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March 25, 2022


Dave (in MA)
    I'll side with Andrew McCarthy [NRO link],
Gee, there's a shock.

Important news from Hoosierland:




A good analysis of the Indiana primary.


From the last thread:

"Another day, another Russian General dead."

What's the source for these reports? Is Russia putting out a list of its high ranking personnel killed? Doesn't make sense even or especially if it's true.


Barbara, how big is Russia's Deep State compared to the USA's? Bigger, smaller? More or less corrupt? How would it manifest itself in the public domain? What would be sacrificed to feed it?

All these questions remain unasked. Why?

Have they all gone into business together?

Soooo, many questions....



I have no idea. I agree releasing this news makes no sense. Either it is NOT true and it is a clumsy disinformation effort by one of the sides, or it IS true and the Russians are releasing the info, maybe to keep the officers in line. I have no idea.

jim nj

One of the ideas floating around out there about the generals is that they are being deliberately targeted.

There are reports that, in part, the Russians are relying on the Ukraine internet and cell towers to communicate.

I would expect that senior officers are using secure equipment and can't be tracked. That might not hold for underlings. If so, geolocate them via the cell towers and send in a sniper team to see what they can do.


as I said elswhere, all this administration does is deliver pain, roaving hordes roam free, while selfie taking grand mothers are forced to recant like some off broadway koestler play, now food and fuel scarcity, if not famine for the the Third World, like that the provoked the 3rd world, maybe nuclear war, with cannibal mutants for the post credit scene,


mcccarthy was wrong about fitz, he was wrong about mueller, about the sham impeachment, so when the 2nd amendment is gone, and bestiality is taught in the schools, he'll say oops again (by then I hope the cannibal hordes will have taken him away,


who had the gall to cite mccarthy piece of piffle, durbin who cried tears for the 20th hijackers, who would have turned capital hill into a funeral pyre, who enabled lois lerners on the Tea PArty, whose staff were the last to communicate with hopkinson, before he tried to slay the Tea Party, including my future Governor and hopefully next President,


narciso, I heart you, too.



mccarthy is perhaps right about islamists, like said 20th hijacker who will likely take his place, in the ruling counsels of the arabian branch of al qeuda, but one can't forget the lesson was derived by trusting ali mohammed to be honorable, and then he absconded to east africa to scout out the embassy bombings, eventually he was captured and
contributed to the first pdb,


after what biden did to janice rogers brown, a woman of supreme intellect and judgement and then tried to do to clarence thomas, he is the midwife of the odious FISA court, which failed in every way to be accountable to the people, even more than minaret and shamrock which it replaced, how due process was removed by the VAWA,


as for the steppes and Caucasus, those lands were soaked in so much blood over a nearly 3 year period that any guestimate of what will happen after one months time is utter foolishness,


that being said, the battle plan seems to have been written by someone who had to take the strategy course at frunze twice, and still didn't get the point,


what is he saying?



of course the compliment of forces were multiples higher on each side,



gerasimov the joint chief analog, is a frunze graduate, and as well as at least one the dead generals,


Great answers and info on the list of Russian Generals KIA. Thanks

Narciso at 2:52pm

"after what biden did to janice rogers brown, a woman of supreme intellect and judgement..."

I was thinking of that yesterday. I'm certain that she would have had no problem coming up with the definition of a woman.


stalin had much of the officer class purged, supposedly because of a dirty trick, that the abwehr played but more likely he didn't want a bonaparte to arise,


General Ivashov, who participated in the siege of prague, a rough analog, to current events, said this was a stupid move,


nothing short of evil,



Biden just addressed the President of Poland as “ambassador”.


they really have no respect for any of our allies or our institutions,


she doesn't know the meaning of shame, or much else,



what could go wrong,


jim nj


Russia states more limited war goal to 'liberate' Donbass

"In a scaled-back formulation of its war goals, Russia said on Friday that the first phase of its military operation was mostly complete and it would focus on completely “liberating” Ukraine’s breakaway eastern Donbass region.

The announcement appeared to indicate that Moscow may be switching to more limited objectives after running into fierce Ukrainian resistance in a month of war."



this is the Russian version of urkel 'I meant to do that' even under those limited goals they really haven't gone very far, they pummelled mariupol,

jim nj


A 60% Dud Rate for Precision-Guided Munitions Explains a Lot of Russia's Problems in Ukraine

"The United States assesses that Russia is suffering failure rates as high as 60% for some of the precision-guided missiles it is using to attack Ukraine, three U.S. officials with knowledge of the intelligence told Reuters."

