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January 18, 2021


Jim Eagle

No more days if Biden ascends.

Thomas Collins

If Biden cancels the pipeline, I hope people who opposed Trump because he is nasty realize they have substantially increased the odds that subsequent generations will not have the opportunities they have. It's not just Keystone. If Biden does this, it's an indication that his Administration is going full therapy state authoritarian/limit opportunities for advancement so the oligarchs will hold sway for several decades.

There will no doubt be several Biden Administration actions that will be adverse to those who claim they support economic growth but supported the Dems. This one would be a slap in the face to anyone who hopes to leave a better life for those who follow.

And that's the most polite way I can put this.


The canadian menace must be vanquished don collins.

Thomas Collins

Ironic, isn't it, Narciso, that if Biden actually does this, he'll be pi$$ing off the Canadiens, to whom our progs so often look for enlightenment.


Weve gone full mogatu


Sure why not


Thomas Collins

Aha, Narciso. Multiracial Whiteness. A new talking point for the progs.


What TM voted for:



Beltran--whose op ed Ace posted is bat shit crazy and any editor who let this one slip in is, too.

Dave (in MA)

It's supposed to be in the 30s in DC on Wed.
Maybe another bum will light a fire and it'll get canceled.




Chicago & Cook County. (Links to PBS in Chicago)


Like fuckin magic, several counties in Illinois have been moved into tier 2, which means it’s totally safe to go to a casino but if you want to go to a restaurant to eat, or have a drink in a bar, you’ll still be in violation of the mandate. No soup for you!



State health officials on Monday lifted the toughest restrictions in place to stop the spread of the coronavirus in Chicago and suburban Cook, Lake, Kane, McHenry and DuPage counties after the Illinois Department of Public Health launched a new plan to add hospital staff and beds where the need is greatest.

However, indoor dining and drinking at bars and restaurants remains suspended throughout the Chicago area.

Fortunately for Lake County, WI bars are open.

matt - deplore me if you must

It's a Festivus miracle!! America is re-opening.

Got a glimpse of Maxie Boot's column today calling for the cable companies to de-platform Fox News.

Scratch a liberal and find a fascist.

When in American history beyond the Mccarthy era have Americans ever been blacklisted because of their political beliefs?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I liked progs and Dems better when they were honest enough to call uppity nigras Uncle Tom's or turn the fire hoses on em.

None of these pointy headed, namby pamby, Foucoultian theories about multiracial whiteness.

matt - deplore me if you must

I should have included ordinary Americas as a qualifier. The Hollywood blacklist was one thing, but to de-humanize 50% of the population is something altogether unprecedented.

Joe Biden wants to heal the country by applying the principles of Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung.

matt - deplore me if you must

Oh, and what really pisses me off is that Congress is on a knife edge. 50/50 in the Senate and a 10-12 vote majority in the House and Biden won by a lousy 5 million votes out of 155 million, and that is highly questionable.

It would seem hard to be a fascist with those kind of numbers.


Sanity as left the building heck the western hemisphere.

Jim Eagle

A pink horizon tonight. A light for photogs.

My baked Enchiladas will be perfect for tonight.

When you think about it, Biden as POTUS could be the death knell for the Dems if he screws like he says he will do. Coming out of a dead economy by disease, he will be the last person to save it.

Save your money and hunker down for 4 years.

jim nj


New York Gov. Cuomo asks to buy Covid vaccine directly from Pfizer amid dose shortages

Yes, let's have the states engage in a bidding war for vaccines.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

If the progs get their way America will be CA times 57; except there won't really be anyplace to escape to.
And the only people who like CA right now are billionaires and the retarded. Wait until you have a nationwide CA that can't buy power from neighboring states when the lights go out. Wait until you're paying twice as much for gas and electricity but all the good jobs to pay for them are overseas.
Where are small businesses and the middle/working classes going to move to if every state is CA?


Just heard I dont7 have to show4 up for Ajury duty tomorrow. Thank goodness! Tried to cancel, because of Kiwi - when she was alive - but decided I could go now - but it’s off. Good, I have lots to do.


