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March 05, 2021


Buford Gooch

Hello? Hello! Anyone out there?


FEMA doesn’t make a big enough tarp to cover up Cuomo.

Jim Eagle

At least make him give back his Emmy:)

Best role as a governor in a fictional state of affairs.


10 miles away in Marcy, next to SUNY/Polytech, Cree/Wolfspeed 200mm silicon carbide power chip plant building to be completede in the spring of 2021, sample chips now being validated in Albany on smaller wavers, up to speed in 2022, with hundreds of workers — will have more than 600 employed by the end of the decade, with 75% having an associates degree, many trained by Mohawk Valley Community College where Mrs. sbw is a trustee.

There are two more possible sites on the property.

I’m on the board of MV/EDGE that pre-built and pre-permitted the site with electricity, water, and sewage.


I dunno, Jib. Cuomo’s Emmy pretty much symbolizes every thing the democrats star in.


I was wondering how The Orange Man Bad lede would be fit in and there it was in the first paragraph. Right where it’s supposed to be.


Not really


Im assuming the other governors had similar informal arrangements


Same science that ensures no vote fraud there.


Detroit mayor rejects initial J&J vaccine shipment, saying Pfizer and Moderna are 'the best'


Can anyone get to Gateway Pundit? I fear it’s been taken down.


Still around



Future Opportunities to Shutdown the US Capitol:

March 5th, TODAY, The Boston Massacre
March 17th, Saint Patrick's Day
March 20th, Weed Day
March 20th, Extraterrestrial Abductions Day
March 24th, National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
April 1st April Fools Day (important at FBI)
April 4th Easter (Jimmy Carter's 'killer rabbit')
April 19th, Patriots Day (Battles of Lexington and Concord)

April is National Soft Pretzel Month

Mark this one on your calendar ..
June is Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month


What exactly has she done?


Jim Eagle

Anyone tried Nick's ice cream? I bought a 6 pack, various flavors and it just arrived today in a box pack in dry ice. Supposedly, its a Swedish process and extra creamy.

I wonder if Pelosi has some in her special ice cream fridge?


BREAKING: Democrats fail to get $15 minimum wage added to the COVID relief bill. Defeated 58-42 with 8 Democrats joining Republicans to oppose it.

matt - deplore me if you must

Don't forget 4-20, Neo. But then again, the potheads will be busy getting high, so I don't think they'll remember to storm the Bastille, er Capitol, er dean's office.

Jim Eagle

Well there goes my anti-virus protection.


Old Lurker

If THIS does not scare the cr*p out of you, you are not paying attention:

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has formed an enforcement task force to examine misconduct related to environmental, social and governance issues as the regulator ramps up a focus on climate and other hot-button topics.


Thanks Narc. I wonder why it won’t come up for me - for a couple of days now!



Democrats' $1.9 trillion relief plan stalls in Senate amid impasse over unemployment aid


Does he still run the company?


I remember not too long ago that MAGUIRE was worried that CUOMO was being PILE ON.

This genius voted for BIDEN.


Sure. Why not.


The Illinois weed industry, fresh off surpassing $1 billion in revenue during its first year of recreational marijuana sales, may already be facing its “Norma Rae” moment of union awakening.



Regarding McAfee:

1. Whose political campaign did he support?

2. How long has this investigation been going on?

3. Was an FBI informant involved?

4. Is the New York federal attorney the same one who has been going after Trump about his taxes?

5. Was this indictment held until Trump was out of office, so that he couldn't be pardoned?


Good afternoon! What a day! This morning my sister in east TN called to tell me our brother in NC had a car accident. The calls and texts have been flying all day. He has broken ribs, no internal injuries. My sister is driving to Winston-Salem tomorrow. We have a cousin who is also my brother's very good friend who lives in NC, and he has been giving updates all day. Prayers,please!


The Washington Times
Far-left enraged with 'corporate Democrats' vote against $15 minimum wage


What I like about reading 100 year old books is noticing the different style of punctuation, to wit. : two spaces between both sides of colons, semicolons and question marks. Also, I don’t know if it’s a function of the age or if it’s << Continental >>, that being the style of quotation marks.


Full text of President Trump's statement on Karl Rove:


If you cannot enlarge that statement, here is a link to an enlarged version:



Watch all of this! If anyone was still questioning who is pulling the strings.... pic.twitter.com/qA7vcTPBVs

— Mellie (@001Mellie) March 5, 2021

Thirty-second video at the link, from a different angle.

