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October 20, 2021


matt - deplore me if you must

I would imagine that the Dems are completely freaking out about now. I have this down as their 4th or 5th freakout of the current term so far.

At some point Leahy and Feinstein aren't going to be able to handle the excitement anymore.


Hi! Maine's Angus King (supposed independent) always votes with the Democrats. *eyeroll*

matt - deplore me if you must

On what issues does Joe disagree with the Republicans? Abortion? 2nd Amendment? Welfare?

I think he has a lot more in common with most Republicans these days than he does Democrats.


Hubby and I have decided that Brian Laundrie was dragged by a gator into a swampy area that has drained/dried since the original searches. That area of the preserve has re-opened and someone found the remains. The area is a favorite of mountain bikers because of the rugged trails.
News you can use. :)


My chiropractor calls it an ‘Intersectional Massage Table’ but I came up with its true name: The Horizontal Mechanical Bull (For Geezers).

I could add ‘Two-Dimensional’ but it’s already a bit wordy.


I think he has a lot more in common with most Republicans these days than he does Democrats.

I don't suppose the Republicans are capable of figuring out how to persuade him to join them, though no doubt his price might be yet more pork to WV.


Does he get more grift as an independent? If both sides keep trying to buy him, then yes.

Like many others in DC, grift is number one. There is no number two.


Watch "Durham Probe Indicting Christopher Steele for Knowingly Using Russian Disinformation After Plea Deal" on YouTube


Well ReutersBiz gets it:

Reuters Business
Breakingviews - Facebook name-change alone would miss the point reut.rs/3AY2PY0



Keystone Kops.

Devlin Barrett @DevlinBarrett
New: FBI agent on the witness stand says would-be nuclear sub secret seller Jonathan Toebbe told the foreign country: "If you do not contact me by Dec. 31, 2020 I will conclude you are uninterested and will approach other possible buyers."

The FBI has not been able to find the rest of the secret documents the Toebbes were allegedly trying to sell, nor the money the (undercover FBI) gave them, according to the testifying agent





If you live on a $700,000 yacht in Washington DC that's just a quick train or plane ride from nearby West Virginia, chaging parties means little.

George Wallace said it best: “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties.”


That 'Durham Probe Indicting Christopher Steele' video is awful. The guy takes 6 minutes before he gets to his point, and his point is Steele 'probably' will be indicted.


George Wallace said it best: “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties.”

At the moment it seems like there's about 3.5 trillion dollars difference.


Meanwhile, he got paid via ads for your watching it.


That 'Durham Probe Indicting Christopher Steele' video is awful. The guy takes 6 minutes before he gets to his point, and his point is Steele 'probably' will be indicted.

That makes me glad I ignored your original advice to watch it.


It's an endless source of amusement to read some other conservative ideologues 'pontificating' with whines on another outlet over what a lousy POTUS swamp creature Biden is when they were warned but still abandoned their party's nominee and voted for him because they didn't like The Donald's persona.

They bought him; they own him. Republicans cnnot allow these conservative ideologues- the French,, Goldberg, Will, Charen, Cheney, neocon-never-Trump-NR types etc., anywhere close to helming the party. Their time has passed. Pragmatic Populism rules; the ideological tail no longer wags the dog.


'At the moment it seems like there's about 3.5 trillion dollars difference.'

Not surprising when the POTUS dreams of himself as another FDR or LBJ but in reality is a James Earl Carter.


Southwest pilots going on strike mid-flight:





'... the French,, Goldberg, Will, Charen, Cheney, neocon-never-Trump-NR types etc., anywhere close to helming the party.'

Oh. And especially Kristol. too. These clowns drove people from the GOP tent for years.

Trump brought them back.


'Course keep in mind Corn is firmly in Biden's camp and the story may be a plant to publicly pressure Manchin given his hard line stand against the Biden's agenda.

It's the swampy-creature thing for the ferlla from Wilmington to do.

Or is it Scranton this week.


Course keep in mind Corn is firmly in Biden's camp and the story may be a plant to publicly pressure Manchin given his hard line stand against the Biden's agenda.

To me, it seems like it would have the opposite effect: to remind the Democrats of how much leverage Manchin has if he decides to go nuclear.


Republicans cnnot allow these conservative ideologues- the French,, Goldberg, Will, Charen, Cheney, neocon-never-Trump-NR types etc., anywhere close to helming the party.

I hope and believe that the influence of the Quisling wing of the Republican party is greatly exaggerated by their oversized access to the media.


'To me, it seems like it would have the opposite effect: to remind the Democrats of how much leverage Manchin has if he decides to go nuclear.'

Valid observation. But the WH pressuring him to conform to the Biden agenda and there's no margin for error. It is a sigb of desperation on their part.


