable to the blinkered do-gooder who pretends their brand of coercion is for their victims' good

Yes, like the famous CS Lewis quote: "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies."

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Pelosi from clarice's pieces;

I feel very confident that Joe Biden will be elected president on Tuesday whatever the end count is. But on the election that occurs on Tuesday he will be elected on January 20th. He will be inaugurated president of the United States.

I don't really know what she is saying in those first two sentences. Does she?
She is not ordinarily so stupid as to blatantly talk about fraud so is this just more of her Bidenesque dementia or what?


The thing is Trump tweets mean stuff. I'm voting for a mentally ill mob family boss.


Beasts, I too was in the PIG this am. They were playing DOWNED by Cheap Trick.
You've seen the video of my boy I'm sure.


I have, GUS - that was very cool!!


Ive given up trying to figure out cruella daville meanderings

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Has anything been more pathetic and better demonstrated the moral bankruptcy of the msm and progs than the "fact check" that Sundown didn't eulogize a Grand Wizard of the KKK but merely an Exalted Cyclops?
It's almost as funny as this but not nearly so delightful as this.


News my phone friend texted:

Starting tomorrow Governor Whitmer will be requiring bars and restaurants to get patrons names and phone numbers.

This does not seem to be a wise decision.


If she wants something more than thr coen bros militia on her back.

Soylent Red

In fact, if they are blinkered to that obvious truth I believe their blinkers are willful and deceitful.

Yes, like the famous CS Lewis quote:

I dunno. I find these people irritating, and much more willing to justify their beliefs with frustratingly stupid (or absent) logic. But I also get how it is hard for some people to un-believe a lifetime of thinking a certain way. Setting up all kinds of ways to justify beliefs is a kind of self-preservation strategy that I can at least empathize with. And I've never found them to be particularly dangerous. Just a pain in the ass.

But I suppose that in a way you are right: their soft-headed thinking is what ultimately gives fertile soil for planting the more radical and violent strain of collectivism. To do away with that forever, probably requires doing away with the other.

Tom Bowler

From the Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll

New Hampshire – Popular Vote

Trump (Republican) = 47%

Biden (Democrat) = 43%

Jorgensen (Libertarian) = 5%

Hawkins (Green) = 2%

Undecided = 3%

Works for me! Back to lurking, errands.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

They're both ideologues of the same ideology but simply at different points on the same road.
You enter that one way road through a one way gate with no turn arounds and no pull outs and if you try to stop you get run over. And because there are no speed limits and their cars have no brakes there is only one logical end point.
To the ideologue they either believe [maybe] or pretend to believe [definitely] that end point is utopia.
The rest of us know it as the Gulag.


He and Obama teamed up and went as a two some.

They drew LESS people.


Thats convenient



I noted the curious credentials of the folks who have that stanford study not a single medical professional on staff


The mouse has become a rat


Jim Eagle

A bold prediction: At least one of the nets call Trump re-elected while the polls in California are still open:)







Kathryn Anne

One of the main precepts of dealing with persons fixated on certain ideas that are false on their face is to know when to disengage.
It is time to disengage from your daughter politically in order to save your relationship.


But of course



What to look forward to on Election Day ...
33% of Lancaster County voters requested a mail-in ballot for this election. If they don't use the mail-in ballot and show up at the polls to vote,
they can only vote "provisionally" which involves a bunch of pain-in-the-ass paperwork. My friend, Dennis' precinct has about 1400 voters.  That means about 450 requested mail-in ballots. Dennis just picked up his voter registration information.  Only 27 people mailed in their ballots! That means he could be doing the dreaded paperwork for provisional ballots for up to 400 people! Usually, we process 1 to 3 provisional ballots in an election.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I may have a new avatar, similar to my old one;


Starting tomorrow Governor Whitmer will be requiring bars and restaurants to get patrons names and phone numbers.

Catcher's Mitt seems to have been requiring that in NY for anyone eating indoors. Nothing creepy about that, no.


Thats not how provisional ballots work, gah its when there is a discrepancy in the records of a given precinct.


If you turn in your ballot you have it cancelled and they issue a new one.


Maryrose, good advice, but quite hard in reality.
I am blessed by the LORD with a patriotic, Eagle Scout and Catholic son. Believe me, it makes me very very proud. Miss M's daughter is not a kid, and has "issues". I pray for the Lovely Miss M in this regard. She is clearly a good lady.


It makes your hair hurt they provide such erroneous info.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

If you want to see the good faith and goodwill of the average prog look at their comments in the thread where FB blocked some NJ women's group for Trump.


