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May 03, 2021




I was on a webinar with Jackson within last month. Perhaps she left to pursue her tendency to find systemic racism in EVERY situation.

Had a tornado touch down earlier in DT ATL. Hopefully no damage done. Things have now calmed down.


Bulk resignations do NOT happen here. There's always a system in place to properly fill voids, but not in threes. Must be another reason.


Noam Blum 🦉
"It's not about the facts of history" is the most accurate thing she's said about the 1619 Project.

Tom Elliott @tomselliott
1619 Project creator @nhannahjones on efforts to ban making it part of school curriculums: “This is fundamentally a free speech issue … It’s not about the facts of history. It’s about trying to prohibit the teaching of ideas that they don’t like."



No herd here, but one next door. Fine group of cows.


Pneu, Melinda?

What, you think everyone speaks French?


Herd disarm silence while free those who destroyed cities and purge their records


Like say haklyut or fusion



Another reminder



CNN NationalSecurity @NatSecCNN
The Biden admin is considering using outside firms to track extremist chatter by Americans online, an effort that would expand the govts ability to gather intel but could draw criticism over surveillance of citizens. @ZcohenCNN & @KatieBoWillCNN report

I suppose the outside groups will do this work for DHS out of the generosity of their kindly souls. I a pig's eye.
If DHS pays for it. It is the federal government doing the surveillance.


who the F#@$ is the NEW YORK SLIMES
Here is your money shot of bullshit.

and there is widespread consensus among scientists and public health experts that the herd immunity threshold is not attainable

Utter nonsense. All the VIEWS that's shit to print.

Manuel Transmission

Glancing at that graph, it is either totally made up, or there is a lot of disconnect relative to the nominal red/blue counties.


and there is widespread consensus among scientists and public health experts that the herd immunity threshold is not attainable

I read somewhere that the 1918 Spanish flu virus is still circulating. But of course no one gets sick from it anymore, which is the point.


"The Costs Are Up, Up, Up. We're Seeing Substantial Inflation" Admits A Surprised Warren Buffett As Powell, Yellen See Nothing

Yelled is deaf and dumb in both eyes





No mean tweets though



Meanwhile we treat our good ally india,


Like trasg


The msms meme is that fundamentalist Republicans are avoiding the innoculations--Look at the map though.LOL


Lipsitch has been a professional idiot all through this cycle.


Weve seen this movie before


Manuel Transmission

Following up on last night’s discussion of public ejamacation, I actually did an independent study in 8th grade US history class on the Homestead Act. (Can you imagine that today?) As the surveyors worked their way west, they laid out the flat country in 6 x 6 mile townships producing 36 sections of land to help settlers lay their claims. Sections 16 (and later) 36 were reserved for schools.

As I mentioned in my AT piece, I spent a couple years attending a one room school at the edge of our ranch. It was built around the turn of the 20th century and a neighbor who had three sons attend there (two when I was there) was a student there himself shortly after it was built. Mrs Belter lived in the teacher’s cabin with her husband and that was the extent of the overhead to teach all the kids in that part of the county. The last time we drove through there about a decade ago, we saw they had moved the school house to our old ranch next to the main house and converted it to a bunkhouse.


That couldnt go wrong



Once you break trust, its very hard to recover


Dave (in MA)
    Glancing at that graph, it is either totally made up, or there is a lot of disconnect relative to the nominal red/blue counties.
But it's from the infallible New York Times.

As taranto pointed out, no one at the times read their own copy.


I imagine its much the same for the bezos post.


Yes that was necessary



The New York slime, is not reputable, unless you are retarded. Why would MAGUIRE quote such horse shit??

Oh, now I remember/


AFP News Agency
US drug companies face hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for fomenting opioid addiction as a trial opened in West Virginia, one of the states most devastated by the epidemic u.afp.com/UWBE



In a cached pbs frontline snippet raves about oxycontin


Frank luntz


Three-time Indy 500 winner Bobby Unser dies at 87


Interactive map on your political bubble:


From here:
The Gormogons
CZ It's interesting that Democrats live in bubbles 2:1 over Republicans (38% to 19%). Based on social media, that's not surprising.

The Gormogons @Gormogons
GP I'm having fun with this:

Where Mom grew up: "You live in a Democratic bubble. Only 2 percent of your neighbors are Republicans."

Where Dad grew up: "You live in a Democratic bubble. Only 21 percent of your neighbors are Republicans."