I guess a few people have realized they didn't quite know everything about Biden:


Police cars revolving light
· 3h
JUST IN - Pentagon has deployed hundreds of active-duty troops for inauguration security, including service members with expertise in handling chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological, explosives, and medical teams skilled in trauma response (Politico)

Dave (in MA)
    New York Gov. Cuomo asks to buy Covid vaccine directly from Pfizer amid dose shortages
The guy whose overly-restrictive eligibility thresholds caused tons of expired vaccines to be disposed of.

Are the aliens attending the inauguration?



I am ready. Let's see that giant spaceship hover over DC.


Dominion machines to finish the count in 3, 2, ...


The director of the Census Bureau is resigning days after a government watchdog questioned his requests for data relating to the Trump administration’s push to exclude unauthorized immigrants from a key aspect of the count


Miss M, as long as it does the Independence Day ray thing, that works. I hay the AllStar Hootenanny on vinyl, so I can blow there heads up after.

jim nj


Russia carries out 40 raids on Deash areas in Syria



So what’s going on w3ith the ina2uguratin? Evgeryone5 knows it’s not the Trump su8pporters. Is it a fear of China, or feigning it all for a trillion dollars?


Potemkin Insurrection. It’s all theater to cover slashing of civil liberties under the logic of critical race theory and other communist spewings.


Willowed: Oh, Jane--I am so very, very sorry! Kiwi was a champion and so loved--a little but very cute dog. I send you every prayer and condolence.

Oh, and Pin, that baby goat looks very sweet, and it's good to know it's keeping tabs on you. Don't let it eat your shirttails or boots!



Well, I think this situation sounds shady as you know what. How can they not vote out a boss they don't want? That's sort of like having an overseer on a plantation.

jim nj

I wonder if all the DC security for the inauguration is geared more to preparation for impeachment.


I wonder if Biden will plagiarize that movie president's Independence Day speech like the Brazilian (?) president did.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Evidently Liz Cheney was angling for a DC job because Martin Kimmet, chairman of the Republican Party in Park County, Wyoming, told The Examiner, “she couldn’t win a primary today for dog catcher.”


I wonder if all the DC security for the inauguration is geared more to preparation for impeachment.

I think it's more to say, "Something needs to be done to crack down on the hate speech and false information that makes these precautions necessary."


New York Post
Sahara desert hit by icy blast as snow blankets parts of Saudi Arabia https://trib.al/D6oNLYv

I am assuming that the author knows that the Sahara isn't in Saudi Arabia.


Anybody who voted for Joe Biden for president is either an imbecilic moron or a Leftist who seeks the demise of the United Sates.

Jim Eagle

So, they play the national anthem at the USA v Columbia women’s soccer match and that skank Reipino and another asswipe decide to kneel.

Another reason to not support them. I hope they lose. Assholes, both.

matt - deplore me if you must

Joe Biden's Inauguration speech:

Argle bargel harrumph I will develop some disease and say I have to resign you're a damn liar, man I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent and I’m not joking I mean, you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean look, this is a bunch of stuff clap for that, you stupid bastards we’ve got to recognize that a kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids Let’s do push-ups together, man, let’s run, let’s do whatever you want to do. Let’s take an IQ test, all right? You ought to go vote for someone else you’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier don’t tell me I can’t point a finger, I oughta go outside with you you ain't blackWe have to just change the culture, period, and keep punching at it and punching at it and punching at itI don’t care if you’re Puerto Rican or some other type of, a type of, someone from, another kinda guy, alright man we all gotta be here for this what which we’re doing. Together. thank you so Stand up, Chuck, let ’em see ya


matt - deplore me if you must

So MM, hell is, in fact, freezing over?

James D.

From Instapundit:

nothing says “normal, legitimate election” like a swearing-in behind 12 feet of razor wire and 25,000 troops that you’re not sure you can trust.


The only way I will watch the Biden Inauguration is if they hand out "Biden Bingo" cards with cash prizes.


As sick as that is, Henry, I hope yo-u are right.

Dave (in MA)

This country needs to mobilize the military against its citizenry, ASAP

The internal security threat the U.S. faces right now is serious. We need a Secretary of Defense on the job immediately. I will vote to confirm Lloyd Austin and grant him a waiver, and I urge other Senators to do the same.

— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) January 18, 2021



Yes, hell is freezing over, especially Iran, which according to that article is supposed to get about a foot of snow.