Some, but not others?

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

Michael Smith
4h ·
I've been compiling some rules of the leftist road. Most of these have brought us to double digit inflation, unaffordable gas prices and on the brink of a global food shortage.
By no means is this comprehensive, so please feel free to add your own:
The Costanza Law: If you believe it, it isn't a lie.
The Na, Na, Na, La, La, La! Law: If I ignore or don’t acknowledge it, it didn’t happen.
The Dead News Law: If news breaks and no left-leaning outlet reports it, it isn’t really news.
The No Contradictions Law: An undesirable thing can be ended simply by doing more of it, just doing it to the “right” people.
The Cognitive Dissonance is Peachy Law: Believing two directly opposed ideas at the same time is perfectly normal.
The Stop Watching Me Law (aka the Hypocrites Razor): What I say matters, not what you witness me doing.
The Law of Perfect Certainty: Nothing is sure in life or science except what I believe at this very moment.
The Fungible Origin of History Law: History begins at the point most opportune to my argument, nothing prior to that exists – unless, of course, it helps my argument.
The Derrida Deconstruction Law: You have no power to give your own words or thoughts any meaning other than what I give them. This is sometimes known as the “Free Speech is for Pussies Law” which states, “It isn’t what you say that matters, it is what I hear that does.”
The Selective Senses Law (a corollary of the Derrida Deconstruction Law): I hear what I want to hear, see what I want to see, and interpret reality how I want to interpret it, regardless of what really transpired.
Via David Jaroslav:
The Friday News Dump Law: damaging news, if completely unavoidable, will allowed out on Friday afternoon when the least people are paying attention, and can be declared "old news" by Monday.
The Republicans Pounce Law: when the right does something, that's the story; when the left does something, the right's reaction is the story.
Via David Jones:
The Law of Debunking: Any situation left intentionally uninvestigated is considered "debunked" (until it is not).
Via Mike Zorn:
The First Law of Action and Title: If I don't like it, you can't do (or have) it, and if you have it or do it, I can take it from you or prohibit you from doing it - and demand compensation.

matt - deplore me if you must

There have been a number of photos of unexploded rockets. It shouldn't be surprising as they are made in the same factories by the same people who made them for the USSR.

As to dead generals, the details have been pretty specific, ID'ing them. We do know that the Russian generals have to lead from the front. We do know that the Ukrainians have been tracking cell communications because they have published whole conversations. We do know that the Russians have been slowed terribly and are now using terror tactics on civilians.

We do know that Russian morale was never good to begin with ever since 1945. When I traveled in the East Bloc in the late 70's the troops were slovenly with the exception of the EG's. It's still a conscript force.

So I would tend to listen to the various non-Ukrainian intelligence organizations that have been releasing this news. If Putin was winning he would be crowing about it. It's his style.

In intelligence it's often best guess and the truth probably lies between the lies of the two sides.


Before and during Trudeau's speech.



Good afternoon! So, actually on topic...two time Maine gubernatorial candidate Eliot Cutler was arrested today on four counts of child porn. I mentioned yesterday that Maine State Police searched both his houses. Ugh.
He's a "beautiful person" who is just a disgusting pervert.




Eliot Cutler… Harvard grad. Check.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qQazyJ99OE&t=37s lying media on Biden laptop


Don't mess with her! 💪💪 (37)


matt - deplore me if you must

Can we put a list of all of those reporters, officials and former officials who lied through their teeth on the Hunter Biden laptop and post it on nail it to the front door of the New York Times, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Washington Post and every other outlet that lied?


Jackassery? really? letting somebody who comports in child pronography ON THE INTERNET off with a three month sentence?

She's scum, and so is everyone who tries to minimize this horrendous failure of her judgement.


Friday Cartoon: Devolution



The Burkean
What happens when a nationalist students submit fake POC poems to one of Ireland’s most prestigious and woke poetry journals?

They print it apparently.



We do know that the Russians have been slowed terribly and are now using terror tactics on civilians.

Oh how I disagree with this statement...and so does Lara Logan. F/F to the 30 minute mark for proof it's the Ukrainians targeting civilians



Well I'll tell you, when it comes to propaganda, the Ukrainians appear to be better at it than the Russians.

Their leader Zelensky has been begging the NATO countries for assistance, with little meaningful response. The dud rate for Russia's guided munitions is interesting, but it hasn't stopped them from pummeling Mariupol.

Putin's stated goals haven't changed much. What interests me the most is whether Russia was successful in taking over and/or demolishing the bio weapons labs. "Scaling back its goals" and securing the Donbass region seem more in line with Russia's earlier stated purposes.

