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August 12, 2021



the 25,000 dead will certainly appreciate that, was was $20.00 per his book contract,


the same crazy theory that was acceptable to hbo six months before, and didn't ring false to frontline a month before the election, now it's all kosher,


yet a similar arrangement is fine for company reports on the khashoggi kerfluffle



Groveling to China, to the Saudis, tut tutting Putin, while pocketing checks from his state sysgy, that's a good look,


Totes fine



ah that grift and wrecking crew bill



whats in your wallet





the people that gave sanctuary to bin laden



where did they find this mook


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Why can't people understand that when you make claims you can't back up you not only undermine your credibility about the claims you make that are true but you hand your enemies a cudgel to delegitimize your legitimate claims?
I applaud those people trying to understand what really occurred. But those good intentions aren't a cover for claiming things are what they aren't or that they can prove something they can't.

Feynman again -
The first principle is you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.


like the 50 intelligence experts that deemed hunter a victim of dezinforma, like james comey, john brennan, or any of that crew, even the fabled curveball rafi alwan, who was a bnd asset, sued and continued to be paid for his work,


it's only a matter of which Trust a party represents, we know how Lawfare works, there are certain names you can't mention, certain protocols you can't speak of,


moar global warming please



it's totes fine





better link:https://babylonbee.com/news/justin-trudeau-dresses-up-as-a-saudi-sheik-to-try-and-get-biden-to-approve-his-pipeline


as I was saying about mccarry, he had a pitch perfect view of what '70 washington and co, were and would become, the outfit which becomes the fis, is the swamp made real, (he was only off in thinking beirut would stay aligned with the west)


my informed guess is that the alsops who rotated between government and media, were the basis for the christophers with a touch of the bundy clan


down with the old boss...




Let's guess the next futile dem gesture.


they lost back in 2003 as well



Hey Maguire, how's Biden working out for you??


it's much stranger then mad max



From TM's Washington Post link.

Kurt Olsen, a lawyer on Mr. Lindell’s team said there were multiple sources of the data that Mr. Lindell claims to have, and did not confirm that Mr. Mongtomery was the source of the data. He also clarified that the $5 million challenge has not been canceled and that Mr. Merritt would not be privy to that information.

The source for this story, Dennis Montgomery is a conman with a storied past.

The far-left Daily Beast knew a lot about Montgomery already on November 9th and reported on Montgomery to debunk the entire election fraud narrative:

The election fraud claims center on Dennis Montgomery, a former intelligence contractor and self-proclaimed whistleblower who claims to have created the “Hammer” supercomputer and the “Scorecard” software some Trump fans believe was used to change the votes…

…What Trump allies tend to leave out, however, is that Montgomery has a long history of making outlandish claims that fail to come true. As an intelligence contractor at the height of the War on Terror, Montgomery was behind what’s been called “one of the most elaborate and dangerous hoaxes in American history,” churning out allegedly fictitious data that once prompted the Bush administration to consider shooting down airplanes…

…As of 2011, Montgomery was fighting Nevada charges for writing bad checks worth $1.8 million at casinos. The Daily Beast was unable to determine the ultimate disposition of those charges…

…Montgomery resurfaced in 2013, as a “confidential informant” for controversial Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Montgomery reportedly swindled good Sheriff Joe Arpaio out of more than $100,000.



We're surrounded by official lies, like frisky ferguson, dubious daszak dastardly danchenko, imperial college or the nih or apparently perkins and coie are exempt from accountability.


Wasn't expecting that angle:

Sky News
A K-pop star has been jailed for three years for crimes including providing prostitutes to foreign businessmen and embezzling funds trib.al/ylHqgBD



Quelle surprise






Circling back





Oh really



I've always taught my kids that voting is a special right that great men and women died defending, so go vote.

And the fraud is considered far too trivial by many and IMO, the penalties should be severe when caught.

Thank you veterans.


James Woods
CNN reports on newest Hunter Biden laptop fiasco 👇🏼



Boy that Hunter's a real chocolate chip off the old blockhead!

Errands call...


Was NOT expecting Grabien to post it:

VIDEO - Hunter Biden Tells Prostitute About How He Lost Another Laptop to Russian Drug Dealers grabien.com/story.php?id=3…



Dan Crenshaw — drank the 80 proof Kool-Aid.