Maybe President Trump has released the Freeze Ray.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

So the Dems are telling us they are mobilizing the military against us?
This is how they unify and deescalate?
I may have to push up my full on revolt timeline substantially.

This is the last question facing America from its pre 2020 days;
Are the Dems capable of stealing enough elections going forward to prevent the GOP from taking back congress? If so then the Dems will have no incentive to moderate their behavior to retain seats and things will progress [as in all things progressive 'progress' means 'degenerate'] quickly.


V9gon poetry at its best.

James D.

The internal security threat the U.S. faces right now is serious. We need a Secretary of Defense on the job immediately

That statement ought to get Murphy booted out of the Senate.

Does he not remember that the military isn't supposed to operate within the U.S.? Posse Comitatus is still the law of the land, but I guess that doesn't matter anymore.


I’ve been as political junk.ie since 1972. This is the first time I can say I’m utterly confused. Anyone have a handle?


Question for the legal eagles out there (and others): The chatter is that Congress will bring DC statehood to a vote. If DC is defined as a “district” in the constitution then can Congress simply vote to make DC a state? Or is it a referendum process?


Patriot or Pay-triot?

I think Chris Murphy’s shock troops will go for the money and not give a shit about us. They all know the alternative is to be cleansed.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--If DC is defined as a “district” in the constitution then can Congress simply vote to make DC a state? --

Are you new here?
The way the constitution works is the Dems vote for something blatantly unconstitutional and then the courts say it is constitutional and voila, it is.
Or alternately, on the off chance a court blocks them, they just do it anyway and wait for someone to do something about it. Nobody does and voila, it is.


We're through the looking glass, Jane. We've said that before but this time I think it's really true.


I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t get emails on holidays.


Newsmax runs a hit piece on Trump with their source being Axios:


Axios source is anonymous.

Newsmax can stuff it.


Ig, I am well aware of the real state of things. I’m just wondering how in a properly functioning govt it would work. Duh

Another Bob

Zman. (Brought it over in order to protect you from a wrongthink link ;) )

“As the military begins the process of installing The Pretender as the figurative leader of the American Empire, it is a good time to take stock of what has happened over the last five years. From the perspective of political psychology, the world all of us inhabit today is a vastly different one from the world of 2015. This includes the dissident right, which has been transformed by the Trump experience. In the before times, politics was all shades of gray, while today it is in black and white.

An obvious example is Conservative Inc. The Obama years were tough for those rackets, as it became clear to many conservative people that these guys cared more about how the Left thought of them than in advancing their issues. Compounding it was the refusal to address the failures of the Bush years. Even so, they really thought they could keep peddling hyper-violent Progressivism to conservatives, as long as they decorated it with pictures of Reagan.

That racket smashed onto the rocks of the Trump experience. Traffic for the old school neocon sites collapsed. The Weekly Standard folded. These people revealed themselves to be a blend of old school confidence men and petulant, nasty liars who hate the people they claim to represent. They still have an audience of chumps unable to smarten up, but otherwise Conservative Inc. has no audience. They exist because the Left thinks they are useful for now.

Further to that point, Libertarian Inc., a subsidiary of Conservative Inc., has also been exposed as a long con. The stripping of our ancient liberties by global enterprise should have been a great cause for libertarians. After all, systematically stripping people of their ability to exist is pretty much what libertarians claim to oppose, but the major organs were silent. A combination of graft and perfidy kept them focused on echoing Progressive talking points about the evil Donald Trump.

This has revealed something else. The dissident right is not ready to be the Dissident Right, despite the growing numbers. This is a problem that dates to the 1980’s when Conservative Inc. started to purge dissenters from their ranks. Instead of working to build new structures outside of and opposed to official structures, dissidents kept trying to get back inside the official tent. The result has been a ragtag army living on the land outside the walls of the city. It remains so.

Probably the biggest change, one we see evolving in front of our eyes as the military is called in to install The Pretender, is that the parties are a fiction. Until very recent, most dissidents thought the way forward was to work through the two-party system and get “our guys” into office. Again, this dates to the 1980’s. Buchanan tried and failed to unseat the neocon Bush. Perot tried and failed with his third-party to cleanse the land of the neocons. Trump tried and failed to reform the Republican Party.