A lot of lessons for both the East and the West have come out of this endeavor. As far as the future, I'm more concerned about Brandon's actions than Putin's.



Excellent interview with Lara Logan.

jim nj

I haven't been posting these, but I thought I'd share one as an example of the how or why that reporters use quotes of anonymous military experts.


Senior Defense Official Holds a Background Briefing
March 25, 2022
Senior Defense Official

I presume the senior defense official is John Kirby, press secretary for the Pentagon. Whoever it is, by prior agreement they can't use his name.


Thanks Barbara, I'm out, nite all.

matt - deplore me if you must

Yeah, that heavy artillery is coming from the Ukrainian side. So are the air launched rockets. So are the FAD's/thermobaric bombs and and the hypersonic missiles.

Musta been Ukrainian 122mm artillery that leveled the theater in Mariupol.

Musta been Ukrainian troops gunning down civilians on the streets.


Russia is losing and is going back to the tried and true Soviet tactics. Win at all costs. Use any weapon in the arsenal. Seen the movie too many times.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Barbara is spot on every time and asked the very question I had re the generals.
I do quibble with the assertion Ukraine's propaganda is better. What it is, is enthusiastically spread as fact by the MSM and government while they blackout Russian propaganda.
Whatever one thinks of that it is guaranteed to provide an exceedingly slanted, false and unreliable view of what is actually going on.

matt - deplore me if you must

'Why is his face not mutilated yet?': Russian general dubbed the 'Butcher of Mariupol' demands to know why one of his soldiers 'has not had his ears cut off' for failing to wear his uniform properly in chilling audio

Daily Mail 3-25 - 22

The General is dubbed the Butcher of Mariupol and was deeply involved in the destruction of Aleppo.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Sasse and McCarthy - good grief. Benchwarmers for the Washington Generals.
But at least when you have Ben Sasse on your side you do know you have the authority on jackassery.
And when you've got Andy McCarthy explaining things you can look forward to him explaining in about six months to a year how we should ignore everything he said in the first place because he now realizes it turns out he was full of shit.
But he'll be just as cocksure the next time he assures us of how reasonable, credulous dopes like him should look at things.


Arizona Legislature Passes Bill Requiring Proof Of US Citizenship To Vote



Rich Lowry has a condescending piece in NRO explaining why Trump should be replaced by Hawley or Some other person in 2024. I consider his political expertise sorely lacking, except for the backstabbing within the Beltway, so I am not linking it.


It's funny--I think we all agree about the fog of war and how impossible it is to be certain of anything we read about it.And yet--it looks like half of us are sure the Russians are losing and the other half, that the Ukrainians are. I think we can't know for certain if the Russians are stalled or their lack of movement is deliberate. But from reliable accounts of men and equipment lost and apparent shakeups in Russia along with the daily accounts from the Institute for the study of War, I am closer to Matt's take.


"Russia is losing..."

Facts not in evidence counselor.

The western press, purveyors of The Disinformation we have suffered thru for six years, says so.

The Russian say otherwise.

They plod on. 2 clicks here. 5 clicks there.

The map tells the story.

History will eventually confirm what happened.

Stephanie Nene Not Your Normal Granma

My guys IN Ukraine are pretty adamant that Uk is doing very well. They are all around 30 miles outside of Kyiv on the west north and south sides.


Clarice. That's why I say Ukraine has to take the fight to Russia, because Russia is launching attacks from outside Ukraine.


Dad joke




English explained






Cartoon of the day



Firefighter training (17)



Azov brilliance broadcasts giving way to Russian atrocities everywhere by MFM certainly gives no reason to question anything.


Stephen Bryen seems to think so, too, Stephanie, and he's got good sources, is reliable and honest.But, again, we can't be sure.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--But from reliable accounts of men and equipment lost and apparent shakeups in Russia along with the daily accounts from the Institute for the study of War...--

How do you know they're reliable? How do you know there are shake ups? What evidence is there that the Institute for whatever knows anything or is honest or reliable? It's associated with some of the biggest war mongering neocons/neolibs there are.

We have been subjected to a gigantic gaslighting and propaganda project for the last 20 years, but especially the last 6. Every single subject is a tissue of lies. The exact same people who brought us those pathological and systematic lies are the ones providing 99% of the information people are using to decide what they think is occurring.

The only thing that matters in war is who wins. We obliterated Saddam's forces and lost the war. We surgically slaughtered the Taliban and lost the war. Stalin lost millions of people and very nearly the country but the animal won the war. We don't know anything and we won't until it's over.

