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April 16, 2022


Jim Eagle

Happy Easter!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Kathryn Hays, the Minaran empath Gem on Star Trek, dead at 85--

Worst Star Trek episode ever.


happy Easter JiB! Hope all is well at your end.


If Ukraine starts sinking Russian resupply ships, that could get interesting. An army marches on its stomach. Keep that empty and it will go home. (Lack of ammo has a similar impact).


Good to hear from you, JiB. Happy Easter to you and your family!


Hope you are home now, JIB.
Happy Easter!
Tanks and big shops seem to be passé as weapons these days. No?


Hi all

I thought I was getting on some peoples nerves with my many posts hammering the MSM narrative in favor of war in Ukraine. But I was pleasantly surprised by clarice's 2:53 on the previous thread so I feel better about that. I'd hate to upset those out here I consider friends.

This video by Scott Ritter is almost a week old but interesting. He's considered an expert on Russia so his bona fides pass muster IMO. It's over an hour long but well worth the time if you can spare it on this busy weekend. He touches on Phase's 1, 2 and 3, how Russia has prepped the battlefield to achieve their objectives. And there's speculation about the Right Sector Nazi leaders threatening to kill Zelensky if he doesn't abide by their rules with allegations that they're running the show. And he believes the 40,000 reserve troops Russia has brought up are for Phase 3, to watch the Russian elite forces rear flank when those elite battle hardened forces start their offensive from the west with nothing to stop them all the way to Kiev. And how an honorable leader would then surrender at this point to stop more killing. Make of it what you will but I think he' spot on.


Hope all is well JiB


Ig, I beg to differ. "Spock's Brain" was the worst Star Trek episode ever, though "The Empath" is close.


it was pretty bad, some of the tng episodes matched



Q is dying in this mirror universe that paramount has put forth, john delancie probably feels like his soul is dying,


Is the special Counsel zeroing in on the DNC "hack"? Bombshell ?:https://technofog.substack.com/p/cia-bombshell-the-sussmann-data-was


it seemed fishy from the get go, clarice, that's why I consulted persons in the know


thats probably true,



You and who’s army:

Ukrainians could face up to 10 years in prison for not returning home. In the Verkhovna Rada registered a draft law.

The initiative was made by deputies from Zelensky’s party.

▪️ According to the document, those who left Ukraine under martial law must return to the country within 15 days, otherwise they face prison terms.

▪️The heads of authorities, deputies, prosecutors, law enforcement officers and judges must also return.

▪️The valid reasons for "no show": a ban on leaving the host country, business trips, hospital treatment, disasters and natural disasters


What about if you’re serving in the IDF?


so I was looking up larry fink, lord of black rock, and the details are sketchy, he went to work at first boston in their mortgage backed securities and made enough to start up blackrock, some years later he became influential enough to call for the dismissal of richard grosso, for reasons he buys barklays investment arm, and that gives him access to those other major corporate investors, he helps recover the market after 2008 and hires clinton minions like cheryl mills, but there are plenty of gaps,


Methinks they left off the sinking of the Argentine General Belgrano with 321 souls in the Falklands War. The Belgrano is also the only ship to ever be sunk by a nuclear submarine.


s/b big shIps


there was also the graf spee after the battle of the plate, sometimes anywhere near a harbor is problematic, of course the maine had been thought to be sunk by a spanish mine, but it was really a boiler explosion, they discovered some time later


the drones distracted the air defenses and enabled the neptuns to target the moskva, a ship that had made it through the georgian wars and the syrian expedition,


some thoughts here



its well within the range,


which poses a series of problems going forward for other naval vessels


A voice of reason and one of a few who pushed for peace in Ukraine.



Hi, gang! I am in the hospital again!


so sorry to hear that, are you feeling better,


Yes, I-will probably be able to go home tomorrow or Monday.


Prayers up MissM


Sundance responds to Durhams's latest.

