Good. I hope she wins. She was a favorite of Democrats in Alaska before being nominated for VP. Then the Democrats and their lackeys slimed her. Maybe they can make her Speaker. That would be a load of fun.
not only about energy, but about life, death panels came to a dozen states, an actual trade in fetuses arose, like something out of babylon, she warned about putin, when everybody was on the reset match, a full invasion of ukraine, and she was ridiculed,
an attack on abquaiq, came to pass, and because her advice was taken up by trump, we were able to weather it, now the wreckers are in firm control, making food a luxury,
Scott Ritter claims Russia's about to implement Phase 2 of the war, move the 40,000 troops used in Mariupol south to entrap all of Ukraine and win bigtime.
of course they have one of the most clueless chimps on the byline, she was the canary that triggered many of the viral elements in body politic perkins and coie, the octopus involved with fusion and crowd strike, did much of the lawfare coordination, that drove her out of office,
She can be “a hound dog on a ham bone”. Let’s hope so and it gives the Biden kids something to waste their mediocrity on. While blonde-man-bad swoops in for the kill.
I always find it instructive when the New York Times has free articles for non-subscribers. Here’s one on how wonderful the job situation is in Nebraska. Comments are interesting, too.
I thought it might be my poor internet connection, but after a few tries at re-loading this it's apparent there is a coding error on the page. Moving the cursor over the maps doesn't magnify them.
The Russians are retreating from Kyiv. Ukraine has re-captured a remarkable amount of territory around the capital and appears to be chasing the Russians, rather than just letting them leave on their own,
I've seen videos of Bucha, one of the liberated suburbs, that I won't post here, that are rather graphic showing dead civilians just lying in or near roads.
Just posted. Includes the Bucha video I wasn't going to post separately.
I don't know if these deaths (shown in the video) are real or not, deliberate or accidental, but as propaganda goes this bespeaks an evil intent.
I'm trying to avoid passing along obvious, and maybe not so obvious, propaganda. As some American Colonel was want to say both sides are lying, but the maps tell the truth. I don't know how to reconcile that statement other then to say that the three sources creating the maps I peruse are consistent, for the most part, and seem to accurately convey the present situation from day to day.
On Twitter, i see that VOA, BBC, and Vatican Radio have started broadcasting via shortwave radio to Ukraine and Russia. Reported by EWTN, Mother Angelica’s old network.
A woman ran a red traffic light and crashed into a man's car late at night on a deserted intersection. Both of their cars are demolished, but amazingly neither of them was hurt. After they crawled out of their cars, the woman said; "Wow, just look at our cars!
There's nothing left, but fortunately we are unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days.”
The man replied, "I agree with you completely. This must be a sign from God!"
The woman continued, "And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished, but my bottle of 75 year old scotch didn't break. Surely God meant for us to drink this vintage delicacy and celebrate our good fortune."
Then she handed the bottle to the man. The man nods his head in agreement, opened it, drank half the bottle and then handed it back to the woman. The woman took the bottle, immediately put the cap back on, and handed it back to the man.
The man asks, "Aren't you having any?"
She replies, “Nah! I think I'll just wait for the police."
Many years ago, Adam ate the apple. Men will never learn!
Thanks for the chuckle clarice. I have a neighbor like that. And I was told the local cops think I'm the one who's stealing them. I'm not of course and I don't know why they think that. But now I'll chuckle every time I drive by remembering today's Pieces. I needed a laugh!
"President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says Ukrainian troops retaking areas around Kyiv and Chernihiv are not allowing Russians to retreat without a fight, but are “shelling them. By The Associated Press. April 2, 2022, 11:06 PM
Their Stories Can’t Become Our Stories
By Brent Hamachek | March 31, 2022
"...On March 8th, 2022, Human Events and the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley hosted a surprisingly first-of-its-kind panel event (nobody could think of it being done before) featuring five people who had suffered at the hands of totalitarian communism in the past century. Here is a roll call of the panelists:
Peter Wolf (East Germany): His mother first exited East Germany under a hail of gunfire to get his older sister out. She then returned, was punished and threatened before escaping later with Peter.
Tatiana Menaker (Soviet Union): Organized women in the Soviet Union and was then arrested and jailed as a Refusenik.
Peter Palecek (Czechoslovakia): His father was arrested and jailed for political crimes and sentenced to camp for extermination. Peter became active as a dissident during college.
Frank de Varona (Cuba): Arrested and jailed by Castro for participating in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. Forced to drink from a pail filled with water and floating dead rats.
Sutton Van Vo (Vietnam): Arrested after the fall of Saigon. Held in prison camps for 13 years, often in a solitary pitch-black cell. Physically tortured and forced into hard labor..."
March 27, 2022. What’s happening to the Marines?
By Andrea Widburg
"...Among Marines there are serious questions about the wisdom and long-term risk of dramatic reductions in force structure, weapon systems and manpower levels in units that would take steady casualties in most combat scenarios. And it is unclear to just about everyone with experience in military planning what formal review and coordination was required before Gen. Berger unilaterally announced a policy that would alter so many time-honored contributions of the Marine Corps..."
clarice, surely you are joking? While 100% spot on, I just can't see most liberals changing their minds.