Zombies are more predictable



Mary Rose,

Wise advice. That is why I hide out in my bedroom/office when she is anywhere near the front of the house and shut the door when talking to my friend who shares our beliefs.

However, when I am ASKED a political question and try to explain it historically, and then am criticized for talking about politics (!!) it's pretty much eye roll and tongue-biting territory.


Hold my chai



Ig, I saw that. I was chatting with MRS. and I read a couple. Seems censorship is ok, when you disagree with the idea's of the people being censored. If only REPUBLICANS would elect HONEST POLITICIANS, we wouldn't have to censor people.
FORGIVE THEM FATHER ...well, you know the thing.


She isn't asking a political question Miss M, she is picking a fight, then running from the results.


The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has endorsed Trump. The first such for an R since 1972.


Company leaders get rich. Naturally the GOVERNMENT should tax them more as a punishment.

This is what we face. Biden will do all of this, not because of ideology, because he'd eat a shit sandwich for power.


From Narc's 12:28

Although, this would be a bigger upset than four years ago.

Really? How do they figure that? Wasn't Hillary something like 97% guaranteed to win? Didn't she have a double-digit lead?

The things these "news people" spout to make themselves feel better...


Company leaders get rich.

Politicians get rich. Nothing wrong with that, apparently. Companies actually produce stuff of value, how dare they.


Jimmyk. BINGO. Maybe San FranSHITsco should put a large tax on politicians.


Don Jr. in Las Vegas today for a rally, 3pm. I'm feeling pretty good about NV right now.


Really? How do they figure that?

At predict.org, Trump is at $0.40, whereas four years ago he was more like $.20-$.25. But Nate Lead has Biden at 89%, whereas I think he only had Hillary at around 70% as of election day. Maybe that Biden number will be lower by Tuesday. You'd think Nate would want to push it lower if he could.


Maryrose is right. It will also help reduce MM's blood pressure.



Did Ruth Baby Killerburg leave any parting wishes for Biden to win??

Captain Hate

Has anything been more pathetic and better demonstrated the moral bankruptcy of the msm and progs than the "fact check" that Sundown didn't eulogize a Grand Wizard of the KKK but merely an Exalted Cyclops?

The Klan has always been a Democrat organization so naturally the enemedia is up to speed on the fine points.

Captain Hate

I really recommend that everyone take the time to watch rallies today and soak it in. You are going to look back at this moment in the future.

10,000 people in the snow and wind in Michigan hanging on Trump's every word. Fired up and enthusiasm off the chart.

I really think this election is over.

We are watching one of the best campaigns in history rolling over the worst campaign of all time.
Posted by: Dave in Fla at November 01, 2020 12:57 PM (5p7BC)


Dubuque rally, RSBN: https://youtu.be/82FUmFPrw14

2 pm (Central I think)


Capn'. They just want to be accurate. I mean Biden is NOT A RACIST, because the CYCLOPS is not the TOP MAN, the GRAND WIZARD is the TOP RACIST.
Biden merely eulogized the Vice Wizard.

When FULL COMMIES call themselves FACT CHECKERS. I just laugh.

Deplorable D

I thought people might like a palate cleanser from all the election sturm und drang, so let me tell you about Halloween last night.

We went over to my stepdaughter's house, because her son, my nine-year-old grandson, has his birthday on Halloween. So, we had a nice party with gifts, then everyone went out trick-or-treating. The birthday boy's younger brother, my three-year-old grandson, is a little unclear on the concept of trick-or-treating, so my stepdaughter was taking him around by himself while the older children went in a group. My wife and I stayed at the house and handed out candy.

About three minutes after the fire and rescue dog garbed three-year-old left, he comes racing in from outside, screaming and laughing like a maniac. He comes by and shows us his bucket which has two pieces of candy in it. He is so excited, so we "Ooooh!" and "Aaah!" His mother comes puffing up a few seconds later. Apparently, he went to the nearest house, got his loot, then went racing off to show grandma and grandpa. She takes him by the hand, and they go off again.

Not more than two minutes later, he is back. Now he has FOUR candies in his bucket. A short while after that, his mom comes in and retrieves him. It goes on like this for six or seven houses. He gets candy, comes racing back to the house to proudly display his loot, and then his exhausted mother retrieves him.

It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen, and my poor stepdaughter was about ready to collapse after trying to keep up with this Energizer Bunny child.



Fauci said he would continue doing more media interviews to “try to get the message out” but the Post wrote that Fauci indicated that he “needed to be careful with his words because he would be blocked from doing appearances in the future.”

If he really was smart, he would worry about more than that.


Totally agree with Dave in Fla. I can't get enough of the rallies and will be sad when the election is over. GOAT

Had to reassure some nervous Nellies after church today.

