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May 18, 2021


Manuel Transmission


Old Lurker

Hi Manny


So, the possibility that lies were told all along emerges like Michaelangelo's David from the marble...

Manuel Transmission

Ok, now to something a little different. Narc posted a link last night:


I follow this stuff fairly regularly, but never ran across this source before. This guy, Rogoway has a particular vantage point that is pretty thorough, but using a photographic metaphor, he’s zoomed in close to the things he’s familiar with and while acknowledging the potentially otherworldly stuff, leaves it in the ‘other’ pile like everyone else does.

I would hope the pending report due next month will bring more elements into focus. I’ve even tried to get closer to it by getting a write up under TuCa’s nose given his obvious interest in the subject.


It seems more likely doesnt it mt



I am interested in that stuff, too. The 60 Minutes interview with the two pilots was very compelling. I have followed news of UFO’s for years. I always wondered about Trump creating the Space Force and why.


Or han solo out of the carbonite


Did the UFOs direct the gain of function research to serve man*?

We need better questions than NYT can produce.

* yes, a cookbook. Does the spike protein add flavor?

Manuel Transmission

Does the spike protein add flavor?

Actually we are the wet market for those dudes hovering out there. ;-)

Dave (in MA)

I suspect that Trump's motives were to protect against space-based threats that might originate in places where they do other things like cook up new viral strains, for instance. I don't think he was worried about Mork.

Dave (in MA)

"Squad" hypocrisy? I'm shocked.

Cancel rent she said, unless she is the landlord. What a wretched phony. Hypocrite of the lowest order. #mapoli https://t.co/C4exrO7LFO

— Pundit Review (@PunditReview) May 18, 2021


Rocket surgeon


Very clever header, TM!
BTW, we still don't know who killed Chandra Levy. The guy charged with murder and convicted had his conviction reversed and the WaPo reports today that the 2 prosecutors are under investigation for failing to turn over exculpatory material and allowing their chief witness to commit perjury.

Dave (in MA)

Israeli cockpit video shows mission being scrubbed after children were seen https://t.co/YfkpNXDKjf pic.twitter.com/B2AIdsihl4

— New York Post (@nypost) May 18, 2021




Got two phone calls so missed the first hour of Bannon and will have to look for the replay.

He's currently doing a very interesting interview with the historical author Patrick O'Donnell who has a new book called "The Indispensables" about the men of Marblehead, Massachusetts who rowed Washington across the Delaware (at night, in ice floes and a raging northeaster).

They were mostly men who made their living fishing for cod from the Grand Banks. They had been harassed by British press gangs and England had cut off their livelihood through the Fisheries Act. Fascinating guy. The book got a rave review yesterday in the Wall Street Journal.


The Institute of World Politics has an interesting webinar:

Webinar: “Q” Lives: Spy Gadgets for Every Season with Mr. Robert W. Wallace, Thu, Jun 3, 2021, 12:00am - 12:00am



E tu byron



That long tranche about schuchet who stepped down after 'mission accomplished' shows her part in the hierarchy and her faucian record for category error.


Cut back on teh butter






That last is captain oveur or blinken doing a favor for nod (hamas fanboi malley)


Middle east eye is more street level aljazeera





Captain oveur is barely aware of this




Did you watch Laura? That’s probably what the space force guy was on - with his lawyer. I have a mind like a sieve. Worth seeing tho.


Malley who was chums with blinkem at the lycee in paris


Primary Day in Pennsylvania ..

The Fayette County Bureau of Elections has confirmed that precincts
across the county are having issues with machines not scanning bar codes
on all ballots, for both Republicans and Democrats.

Hutchison Elementary School, the polling location for South Union
Township's 3rd voting district, was among those having issues on Tuesday

Chris Varney, Judge of Elections says they were initially under the
impression that it was a problem with all ballots, but then determined
it was only a problem with Republican ballots.


Good afternoon! clarice and OL, how bad are the cicadas in your area? The daughter sent us a picture this morning. Yikes! It so happens we were visiting her the last time they emerged. She was living in Arlington at the time. 17 years seems like a lifetime ago!

fdcol63 🇺🇸

I’ll never trust the electoral system in this country again.

It’s all a sham.


Where the revolution once started



More Psaki on Trump administration: "We don't think they did anything constructive really to bring an end to the long term conflict in the Middle East."


That tridelt is very hard to take even in small doses


marlene, our windows are closed and I haven't been out for much so I haven't heard them.


I bet you hes down with the black bloc



Andrew Giuliani officially throws his hat in the ring for NY governor


narciso, the parliamentary system is awful for modern nations.


I dont doubt it


A five time felon was the chief witness against guandique who was very small fry


Then again they havent pretended to look for seth richs killer.

Dave (in MA)

Nanu, nanu.