The prosecutorial approach by John Durham positions all of the corruption outside the institutions of government, thereby protecting them.

The bad guys, the corrupt lawbreakers, are the people directly connected to the Clinton Campaign and all of the political and legal agents in/around the Clinton political machine.

As the prosecutorial narrative is unfolding, the institutions of government were victims to the horrible, terrible activity by the Clinton outsiders.

Pay no attention to the aligned politics and weaponization of the White House, DOJ, DOJ-NSD, FBI main, FBI-CoIntel, CIA, Senate Intelligence Committee, or memberships therein. The entire apparatus of the most robust, capable, excellent and diligent intelligence apparatus in the history of all mankind, along with all the oversight mechanisms that exist to support that apparatus, was duped by Hillary Clinton’s team.

That’s John Durham’s investigative thesis, and the court filings show he’s sticking to it.


It's the prison guard in me, I trust no one!


prayers up

in retrospect, the kiev offensive was a vanity play based on historical precedence


you follow the available threads, I knew for instance that sussman, represented crowdstrike, but I didn't realize that he also represented a whole other set of researchers,

apelbaum is probably ticked that he couldn't find danchenko or dolan, on the peg board, that explains his attitude to maxey in part,


ok then,



I;m starting a rumor that you've got a romance going in that hospital,MM.


Narciso. Included i the comments at your 5:08.

"...Oh, and the fact the US Navy deployed six EA-18G electronic warfare aircraft to Germany a few weeks back. As you know, I’m not one for conspiracies, but why these particular aircraft, given the USAF is positively replete with EW assets? Maybe because they’ve dedicated kit aimed at spoofing/jamming Russian naval assets?? Intrigue upon intrigue..."



PS. Spoofing towards war?


Do you get frequent flyer miles in that hospital Miss M?

Hope you can go home soon.

matt - deplore me if you must

There's nothing like losing tens of thousands of troops, armored vehicles, railway bridges and ships to prep a battlefield.

The bear has been mauled. Whether they have the resources to continue a massive 2nd invasion is in question. The Ukrainians have apparently been going through anti-tank weapons at a very high rate. Depends on how many tanks they've destroyed.

Now the Ukes are receiving T-72's and other hardware from the former East Bloc countries. The French are also shipping their most advanced fire & forget atm's. Apparently Lockheed & Raytheon are lobbying hard for cost plus contracts to replace our atm's.

Vlad the Impaler may just sit back and lob artillery until the rubble jumps, but his military is most certainly hurting.

The close focus ceremony welcoming the Moskva crew back to Sevastopol seems to indicate massive casualties. That's what happens when loaded missile tubes detonate sympathetically.

It's their elite/strategic troops; paratroopers, special forces and now their navy that have taken it on the chin. Pushing the navy a couple of hundred miles out checks their impact. And the shore to ship missiles still have quite a range.

The thing about taking Mariupol is that there's nothing left. What use is it? Can/will Russian troops maintain an occupation of rubble?

So there they are almost 2 months into a war they thought would take a week.


Another video by Patrick Lancaster from Eastern Mariupol today. It's pretty graphic but shows civilians with their hands tied and allegedly executed by Azov.

Nite all



I was lunch yesterday with a number of vets from several countries. The navy vets, while in agreement that Russia was the aggressor, felt sorrow at the sailors killed during the sinking of the Moskva.


I'm inclined toward your view, matt.


The real winners here are the arms manufacturers who will fill the books for years resupplying the countries who exhausted their stockpiles.

Oh! And China.


I don't always get my way...



I don't really have to go outside...



It's one thing for cats and dogs to get along with each other. It's another thing for stray cats to seek out a particular dog. Mark J sent in this remarkable video about a remarkable dog. Her owner was her first rescue . . . (22.00)



Posted by a commentator on Instapundit:



Included in Ace's weekly pet section:

"Our cat Frog and her rather annoying habit of surveilling the grounds from the roof.