There really is a Great Divide. Madness and sanity. Good & evil. Their leaders have doubled down on stupid and just plain incompetence.
Then again, as Rome burns, all of DC fiddles around.
The news from Baku is interesting and of concern. Huge oil fields there.
As to the USMC I was with a couple of buddies last night who served in the Corps in our wars and both are just disgusted with what is happening to their Corps. Getting rid of the tanks is just one of the crazy ideas the current leadership has.
Biden & Co have done terrible damage in a very short period of time and we have no mechanism to stop them.
The bad thing about a woke military is it will be loyal to the disgusting, tyrannical state.
The good thing about a woke military is it will be easy to defeat. Just use the wrong pronouns and they'll have a meltdown.
Big difference in the maps as the Russians abandon the Kyiv part of the campaign. Forces are withdrawn from the west of Kyiv all the way back to Belerus. The supporting attacks on Kviv down from Chernikiv and west from Sumy are also withdrawing.
Somebody mentioned that they didn't think the Russians really intended to take Kyiv. They just wanted to tie down Ukrainian troops. I disagree.
The campaign for the taking (or at least the encirclement) of Kyiv had four components. An attack westward from Sumy, an attack down the eastern side of the Dnipro river (that got hung up near Chernihiv), an attack down the western side of the Dnipro River (the 40-mile long convoy) and the establishment of an airbridge at Hostomel Airport slightly northwest of Kyiv.
In my estimation the failure to take and hold the Hostomel Airport in the first days of the Kyiv campaign will come to be seen as the key battle in the defense of Kyiv.
Had that airport been taken it would have served as a Russian inkspot as troops and weapons were flown in via plane and helicopter and attacked out. The 40-mile long convoy would have looked like a Redball Express rolling in to Hostomel and environs instead of being held up with no particular place to go at that moment.
Without the capture of the Hostomel Airport a well-coordinated four-prong attack turned into three disjointed attacks that were fought separately, mostly on the supply lines, which, because of the need for speed, were left unprotected.
It's a lot tougher to pull off fraud in the house. Red districts are a lot less susceptible to fraud and blue ones don't matter. They can mute a wave in the house in marginal districts but not thwart it.
The Senate however is more susceptible to urban blue hell fraud.
I didn't say they would win, just that they would pull it out of the rafters. Left unsaid that it will be that blatant.
What I also left out is their (Uniparty's) constant running of dark horses, which is what will be coming, that and compromising others for complicit agenda efforts down the road.
Meanwhile, stuff like this:
Jonathan Turley @JonathanTurley
The FEC recently fining Clinton's campaign for concealing the funding of the Steele Dossier. Todd did not consider that relevant when asking her about how the Democrats should approach the next…
...He seemed to be highlighting NBC’s slogan “This is who we are” for all the wrong reasons...
--Somebody mentioned that they didn't think the Russians really intended to take Kyiv. They just wanted to tie down Ukrainian troops. I disagree.--
I mentioned it as a strategy. I could be wrong in my assessment but your disagreement only mentioned tactics.
What you describe could even more easily describe a diversionary effort that didn't care too much if it achieved those objectives because it put intense pressure on Zelensky to negotiate over neutrality and tied down troops either way.
If we look at Putin's stated goals, his strategy; a neutral Ukraine, an independent Donbas and a Russian Crimea, none of them require a conquered Kiev and with Zelensky's seeming concession on not joining NATO, Putin is close to achieving all three.
A neutral Ukraine was probably the least important of the three if the other two were achieved providing Russia a buffer and more defensible perimeter.
The template for this is Russia's actions in Georgia which employed similar tactics in pursuit of a similar goal and which I consider a lot more reliable meter of Russia's strategy and intentions than what Biden's band of braindead bimbos or the neocon/neolib seditious/industrial complex promulgates to maintain power through maintaining the rubes in a continual uproar over the latest diversion from their creeping tyranny.
--matt, tank war does look to be obsolete see Ukraine.--
That seems premature.
As I noted above, IMO Putin is close to achieving or may already have achieved his three objectives, with tanks.
Second Russian tactics seem to have been less than stellar with limited close air support and holing up within their armor rather than fanning infantry out ahead of it to mop up anti tank squads.
Third, the large majority of Russian armor is still based on the ancient T-72 and their upgrades have been lacking in effectiveness.
Fourth Russians always fight by throwing massive material at the enemy and sacrificing much of it to win by throw weight.
The battlefield is getting more dangerous for armor but it has always been dangerous. The difference is it is drones and handheld antitank weapons taking them out instead of other tanks. It's also getting tougher for aircraft especially low flying slow ones but the Russians have no stealth capabilities and if our AWACS were supporting Ukraine from outside Ukraine airspace, as reported, that would make Russia's ability to neutralize Ukraine's air defenses pretty difficult. In a general war, those AWACS would be targeted.
Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 @julie_kelly2
So here is my NON-LAWYER guess on what's happening related to Trump criminal charges for J6.
Looks like the committee will punt on a criminal referral.
Pressure is on Garland but my guess is he felt burned by the school board memo, which I don't think he knew much about and...
was likely orchestrated by Lisa Monaco. After Senate GOP blasted him and Cotton said he should resign in disgrace, not sure Garland wants to do more of Monaco's dirty work.
