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June 10, 2021



Government Employee Ethics 101


PA's highest and second highest paid public employees double (or triple?) dipping from taxpayers pockets.



Yes miss marple the zetas recruit from the toughest guatemalan paratroopers the kaibiles


“Narrative vs reality” conveniently avoids the fact of a violent mob occupying Lafayette Square, pulling down statues, throwing bricks at law enforcement, etc. the Park Police could have machine gunned that mob without complaint from me.



This is great!


The phrase "willful disbelief" comes to mind, all over again.


Bannon was on fire second hour showing Wray being questioned by Matt Gaetz. Wray must have taken lessons from Fauci on dodging and obfuscation.

I did NOT know that an FBI agent flew from Los Angeles to New York to meet that lady Wuhan lab defector scientist and confiscated her phone. Gaetz had a copy of the receipt the agent gave her. This was early in 2020.

The phone apparently had all sorts of info and is part of the usual “ongoing investigation” which they use to bury things. Bannon wants to know if Wray told anyone the info and if so, who.


Greenblatt a Trump appointee? Per Greenwald:

Greenblatt has been around Washington for a long time, occupying numerous key positions in the Obama administration, including investigative counsel at the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General and Assistant Inspector General for Investigations at Obama's Commerce Department."

So much for that.


I remember the press going on and on about the Bible. Just another rxample of coordinated trashing of Trump. I wonder if they think they are going To be awarded Hero of the People awards from the CCP.


Bibles flags crosses, all things progs recoil from.


By the way, TM, I am NOT surprised President Trump walked over to the church. He was furious at the Antifa rioters and wanted to make it plain that he wasnt going to tolerate it. I am sure the Secret Service tried to dissuade him and he overruled them, just like he stopped his motorcade in LA in 2016 and walked up the embankment to cross the highway and enter the arena through the back door.



Baltimore has a higher murder rate than Guatemala an Honduras.

Tell the camel.


Re that hot take


Using the powers voters awarded them last month, the Pennsylvania state Legislature’s Republican majorities brought a sudden end Thursday to Gov. Tom Wolf’s pandemic disaster declarations.

Resolutions to formally close the 16-month state of emergency passed on mostly party line votes first by a 30-20 margin in the Senate, and later in the House, 121-81.


"If you believe inflation is only 4% i have a bridge to sell you"

Better buy it quickly. Otherwise, the price will increase.


" Wray must have taken lessons from Fauci on dodging and obfuscation."

Wray was doing this Year's before Fauci's pandemic appearances.



I hadnt seen any Wray testimony since his confirmation. You are probably right.

Think we need to check the Cheez Whiz index!

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

The Hill
JUST IN: Sen. Mitt Romney, who is negotiating within a bipartisan group of 10 senators, says he and his colleagues have reached a tentative deal on the size of an infrastructure package and how to pay for it.






I did not authorize that asshat to negotiate with the dems, and I am sure you didnt either. (Or anyone else here for that matter.)

I wish Utah would recall him.


Where are the trapdoorz when you need them,


Somebody should have asked Wray how much manpower they diverted to finding Lady Gaga’s bulldogs.

Jim Eagle

My friend, the ex-AD at West Point and retired Army has a Bulldog named Tank:) Severe underbite, but fun to look at when out for his walks.


Yorkie vs. bear: Tiny dog hilariously chases off cub https://t.co/KQpnA8LyUR pic.twitter.com/C45GYO0Ocj

— New York Post (@nypost) June 10, 2021

Video at link.


I wish Utah would recall him.

Nice as it would be to have Romney recalled, there's nothing in the Constitution that allows it, so it can't be done.

Jim Eagle


If my lady Beagle confronted him he climb in record time. In fact, she has even scared off a 'Gator which tried to crawl into our fenced in yard through and open gate:)

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

Our male yorkie will get up on tippy toes and challenge anything bigger than he.

He doesn't take to people other than family, but he has adopted Jane. He LOVES her.


MJW. Is it the US Constitution, or Utah law which governs the removal of a senator?


Jane. What brand of doggie treats do you carry with you?



Kiwi died so I don’t carry any.

Jim Eagle


For me it's the Blue Buffalo ones.


Back when senators were appointed by the state, my recollection is they could be recalled by the state which contributed to them keeping the interests of their state in the forefront of their minds. I'm not sure how it works now that they are elected (and clearly I haven't taken a moment to find out...).

Dave (in MA)

There, there, TM.

Jim Eagle

I wonder if TM would be as outraged and incessened if BHO did the simple act of walking through a park. Get real. POTUS doesn't have the same rights as protestors?

Well, we know one thing, BHO wouldn't be holding a bible, maybe a Koran, if he did the same thing.

Really, reaching for the Whale shit, TM.


Jane. I am so sorry that I forgot Kiwi died.


No sweat Davod. I don’t think I carried treats when she was alive either.