Leaders Should Shut Up or Make Sense


Inductivist (same at Gab and Parler)
Barnes: According to Census data, there were 154 million votes in 2020, but the official ballot count is 159 million.

Robert Barnes @barnes_law
Barnes and Baris Episode 31: What Are the Odds? youtu.be/PuIsyee_0c4 via @YouTube



Inside the secret briefing from a top Australian military general as he warned troops of an all-out WAR with China - saying conflict is 'highly likely'

- Australia on verge of an 'all-out war' with China as boiling tensions keep rising
- A special forces general warned troops in a secret briefing about impeding war
- Major-General Adam Findlay said there was a 'high likelihood' of a hot conflict
- Government's China expert urged Australia to form treaty to combat attack



Ain't that a coincidence, a delegation flies in from Kyiv for meetings at the WH on Jan. 19, 2016...

Interesting @jsolomonReports email just released. Cc: @AndriyUkraineTe justice.gov/oip/available-…


Jack Lillywhite

Interesting: Southampton (where I grew up and still have a home) is mostly blue but with a sizeable red population. Probably 60-40.\

But here in The Hammock, FL it is the reverse and more like 30-70 (GOP over the Dems).

In Southampton, our Congressman is Lee Zeldin, a conservative and thanks to the majority of voters in District 1 being on the west side of the Shinnecock Canal he gets elected overwhelmingly. So, in the Hamptons (Billionaire Row) there are a majority Dems or Liberals or Leftists.

Whatever happened to that canard that the GOP is the party of the rich?

Jack Lillywhite

I don't think the ChiComs have ever watched an Aussie Rules football game:)


There was a story the other day ..
The Democrats are now the party of the rich.



So true. Shame they took Aussie guns. I bet a lot of them regret that decision.


"That's probably my fault," says Joe Biden after a student's plexiglass frame crashes off a desk.

The president walked by the desk earlier.


Daughter still believes the fire extinguisher story.😡


Curtis Houck
Starting to think Glenn has a problem with Black people if they're conservative

Glenn Kessler @GlennKesslerWP
Justice Clarence Thomas, Long Silent, Has Turned Talkative nytimes.com/2021/05/03/us/…


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

How did Lucianne Goldberg raise such an infantile dick?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Daughter still believes the fire extinguisher story.😡--

Has she seen the seen the DC ME's report and doesn't believe it or has she just not seen it?


clownworld -CIA Recruitment Ad Ridiculed For Overdosing on ‘Woke’ Talking Points

"The promo went viral on Twitter, racking up almost a million views, prompting ‘The CIA’ to start trending.

In the video, a Hispanic woman regurgitates glib social justice mantras, explaining how she is a “daughter of immigrants” while bragging about being “perfectly made.”

“I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder,” she states..."



It's official.
Verizon sells Yahoo and AOL for $5 billion



If Oz enters a war with China, I wonder which side Biden will be on.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

We sleep safe in our beds because cisgendered Hispanic millennial women with general anxiety disorder stand ready in the night to visit a panic attack on those who would do us harm



She hasn't seen it. When I tried to explain how the rumors became stories, she got mad. I told her to look it up.

It's Twitter and sites like the Daily Beast, coupled with Facebook. She thinks she is informed' but she isn't.


The Aussies have been in a terse standoff with the Chinese even before COVID but it as ticked up since COVID.
Our brain dead media ill services us as far as international news, unless it makes their benefactors look good.


But daily vaccination rates are slipping, and there is widespread consensus among scientists and public health experts that the herd immunity threshold is not attainable — at least not in the foreseeable future, and perhaps not ever.

You know, I might discount that if the previous predictions from scientists and public health experts hadn't been so amazingly accurate.


Emerald Robinson ✝️
From the leaked CCP database:

Qualcomm: 133 employees are China Communist Party members.

New York University: 71 employees are CCP.

Pfizer: 69 employees are CCP.

Boeing: 252 employees are CCP.

US consulate in Shanghai : 3 employees are CCP.





BREAKING: ‘Security incident’ regarding 'intruder' reported at CIA Headquarters in Virginia - https://breaking911.com/breaking-secur


matt - deplore me if you must

So we are at 32.5 million confirmed cases, an unknown multiple of that in unconfirmed cases and 20 million vaccinated as of today and Covid has been dropping like a rock in most states.

So what defines herd immunity then? Exposure cannot be measured.

Many states are re-opening now, so I guess my guess is as good as anyone's. All of those mass casualty events weren't.

Ig, that last comment is classic.


It will be fine



So what defines herd immunity then?