That said, the bag man here will be Matthew Graves, the US Attorney for DC handling all J6 prosecutions.
We're not back to the grassy knoll again, Clarice, are we? Between Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone the conspiracy theories have worn me out.
As to tanks, it's the same with anti-ship missiles. The power to destroy is the real power on the battlefield.
The U.S. put huge efforts into tank killing; the A-10, various and sundry missile and RPG type systems, etc all in an effort to blunt the vast Soviet superiority in numbers. We are now seeing these tactics in real time and the evidence is powerful.
This was the NATO playbook vs the Russian/Soviet playbook. 5 1/2 weeks into a campaign that was supposed to take days is a pretty good indicator that the Russians have received a very bloody nose.
Any attempt to portray the Kiev and Kharkov campaigns as feints ignores the massive casualties and logistical nightmare the Russians have experienced.
They rebalance to take the Donbass and cut off Ukraine from the sea but their hold is very, very tenuous.
The Russians deployed a very large part of their army in this war. Now it is reduced considerably. They are a paper tiger in many ways now.
With the poor performance of their art force, just think about what the USAF and NATO AF's could do to them. S-300? S-400? The US shipped back a S-300 battery they had at Redstone for analysis and have already likely traded the Ukrainians for one of the S-400's they captured.
The Armata tank doesn't seem to have done very well either vs Western arms.
The Russians may grind Ukraine down brick by brick, but to what purpose? Ukraine was a weak sister before and is still a weak sister who won't give in.
This also gives hope to Russia's other colonies, by the way. Their feared Army is now depleted.
I have a (possibly stupid) question. I've posted it on Lucianne and gotten no answer. Maybe y'all can help me here:
Unless I'm mistaken, it is unprecedented that Judge Brown's nomination to the Supreme Court be confirmed when there is no actual vacancy on the court. As I understand it, only tradition keeps the number of justices at nine. Dems have been agitating to pack the court. Would not a senate confirmation be legal permission for 10 justices? What is to stop her from being seated immediately without Justice Breyer actually resigning? Should he change his mind, what is to force Justice Breyer retiring as he said he would? If he stays on and they decide to keep the number of justices at nine, what's to stop Judge Jackson's confirmed nomination being held in petto for the next vacancy, even should it occur under another president?
I appreciate your feedback.
well there is statute, but when does that matter to these people, just like with the remain in mexico act, that was reinstated by the court, but not if they don't want to,
when facing the Main Enemy, which doesn't believe in law, in biology in common tenets of reality, what can be done,
They will do whatever they damn well please (see ignoring the Constitution and changing the rules during the 2020 election). Then they will get on TV and make up some BS reason for why it’s justified. Thanks for stopping by, and for your excellent questions!
Given the clarity of Russia's declaration of war aims (which were focused on the Donbass, as well as Nazi rat hunting in Mariupol), the Kiev encirclement as well as the "40 mile convoy" which preceded it does appear to be a strategic feint to tie down troops.
Russian war aims require passage by the Ukrainian legislature of legislation (or revision of the constitution) precluding membership in NATO. Russia is not particularly interested in the utterances of Commandante Zelenski which have absolutely no legislative validity.
The withdrawal of Russian forces around Kiev allows the legislature to conduct business without a literal "gun to the head". Maybe Zelensky will appear before the legislature in a toga or a clown costume rather than his Commandante costume but he really isn't necessary for the conclusion of this demonstration of realpolitik.
if you're up against the Bear, hire a wolf, Borz, thats who the Azov, thats what our boy d'arbuisson was in el salvador, if joan didion were alive today (one she'd be surprised, two she'd be with biletsky,) theres a reason this hasn't been done in 78 years,
NEW: @WILawLiberty sues cable giant Comcast for its "woke" program to help small businesses. But not all small businesses - white males need not apply. #ComcastRISE
I think Zelensky knows he's screwed no matter who wins. He's stated he's #1 on Russia's hit list and I think he's terrified of the Azov Battalion who threatened him in 2019 when he traveled to the Gray Zone of Donbas, to a town called Zolote, and had a melt down when the Azov's refused to give up their weapons as he demanded. A few weeks later, Biletsky threatened to send more troops to the area. ‘I’m not a loser’: Zelensky clashes with veterans over Donbas disengagement
And in this video the interviewer asks Aris Roussinos, at about the 13:00 minute mark, what will happen after the war. Roussinos claims he's spent time with Olena Semenyaka, Semenyaka, a figurehead in the Azov movement who told Roussinos that Azov will never accept new boundaries being drawn or losing Crimea and told him they have a plan should the puppet Zelensky fail them. That sound like threat to me. I think he's screwed either way.
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Documents Uncovered that Tie Americans to “Neo-Nazi” Azov Battalion in Ukraine
In the filing (page 8) the FBI notes that RAM members (the group the accused were associated with) the FBI labels the Azoz Battalion, who these guys met with, as Neo-Nazis.