They are the media’s house conservatives, knowing which fork to stick in there wherevers. Their influence on us slack jawed feral types is about the same as Potato Stetler’s— they give us a chance to be our inner Nelson Munz and point & laugh.

Jack Lillywhite


I don't think Manchin is sailing his yacht up the Potomac. No one is. Kayak and canoe rapids running environment. Had the world championships there about 20 years ago. Tough river.


Manchin at werk supporting progs. He’ll cave on the prog porkulus bill. He always does.


VP Harris just broke the 50-50 tie to confirm Lhamon to the same position at Ed she held under Obama.

Watch out for a return to Title IX chaos.


Has anyone tried making Freedom Fries from Washington Team Potatoes?

I enjoy mine Team-on.

Dave (in MA)

Crazy. Wild. Insane. I just hope the authorities will be able to maintain order and keep the casualties to a minimum https://t.co/uSdt2sMYj3

— Gerry Callahan (@GerryCallahan) October 20, 2021
matt - deplore me if you must

I was joking, JiB.

As to the Never Trumpers do like I do and mock them mercilessly. That turd Boot posts on FB and I regularly use all of the Soviet era terms to describe his propaganda. I don't know if it gets sh*tcanned, but their only credibility left is with their turncoat friends and the communists who employ them. They are clapping seals.


808: We looked twice, still couldn’t find it.


so more carp from the gob of corn, why is steele not in jail for furthering a fraud, as with all the enablers from him, it would be a big prison as big as the january 6th gulag at least





he was born in the soviet union, as I was in it's caribbean colony, but I would never knowingly let the forces of evil win, as he has done, I guess such things don't apply with a uc california education,

Jack Lillywhite

Off to early bed. Will monitor from threre while reading.


no mean tweets though



why is it so easy to do the wrong thing, and not be held accountable,



and doing the right thing so frowned upon,



They made Larry Levine a Barrette Admiral.




My bad, I keep calling him Larry. I meant Richard.

Why didn’t he call himself Leah? She was the one who had the veil across her face.


Offer him chair of the senate energy committee ..how hard is that, McConnell?


Offer him chair of the senate energy committee ..how hard is that, McConnell?

Excellent idea Clarice.

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

BREAKING: President Trump has just announced the launch of TMTG (Trump Media & Technology Group)
He’s launching a social media platform called TRUTH Social. This is HUGE.

Get ready. He’s taking on big tech!



Where is that information from? How do I find it?

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

Ryan Fournier had a twit about it.


I found the announcement! (L love it when he refers to himself as "your favorite American President" because I KNOW it drives the libs and Nevertrumpers insane!)



Video (30 seconds) at the link. Bwahahahaha!

Gotta love Grandma 💕😂 #FJB pic.twitter.com/TrBPwD56sF

— Heather 🇺🇸𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓶𝓹 𝔀𝓸𝓷🇺🇸 (@HeatherG_1776) October 21, 2021


Joe Biden handed humiliating nickname as polling rating collapses

Didn’t Paul Simon write a song called “There goes Slidin Biden”


50 Ways To Leave Your Loser


TechnoFog wrapped version, 81,000 documents delivered to Sussmann's defense team. 15 additional GJ subpoenas.




I read quite a bit of that. Will try and catch up tomorrow.

Good night, all!


Manchin has done this before. He has toyed with the idea of jumping parties. Personally, I think he will cave and help the FULL COMMIES. On the other hand, he will do what he finds expedient and what keeps him in the clover that grows in the swamp. He is NOT on our side, and he does not have any track record of Conservatism at all. As I said, he has floated this "I'm switching parties" crap before. He needs to find out the hard way.
Unless McCakehole and McCarthy fuck up, the FULL COMMIE is going to have an UGLY NOVEMBER next year. Being tough and going for the KILL is the only way. I have my doubts.


Ace's quotes.Quote IV

“If this thing is just about protecting people and protecting the public health, why does CNN have to lie about Joe Rogan taking ‘horse dewormer,’ or why does the Rolling Stone have to willfully misrepresent my position on the vaccine or COVID? NBA forward Jonathan Isaac


Biden read a speech in Scranton claiming he'd ridden 2.1 million miles on Amtrak. That's roughly 1,000 miles/week for 40 years. Anyone believe that?


More Ace: There needs to be more Gabe Eltaebs.

A comic book colorist says he is fed up with the left turn at DC Comics and he is quitting over the latest left-wing change to the Superman character.

"What really pissed me off was saying truth, justice, and a better world. F*** that it was Truth, Justice, and the American way," said Eltaeb.

He was referring to the announcement from the publisher of Superman comics that they would be dropping "the American way" from the character's motto for the much far less nationalistic, "a better world."