What made me squirm after the walk was


What made me squirm after Trump's visit to the church was General Milley's apology for taking part in the walk from the White House to the Church.

Who is he to ascribe motive for Trump's visit to the church?


The very fact that he thought better of going along on the visit says something about his view of civilian control of the


My Davod | June 10, 2021 at 04:12 PM
should read:

The very fact that he thought better of going along on the visit says something about his view of civilian control of the military.


How do you say “it was worth it” in French?


French man gets 4-month prison sentence for slapping Macron

Jim Eagle


Thinking about making a Picadillo? Any thoughts?

Jim Eagle


Milley is the poster boy of the feminazation of our military, enough said.

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

ça valait le coup!

Dave (in MA)

The Federalist@FDRLST
After Pleasuring Himself During A Zoom Meeting On The 2020 Election, Jeffrey Toobin Is Back On The Air At CNN

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

TM seems to be suffering a bit of cognitive dissonance as pretty much every Narrative he got suckered into using to justify supporting a carrot like Biden is turning out to be abjectly and objectively false.
The truth will...well, you know.

matt - deplore me if you must

That was fast. Don't we have alleged rioters who have been in solitary for 6 months without trial?

Most of the Antifas and BLM's arrested have been catch and release, while NYC judges are releasing murderers to walk the streets.


JimEagle - surely feminization should be a banned word.


And his predecessor general dunford is on the board of lockheed enough said

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

I logged into the Hooters site to see what new changes to the menu are there and it insists that I am located in St Thomas. I wish!!!

New menu item... bacon wrapped wings. Naked, Fried then finished on the smoker with the Daytona Beach sauce. Umm Yum!

matt - deplore me if you must

Well they are all a bunch of wankers at CNN. We know that.

3 of 57 U.S. Army Brigades are currently combat ready. Think about that. Biden has run down the milir=tary in record time. The Obama sycophants and Iraq/Afghanistan prevaricators are now at the top of the food chain. Austin is a disgrace.

The good news is that the B-21 prototypes are ready to fly but will be in ground testing until next year. That is record time.


Sounds good Stephanie!


Matt. The Army is also taking a hit in the Biden budget. Which is bad news, even if you only take into account that the USMC is going to rely on the army to provide armor support in the future.


"3 of 57 U.S. Army Brigades are currently combat ready."

I hope this means that 54 Brigadiers got the chop.


I linked the tale of that commander in ft. Carson colorado. Who is as snowflake as the day is long

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Too funny;
Turks irked as Ancestry.com reveals the truth; most of them are Greeks.


Commies gotta commie



Hes a farkin liar next question


Like this:



MJW. Is it the US Constitution, or Utah law which governs the removal of a senator?

It's up to the US Constitution. The relevant SCOTUS case is U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton.

The case concerned a much closer issue: Whether states could impose term limits for members of congress. In a 5-4 decision, the supreme court said they could not. The court held that states could not impose qualifications beyond those in the Constitution.

Certainly if states can't impose additional qualifications on candidates for congress, they can't add a removal mechanism not in the Constitution.

Though Thomas and three others dissented, they agreed that states could not recall Congressmen and Senators:

As the majority stresses, some delegates to the Philadelphia Convention did argue that leaving congressional compensation up to the various States would give Members of Congress "an improper dependence" upon the States. Id., at 216 (remarks of James Madison); ante, at 30-31. These delegates presumably did not want state legislatures to be able to tell the members of Congress from their State, "Vote against Bill A or we will slash your salary"; such a power would approximate a power of recall, which the Framers denied to the States when they specified the terms of Members of Congress.

Turks irked as Ancestry.com reveals the truth; most of them are Greeks.

I hope they go check the "Palestinians" next. They'll all be indistinguishable from Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians.


Yes they are bedouin some even albanian, its like saudis can be turks syrians or others


Jimmyk. Christians all.


He DID mention TRANNIES. There is no such thing as a transexual. You cannot change your sex/gender. Yet we still play the game to V.S.

Virtue Signal.


New York Post
Mom who survived Mao's China calls critical race theory America's Cultural Revolution https://trib.al/OyWFuAG



I would like to know if anyone has heard anything about this. All I know is that she's a big pal of Kasich and DeWine, which disqualifies her in my opinion.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

He DID mention TRANNIES.--

We went from 'don't ask, don't tell' to 'don't ask, you don't want to know' in the space of 20 years.
And there is not a sane person alive who denies that dumbshit craziness has made it less likely we will win the next war, which once upon a much less virtuous time is what the War Department was incongruously primarily interested in.


Apparently the media has decided that they want to be the Eloi, while all of us dumb knuckledraggers can go live like the Morlocks underground.


Now this is a sandwich:



Why the United States Revoked Hundreds of Medals of Honor




This is an excellent essay describing the pandemic as not only a physical illness but a sort of malaise, affecting people both mentally and spiritually.