On August 1, 2018, an Instagram user “tagged” Right Brand Clothing’s account in a post containing a photograph of RAM members during their trip to Germany, Ukraine, and Italy meeting with Olena Semenyaka, the leader of the International Department for the National Corps, which is a political party in the Ukraine that was founded in 2016 out of a regiment of the Ukranian military called the Azov Battalion. Based on my training and experience, I know that the Azov Battalion is a paramilitary unit of the Ukranian National Guard which is known for its association with neo-Nazi ideology and use of Nazi symbolism, and which is believed to have participated in training and radicalizing United States-based white supremacy organizations.
ordinarily they wouldn't be caught dead, they are the epitome of insurrectionists, probably the American equivalent is the Aryan Brotherhood, why they go to that poisoned well, but kolomoisky whose yacht is in montenegro, but apparently has not left the country, funded them,
As I understand it, only tradition keeps the number of justices at nine.
The number of justices on the supreme court is set by law. It can be changed, but that would require legislation passed by the House and Senate to do so, not just confirmation a 10th justice.
Good. I hope she wins. She was a favorite of Democrats in Alaska before being nominated for VP. Then the Democrats and their lackeys slimed her. Maybe they can make her Speaker. That would be a load of fun.
Posted by: Buford Gooch | April 02, 2022 at 09:20 AM
Posted by: MissMarple2 | April 02, 2022 at 09:28 AM
Ioo% mail in voting with no proof of ID in Alaska. So cross your fingers.
Posted by: Jane | April 02, 2022 at 10:22 AM
she deserves the seat, not to say I told you so, but she got everything right,
Posted by: Narciso | April 02, 2022 at 11:55 AM
not only about energy, but about life, death panels came to a dozen states, an actual trade in fetuses arose, like something out of babylon, she warned about putin, when everybody was on the reset match, a full invasion of ukraine, and she was ridiculed,
Posted by: Narciso | April 02, 2022 at 11:59 AM
an attack on abquaiq, came to pass, and because her advice was taken up by trump, we were able to weather it, now the wreckers are in firm control, making food a luxury,
Posted by: Narciso | April 02, 2022 at 12:06 PM
Putin cried out! A series of Russian soldiers died after this stupid "suicide".
Yes Virginia, Chernobyl is still dangerous
Posted by: Neo | April 02, 2022 at 12:10 PM
if serfdom were merely the end point
Posted by: Narciso | April 02, 2022 at 12:23 PM
Before reading TM’s post I assumed “she” meant Hillary and was ready to point out slow waddle is top speed for that one.
Good for Palin. Good for Alaska.
Posted by: henry | April 02, 2022 at 01:34 PM
Scott Ritter claims Russia's about to implement Phase 2 of the war, move the 40,000 troops used in Mariupol south to entrap all of Ukraine and win bigtime.
Posted by: Rocco | April 02, 2022 at 01:45 PM
of course they have one of the most clueless chimps on the byline, she was the canary that triggered many of the viral elements in body politic perkins and coie, the octopus involved with fusion and crowd strike, did much of the lawfare coordination, that drove her out of office,
Posted by: Narciso | April 02, 2022 at 01:47 PM
nod (robert malley won't let him)
Posted by: Narciso | April 02, 2022 at 01:54 PM
nothing to see here,
Posted by: Narciso | April 02, 2022 at 02:11 PM
She can be “a hound dog on a ham bone”. Let’s hope so and it gives the Biden kids something to waste their mediocrity on. While blonde-man-bad swoops in for the kill.
Eagles know this stuff.
Posted by: Jack Lillywhite | April 02, 2022 at 04:32 PM
I always find it instructive when the New York Times has free articles for non-subscribers. Here’s one on how wonderful the job situation is in Nebraska. Comments are interesting, too.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | April 02, 2022 at 06:38 PM
Where are you and how are you feeling?
Posted by: MissMarple2 | April 02, 2022 at 06:39 PM
like a malign mount rushmore,
Posted by: Narciso | April 02, 2022 at 07:15 PM
Posted by: Narciso | April 02, 2022 at 07:44 PM
a rare bit of fortune,
Posted by: Narciso | April 02, 2022 at 07:57 PM
Posted by: Narciso | April 02, 2022 at 08:16 PM
Cruz asks Biden SCOTUS nom her opinion on 'natural rights' and her answer is 'disqualifying'
Posted by: Neo | April 02, 2022 at 09:01 PM
Massive explosion rocks Azerbaijan's capital, casualties reported
A huge explosion hits a nightclub in Azerbaijan’s capital Baku, witnesses say dozens of ambulances were deployed to the area to treat the wounded.
Posted by: jim nj | April 02, 2022 at 09:40 PM
Two assessments of the Ukraine war:
I thought it might be my poor internet connection, but after a few tries at re-loading this it's apparent there is a coding error on the page. Moving the cursor over the maps doesn't magnify them.
The Russians are retreating from Kyiv. Ukraine has re-captured a remarkable amount of territory around the capital and appears to be chasing the Russians, rather than just letting them leave on their own,
I've seen videos of Bucha, one of the liberated suburbs, that I won't post here, that are rather graphic showing dead civilians just lying in or near roads.
Posted by: jim nj | April 03, 2022 at 12:59 AM
A third assessment of the Ukraine war:
Just posted. Includes the Bucha video I wasn't going to post separately.
I don't know if these deaths (shown in the video) are real or not, deliberate or accidental, but as propaganda goes this bespeaks an evil intent.