Perhaps "immunity" can be defined, in part, as the point beyond which the citizenry will refuse to comply with restrictions or be impacted by fear mongering. Throughout this ordeal, we've been bombarded with conflicting information and predictions of doom. To be sure, the effects of COVID have been deadly among certain segments of the population, but the government, the Faucis and the Gateses of the world cannot maintain their control and shutdowns much longer. At least, I hope not.

They'll probably come up with something else, perhaps something worse as people from around the globe – like Asia and India – enter the country to buy up property. They are bent on the destruction of America, and the Biden administration is fully on board.



Dave (in MA)

Oh fuck off https://t.co/2hMwtFex7y

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 3, 2021
Dave (in MA)
    It's official. Verizon sells Yahoo and AOL for $5 billion
I wonder what it means for verizon.net e-mail addresses who got foisted off to aol.com a few years back when Verizon decided that they didn't want to administer e-mail hosting anymore?

#BREAKING: Bill and Melinda Gates announce end of marriage after 27 years wgntv.com/news/bill-and-…


Dave (in MA)

One suspects that perhaps some pertinent details were omitted.

Dave (in MA)

Posted by: Melinda | May 03, 2021 at 04:43 PM



“You guys really think your AR-15’s can go up against F35’s?”

Dave (in MA)

"We ask for space and privacy for our family as we begin to navigate this new life."

Hey Bill,
You won't leave us alone, so why should we leave you alone? Blow it out your ass.

Dave (in MA)

Howie Carr is "paging John Kerry" regarding the sudden availability of Melinda Gates.


You know what they say: “Buy a comic movie villain plot device and give it to a woman you hate.”:

Bill and Melinda Gates announce they are getting divorced trib.al/h5D7l6E


James D.


Would I be a terrible person if I thought that the country might be better off if the Iranians did manage to successfully attack the Capitol?

Dave (in MA)

One of the things mentioned in the "quick check of the stories" in the superficial minute long at the most "News" spot at the top of the hour on Howie Carr's flagship station was that someone yelled an anti-Asian slur at some Asian people near Tufts University. So I guess it's a slow news day.


well, the important news per the NY Post is they will continue wrking together on their idiotic Foundation.

Dave (in MA)

Just as long as they don't put their feet up on the desks, James D.


Boris Ephsteyn on Bannon's evening show is saying that the donor class is now dumping Cheney and McCarthy and Scalise realize she is becoming a total liability to the caucus.

Boris says that he expects a vote fairly quickly.


I can understand Collins and Murkowski because they are really stupid, but Liz Cheney's nonsense is inexplicable.

Dave (in MA)

Nose Ring took down @IlDonaldoTrumpo.

In comes @DonDeTrumpo...


I can understand Collins and Murkowski because they are really stupid, but Liz Cheney's nonsense is inexplicable.

Shipwreckedcrew offers this explanation, which seems to at least explain some of it:

Explaining Liz Cheney: Donald Trump to a flamethrower to the GOP establishment during the 2016 election. He rolled over the top of a field of 15 establishment candidates, and he did so by attacking the Bush-Cheney-McCain foundation of the party.
She's made it "him" or "us".

Trump was very critical of Bush's and Cheney's foreign policy, and sometimes quite personally. People often find it easier to brush of criticism of themselves than criticism of their family members.



Howie’s nails it!


Sean Davis makes an interesting point about how it may be her only chance to keep her House seat:

Liz Cheney is going out of her way to cuddle up to Biden and attack conservatives because getting Wyoming Democrats to support her in a crowded OPEN primary is her only chance of political survival. She’s a more warmongery version of Lisa Murkowski.


Lix is not in the same position as nitwit Meghan McCain and and I think she's ending her political career.




What could go wrong?

Stare Decisis
Richard Cordray, the former chief of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has been named head of the federal student-loan program wsj.com/articles/richa…



J.E. Dyer
This is how it has to be done.

You don't get in a tail-chase of labeling yourself "anti-" x, y, or z, as someone else defines them.

You take the language and the definitions back.

Jim Hanson 🇺🇸 @JimHansonDC
An outstanding rationale for Based
As the description of our movement

We will not be moved by or share in their lies
We will not be moved by their smears
We are anchored in reality
We are #BASED twitter.com/ConceptualJame…




Melinda. There is NO SUCH THING as a TRANSEXUAL.


Cheney can eat s@#$ and die.


First real hot day in Florida this year. I’m usually outside most of the day, but spent 3 or 4 hours inside today. Pretty soon I’ll have to do housework. High of 92 today, but it was a hot 92.