If Russia pulls out and loses the Donbas and Crimea and Ukraine joins the EU and NATO, Russia lost.
If Ukraine decides to remain neutral and the Donbas is under Russian domination/quasi-independent and Russia retains Crimea, Russia won.
If Russia retains the Donbas and Crimea but Ukraine enters the West's orbit and is no longer neutral, it was a draw.

Regardless, I can virtually guarantee, with the shitbirds in charge over here, America and its citizens will lose this war, whatever the outcome. They'll make sure we pay, one way or the other.

jim nj


I think the equipment losses are fairly accurate, if anything, they are low for both sides and serve as a baseline.


Includes their methodology.

There are "apparent" shake-ups going on in Russia. What they mean can be debated.

As to the order-of-battle maps, over time they have been relatively consistent. All/most of the information used to create them is coming from the Ukraine side, but the main battle lines seem to be the (or near)reality. I would discount them if they were superimposing unverifiable guerilla attacks on them.

Having said that, I agree with most of what else you write.

Ukraine is losing the war. They have lost men, materiel, territory and suffered huge losses in civilian property and lives.

I can't imagine how to define a "win" for them given the circumstances, especially if Zelensky still expects the return of Crimea as part of the peace negotiations.

In the meantime, Ukraine seems to be justified in what it is doing in order to increase its bargaining power. They are, and have been, fighting a much more nimble war than the Russians. They don't have to fight set-piece battles when rear-guard attacks on supply columns are (seemingly) effective.

jim nj

Three assessments of the Ukraine war:


Either it's new, or I didn't notice it before, but if you put the cursor over the maps it embiggens them.


Back after a few days off "Jomini of the West" has returned with more maps and more detailed maps.


Gets a "little" opinionated discussing the Russian General Staff press conference.

This, though, I agree with:

"The absence of significant Russian offensive operations throughout most of Ukraine likely reflects the inability of the Russian military to generate sufficient combat power to attack rather than any decision in Moscow to change Russia’s war aims or concentrate on the east."

jim nj

At the risk of being offensive.

Ukraine of Jersey City beat Purdue and advances to the NCAA final eight.


There is talk that Zelensky may make a speech at the Oscars.

Any time Hollywood gets involved in foreign policy, I get nervous.

Old Lurker

Clarice "it looks like half of us are sure the Russians are losing and the other half, that the Ukrainians are."

And that leaves out those of us who just don't care either way.


Iggy, we can only look at the history of their work over the years to decide how credible and reliable these reports are. The Ukrainians and NATO have watchers on the ground and decent communications lines. How reliable are the reports from inside the Kremlin I couldn't say. There's no doubt in my mind that both sides are finding this a costly war.




this was the socalled south african strain right,


of course it was a lopsided battle, but attrition is the name of the game, the germans often had a 2/1 advantage in many of these set pieces,



the Russian were much more motivated in Chechnya, because of Islamism, now is the banderista ghost enough to keep them through the fight,


yes that came from savant amy schumer, you know where she got her brains from,


true or false? who knows?




So yesterday the EU, G7, and US, "froze" Russia's gold reserves, which just happen to be 100% within Russian borders, which looks like it should be filed under "truly futile gestures" from those wizards at State.

Russia's response? They pegged the ruble at 5000 per gram, which looks an awful lot like a gold standard, to me at least. Which then makes international trading of commercial volumes of Crude oil, nominally priced everywhere in US$ a bit of a challenge, wouldn't you think? (4 to six price points to worry about is a bit of a challenge).

Now go back to Lara Logan's interview and ask yourself again, what are we watching?


I especially enjoyed watching a kindergarten principal decimate narratives so carefully shaped, followed by food and water deliveries.


Biden is supposed to give a big speech in Poland this afternoon. I will be watching the Trump rally in Georgia.


Election Wizard 🇺🇸 @ElectionWiz
BREAKING: Jack Maxey, who possess a copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop, releases 253 emails concerning Hunter’s business dealings Metabiota, a DoD contractor operating in Ukraine who specialized in research on pandemic-causing diseases. Hunter introduced Metabiota to Burisma.

Election Wizard 🇺🇸
DAILY MAIL: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president


https://twitter.com/ElectionWiz/status/ ... 8427811851

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... raine.html

matt - deplore me if you must

We do know that Putin's Minister of Defense is off the grid as is his head of the FSB.