I'm trying to avoid passing along obvious, and maybe not so obvious, propaganda. As some American Colonel was want to say both sides are lying, but the maps tell the truth. I don't know how to reconcile that statement other then to say that the three sources creating the maps I peruse are consistent, for the most part, and seem to accurately convey the present situation from day to day.
Posted by: jim nj | April 03, 2022 at 01:50 AM
Fine pieces.
Posted by: henry | April 03, 2022 at 05:47 AM
Posted by: clarice | April 03, 2022 at 08:04 AM
Bless Clarice Feldman for presenting in a gentle, humorous way, the onrushing political suicide of Democratic policies.
Posted by: sbwaters | April 03, 2022 at 08:13 AM
Thanks, SBW
Posted by: clarice | April 03, 2022 at 08:15 AM
Great Pieces, Clarice!
Posted by: Bela1 | April 03, 2022 at 08:24 AM
might as well blame the huntress,sarc she warned about all of this, including putin's invasion of ukraine, 13 some years ago,
Posted by: Narciso | April 03, 2022 at 09:13 AM
One of your finest! Thank you!
Posted by: MissMarple2 | April 03, 2022 at 10:09 AM
On Twitter, i see that VOA, BBC, and Vatican Radio have started broadcasting via shortwave radio to Ukraine and Russia. Reported by EWTN, Mother Angelica’s old network.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | April 03, 2022 at 10:13 AM
From Ace's book section.
Posted by: Davod | April 03, 2022 at 10:19 AM
The Saturday Night Joke
A woman ran a red traffic light and crashed into a man's car late at night on a deserted intersection. Both of their cars are demolished, but amazingly neither of them was hurt. After they crawled out of their cars, the woman said; "Wow, just look at our cars!
There's nothing left, but fortunately we are unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days.”
The man replied, "I agree with you completely. This must be a sign from God!"
The woman continued, "And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished, but my bottle of 75 year old scotch didn't break. Surely God meant for us to drink this vintage delicacy and celebrate our good fortune."
Then she handed the bottle to the man. The man nods his head in agreement, opened it, drank half the bottle and then handed it back to the woman. The woman took the bottle, immediately put the cap back on, and handed it back to the man.
The man asks, "Aren't you having any?"
She replies, “Nah! I think I'll just wait for the police."
Many years ago, Adam ate the apple. Men will never learn!
Posted by: Davod | April 03, 2022 at 10:27 AM
I don't think this is related to the joke.
Posted by: Davod | April 03, 2022 at 10:33 AM
Posted by: Narciso | April 03, 2022 at 10:58 AM
but of course,
Posted by: Narciso | April 03, 2022 at 11:17 AM
I have one objection to your fabulous Pieces: there is no person who voted democrat who was/is as well informed as your neighbor!
Posted by: Jane | April 03, 2022 at 11:38 AM
well all the local fishwrap are hot garbage, same for local tv stations,
Posted by: Narciso | April 03, 2022 at 12:05 PM
Posted by: Narciso | April 03, 2022 at 12:07 PM
the answer is yes,
Posted by: Narciso | April 03, 2022 at 12:09 PM
Posted by: Narciso | April 03, 2022 at 12:25 PM
Thanks for the chuckle clarice. I have a neighbor like that. And I was told the local cops think I'm the one who's stealing them. I'm not of course and I don't know why they think that. But now I'll chuckle every time I drive by remembering today's Pieces. I needed a laugh!
Posted by: Rocco | April 03, 2022 at 03:25 PM
that's their story,
Posted by: Narciso | April 03, 2022 at 04:08 PM
the ones hanging over the trap door,
Posted by: Narciso | April 03, 2022 at 04:47 PM
"President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says Ukrainian troops retaking areas around Kyiv and Chernihiv are not allowing Russians to retreat without a fight, but are “shelling them. By The Associated Press. April 2, 2022, 11:06 PM
[This is a problem?]
Posted by: Davod | April 03, 2022 at 05:02 PM
I apologize if this has already been posted.
Their Stories Can’t Become Our Stories
By Brent Hamachek | March 31, 2022
"...On March 8th, 2022, Human Events and the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley hosted a surprisingly first-of-its-kind panel event (nobody could think of it being done before) featuring five people who had suffered at the hands of totalitarian communism in the past century. Here is a roll call of the panelists:
Peter Wolf (East Germany): His mother first exited East Germany under a hail of gunfire to get his older sister out. She then returned, was punished and threatened before escaping later with Peter.
Tatiana Menaker (Soviet Union): Organized women in the Soviet Union and was then arrested and jailed as a Refusenik.
Peter Palecek (Czechoslovakia): His father was arrested and jailed for political crimes and sentenced to camp for extermination. Peter became active as a dissident during college.
Frank de Varona (Cuba): Arrested and jailed by Castro for participating in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. Forced to drink from a pail filled with water and floating dead rats.
Sutton Van Vo (Vietnam): Arrested after the fall of Saigon. Held in prison camps for 13 years, often in a solitary pitch-black cell. Physically tortured and forced into hard labor..." ... r-stories/
Posted by: Davod | April 03, 2022 at 05:55 PM
March 27, 2022. What’s happening to the Marines?