"Cyber 'expert' says his team can’t prove Mike Lindell’s claims that China hacked election."

What a convenient albeit inaccurate article. Did you even watch Lindell's Symposium? I watched most of the first two days and do not recall any such claim. There was a great deal of discussion about how the election was conducted, the findings of questionable activity in a number of States, and a deep dive into the Dominion machines that warrants serious follow-up.

Unfortunately, the proceedings for Day 3 were halted by a judge who decided that NOW would be a good time to go forward with Dominion's lawsuit against Mr. Lindell. Funny how that works, but nothing to see here folks. Just move along.

Jack Lillywhite

3 hours to go in the slo-cooker for my Osso Bucco!

While doing all that hard work, I had a chance to pay some bills one of which is PayPal that confirmed to me that website was designed by sadists.

The latest from my jet-setting son is that he has left Barcelona for Amsterdam. No wonder he wants to finish his IB at the UN school in NYC.


The IB school in NYC is not as good as the one in DC.

Jack Lillywhite

Update: After completing his IB he has applied to the University of Amsterdam for their Media and Culture program. What a life!


Kabul: US moving the embassy to the airport. (Better for helicopters than the Saigon roof was).


3,000 marines being moved there as well.

Almost like an Anvil....


Anything here, statistically speaking, jump out at you?

Dave Wasserman @Redistrict
Large U.S. counties w/ stronger than expected Census counts (vs. estimates):

1. Queens, NY +8%
2. Brooklyn, NY +8%
3. Honolulu, HI +5%
4. Bronx, NY +5%
5. Manhattan, NY +5%
6. Westchester, NY +4%
7. Suffolk, NY +4%
8. Nassau, NY +3%
9. Cook, IL +3%
10. Allegheny, PA +3%

Large U.S. counties w/ weaker than expected Census counts (vs. estimates):

1. Maricopa, AZ -3%
2. Riverside, CA -3%
3. Hillsborough, FL -2%
4. Clark, NV -2%
5. Pima, AZ -2%
6. Mecklenburg, NC -1%
7. Palm Beach, FL -1%
8. San Diego, CA - 1%
9. Fulton, GA -1%
10. Bexar, TX -1%



Melinda, re Marines… the Dems always wanted to live through Vietnam again. SloJoe is delivering the oil crunch, stagflation, race riots, and now and embassy getting overrun.


The Carter model works as well… what is Xiden gonna return and to who?


the earlier link was peter orzag's squeeze, teh girly governor, and col bearclaw, just the thing to summon the hellmouth,


Yep, certainly seems that way.


Melinda, is that “census count” before or after the “statistical modeling” they do instead of the Constitutional enumeration?

Let’s see what other statistical models they use against us:

Globull Warmening hockey sticks
globull shutdown epidemiology
Racial equity (not to be confused with quotas, which they are)

So sure, I trust the same jackholes modeling on political representation about as far as I trust Hunter Biden with some else’s credit card.


queens ground zero of the epidemic, 'that's what they are going with'


Wisconsin had population growth… except in the 5 blue hells that Zuck’s bucks found record votes in.

Yep, that blatant.


manhattan, brooklyn, people are doing a land speed exodus from ny, maybe westchester,


Forgot the link…



Allegheny Co. is Pittsburgh, FTSAH. No way in hell it went up over whatever "estimate" they were using.


they are definitely using fizbin rules,


so sunbelt counties lost population, that's what they are trying to sell us,


Redistricting Stick Save.


Good afternoon! Maine's small population growth came from York and Cumberland counties. So, pretty much Kittery to LL Bean, also known as northern Massachusetts. I noticed more masks at the grocery store this afternoon, maybe because of the out of state license plates in the parking lot. At least the local economy will profit from the late summer vacationers. :)


Multiple fatalities in mass shooting in Plymouth, England.


Firearms are banned in the entire county, so I guess they blame Indiana and Wisconsin like all the others. /sarc



Three infantry battalions are on their way to the Kabul airport, the Defense Department announced Thursday, as the State Department moves to evacuate civilians from its embassy there.

At the same time, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters, another 1,000 troops are headed to Qatar to help process special immigrant visas for Afghan interpreters, while an entire infantry brigade combat team will set up in Kuwait as an on-call reaction force, as the Taliban advances its campaign to take provincial capitals around the country.