Jim Eagle

Trump is back? Hang on to your hats. It could be epic.

Give the. Hell Mr. Potus (the real one).


Bo Snerdley
‘Infuriating!’ Biden’s DOJ quietly dismisses many of the federal cases against Portland rioters.
While holding that family without bail in DC.


The Ten Commandments had better special effects than Indiana Jones.


Yikes, Marlene. Ribs sound very painful. Hope your brother heals quickly, and that someone gets him plenty of bone broth. (per anonamom earlier)


Bannon's War Room has a Mexican reporter from Tiajuana who said there are bad (probably leftist) NGO's telling them they will get all sorts of stuff free and be allowed in.

Also, the Secretary of State sent a letter to the president of Mexico asking him not to use Mexican military to stop anyone crossing.

Also, Tiajuana guy says cartels are controlling all of this.

Jim Eagle

With the economy pickig up we need more busboys and weedkillers,



As you know, you’ve got my prayers, as does Michael!


Prayers for Michael, Marlene.


Bannon had the oldest woman in New Jersey on his show - 105 years old. Tested positive for Covid and survived by eating gin-soaked raisins. LOL!


My mother had two serious accidents where the ribs my neighbor has started to walk after that severe accident from two montbs ago


Typhuspad didn’t like that.

Delayed reactions to Moderna vaccine.



The Epoch Times - China Insider
A Chinese researcher who once worked at @JacksonLab is under @FBI investigation, for allegedly failing to disclose his financial ties to #China in applications for US gov't funding.





In M Night Shyamalan’s new movie Bruce Willis realizes that America has been the Evil Empire this whole time:

“I am mindful of the newly adopted policy of the American-Anglo-German Banking group, which perhaps constitutes the most dangerous element in the whole chain of pro-Bolshevist effort in America because it has its hands on the most power.

The truth is that predatory international finance has its appetite up and believed it sees loot in Russia.

I know of nothing more cynical than the attitude of European statesman and financiers towards the Russian muddle. Essentially it is their purpose...to place Russia in economic vassalage and give political recognition in exchange. American business is asked to join in that helpless, that miserable and contemptible business, the looting of that vast domain, and to facilitate its efforts, certain American bankers engaged in mortgaging the world are willing to sow among their people the fiendish, anti-democratic propaganda of Bolshevism, subsidizing, buying, intimidating, cajoling.

There are splendid and notable exceptions but the great powers of the American-Anglo-German financing combinations have set their faces towards the prize displayed by a people on their knees...Most important is the espousal of the Bolshevist cause by the group of American-Anglo-German bankers who like to call themselves international financiers to dignify and conceal their true function and limitation. Specifically the most important banker in this group, born in Germany as it happens, has issued orders to his friends and associates that all must now work for soviet recognition.”—Samuel Gompers, New York Times, May 7 1922


MM, that was in the Maine media a couple of days ago. Jackson Lab is a big deal in Maine.
Thanks for the prayers for my brother. The six of us have very different lives as adults, but when the SHTF, we are a strong force!




*Mitt_Romney has entered the chat

*Paul_Singer has entered the chat

“Finance which gets its living from what is present and tangible, always follows a short-sited policy, in view of rapid results and success without troubling itself about the morrows of history.”—Georges Batault

Jim Eagle

At 6:17: Thank you Mr. President, the one I recognize.


I am sure you all want to sign up:

In case you can't enlarge, it's 42900 for attendees and $5800 to co-host.


$2900 for attendees. Typos starting early tonight, I guess.

Jim Eagle

Suceker if they pay. She has no power or status.



We need a list of everyone attending. That way we would have a list of morons, criminals, and commies for easy reference.




Do they pay it in dinar (iranian coins)


Sorry rials, a million of them is $24.00

Comanche Voter

I love the smell of Cuomo toast in the morning. But I don't know if I'm going to get to smell it. That old Dim gang may close ranks around this clown.


Comanche Voter,

I think he is so unlikable and bullying that he hasn't many friends. Also, covering HIS troubles allows the media to ignore what Biden and his criminal gang are up to.

Jim Eagle

In politics you have a presence and past. Why destroy it backing Cuomo?