As I understood it from one of Trump's people, (long time ago so sorry if my memory is faulty) back during the first 2 years of his administration, Trump went out to Andrews as often as he could to be present when bodies of KIA service members were brought in. He also often welcomed families of KIA to the White House.

He was one of the very few celebrity types who did NOT back going into Afghanistan and Iraq. (This was why a lot of people back in those days thought he was a liberal.)

He sees those deaths as real people who left grieving families behind, and he saw it as an unnecessary sacrifice. Furthermore, when there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and when he learned that a lot of the defense policy was based on lobbying from the defense industry, he got really ticked off.

For him, it IS personal on behalf of those families, and why Liz Cheney continues to go after him leads me to believe that she benefited from donations too, probably some illegal as well as whatever her father got.

I also think she doesn't understand that the GOP has changed.





Car crash on a bridge at a bridge in Ocean City, Maryland. Infant ejected into the bay, saved by good Samaritan.

jim nj


Better than nothing, but not as much as I had hoped for. It's a coordinated move with NY and CT issuing similar relaxations.


Good evening. I drove to Bangor today to bring stuff to Goodwill and the Humane Society. Bangor is mask hell. I had to laugh, because I went to the local natural food store to get some vitamins and essential oils. That store is owned by old hippies. There was a huge sign on the door..."Please Wear A Mask." When did the hippies become Karens?


MM2. I believe the KIA came in through Dover AFB, in Delaware.



Who fled Golden State? It wasn’t the rich people

by George Skelton


"…56% [of new residents] were from Asia, more than double the 27% from Latin America.

'Immigrants from India are the fastest-growing and most educated group in California,' the PPIC report read."

jim nj


Biden’s plan proposes to nearly double the top tax rate on capital gains and eliminate a tax benefit on appreciated assets known as the “step-up in basis.”
The combined tax rate would be the highest in nearly a century, according to the tax policy research group.

Jack Lillywhite

Davod is right. Dover is the terminus of all military deaths in combat or security.


“You guys really think your AR-15’s can go up against F35’s?”

Depends on whether you have the S400 attachment.

jim nj


Stage is set for £16m facelift that will give gladiator’s-eye view of the Colosseum

Italy on Sunday approved plans for a new high-tech, lightweight arena inside Rome’s Colosseum, setting the stage for cultural events to once again be held in the iconic and beloved wonder of the world.

“This is one more step toward the reconstruction of the arena”, said Dario Franceschini, the Italian culture minister, in a press conference announcing the €18.5 million (£16 million) contract to build and install a unique, retractable wooden structure.


Headline on Twitchy:

"Free beer! Gov. Phil Murphy launches the state’s ‘Shot and a Beer’ program to encourage vaccinations"

In the 70s, in Darwin, you had the option of getting a can of beer after donating blood. They didn't give away many sodas. Darwin was that sort of city.


Thanks for correcting me, guys.

Meanwhile, police north of me (2 cars, lights flashing, blocking the intersection). I went out to see what is going o and the gal cattycornered across the street wiith a 3-year old little gurl in tow came over and told me that a guy had been sopping in front of her house when she was outside and tking pitures of her and her daughter.

The first time she thought it was someone from one of the "we will buy your house" types but after several more times she asked her husband (who is a restaurant worker so gone long hours) what to do, and he told her to call police the next time he showed up. I guess he did today so she called and they came right way and caught him. They are still questioning him so we will see what happens.

I thanked her and made sure all the doors are locked, needless to say.


No-one is eating the birdseed! No wonder, the raptor has arrived and is looking at me. Now it dived off the branch.


Driving into the store today I listed to a local talk radio show. The chatter concerned articles in the Boston Globe and Boston Herald regarding how the entire planet plans on vacationing here this summer. But there are no inexpensive rentals for seasonal employees. One big resort tried to steal other small restaurants’ employees by offering a signing bonus and an end of season bonus. The head of the local COC is quoted as saying visitors must be patient this summer! And the host went off on Rep. Keating, saying if the feds stopped paying people to stay home then maybe small businesses could find the help they need.

So imagine my surprise when I greeted a customer, and then I realized it was Rep. Keating. When he approached the counter, I said, “Mr. Keating, what can we do for you?” Good thing I had my bandana up, because it took all I had to keep it business-like. He wasn’t there long, and before he left he said, “Well I figured you would still be very busy, and you are.” I replied, “Yes we are, and we are all exhausted.”

You all know what I really wanted to say! I believe he is completely clueless.

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