We've been laughing about the 70's when we started our married life. We married in '75, had the daughter in '77 and hubby started his business in '79. Ha. The circle of life or something.


people are fleeing the cities, specially in the north east, ny is facing losing at least one seat based on populations,



This Census looks to save those seats.





The point of my @ 4:37 is that we built our character. We both came from solid families and even though we were young, we built a good life. I pray those days aren't gone with the younger generation. Our nieces and nephews are millennials and we're proud about the lives they are building. We need to keep hope in our hearts.

matt - deplore me if you must

82nd Airborne troops departed yesterday. Not quite a full brigade.

If I was a general I would lure those medieval bastards out into the open and napalm them all. They want to get to paradise? Happy to oblige.

what a complete fiasco.


FB blocked me for trying to post this:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/12/texas-lawmakers-thwart-chinese-communists-plan-to-connect-to-states-electricity-grid/


does this link work


Of course he would






I can't post it. If someone here is on FB, pls do it. I think it's blocked because Chinese trolls.


5 million is 30 pieces now







Try this version: https://tinyurl.com/87h3ym3p


I'm blocked, Mel, can't post it in any version.


Well, I tried.

Meanwhile, ever hear of the fireman as arsonist stories? Wait til you get a load of #6:



thought crime clarice



Sorta covered in the DailyMail:


Also linked, here: https://linkshare.whatfinger.com/texas-thwarts-chinese-communists-plan-to-connect-to-electricity-grid/

matt - deplore me if you must

I tried posting the Daily Mail's video of Hunter with the latest Russian hooker where he claims the Rooshians stole another laptop and FB blocked it under "false & misleading" information.

It's a freaking video of Hunter Biden buck nekkid yelling that there were really whacked porn videos on it. How can Facebook deny their own eyes?

And if this census info is true we obviously have a system so rigged that we cannot believe the outflow of people from California and New York that is documented in real estate sales and U Haul contracts from the blue hells to the Red States.

And they say there was no election fraud.



Keyword algo block multiple ways “Hunter” + “Biden”, also “Hunter” + “hooker”…

matt - deplore me if you must

I'm sure you're right, mel.


it's not anywhere close to right, matt, take queens or any of the other boroughs, the egress is greater than the ingress, from both natural and manmade reasons,


Between Bannon's show and RSBN's coverage on Rumble, I have watched some of Lindell's symposium. Much of it is hard for me to follow, as I am not a computer or statistics person.

I have found it interesting, and there have been some credible and unusual guests, such as Bolsonaro's son from Brazil.


The Bloom County cartoon about a Fantastic Voyage take on vaccines is funny ...

but to have Facebook attach a COVID19 resource notice to the post is beyond parody.


Here's Pompeo on Hannity. Nothing new with what he is saying about Biden and energy, but I do find it interesting that he appears to have lost some weight. Two-minute video at the link.

.@mikepompeo says When you have weak leader ship and there’s red lines crossed and no one follows through Bad actors will take advantage of it. pic.twitter.com/qBhtHSsIjM

— The Dirty Truth (Josh) (@AKA_RealDirty) August 13, 2021
Dave (in MA)

Vacay time...

    Monica Crowley@MonicaCrowley·

    @JoeBiden is begging OPEC to boost production.

    He's also begging the Taliban not to attack us.

    This staggering weakness is beyond dangerous.


We have a freight train which comes through here (tracks are about 2 blocks west of me) around 4. I have also noticed a regular helicopter (sounds military) going overhead around the same time. It's very strange because I am not near any sort of military base, the airport, or state or federal government facility.



'Not an Evacuation,' Insists State Department as Pentagon Sends 3,000 Troops to Evacuate U.S. Personnel





jim nj


"Scarcely any foreign policy is possible for a people who hate one another. All but the most basic functions are beyond being supported by a population—of ever lower intellectual and moral capacity—that has lost confidence in its leaders. Today’s U.S. ruling class is thoroughly corrupt and absorbed in domestic revolution. No serious statesmen would display their own country’s internal divisions as does the U.S. by flying the LGBT flag. It is not reasonable to expect foreigners to take seriously American statesmen who do not take seriously their own country’s unity and interests."


Heh, he’s pure Pelosi::


jim nj


The Biden Inflation Tax, Made Clear in One Chart

I've been thinking. Often a dangerous thing. Inflation isn't really a problem. I mean inflation occurs all the time, to one degree or another, except on the very rare occasions where deflation happens.