Cuomo is an easy mark that covers the other five murder governors


Apparently one of those mostly peaceful iranian militias may be active in the district




#BREAKING: in #Paraguay, the streets are filled with protestors, who are upset with government corruption and mismanagement. pic.twitter.com/FOWIHWsEeT

— Steve Hanke (@steve_hanke) March 6, 2021

Aerial video of the crowds at the link.



· 3h
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey Reopens Restaurants, Gyms, Theaters and Water Parks at Full Capacity.
Julie Kelly
Ron DeSantis is liberating the country



Vernon Jordan, Ex-Clinton Adviser and Civil Rights Activist, Dead


Early bedtime for me.

Good night, everyone!


This morning while waiting to leave the vaccine place, I was talking to a NG member who was at the Capital on the 6th. I asked him if he was up close. He was inside where the rioters broke in. I asked him what he saw. He told me he couldn’t tell me while he was in uniform. ( I should have invited him over for dinner but he looked 12!)


Didn’t Vernon Jordan die 2 days ago? Or was that someone else?


People who wear masks while they drive must wear their seat belts at drive in movies.

Inb4 what’s a drive in movie.


No mr jordan has been dead for a while



It's like wearing sunglasses at a drive in theater.


LOL, you are all so funny!

Jane, I hope you are feeling better. Personally, I am not in a big hurry for the “shot.” I figure I have had it twice at this point. Back in the spring of 2020 I am sure I had a mild case. Recently I was so overheated trying to sleep at night, and I woke up with a hive-like rash on my abdomen. I have read that this stupid Covid can cause rashes.

My youngest has toes that are a mess. I made her get them checked out. The docs thought it was “covid toes,” which is a syndrome, believe it or not. In the end, the doc who dressed in a hazmat suit and full shield, determined while checking her toes while she was in the car that she may have a funagl infection.

It’s all so nuts.

Dave (in MA)

Festival of ass https://t.co/52uMxRNjD9

— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) March 6, 2021
Dave (in MA)


Vernon Jordan did indeed croak, or so we have been led to believe.


Don't worry everybody, BIDEN is going to CURE COVID, right after he cures CANCER.

A FITTY YEAR FUCK UP. What on earth can anyone expect of this DEMENTED DOPE.


Today Dave? I swear I read that a day or 2 ago?

Dave (in MA)

I believe it was a few days back.


My shot arm aches tonit. Such off and on, odd things. Fine for an hour, then almost collapsed - wen back to getting stuff done - more than usual. Visited people - no cocktail hour and now I feel shitty again. I guess it comes and goes. Very rude!

Damn well better wake up glowing.

Some republicans are actually fighting back against the monstrosity in Congress. The trick seems to be to piss enough liberals off that they won’t vote for it. Bernie is first on the list.


Jane, we discussed VJ’s death on JOM2 a couple days ago.

CCGirl, I doubt you’ve had it twice, as that’s almost unheard of, despite what the panic mongers say. You may have had it once, or have natural immunity.


Can someone tell me when International Men's Day is?



I suspect it’s always yesterday!


Damn. Missed out again.

Dave (in MA)

February 30th


Okay. I haven’t had it twice. ?? I challenge you to find someone who has been working with the public who has not been exposed as much as we “essential retailers” have been. I call BS. I’m fed up. I don’t take what the docs like Anonamom take, so I say BS to you.

My point is that it is not so serious for most of us.

Sorry, I have had about had it with the “scared” bull shit.


It’s right after White History Month.


“My point is that it is not so serious for most of us.”

I’ve been saying that since April, as have most of us here. But the fear merchants are scaring people into believing they can get it again and again, even if they’ve had it already, been vaccinated, etc., and that we’ll need to wear masks and “socially distance” forever.


Anyway, not sure what I said to piss you off. Good night.


Sorry JimmyK,

I am just tired of it all. I have been “on the front lines” (hate that phrase), and have been out there and totally exposed. I am not worried about the virus, but I am sure (based on how contagious it is that I have had it once ( mildly) probs back in March, 2020.)

My business has been very busy all along. Last month I awoke to a rash all along my abdomen. I had my annual physical and the doc said it was hives. Huh? I had not been exposed to anything different, so maybe stress, but I am not ruling out the mild virus once again.

Maybe I am just losing it. It has been wearing working with the public from day to day during this “mess.” I guess I am having a bad night. Sorry.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

As of November last year there were under 30 reported cases worldwide of someone having it twice.