The reason all these efforts failed is the party system is a fiction. The core of each party holds the same opinions on the important issues. They are bankrolled by the same collection of billionaires and international interests. The parties have tentacles that reach into various camps, but the main body of the system serves the people who bankroll American politics. A politician with close ties to the CCP can maintain his seat because the Chinese are a major backer of both parties.

This is the big change for dissidents. Trump was the last opportunity to keep dissidents engaged in the fiction of democracy. His own perfidy and his treatment by the political class has disabused dissidents of their faith in the system. The people in the streets at the Epiphany Uprising were not there because they still believe in the Republican Party, Donald Trump, or the system itself. They were there, being cheered by tens of millions from home, because dissidents lost their faith in the system.

Further to that, it is finally dawning on dissidents that what motivates the Cloud People is not what motivates the Dirt People. For generations, the Right insisted that the Left is driven by the same logic as everyone else. This was always false, and part of the long con played on the public. This is, in part, why conservatives lost every battle in the culture war. The people on the other side of the barricades, celebrating their victory over us, are not us and they do not think like us.

This is probably the most important lesson of the last five years that is finally sinking into the thick skulls of the dissident right. The Cloud People are not motivated by greed or a lust for power. They have those things. They are motivated by a sense of identity that starts with a hatred of the Dirt People. Their sense of self begins with not being anything like the people over whom they rule. This is why they hated Trump. He was an intruder from the other side injected into their world.

While many are disappointed with the Trump years and Donald Trump the man, the last five years have been a clarifying experience. The anger, emotion, disappointment, frustration, even the violence, are the result of a fog lifting. Five years ago, most people were sure about politics. Now that the fog has lifted, people are looking around and seeing it was always a big lie. The people who perpetrated these lies are on the other side of those barricades, giving the rest of us the finger.”

Dave (in MA)


Trying to sell Chinese secrets to Russia? I'm not buying it.

Dave (in MA)

A world that's been locked down, surveilled, censored, deplatformed and purged must be wondering how much more progress it can stand.

— wretchardthecat (@wretchardthecat) January 19, 2021


U.S. Marshals
Chief Lamont Ruffin from D.C. District Court swears in 2000 National Guard troops as Special Deputy U.S. Marshals prior to the upcoming presidential inauguration: ow.ly/ZP1T50DaXVk





Heather Mullins - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV)
DEKALB COUNTY, GA!:🚨🚨Documents appear to show one GA County ordered 25,000,000 voter application forms on Nov 11th, more than 2.5x the States population. Other counties shown ordering far less. Dekalb was delayed submitting their Senate runoff election results.

Dekalb County appears to have ordered 250,000k packs of 100 of these forms after the General Election but before the Senate runoff races. In other words 25,000,000 forms, price tag $10,000,000. I’m told prices are paid by the @GaSecofState’s office not the Counties.


Ain't that sumtin'



Davos and the elite. Well-done documentary, 1 hour. I will probably watch it again. It's oriented mostly towards the UK lockdowns and the EU.


The awan bros would be a better broker.

Captain Hate

The Hollywood blacklist was one thing, but to de-humanize 50% of the population is something altogether unprecedented.

Serious question: did anyone go into poverty because of the Hollywood blacklist?


So the Dems are telling us they are mobilizing the military against us?
This is how they unify and deescalate?

The "insurrection" is like one of those George Costanza lies ("I have a house in the Hamptons," "I'm an architect,") where he then has to keep up the facade in more and more absurd ways because he can't admit it was a lie to begin with.

Dave (in MA)

FL Pantifa,

An antifa-supporting Army vet was arrested on Friday for plotting a violent attack against Trump supporters at Florida’s State Capitol.https://t.co/2r07v3Ethq

— American Greatness (@theamgreatness) January 19, 2021



Not sex-related, as far as I can tell, but they certainly were grifters of a high order.

Nothing would please me more than the odious Rick Wilson driven away from anything to do with elections.

Dave (in MA)

It seems like not too long ago when you couldn't go a week without some talk show guest talking about blacklisting, the "Red scare" and 'naming-names', and every other sci fi plot was either a depiction of some dystopic future where paranoia drove everything, it was neighbor vs. neighbor, dissent was punished, conformity was mandatory, all that sort of thing. Funny how things turned out.