From Ace. This is worth looking at.

From yesterday: Military Police mother shoots a man with a gun who was attempting a robbery or possibly a kidnapping. Warning for gun violence.



If the HMS Queen Elizabeth is any indication, Covid-19 could be spread by Sodomy.


This is hilarious:


And what should you eat your peas, drink your milk and get your shot?

"Because I said so," says Mommie.

Worst administration in my near 70 years of life.


DCSCA, we've been sliding into the abyss for a long long time. All bets have been off, since the COUP ATTEMPT and attempted take down of the MEAN TWEETER. It's MASS HYSTERIA. It is the manic need to be accepted as VIRTUOUS. It is the inability to be skeptical of a government, that is driving as fast as possible toward an unmovable OAK TREE.
H/t Lynyrd Skynyrd.

jim nj


Reporter who alleged Manchin was mulling exit from Dem party doubles down: It's not 'B-U-L-L,' it's 'T-R-U-E'
'The sourcing is impeccable, and he knows it!' David Corn exclaimed on MSNBC

I find David Corn to be logically-challenged.

"The Mother Jones journalist suggested since his reporting exposed Manchin's alleged plans, his exit from the Democratic Party is now "off the table."

"He has now said it’s B-U-L-L. It’s actually T-R-U-E," Corn said. "He himself has taken it off the table because if he's gonna do it now, then he would actually show that what he's saying it's bull that he was lying then. So he has been outed."


Again DCSCA, this administration is the natural result of THE FULL COMMIE, marching without stop.
The DEEP STATE has reached a point where they are exposed. Fraudski is obvious, so what will they do now. FORCE US TO COMPLY WITH UTTER NONSENSE.
H/T this time to NEIL PEART and RUSH.


"Biden read a speech in Scranton claiming he'd ridden 2.1 million miles on Amtrak. That's roughly 1,000 miles/week for 40 years. Anyone believe that?"

How does he park his 18 wheeler in the train station parking lot?


What's worse?:

[ ] The Biden Administration

[ ] The conservative whine and bitter dregs of righty ideologues who abandoned their party nominee and backed/voted for Biden out of spite on "principle" because they didn't like The Donald's persona and Pragmatic Populism

[ ] Cher singing her 1970s hit "Half-Breed" in 2021



Sounds pretty desperate to me. Biden didn't win this election. Who would voluntarily vote for this PUNCHBOWL TURD?


Please never ask me to make a credibility resolution between David Corn and a politician.In any event, is he really bragging that he kept Manchin in the fold with his story?


jim nj, Mr Maguire says the CORN is sometimes sober or sumpting. Maybe he doesn't understand who Mr Cornhole is?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Why didn’t he call himself Leah? She was the one who had the veil across her face.--

That's funny.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--I find David Corn to be logically-challenged.--

That might be the politest thing I've ever heard.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Biden read a speech in Scranton claiming he'd ridden 2.1 million miles on Amtrak.--

The only world I'm interested in is the one in which that discombobulated flim-flam man is riding the rails in an empty boxcar with his earthly possessions in a bandana on a stick, a week's worth of stubble on his chin and a bottle of ripple in his tattered coat pocket.


NIH admits Fauci and Collins lied about gain of function research

jim nj


China Evergrande shares briefly plunge more than 10%, after $2.6 billion asset sale falls through

Heavily indebted Evergrande was in talks earlier this month to sell part of its services unit to Hopson Development Holdings, its smaller rival.
Hopson said Wednesday that talks fell through to purchase just over half of shares issued by Evergrande Property Services.

Sounds like they couldn't agree on the terms of the payment. I think Hopson wanted to send some of the funds directly to vendors of the Evergrande subsidiary. Like maybe the accounts payable were worse than they originally thought.

When Evergrande sold it's interest in a bank that was a relatively easy deal to value. I kind of doubt that any portion of a Chinese real estate firm up for sale will be that easy to value.

Any price you could come up with would probably become cheaper if you wait a month or two.

jim nj

Yeah, I've never been a fan of David Corn or Katherine Vandendevil or whatever her name is.


You know who says, “Don’t tell your parents?”


“Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, urged individuals to lie to their family members and “privately” get one of the controversial COVID-19 vaccines while engaging in deception to keep loved ones who may be against the vaccines from finding out.”



This statistic is having a panic attack: There are over 900 streets in America named after Martin Luther King.

jim nj


China’s Falling Home Prices Cast Another Shadow Over Economy

"The 0.08% drop in new-home prices across 70 cities in September may be small, but it poses a potentially big blow for an economy that counts on property-related industries for almost a quarter of output."

That is small, but I expect it's the start of a trend. I wonder if that includes the discounts that developers are offering on new sales.