It's not inflation, per se, that's a problem - it's that we've learned that people come to anticipate inflation and change their behavior because of their outlook.

People grumble, but generally don't do anything about low levels of inflation. Or about transitory levels of higher inflation, but when the anticipation of continued higher, or increasingly higher, levels of inflation pertains people react by spending more now and saving less. That reinforces the inflationary spiral.

I mean if I need something I may as well buy it now since it's going to cost more next week, next month or next year. Geez, come to think of it, I should buy more now than I need since the price is only going to go up, so I'm actually saving money by buying more.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--It's not inflation, per se, that's a problem ---

You don't own a pickup with a 25 gallon tank, correct? :)

jim nj

I'm wondering if that same inflationary type of spiral is contributing to the worldwide supply and shipping snafus we have been reading about.

It probably started with the increased tariffs on imported Chinese goods. These things are going to cost more after a certain date because of the imposition of tariffs so I should order earlier and in larger quantities than I normally would.

It will ultimately be cheaper, in the long run, to have to pay to warehouse them a little longer.

Most of that pressure, I think, dissipated before Covid hit, but suddenly the priority on Chinese exports changed to PPE while the demand for consumer goods lessened as US store closures were demanded.

I'm not at all sure how this affected the JIT supply system that manufacturers use these days, but assume a similar type of supply chain shock.

I'm obviously skipping over a lot of factors here as circumstances continued to change during the pandemic, but I'm positing that thousands of worldwide purchasing managers began to treat this like an inflationary cycle by changing their ordering behavior.

I better buy sooner and bigger because I foresee a looming shortage of shipping. And what did they get - an even bigger shortage of shipping.

jim nj

--It's not inflation, per se, that's a problem ---

You don't own a pickup with a 25 gallon tank, correct? :)

Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki
Iggy, tag, I'm it. No, I don't own a pickup, but you help me make my point. If gas had gone up a few cents over the last year you'd shrug. Eh, that's inflation, it happens all the time.

Gas hasn't done that. You don't perceive the recent rise in gas prices as inflation. You perceive it as INFLATION.

As in going up in price and not likely to stop.

jim nj

So there is a problem in the worldwide supply chain. Most of that cargo transits in containers on cargo ships.

China builds most of the containers. All kinds of containers are getting filled up and sitting at Chinese ports waiting to be loaded on cargo ships.

Stuff that's needed now urgently and stuff that people ordered early and in larger quantities than they need now.

How to solve that problem - raise shipping rates and let the bidders figure it out, unless they have firm long-term shipping contracts, which said shippers might wish to break.

And the shipping rates are such that it's more profitable to unload containers at US ports and dead-head back to China without first loading them with now empty containers already in the US.

Remember China builds most of the world's containers and US importers don't have the warehouse capacity they used to have and are willing to hold on to the containers.

And US truckers get paid more for hauling full trailers than empty ones. So we can have them short-haul the containers to the nearest rail depot, rather than to the ports, but the truckers don't have enough trailers to bring empty containers to rail depots because the trailers are still sitting under the containers they just delivered.

And the rail depots don't have the room to store empty containers because there aren't enough trailers available to pick up the loaded containers already at the depots.

And the railroads say they'd like to help but customers are using their depots as warehouses because they don't need the stuff just yet and won't pick up the containers on a timely basis.

jim nj


Interesting if you ignore the green propaganda.

jim nj


Its history of errors and recycling unfounded claims reminds us to treat its climate reports with skepticism.


That census stuff posted yesterday makes no sense.

Meck county, NC did NOT lose population--I can't link, but it grew by 200,000 people

Mecklenburg County's population swelled by 21.3% over the past decade, from 919,664 residents in 2010 to 1,115,482 in 2020, new census data released Thursday shows.

Yes, but: But Mecklenburg fell behind Wake County (1.13 million residents) as the largest county in the state, Axios' Katie Peralta Soloff and Danielle Chemtob write.
The big picture: Charlotte, now with 874,579 residents, was one of several cities with a population increase of 100,000 or more during the last decade, alongside cities like Austin, Denver, Phoenix and Seattle.

Among the counties surrounding Charlotte: Cabarrus grew 26.8%, Union grew 18.4%, and Gaston grew 10.6%.

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