In addition to the hunting vantage point for birds and rodents, it also affords her protection from the barn cats, who like to smack her around when they have the chance.

The only thing she has to fear now is Rooftop Koreans.

Bitter Clinger"



What a great video! I loved it!


From the Tablet

"Gustave Doré, 1832-1883, engraving of ‘The Egyptians Drowned in the Red Sea’Alamy "



MM2. I am glad that you liked it. How are you?


MM - sorry to hear you're in the hospital again but good to know you have a departure date.


Notice, nobody ever says, “Judas Iscariot didn’t kill himself.”


"Three scientists were stranded on a rattlesnake-infested island in the Gulf of California for three days after the boatman who dropped them off last weekend failed to return.

The marine biologists � two men and one woman from La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS) � hired a boatman to take them from San Bruno, BCS, to Isla Tortuga (Turtle Island) last Saturday for a research trip. They also arranged for him to pick them up and take them back to the peninsula, but he didn�t keep that end of the bargain."


jim nj

Two assessments of the Ukraine war:




Good morning, JOM!https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/04/im_a_proud_member_of_the_rebel_alliance.html


Clarice, I admire your skills. You see things clearly, and then then express them clearly so others can see them, too.

Thank you!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I am somewhat disinclined.
First, Mariupol is not laying in ruins despite the Dresden-style propaganda.
Second, the main purpose of the Mariupol operation is to establish a land bridge from Russia through southern Ukraine to Crimea.
Third, if the Moskva was sunk by Ukrainian missiles the big loser is not Russia, whose Navy has become somewhat rudimentary, especially in the realm of surface ships, but the USA which depends inordinately on power projection through our surface ships. Any confrontation with a near peer will involve far more lethal, capable and numerous anti ship weapons than Ukraine can muster. The same applies to our armor and even our air force [with stealth being our only real advantage, and one of unclear effectiveness] against modern area denial weapons systems.
Fourth, it isn't clear to me our rapidly awakening woke military will be much more effective than the supposedly wallowing Russian one if and when we are faced with someone other than a third world country, so we should see a warning not comfort in whatever travails the Russkies are enduring.
Fifth, Putin is still on track to strengthen his grip on eastern and southern Ukraine, secure Crimea and neutralize Ukraine. If the last doesn't occur he has mostly inoculated Russia defensively by accomplishing the first two. The same result he settled for in Georgia.

When you achieve your objectives in a war it's called winning. Most of the world still understands losing men and equipment, even a lot of it, while achieving your objectives is winning the war, which is a much better result than losing fewer men and material and not achieving your objectives and losing the war. America seems to have forgotten that essential truth, substituting virtuous intentions as the true measure of victory regardless of how weakened we are and our position in the world is after the war is over.


yes, that's why I focused on the tactical elements, knowing the prologue of the kursk, I suspected it might be a internal disaster, but Russian forces are tempered by devdochina (sic) the most brutal hazing whereas todays recruits, probably can't handle the comfy chair, the role of the ancient enemy, the Turk, the source of the drones, is well known to the average Russians history,


carried over, today is my mothers birthday, it's also happens to be the day that jfk relying on the judgement of fulbright and stevenson to betray the fighters on giron beach, 61 years ago, include my kin, who experienced what the albanians ukrainians and hungarians had learned before, and the vietnamese and cambodians and persians would learn years later, the US is a fickle ally,


Clarice. A great article.


my reflex is to root for the underdog, but if the bulk of global media, financial, and corporate power is on the side of ukraine, is it really so,
if the endurance of this war, leads to famine and strife, is that in our interests, that's leaving out the horsemna with the sharpest scythe,


Fantasy loving squirrel



there are pythonesque elements here,



Thanks. SBW, I'm from the Midwest where we think words should be used sparingly.Many good points there, Iggy. In a way it's comforting to know that other countries are as effed up as we are in operational terms and the military-industrial grift is fairly universal.