'We don't know exactly what they are': Obama says UFO sightings appear real https://t.co/v5J41m3hp7 pic.twitter.com/frjMQzWrEI

— New York Post (@nypost) May 18, 2021


More like joseph regalbutos villanous guesr starring role



The earlier link was about larry krasner pbs's biggest star since ken burns


Dave (in MA)

Twitter headline: "Joel Greenberg, the former confidant of Matt Gaetz, pleads guilty to six federal crimes"

The crimes he's copping to involve making false sex-related crime accusations against politicians, just like he's doing to Gaetz, but mentioning that wouldn't help advance the narrative.


I was reading abput the supposed pretext of this engagement sheikh jarrah which hosts a very famous shrine of an israeli rabbi tzaddik (sic) its also where the international community hangs out, many comsulates and tony blair hangs out of at the shepherd hotel its not juden frei but not for lack of trying


Details here


Its all agreed you dont want jews moving in


Its named for saladins physician by the way


Andy Ngô

Last week the DC Metropolitan PD suffered a massive data leak after being hacked by a Russian-language syndicate. Among the leaks include law enforcement training on #antifa’s ideology and tactics. The material is surprisingly accurate. I’ll quote it here rather than screenshot:

DC MPD: "Antifa—the movement is a conglomeration of left-wing autonomous, militant anti-fascist groups in the United States. The principal feature of antifa groups is their use of direct action."

DC MPD: "They [antifa] engage in varied protest tactics, which include digital activism, property damage, physical violence, and harassment against those whom they identify as fascist, racist, or on the far-right."

DC MPD: "They [antifa] tend to be anti-capitalist & they are predominantly far-left & militant left, which includes anarchists, communists & socialists. Their stated focus is on fighting far-right & white supremacist ideologies directly, rather than through electoral means."

DC MPD : "This group by far is the most violent we have dealt with over the years."

DC MPD: "As you all are aware during the Inauguration of President Trump this was the group that destroyed property, assaulted any Trump supporter they ran into includ[ing] the elderly. They have no moral compass on who they go after."

This is the key conclusion in the internal DC Metropolitan Police training material on #antifa: "If you do not believe in what they [antifa] believe in, you are a target of violence."

Whoever compiled the report understands the most important things about antifa.

Dave (in MA)

I continue to find amusement in the fact that MSNBC runs "this is who we are" ads during Howie Carr and his offshoot Grace Curley's shows. Maybe their hope is to reach people who tune in trying to find something that they consider rayyssiss.


AndyNgo, they are so wrong. Antifa is only a theory. It doesn't actually exist. Ask any COMMIE, they'll tell you.


Darriynn Ronnell Brown DISCUSS.

matt - deplore me if you must

If these UFO's exist I would hope that if there have been multiple reports our government would have had some sort of telemetry to track and measure them.

It all sounds anecdotal, which is quite odd considering the pilots would be highly motivated to figure out wtf they are.

And Biden putting up with Tlaib's bullshit for 8 minutes simply indicates what a tool he is. She is point blank lying about Hamas' aggression and calling the Israelis war criminals with zero evidence. He should have shut her up within 30 seconds but being the limpdick weaselmouth he is he was more interested in appeasement.

Old Lurker

Just starting to emerge in Potomac, Marlene, but quiet so far. Since we were here 17 and 34 years ago, "we got this".

Dogs LOVE to eat them; our last vet said to collect them by the bag and freeze them for future treats.

matt - deplore me if you must

I'm sure there's a good market in Thailand for artisanal dried cicadas.

Dave (in MA)

That piece of Detroit garbage accused Biden of "taking orders from Netanyahu".


I'm sure there's a good market in Thailand for artisanal dried cicadas.

Wasn't there a movement recently trying to convince us to start eating insects? There are too many other tasty, healthy foods so I don't expect this to succeed.

Dave (in MA)

Charles Grodin croaked.

It's been quite a while since his talk show was on, but I seem to recall that he was Keith Olbermann before Keith Olbermann was Keith Olbermann.

matt - deplore me if you must

We already eat bugs; lobsters, crabs, shrimp. Not sure about sea slugs.


Matt. They are not real bugs.

Manuel Transmission

Matt, I generally don’t try to speculate on the true nature of the aliens, but from our sense of physics, an ability to time shift (somehow) would explain almost all the otherwise impossible behavior. So, from Occam’s pocketknife, it is just one impossible thing instead of multiple ones.

Dave (in MA)

If you pronounce Our First Woman Of Color Vice President's name the same way Our First Woman Of Color Vice President pronounced Our First Woman Of Color Vice President's name in Cleveland just before Our First Woman Of Color Vice President was elected, you're a racist, but


"Biden three times referred to “Rashid” Tlaib during his speech, using the masculine version of the Michigan Democrat’s name."


Petula Dvorak one of the WaPo's horrid women columnists asked why a tourist would carry bear spray to DC--Ngo's answer is on point.