By Andrea Widburg
"...Among Marines there are serious questions about the wisdom and long-term risk of dramatic reductions in force structure, weapon systems and manpower levels in units that would take steady casualties in most combat scenarios. And it is unclear to just about everyone with experience in military planning what formal review and coordination was required before Gen. Berger unilaterally announced a policy that would alter so many time-honored contributions of the Marine Corps..."
Read more:
Posted by: Davod | April 03, 2022 at 06:35 PM
Ace gun column
Posted by: Davod | April 03, 2022 at 09:27 PM
clarice, surely you are joking? While 100% spot on, I just can't see most liberals changing their minds.
There really is a Great Divide. Madness and sanity. Good & evil. Their leaders have doubled down on stupid and just plain incompetence.
Then again, as Rome burns, all of DC fiddles around.
The news from Baku is interesting and of concern. Huge oil fields there.
As to the USMC I was with a couple of buddies last night who served in the Corps in our wars and both are just disgusted with what is happening to their Corps. Getting rid of the tanks is just one of the crazy ideas the current leadership has.
Biden & Co have done terrible damage in a very short period of time and we have no mechanism to stop them.
Posted by: matt - deplore me if you must | April 03, 2022 at 10:48 PM
The bad thing about a woke military is it will be loyal to the disgusting, tyrannical state.
The good thing about a woke military is it will be easy to defeat. Just use the wrong pronouns and they'll have a meltdown.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | April 03, 2022 at 11:31 PM
Two assessments of the Ukraine war:
Big difference in the maps as the Russians abandon the Kyiv part of the campaign. Forces are withdrawn from the west of Kyiv all the way back to Belerus. The supporting attacks on Kviv down from Chernikiv and west from Sumy are also withdrawing.
Posted by: jim nj | April 04, 2022 at 01:26 AM
Somebody mentioned that they didn't think the Russians really intended to take Kyiv. They just wanted to tie down Ukrainian troops. I disagree.
The campaign for the taking (or at least the encirclement) of Kyiv had four components. An attack westward from Sumy, an attack down the eastern side of the Dnipro river (that got hung up near Chernihiv), an attack down the western side of the Dnipro River (the 40-mile long convoy) and the establishment of an airbridge at Hostomel Airport slightly northwest of Kyiv.
In my estimation the failure to take and hold the Hostomel Airport in the first days of the Kyiv campaign will come to be seen as the key battle in the defense of Kyiv.
Had that airport been taken it would have served as a Russian inkspot as troops and weapons were flown in via plane and helicopter and attacked out. The 40-mile long convoy would have looked like a Redball Express rolling in to Hostomel and environs instead of being held up with no particular place to go at that moment.
Without the capture of the Hostomel Airport a well-coordinated four-prong attack turned into three disjointed attacks that were fought separately, mostly on the supply lines, which, because of the need for speed, were left unprotected.
Posted by: jim nj | April 04, 2022 at 02:25 AM
Elon Musk now owns 9.2% of Twitter, becoming its largest shareholder.
Posted by: MissMarple2 | April 04, 2022 at 08:07 AM
matt, tank war does look to be obsolete see Ukraine. No one's imagining a war where you have to race across Hungary's plains.
Posted by: clarice | April 04, 2022 at 08:09 AM
Tesla Co-founder and CEO Elon Musk has purchased a 9.2% stake in Twitter, Inc, according to a Monday filing from the SEC.
that's roughly $2.89 billion
Posted by: Neo | April 04, 2022 at 08:22 AM
Posted by: clarice | April 04, 2022 at 08:27 AM
Not with the level of fraud they're going to have to pull out of the rafters.
Posted by: Melinda | April 04, 2022 at 08:35 AM
It's a lot tougher to pull off fraud in the house. Red districts are a lot less susceptible to fraud and blue ones don't matter. They can mute a wave in the house in marginal districts but not thwart it.
The Senate however is more susceptible to urban blue hell fraud.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | April 04, 2022 at 08:39 AM
I didn't say they would win, just that they would pull it out of the rafters. Left unsaid that it will be that blatant.
What I also left out is their (Uniparty's) constant running of dark horses, which is what will be coming, that and compromising others for complicit agenda efforts down the road.
Meanwhile, stuff like this:
Jonathan Turley @JonathanTurley
The FEC recently fining Clinton's campaign for concealing the funding of the Steele Dossier. Todd did not consider that relevant when asking her about how the Democrats should approach the next…
...He seemed to be highlighting NBC’s slogan “This is who we are” for all the wrong reasons...
Posted by: Melinda | April 04, 2022 at 08:42 AM
--Somebody mentioned that they didn't think the Russians really intended to take Kyiv. They just wanted to tie down Ukrainian troops. I disagree.--
I mentioned it as a strategy. I could be wrong in my assessment but your disagreement only mentioned tactics.
What you describe could even more easily describe a diversionary effort that didn't care too much if it achieved those objectives because it put intense pressure on Zelensky to negotiate over neutrality and tied down troops either way.
If we look at Putin's stated goals, his strategy; a neutral Ukraine, an independent Donbas and a Russian Crimea, none of them require a conquered Kiev and with Zelensky's seeming concession on not joining NATO, Putin is close to achieving all three.
A neutral Ukraine was probably the least important of the three if the other two were achieved providing Russia a buffer and more defensible perimeter.