I've been watching shanghai the past couple of days, and I think they've made an epic mistake on the lockdowns--they are starving thousands==maybe millions of residents and killing them off that way and in filthy, understaffed quarantine centers. It's a big city--I expect they will long regret this. But again, it shows how these large govt operations stink around the world. Personally, the most effective multi state operations I ever was connected with consisted of no more than 10 people in one room setting the strategy and people on the ground who were responsive and innovative in dealing with the situations on a local level.


Happy Easter! Happy Birthday to your mother Narciso! MM, get well soon!

matt - deplore me if you must

I second Marlene's sentiments. Happy Easter, Chag sameach,Ramadan Mubarak!!!

I agree with you about Shanghai, Clarice. Utterly inhuman and futile. Especially as the data comes out of even our own country about the efficacy of lockdowns, masks, and denial, the Chinese model is, and is seen to be badly broken, including by their own citizens.

Police states can only carry on for so long before the masses rise against them. How many Russian kids are going to die before the people realize they've been had? How many Chinese will endure starvation before they rise up in anger? At some point there aren't enough police or the police themselves find a conscience.

American are skeptics by nature. This forum proves it. Other places march to the tune of the herd.

But as we celebrate freedom, which Easter and Passover represent above all else; freedom from sin, freedom from enslavement, freedom of thought, let's pray for those benighted people both here and elsewhere.



I was going to lookup Chinese treatment s for Covid and came across this:

"Guo Wengui pushes unproven drug ivermectin to treat Covid

https://www.cnbc.com › 2021/09/07 › guo-wengui-pus...
Sep 7, 2021 — Wealthy Chinese exile Guo Wengui is using his online misinformation network to promote the use of unproven treatments for Covid."



"...American are skeptics by nature. This forum proves it. Other places march to the tune of the herd..."

This might have been true at one time, but the response to Government edicts during the pandemic leads me to believe the majority will do what they are told.


In case you don't know what I'm saying about Shanghai:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t0Vymq8AH4

matt - deplore me if you must

A bunch of states didn't kowtow to BigGov Inc. and I believe many individuals across the country resisted the best they could. So I think there's some hope.

I think the biggest differentiator is those who vote D kowtow.


More from Bucha



More today 4/17/22, from Patrick Lancaster in Eastern Mariupol. His vids are always graphic.


Happy Easter


HAPPENING NOW: Avostal Steel Plant in Ukraine Being Mercilessly Bombed
17 APRIL 2022



I cannot figure out why the CCP is doing this to Shanghai. They are killing more people than they save this way. Is Shanghai richer and more cosmopolitan and therefore must be crushed? Is it just utter incompetence? Is it to hide the fact of a nation wide food shortage and blame it on the virus? It's mysterious And it is already fomenting open rebellion in a city of over 28 million people.


Good question Clarice. Seems like a lot of world leaders are ridding the planet of people - and smiling all the way.


just pure evil jane,





Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Communism stamps out threats by hammering them out of existence, even invisible viruses.
Communism views individuals as expendable.
Shanghai is 28 million nails to the CCP hammer.
Shanghai is also the center of the Chinese financial and entrepreneurial spirit so hammering that down a good bit is just icing on the cake.


Remember-- Fauci has expressed admiration for the way the Chinese are able to conduct lockdowns


Clarice: Tinpot dictator!


I will be unable to drive for 3 months my dil has been very welcoming, but it’s time for me to look for a new place to live.




jim nj

Two assessments of the Ukraine war:



jim nj


A thread on the Moskva. A photo of it after the attack is on the net and many people are trying to analyze it for the damage.

If you page down far enough he updates that somebody spotted a mast behind Moskva probably belonging to a salvage tug.

jim nj

I saw a strange video from the Ukraine war. There's lots of videos of anti-tank strikes from various missile systems either land- or air-based.