Bank of America plans to raise its minimum wage for U.S. workers to $25 an hour by 2025

They are really anticipating one boatload of inflation


Dave, is the feminine form “Trashie”? Or was Xiden just not assuming xer gender?


Neo, by 2025 anything BOA can’t automate will be contracted offshore at pennies per day.


For example: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/biggest-reduction-history-wells-fargos-mayo-predicts-200000-banking-jobs-lost-over-next

Dave (in MA)

In Mush-head's defense, when you're looking at Captain Binghamton in a wig, it's not easy to remember that you're addressing a purported female.


Ugh its not even fit for fishwrap

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Captain Binghamton in a wig--

That's funny.
Do I detect also just a touch of Lieutenant Commander McHale?


You saw that murderers row that spencer chronicled didnt you matt,


Darriynn Ronnell Brown I wonder who that is???

Jim Eagle


I thought with crickets you first dip them in chocolate before freezing.


Does her husband need a bigger concession from Xi?


Pelosi calls for 'diplomatic boycott' of 2022 China Olympics on human rights grounds


In the talk section of the sheikh jarrah wiki they had memoryholed a seth frantzmam column where he pointe the predominantly jewish nature of the neighborhood


Yes, no diplomats. That'll stop the killings.

Jim Eagle


Another reason to support the Olympics in Beijing.


This was back in 2009, with seth seems to have forgotten about.


That’s something you don’t read every day:

“To be clear: First, the Israelis helped build up a militant strain of Palestinian political Islam, in the form of Hamas and its Muslim Brotherhood precursors; then, the Israelis switched tack and tried to bomb, besiege, and blockade it out of existence.”




I just call her “Kamela Sutra” and I never say it wrong.


Yes they thought sheikh yassins brand of scorpion would work better than arafat, that was a brief interval less than say our support of the mujahaddin


Or those syrian rebels we sent 500 million to, they ended up fighting in libya.

Dave (in MA)

Iggy@3:59, reminds me of that old standup comedian bit, "Hey look, it's Ernest Borgnine--oh, sorry lady".

matt - deplore me if you must

Aliens better be much better that the basketball blobs these jokers are coming up with. I mean we haven't even tried to communicate with them? Otherwise the whole SciFi industry is going to collapse.

Lasers, death rays, Close Encounters spaceships depositing the contents of the Bermuda Triangle, hot alien chicks...there are certain expectations to be met.

Old Lurker

Now Jim Eagle...

THAT is for people.

Chocolate is bad for dogs which as a good dog parent yourself, you know.

How ARE those dogs, BTW?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I'm guessing, since even we primitives are fielding drones, that any big eyed, big headed aliens would be sending un"manned" craft to zip about at 45,000 mph.
If they didn't how could their thin, pale, little necks stand the Gs?


They cant be farther than sirius, cettainly not zeta reticuli where the nostromo was whwn it approached acheron


Edwin Dorsey
Reporters should start looking at ties between Epstein and Silicon Valley leaders like Eric Schmidt.

Here's a short thread on Schmidt's ties to the Epstein network.




Are you making me add onto my wall chart?


Citizens, not subjects



I ran down to my sister's in between rainstorms (another here now) and we boxed up all of the stuff left over and took it to the Salvation Army, which has a drive-thru drop-off. I brought a few things home, but most went to charity.

Both of us agree that we are NOT going to have another one. The kids can deal with anything left when we're gone. HA!


Yeah this guy is not an honest broker



David Burge
Breaking News from The United States v A Lot Of Fucking Short-Bus People

The Daily Beast @thedailybeast
The attorney for “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley says that his client and other accused rioters were uniquely vulnerable to being misled by Trump’s lies. “A lot of these defendants… they’re all fucking short-bus people,” Albert Watkins said. trib.al/ciB0mEv




The discussion by the author this morning on Bannon's show included press gangs, which were really horrific.

Because the Royal Navy sailors had a hard and dangerous life, they didn't have many recruits. So, they would send boats ashore and drag men from the streets and even out of their homes and onto the ships. There was no recourse, and most never saw their homes again.

When you read about this, coupled with how their homes could be entered with no warrant or subpoena, it makes the Bill of Rights easier to understand and more important than a lot of Americans realize.



Instead of a new string and thumbtack, put one envelope at the end and label it "CA/SV".



HA! Honestly, there are days I wish the San Andreas would give that area a severe jolt.

Dave (in MA)

The rent-a-riot sponsors will have to win the next 2 consecutive autopsies.

Medical examiner rules Hopkinton teen's death a suicide https://t.co/OmbkZcmpnJ

— WCVB-TV Boston (@WCVB) May 18, 2021


Hey Clarice! You are on Instapudit!


Thanks, Jane.




Jim Eagle


Beagles doing fine. Lots of energy, of course. Thanks for asking.




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