The template for this is Russia's actions in Georgia which employed similar tactics in pursuit of a similar goal and which I consider a lot more reliable meter of Russia's strategy and intentions than what Biden's band of braindead bimbos or the neocon/neolib seditious/industrial complex promulgates to maintain power through maintaining the rubes in a continual uproar over the latest diversion from their creeping tyranny.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | April 04, 2022 at 08:53 AM
--matt, tank war does look to be obsolete see Ukraine.--
That seems premature.
As I noted above, IMO Putin is close to achieving or may already have achieved his three objectives, with tanks.
Second Russian tactics seem to have been less than stellar with limited close air support and holing up within their armor rather than fanning infantry out ahead of it to mop up anti tank squads.
Third, the large majority of Russian armor is still based on the ancient T-72 and their upgrades have been lacking in effectiveness.
Fourth Russians always fight by throwing massive material at the enemy and sacrificing much of it to win by throw weight.
The battlefield is getting more dangerous for armor but it has always been dangerous. The difference is it is drones and handheld antitank weapons taking them out instead of other tanks. It's also getting tougher for aircraft especially low flying slow ones but the Russians have no stealth capabilities and if our AWACS were supporting Ukraine from outside Ukraine airspace, as reported, that would make Russia's ability to neutralize Ukraine's air defenses pretty difficult. In a general war, those AWACS would be targeted.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | April 04, 2022 at 09:05 AM
Probably not far off::
Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 @julie_kelly2
So here is my NON-LAWYER guess on what's happening related to Trump criminal charges for J6.
Looks like the committee will punt on a criminal referral.
Pressure is on Garland but my guess is he felt burned by the school board memo, which I don't think he knew much about and...
was likely orchestrated by Lisa Monaco. After Senate GOP blasted him and Cotton said he should resign in disgrace, not sure Garland wants to do more of Monaco's dirty work.
That said, the bag man here will be Matthew Graves, the US Attorney for DC handling all J6 prosecutions.
Posted by: Melinda | April 04, 2022 at 11:03 AM
The Zapruder film of the JFK assassination had been altered by the govt
Posted by: clarice | April 04, 2022 at 11:15 AM
stone wasn't very good at this, was he, thnn again he backed down against his ukraine thesis right quick
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 12:04 PM
frank de varona, used to be? on the dade county school board,
now I don't really see the significance of this, unless they wanted to make it less gory to spectators,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 12:10 PM
what could go wrong?
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 12:17 PM
We're not back to the grassy knoll again, Clarice, are we? Between Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone the conspiracy theories have worn me out.
As to tanks, it's the same with anti-ship missiles. The power to destroy is the real power on the battlefield.
The U.S. put huge efforts into tank killing; the A-10, various and sundry missile and RPG type systems, etc all in an effort to blunt the vast Soviet superiority in numbers. We are now seeing these tactics in real time and the evidence is powerful.
This was the NATO playbook vs the Russian/Soviet playbook. 5 1/2 weeks into a campaign that was supposed to take days is a pretty good indicator that the Russians have received a very bloody nose.
Any attempt to portray the Kiev and Kharkov campaigns as feints ignores the massive casualties and logistical nightmare the Russians have experienced.
They rebalance to take the Donbass and cut off Ukraine from the sea but their hold is very, very tenuous.
The Russians deployed a very large part of their army in this war. Now it is reduced considerably. They are a paper tiger in many ways now.
With the poor performance of their art force, just think about what the USAF and NATO AF's could do to them. S-300? S-400? The US shipped back a S-300 battery they had at Redstone for analysis and have already likely traded the Ukrainians for one of the S-400's they captured.
The Armata tank doesn't seem to have done very well either vs Western arms.
The Russians may grind Ukraine down brick by brick, but to what purpose? Ukraine was a weak sister before and is still a weak sister who won't give in.
This also gives hope to Russia's other colonies, by the way. Their feared Army is now depleted.
Posted by: matt - deplore me if you must | April 04, 2022 at 12:19 PM
I have a (possibly stupid) question. I've posted it on Lucianne and gotten no answer. Maybe y'all can help me here:
Unless I'm mistaken, it is unprecedented that Judge Brown's nomination to the Supreme Court be confirmed when there is no actual vacancy on the court. As I understand it, only tradition keeps the number of justices at nine. Dems have been agitating to pack the court. Would not a senate confirmation be legal permission for 10 justices? What is to stop her from being seated immediately without Justice Breyer actually resigning? Should he change his mind, what is to force Justice Breyer retiring as he said he would? If he stays on and they decide to keep the number of justices at nine, what's to stop Judge Jackson's confirmed nomination being held in petto for the next vacancy, even should it occur under another president?
I appreciate your feedback.
Posted by: kiwinews | April 04, 2022 at 12:20 PM
maybe tojo should have done it this way,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 12:20 PM
well there is statute, but when does that matter to these people, just like with the remain in mexico act, that was reinstated by the court, but not if they don't want to,
when facing the Main Enemy, which doesn't believe in law, in biology in common tenets of reality, what can be done,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 12:25 PM
would that the un had cared so much 61 years ago, in our backyards,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 12:30 PM
No clue but a very good question, kiwi.