Julie Kelly
Three out of 4 Republicans don't trust the outcome of the election (it's probably more) and only 5 percent in this poll say they regret voting for him. This will make the punditry class absolutely insane.
Laura Ingraham
· 3h
Trump approval remains stable in new NBC poll, with Republicans unmoved after Capitol violence
Thread with more info:


Has GRACIOUS TOM MAGUIRE ever gotten back to us on WHAT DJT was supposed to have done to INCITE VIOLENCE or is he a COWARD. Is everyone aware of whom MR GRACIOUS' Senators are??? SCUM.

Dave (in MA)
The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee·
Socialist Steps On Another Rake Insisting
That 79 Previous Attempts Weren't REAL Stepping
On A Rake

Has the FBI-fucking I, explained or given a list of the "sttackers" of the CAPITAL??? Have the MEDIA told us who they were and specifically given info on their affiliations??

Dave (in MA)

GUS: Pro-Biden, NYT and ant-Trump all in one tweet:



James D.

Nice, MM!

matt - deplore me if you must

The Biden Plan? Izvestia on the Hudson and our dear host have gone way overboard.

The studies indicate the AstraZeneca vaccim=ne's efficacy at 90% with a 2 dose regimen. This compares with Pfizer at 90+% and Modern at 95%.

WTF is wrong with TM and the Times? Introducing a third variable is going to kloodge up all of the results and lead to major f-ups.

They (and we) are going to get the high hard one with Biden at the wheel across so many issues that it will be hard to keep track. And this time the Emoerpr really does have no clothes (the nudist creep).

Tom R

Russian collusion hoax part 2


matt - deplore me if you must

sorry for the typos. Another keyboard shot.


"His own perfidy and his treatment by the political class has disabused dissidents of their faith in the system."

What the hell is this about Trump's perfidy? What deceitfulness and untrustworthiness are they talking about?


That was my high school mascot.

Another Bob


Lin Wood ran the most effective two-month long political op in memory.

- Delegitimized issue of electoral fraud
- Cost R's the Senate
- Incited Capitol mob
- Provided pretext for mass deplatforming of conservatives

Note, he was only muzzled once the damage was done.

Fine work.



At the top it says "as of January, 2021". HA!

I am going to write him an old-fashioned thank-you note. What do you guys think - New York or Mar-a-Lago?


Lin Wood cannot be blamed for the stupidity of others. IMO.


I guess he could...

Captain Hate

Yeah, I'm with TK. Dorsey and Zuckerberg can't be blamed on Wood nor can the GOP's stupidity in losing the Senate.


Wood spewed a frothing stream of sewage. It turns out there is an audience for that shit which is large enough to fuck up an election.

Blame them all.

Tom R

If Lin Wood was damaging Trump’s argument of election fraud then Trump could have disavowed him, told everyone to ignore him, and Wood would have been irrelevant from that point forward.

Another Bob

You’re amazingly naive sometimes Tom.

Another Bob

Joan, Z isn’t a Trump fan.

I think a summary of his view is that while Trump did us some services (chiefly in revealing the corruption), despite big promises he did little to change it, and delivered mostly bread and circuses.

jim nj


Nicholas Moncada, a 20-year-old student at the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan, was taken into custody at his Staten Island home. He allegedly livestreamed his "storming" of the Capitol on Jan. 6, prosecutors said.

Interesting profile for a Trump supporter, no?


I remember Grenell calling out Wood for telling GA voters to stay home for the runoffs. Can't find a link on it right now though. Not sure it mattered one way or the other.



Bread and circuses? I think he should read this list, Another Bob. He did a lot I didn't even know about, and I am a Trump junkie.

Captain Hate

Z was looking for a person who doesn't exist.


Trump disavowed Jeff Sessions, idiot.

But that was Binary Integrity Deception, right?


I am heading to bed.


Tom R

Not naive just a realist. Trump could have nipped the Lin Wood insanity in the bud long before the Georgia runoff. Myself and several other posters made the point multiple times that Wood was either batshit crazy or he was acting on inside info. If the former is the truth and the latter was never the case, then the buck stops at Trump for not telling his supporters to ignore Wood. If JOM posters figured out Wood was batshit crazy, surely Trump and his inner circle knew it too.

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