They just come up with top many named days for people

Dave (in MA)

No Country For Old Anchors : 40 years ago tonight, March 6,1981, Walter Cronkite signed off after 19 years as the anchor of CBS Evening News.

— Boston Radio Watch® (@bostonradio) March 6, 2021

I understand that there are few who have had it twice. But so far I have not been asked to take any surveys. I suspect most people who work in “essential” retail and who did not quit to take the extra unemployment cash, are feeling like I am. Probs I have not have it twice (mildly), but no one has asked, and my point is that no one is wondering.

Goes back to what I stated last spring - anyone with a work ethic was keeping their head down and working, so to avoid the business being shut-down,etc. Please don’t forget the fear we all had in March, 2020 of having our businesses closed for two weeks.


Of course and this ginned up anxiety has to have a physiological impact, i think thats part of the point of the exercise.

jim nj


The media puffed up Cuomo as a pandemic savior and anti-Trump. Now he’s accused of sexual harassment and concealing nursing home deaths

The parallel with his father, Mario, is interesting. Mario also served 3 terms and thrived under republican presidents until he lost election under a democrat president.


CC, I think I posted this here recently.
My Oconomowoc Piggly Wiggly has a sign as you enter, (a yard type sign) that says HEROES WORK HERE. As I bought some groceries from these HEROES, I saw a manager that I know, and asked.

If your employees are HEROES, what does that make your CUSTOMERS.

Deer in the headlights. Could not fathom nor comprehend the question. Wisconsin public schools, and SPECIFICALLY the WORST WISCONSIN PUBLIC SCHOOLS in MADISON and MILWAUKEE, are squealing like PIGS about going back to work after OVER A YEAR. Why are they being paid??
Mrs Gus is a TEACHER and has been in class every single day since late AUGUST. NOT DEAD, NOT SICK, not being called a HERO. SHE IS TO ME.
She gets no benefits nor retirement. NONE ZERO.
She dresses appropriately, skirt or dress every day, and she loves the children.


Why do they have to pick a latino who is either evil or an idiot rhetorical question.



“Heroes work here.” Gag. That’s embarrassing for the employees. Terrible management there.

I am fed up and tired, but am working tomorrow - so I want to to say I love the debate, and am sorry I am not staying on to engage.

Aside - oldest came by for Friday night dinner. After dinner we played a game she suggested. We each wrote the names of famous (or locally famous) people on a sticky note and posted it on the person to the right. The we all had to ask a yes or no question about who we were. It was fun. My kids are geeky for the most part, so it worked for us.

jim nj


Study finds mask mandates, dining out influence virus spread

"Reopening restaurant dining was not followed by a significant increase in cases and deaths in the first 40 days after restrictions were lifted. But after that, there were increases of about 1 percentage point in the growth rate of cases and — later — 2 to 3 percentage points in the growth rate of deaths.

The delay could be because restaurants didn’t re-open immediately and because many customers may have been hesitant to dine in right after restrictions were lifted, Guy said."

That's really rather silly. That's like using restaurant openings as a proxy for all the other loosenings that would have happened at the same time.

I guess it's close enough for government work and handy to use to beat on governors who no longer trust the CDC.


Forgot to say, “Good night.” Love all of my online friends. 🙏🏻


Unemployment $350 per week roughly. $600 per week in extra "stimulus" benefits, makes the week of NOT WO^RKING $950. $49,400 per anum, TO NOT WORK.
Who would work when NOT WORKING pays far far more?
What kind of a POLITICIAN would approve of that??
Why would you get ONLY $350 per week in unemployment compensation, EXCEPT, when a CONTRIVED PLANNED-DEMIC and PHONY CRISIS OCCURRED?
Why would you NOT have been given this MAGICAL EXTRA 600 DOLLARS per WEEK, at any other time you became unemployed?? What kind of nonsensical HORSE SHIT is this, and what POLITICIAN would vote for it??


Narciso, 95% of Americans, are completely unaware of who and what FIDEL CASTRO was. Recently I posted a picture HERE, of the RANCID OBAMA, trying to hug RAOUL CASTRO, only to have CASTRO fend off the attempted touching and ridiculously inappropriate action by OBAMA.
We are reliving the BILLY BOOM BOOM AYERS era.
Ignorance is NOT BLISS.

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