Progs have earned every bit of distrust we have, and more.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | April 04, 2022 at 12:35 PM
They will do whatever they damn well please (see ignoring the Constitution and changing the rules during the 2020 election). Then they will get on TV and make up some BS reason for why it’s justified. Thanks for stopping by, and for your excellent questions!
Posted by: MissMarple2 | April 04, 2022 at 12:47 PM
if does seem to be an expensive feint, again why aim the largest contingent at kiev, is that isn't your main target,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 12:50 PM
I thought you would enjoy this thread.. it contains 2 videos with complicated and hilarious squirrel obstacles to keep them out of birdfeeders:
Posted by: MissMarple2 | April 04, 2022 at 12:50 PM
Spengler on Ukraine.
Mostly correct, IMO, though I suspect Putin has no real interest in rubbleizing most of Ukraine.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | April 04, 2022 at 12:51 PM
this is just act one or two
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 12:52 PM
I mentioned it as a strategy.
Given the clarity of Russia's declaration of war aims (which were focused on the Donbass, as well as Nazi rat hunting in Mariupol), the Kiev encirclement as well as the "40 mile convoy" which preceded it does appear to be a strategic feint to tie down troops.
Russian war aims require passage by the Ukrainian legislature of legislation (or revision of the constitution) precluding membership in NATO. Russia is not particularly interested in the utterances of Commandante Zelenski which have absolutely no legislative validity.
The withdrawal of Russian forces around Kiev allows the legislature to conduct business without a literal "gun to the head". Maybe Zelensky will appear before the legislature in a toga or a clown costume rather than his Commandante costume but he really isn't necessary for the conclusion of this demonstration of realpolitik.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | April 04, 2022 at 01:02 PM
if you're up against the Bear, hire a wolf, Borz, thats who the Azov, thats what our boy d'arbuisson was in el salvador, if joan didion were alive today (one she'd be surprised, two she'd be with biletsky,) theres a reason this hasn't been done in 78 years,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 01:08 PM
not even kinzinger is stupid enough to pose with biletsky, see the storm brigade,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 01:16 PM
what was the weapon featured in fury, the panzer faust,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 01:22 PM
not a good look,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 02:04 PM
More like Mayor Randall Flagg. L-G-B-T spells ‘DOOM’, Laws yes:
Posted by: Pinandpuller | April 04, 2022 at 03:10 PM
NEW: @WILawLiberty sues cable giant Comcast for its "woke" program to help small businesses. But not all small businesses - white males need not apply. #ComcastRISE
Posted by: henry | April 04, 2022 at 03:44 PM
Better link for comcast racism.
Posted by: henry | April 04, 2022 at 03:48 PM
Guess who is back in court…
Posted by: henry | April 04, 2022 at 05:40 PM
nothing to see here,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 05:51 PM
I think Zelensky knows he's screwed no matter who wins. He's stated he's #1 on Russia's hit list and I think he's terrified of the Azov Battalion who threatened him in 2019 when he traveled to the Gray Zone of Donbas, to a town called Zolote, and had a melt down when the Azov's refused to give up their weapons as he demanded. A few weeks later, Biletsky threatened to send more troops to the area. ‘I’m not a loser’: Zelensky clashes with veterans over Donbas disengagement
And in this video the interviewer asks Aris Roussinos, at about the 13:00 minute mark, what will happen after the war. Roussinos claims he's spent time with Olena Semenyaka, Semenyaka, a figurehead in the Azov movement who told Roussinos that Azov will never accept new boundaries being drawn or losing Crimea and told him they have a plan should the puppet Zelensky fail them. That sound like threat to me. I think he's screwed either way.
Posted by: Rocco | April 04, 2022 at 05:56 PM
Democrat family values are not just the Bidens, Narciso
Posted by: henry | April 04, 2022 at 06:00 PM
that is awkward,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 06:09 PM
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Documents Uncovered that Tie Americans to “Neo-Nazi” Azov Battalion in Ukraine
In the filing (page 8) the FBI notes that RAM members (the group the accused were associated with) the FBI labels the Azoz Battalion, who these guys met with, as Neo-Nazis.
Coming to a neighborhoo near you!
Posted by: Rocco | April 04, 2022 at 06:12 PM
this is also unsurprising, see el salvador,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 06:17 PM
of course, the double standard is fragrant,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 06:20 PM
I MISSED THE CONNECTION between Biden and Azov? Did you see it? I’ll read it again
Posted by: Jane | April 04, 2022 at 06:38 PM
ordinarily they wouldn't be caught dead, they are the epitome of insurrectionists, probably the American equivalent is the Aryan Brotherhood, why they go to that poisoned well, but kolomoisky whose yacht is in montenegro, but apparently has not left the country, funded them,
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 06:43 PM
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 07:10 PM
As I understand it, only tradition keeps the number of justices at nine.
The number of justices on the supreme court is set by law. It can be changed, but that would require legislation passed by the House and Senate to do so, not just confirmation a 10th justice.
Posted by: MJW | April 04, 2022 at 07:13 PM
... confirmation OF a ...
Posted by: MJW | April 04, 2022 at 07:14 PM
its a shame what they have done with the publication
Posted by: Narciso | April 04, 2022 at 07:46 PM