Abbott has called up the Guard for Austin.


Larry Schweikart
Folks, Biteme's numbers are collapsing faster than the German Army on the Eastern Front.

D talking heads all spinning the "but the polls said, thetefore muh Russia" narrative.


Practice dialogue for MM:

Mom, what's the backstory/ history on____?

MM: I'm quite certain you will not agree with whatever I say, but if you'd like, I'll give you some research tools so you can form your own opinion.


David, that is so cute. My kids got a killer haul last night. Said it was the most fun Halloween in years. I think all the Republicans and their kids were out last night - not a lot of masks.

It'll be fun to see who is in line with us on Tuesday morning to vote. The Dems around here will all have voted already. I predict a lot of smiling.


Dubuque is a neat little city RIGHT ON THE WISCONSIN BORDER at the Mississippi River.
I remember driving thru and heading home from Denver to Oconomowoc, all in one day, and the SKY is Dubuque was as black as I've ever seen. We drove on thru and stopped in PLATTEVILLE so Mickey could pee!!!!! Lovely place on planet earth, unfortunately on the IOWA side.


Anecdotal but....

neurojerk 52 points 3 hours ago +52 / -0

I waited on a group of 4 guys the other day, 2 black, 1 hispanic, and 1 white, all road workers I think. I don't bring up politics with guests obviously, but they dove right into it and wanted my two cents, so I told them where I stand. They weren't MAGA per se, but they were all talking mad shit about Biden and what a chump he is. We had a really good talk about it, they appreciated that I was willing to come right out with my support for Trump, they left me a fat tip, and that was that.

I'm just some waiter, and this is one table, so I don't know what it tells you. But the vibe I got off of it is that if a couple random black guys walking in off the street have that kind of attitude about Biden, then we're looking pretty good.


NFL commercial telling me to get out and vote.
They even put ROGER GOODELL in the commercial, again, telling me to get out and vote.
THE NFL, just like the NBA and MLB, are losing this ELECTION. Heh heh. FEMALL.


Porch, great post. My takeaway is that the Black gentlemen at the table.........HAD JOBS......WERE EMPLOYED....were not dead beats wilding and burning down AUTO ZONES.


Yes, GUS, and not on Twitter slavishly refreshing Nate Cohn, Harry Enten, and Nate Silver feeds for their copium hits.


Very cute, Dave. I love seeing the costumed kids at Halloween. Unfortunately, though I keep buying candy for them, the past couple of years, none came around.


Clarice!!!! Hello my fellow Wisconsinite.
I've lived on Nemahbin going on 17 years. I am on a one block street that dead ends at a cul de sac at I-94. I have NEVER had a trick or treater.


WOW Republicans coming home to Trump.

Ethan Harrington

"When WOW county voters are isolated and averaged year-to-year, Trump's approval rating climbed from 44 percent in 2017 to 58 percent in 2020. Among Republican WOW county voters, those numbers jumped from 75 percent to 91 percent."



There used to be lots of kids in my neighborhood, and sometimes people would also bring kids from other neighborhoods here. All the neighborhood kids are grown now with families of their own far from here. I miss seeing those cuties.


Silver alert. Biden to Cleveland tomorrow.


What will be the biggest busted poll narrative coming out of this?

I think it will be "suburban women deserting Trump." I think he won them over prior to vyrus. The lockdowns and riots only added to his overall support.

Thomas Collins

Cleveland is interesting, Porchlight. I would have thought by now, Team Biden and Team Trump would have concluded that Ohio is a given for Trump. Has Team Biden given up on Pennsylvania, or has Team Biden concluded Pennsylvania is in the bag and is trying to expand the map?

An additional prediction: Biden's popular vote advantage in the states Clinton won will be greater than Clinton's popular vote advantage in 2016. This will increase Blue Derangement if Orange Man Bad Hitler actually pulls this off.

Thomas Collins

Of course, Dems may be thinking that Biden could realistically get 130 percent of registered, unregistered, and dead voters in Cleveland. Kathryn Anne and CH, what's your take?


This guy and Chris Stirewalt,

Paul Sperry
· 1h
BREAKING: Records reveal the analyst who will run Fox News' election decision desk is a registered Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 & gave Democrats more than $4,000, including $1,525 for Obama. Arnon Mishkin will announce states for Biden or Trump on election night


Has Team Biden given up on Pennsylvania, or has Team Biden concluded Pennsylvania is in the bag and is trying to expand the map?

Definitely not the latter. Biden is in PA today and MI tomorrow I believe.

I think Biden may get more votes than Clinton overall but his margins in the states he wins will be smaller than Clinton's.

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