This one was a UAV or drone strike. No missile, just what, as it tumbled over, after release, appeared to be an RPG round without the booster or rocket sections attached.

So I watched it a couple times to be sure. Yup, it was an RPG gravity bomb. It fell, tumbled once and then the weight of the warhead, like a dart, oriented to the target and it detonated on impact.

I didn't think the arming circuit worked that way. Maybe if you drop it from high enough it thinks it's been rocket-launched and the arming circuit engages.


jim nj


Michigan kindergartener brings Jose Cuervo margaritas to snack time, made students 'woozy'
Alcoholic drink was brought to school in a student's backpack

I wonder if the school had banned chocolate milk?


Good morning.

SNOW here!


Snow here as well. :)


Cold rain here.
VDH with a winner:https://amgreatness.com/2022/04/17/trickle-down-racist-antiracism/




DEERFIELD, Ill. -- April 14, 2022

CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CF), a leading global manufacturer of hydrogen and nitrogen products, today informed customers it serves by Union Pacific rail lines that railroad-mandated shipping reductions would result in nitrogen fertilizer shipment delays during the spring application season and that it would be unable to accept new rail sales involving Union Pacific for the foreseeable future. The Company understands that it is one of only 30 companies to face these restrictions.
The application of nitrogen fertilizer is critical to maximizing crop yields.
If farmers are unable to secure all the nitrogen fertilizer that they require
in the current season because of supply chain disruptions such as rail
shipping restrictions, the Company expects yield will be lower. This will
likely extend the timeline to replenish global grains stocks. Low global
grains stocks continue to support high front month and forward prices for
nitrogen-consuming crops, which has contributed to higher food prices.


There's a hare in my scope!



I was going to suggest that Ukraine adopt Cuckoo because they were invaded by Russia, but the Donbass people got there a few years before me.

1. Watch "Learn Russian with Songs - Polina Gagarina Cuckoo - Полина Гагарина Кукушка" on YouTube


2. Watch "Donbass Self-Defense: "Cuckoo" 18+ War in Ukraine" on YouTube



85 degrees and sunny here! And the part timers are fleeing! Yippee!


Vaccine Skeptics are the True Critical Thinkers
We Overcame the Most Sophisticated Forms of Manipulation


Had some interesting discussions around the Easter dinner.
The most interesting was the discussion about pronouns. Seems the inclusion of pronouns allowed the identification of the gender of some folks who had only been communicating by email


AP - The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a challenge from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Maryland to the 2017 tax law that capped federal tax deductions for state and local taxes (SALT).


I've posted a couple of this guys videos but apparently he's been captured by the Ukrainian Secret Service and may be dead now.



That’s awful Rocco.


I can’t believe I let another’Education and Sharing Day’ go by without commenting on the incredibly racist guy-upheld as some kind of moral paradigm for all the so called ‘Nations’-by presidents and politicians for over four decades now:

Remember when George HW Bush declared Menachem Mendel Schneerson the spiritual leader of World Jewry and that all faiths revere him? That's kind of a weird thing for a President to do: PUBLIC LAW 102-268

"Whereas Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson is universally revered by all faiths, respected as spiritual leader of world Jewry, and his 90th birthday falls on April 14,1992;"


Jane, yes it is terrible but he had to know the risks involved. Zelensky nationalized all media in Ukraine so unless these independent journalists can get their reporting out, we're only hearing one side of the story. I remember my first post by him and he was saying a previous youtube he made went viral in Russia so I would imagine he was a marked man at that point.


Exclusive Interview - Aiden Aslin - British Man Fighting for Ukraine, Captured in Donbass, Mariupol

Apr 18, 2022

I'm not so sure this POW was coerced, he sounds sincere to me. Perhaps he's been given special consideration because he's British. And because he's a mercenary, he's not covered by the Geneva protocols and facing the death penalty. Propaganda, I dunno.


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