The eloi were food for the morlocks like those insect creatures on carillon


BREAKING: Labour Party member comments “At least Trump was attentive,” says Biden can’t keep up with G7 events or follow note cards, per WH official to @HumanEvents



Was that just in the movie? I don't seem to remember that from my Classics Illustrated comic book. LOL!

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

Sharyl Attkisson:

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) has sent a letter to the U.S. Capitol Police asking how and why a key door to the Capitol that was initially locked, became unlocked, allowing hundreds of unauthorized people to enter the Capitol on January 6.

According to the letter, Johnson and his staff have reviewed security camera videotape showing the following timeline of events on the day of the pro-Trump rally and subsequent rioting at the Capitol building, despite Trump's calls for peace:

At approximately 2:26 p.m.: an unauthorized man inside the Capitol tried to open one of the upper west terrace double doors to exit the building by pushing the door’s crash bar.
The door did not open and the man turned around and walked back through the hallway and away from the doors.
At 2:33 p.m., five unauthorized people walked down the same hallway, past a police officer who appeared to gesture toward the doors.
This time, when one of the individuals pushed the door's crash bar, it opened.
All five people exited the building, leaving the door ajar for a moment allowing people from outside to gain entry.
At 2:34 p.m., the police officer near the door walked away from the door out of the view of the security camera.
At 2:35 p.m., five police officers not wearing riot gear or protective equipment came to the doorway and blocked people from continuing to enter.
Four unauthorized people pushed past the officers and a surge entered the building.
The police officers did not appear to take action to stop or block people for several minutes.
At 2:40 p.m., the five police officers came back to the door and stopped the surge of people from entering, and appeared to be talking with some of them.
At 2:44 p.m., around the time Ashli Babbitt was shot inside by a Capitol Police officer, one of the five police at the exterior door looked over his shoulder toward the interior of the Capitol building, appeared to speak to a colleague, and then the group slowly retreated from the doorway allowing a surge of people to enter.
At 2:47 p.m. law enforcement closed the doors.

Johnson is posing a series of questions to Acting Police Chief Yogananda Pittman.


Catturd ™
Score yet another win for the .. “Conspiracy theorists.”

and yet another loss for fact checkers and social media.
· 38m
BREAKING: CDC to hold an "emergency meeting" on "higher-than-expected" cases of heart inflammation following COVID-19 vaccination - CBS



Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Does anyone need a truckload of horse shit?
The Economic Costs of Climate Change.


It's in Wells' novel; our narrator down in the Morlocks' enormous underground lair comes upon the remains of a monstrous feast with large red limbs still there--it's clear these are Eloi bodies. What I am not remembering if these have been cooked--I think not, since Wells would probably have intuited that central anthropological divide Levi-Strauss writes about between animals and humans, "the raw and the cooked."


They dont end well



Who has a name like “yoganada”?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

We had the exact same thought Jane.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

President Joseph Biden;
'If You Don't Use The N-Word, You Ain't My Son!'


Raysiss don’t pay… per courts. This one is for farm aid for BLM, whites need not apply.


"A temporary restraining order was handed down Thursday afternoon by Judge William Griesbach of Wisconsin's Eastern District, in response to a lawsuit filed by the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty in April."





Tough love for Times readers: democracy requires rules as well as aspirations. Republican concerns about 'ballot harvesting' are legitimate.

Senator Joe Manchin Has a Point



A first name as well.

"Fun Facts about the name Yoganada

How unique is the name Yoganada?
Out of 6,122,890 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Yoganada was not present. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year."

jim nj


Booming Tax Collections Leave NJ $10.1B Surplus

New Jersey will carry a $10.1 billion surplus into the new fiscal year that starts July 1, a stark turnaround from last year when Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy sought to borrow almost $10 billion because of a revenue downturn.

WTF? You can buy a lot of votes with that kind of money.

jim nj


China arrests over 1,100 suspects in crackdown on crypto-related money laundering

The Chinese crypto-crackdown continues.


The slush fund had nothing to do with that im sure

jim nj


A mountain of dollars on deposit in China has grown so large that banks are struggling to loan the currency and traders say it poses a risk to official efforts to control a fast-rising yuan.

This may be what that cryptic Zerohedge article was referring to earlier this week.

You can't earn money on US Dollars you can't lend.



Thanks! As I said, I only read the Classics Illustrated version, which I assume was sanitized for younger readers.

Isn't it funny after all these years I still remember those names? I also seem to remember that the original "Journey to the Center of the Earth" had a map drawn by Arne Saknussen. LOL!




jim nj


China Regulator Orders Large Insurers, Banks to Prepare ‘Living Wills’ to Handle Risks

"The regulator added that eligible financial institutions should first make use of their own assets and ask for help from their own shareholders before turning to the government for support when running into trouble."


I am heading to bed.

Good night, all!


Carried over:






If course they did



Floor wax dessert topping



But of course



A refresher


O really


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