Russia has a history of atrocities in Chechnya, Georgia, the Donbass, Syria and elsewhere. It's SOP. They also fostered global terrorism back in the 70's and 80's. Civilians are collateral damage. They don't observe the niceties of the Geneva Conventions. Same crowd, different uniforms.

I don't know who is winning or losing, but the maps don't lie and a stalemate would be a Ukrainian win.



Go listen to the entirety of Lara's interview, and note, in particular, the background of the person conducting the interview.



Yep. Biden found a young girl amongst the refugees in Poland. Photo at link.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Russia has a history of atrocities in Chechnya, Georgia, the Donbass, Syria and elsewhere. It's SOP. They also fostered global terrorism back in the 70's and 80's. Civilians are collateral damage. They don't observe the niceties of the Geneva Conventions. Same crowd, different uniforms.--

Ukraine was part of that crowd and has its own history of atrocities. The question of what either has done in the past has nothing to do with what our vital national interests are now.

The Shah of Iran and Chiang Kai Shek were pretty unsavory customers as well and we left them both hanging to our detriment. Our history of picking sides based on how mean one is compared to the other has a fairly disastrous history for our own interests and for the people we supposedly are trying to help.


EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president
The Russian government held a press conference Thursday claiming that Hunter Biden helped finance a US military 'bioweapons' research program in Ukraine
However the allegations were branded a brazen propaganda ploy to justify president Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and sow discord in the US
But emails and correspondence obtained by DailyMail.com from Hunter's abandoned laptop show the claims may well be true
The emails show Hunter helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases
He also introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a 'science project' involving high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine
The president's son and his colleagues invested $500,000 in Metabiota through their firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners
They raised several million dollars of funding for the company from investment giants including Goldman Sachs


Let's see if TyphusPad breaks that link again....



Pretty good interview.

matt - deplore me if you must

The Chinese communists won in 1949 through grass roots support and military victories. The US supported CKS and the Nationalists then and afterwards. Chiang Kai Shek died at home in bed. The Shah is a different story.

Ukrainian auxiliaries assisted the Nazis in the Holocaust, but where did Ukraine as a nation commit atrocities? Where was it national policy?


NOVEMBER 23, 2021

Remains taken from mass grave in Donbass is evidence of crimes by Ukrainian military

Every day, new evidences emerge about the crimes committed by Ukrainian forces in the Donbass conflict. In addition to the well-known allegations of torture, violations of human rights, and assassinations of civilians, recent research carried out on material from bodies exhumed from a mass grave in the People’s Republic of Lugansk may reveal even more shocking details about the reality of the acts committed by the Kiev’s troops. Apparently, the lawsuit that Ukraine is currently facing in the European Court tends to become even tougher, leaving no doubts about the criminal aspect of the actions committed by the Ukrainians.


Off to confession, later


.From Instapundit

DISPATCHES FROM THE INTERSECTION OF “WELL, THIS IS THE 21st CENTURY, YOU KNOW” AND “BASED:” Paralyzed man with brain chip says first words in months: ‘I want a beer.’



Michael Walsh is right the Democrats are a criminal enterprise posing as a political party:https://nypost.com/2022/03/26/how-the-beau-biden-foundation-spends-its-cash/


Who is the warmonger here?


BREAKING: Biden says Putin 'cannot remain in power' in sweeping speech on Russian invasion of Ukraine



"this was the socalled south african strain right,"

I read this as 'socialized'



I asked you to listen to Lara's interview. She doesn't lie because she has zero fucks left to give. To keep repeating what is patently no longer true is not helpful to anyone.


I don't believe for a minute that dog wrote that. Everybody knows dogs don't have thumbs.



The significance of passage of time.





Adam and ?



"...Kinzhal, which means "Dagger" in Russian, is an air-launched missile designed to fly at hypersonic speeds of greater than Mach 5, which is five times the speed of sound and about 3,800 mph (6,100 kph). It is one of several advanced weapons Russia announced in 2018..."

[Ukraine has to discover what aircraft are releasing these and destroy them, wherever they are located.]



They are luanched from modified Mig-31's.

With a range of about 1300 miles, they can be launched hundreds of miles behind Russia's lines and still pretty well cover the whole of Ukraine.

I don't think the Ukranians have the reach to hit Russian air bases that far behind the lines.

They are fast, so useful in destroying targets of opportunity that may present themselves or other high value targets that may have heavy air defences.

I don't know how many the Russians have but I doubt it's 'hundreds' and will be used sparingly. I doubt they are a game changer in the present conflict and their main impact is probably propaganda and to cause the Ukranians a good case of nervousness.

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