"September is traditionally a peak season for the home market. Yet residential sales tumbled 17%, investments slid for the first time since early 2020, and the rate of failed land auctions climbed to the highest since at least 2018 -- potentially hurting local government coffers.

Smaller cities, where the economy is weaker, were hit the most by last month’s price declines. Existing-home values slid 0.21% in 35 so-called tier-3 cities, the most since early 2015, National Bureau of Statistics figures showed Wednesday.

About three-quarters of cities saw second-hand home values fall from a month earlier. A price war is set to intensify in the coming months as landlords in wait-and-see mode surrender to the cooling trend, Yan said.

The downturn has continued into this month. Existing-home sales plunged 63% from a year earlier in the first 17 days of October, according to a Nomura Holdings Inc. note Monday."

Why buy an existing home now when it will be cheaper next month? Rinse and repeat.

And how do you value what are said to be more than a million empty apartment homes that were sold as investments?

jim nj


Have we reached the high water mark of woke?

No, not yet. He was doing pretty good until he threw this in ten paragraphs later, "Trump may perform like a dime-store Mussolini, but it’s increasingly clear that the push towards censorship comes largely from the left, which has captured most of the media."


Antifa; Founded by Bolshevism...

Antifaschistische Aktion was a militant anti-fascist organisation in the Weimar Republic of Germany/Prussia.

This Anti-Nationalist group was started by Communist Party members of Germanies (KPD) 1932-1933.

The KPD would campaign and disturb national interest during the 1932 German federal elections, it was described by the KPD as a "red united front under the leadership of the only anti-fascist party, the KPD."

This heavily funded and protected organisation then continued to attack those who spread truthful information whilst being hidden from the mainstream or labelled as vigilantes.

Under the leadership of Ernst Thälmann, the KPD became among many things a Stalinist party, loyal to the Soviet government. Organised and funded anti nationalist terrorists.

To this day the same media which hides and protects it calls Antifa an idea, not a single person, from Alex Jones to Donald Trump ever mentions such key facts, which would go viral on their huge platforms.

Jack Lillywhite

Good morning from Florida's First Coast where it is getting noticeably cooler, at this morning.


Keep an eye on what this administration demonizes:

“When egg prices rose in the spring of 1966 and Agricultural Secretary Orville Freeman told him not much could be done, Johnson had the Surgeon General issue alerts as to the hazards of cholesterol in eggs.”


Alex Berenson on Tucker. Video (2 minutes) at the link.

What explains the unusually high “all-cause” deaths? pic.twitter.com/mcvnF6hADa

— The Dirty Truth (Josh) (@AKA_RealDirty) October 21, 2021

Interesting Pin. I’m sure Biden will use that scam too.


Of course.


The delta variant has a mutation that's worrying experts: Here's what we know so far

Old Lurker

Henry, wake me up when the survival rate of some sub variant falls below, what?, 99%.


david corn and foghorn leghorn let me check,

so over here in the free district of panem, it's nice and cool,

so hunter sells out the country for 75k and they deign to look at our bank accounts, they shoot dead ashley babbitt and probably beat rosalynn boyland with a club, but bannon is the one in the contempt even though they are burying 14,000 hours of footage, shambling man is vizzining through city police fire hospital staff and top military unit, but all kevin mccarthy can muster is a pitiful arff


vandenheuvel is the grand daughter of mca founder jules stein, mca was interesting to the left because it employed reagan at one point, but she's a trust fund baby, her papa is one of the ones who found diem in a maryknoll seminary, and she feels guilty about that,


Alert me when it drops below 99.5%.

Thank you.


yes they were part of joe stalins rent a mob, jan valtin aka albert krug outlined his part in the hamburg trade unions,


Breitbart: NIH Contradicts Fauci, Admits Funding Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab


the point is they regard rank and file police and military as fascists, as it was in weimar, so when we call them antifa, you fill up their egos,

in the 20s chiang used the green gang, to smash the commies in shang hai, and they went away on their long march, into manchuria,


Moscow about to go on lockdown


of course, that put big fingered tu in charge of the narcotics bureau, it couldn't be helped,


Florida's new surgeon general asks people to "step back" from what they hear on TV about school masks and the data: "It's very weak and that's a fact" pic.twitter.com/CWQMSOhAM2

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) October 21, 2021

Video at link (1:27).


well they did,






Very good essay:https://reason.com/volokh/2021/10/20/lawyers-law-students-law-school-administrators-and-language/


who steele was dealing with, in order to fake the Russian connection to trump,

Jack Lillywhite

The DeSantis administration is the most pragmatic one we have ever had. Just take the Surgeon General as an example as well as Ron.

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