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October 16, 2022



What’s supposed to be nefarious about the Proud Boys? Other than the fact that they appear in public displaying the wrong opinions.

Dave (in MA)

Is the Bad Orange Man in the room with us right now, Peggy?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Equivocators never quite grasp, until the maelstrom has descended, that being "nefarious" and yes, even seditious, is a badge of honor when Pharoah is cracking the whip and he wants his slaves back.

It's especially satisfying to have them repeating the "baseless" claim at the same time, as clarice documented, we learn the Chinese communists had an agent turning election data, and apparently some level of control of the election itself over to Joe and Hunter Biden's patrons in the CCP.
Fairly certain Xi wasn't collecting CC numbers to scam some pelf off of Amazon.
Do we yet have iron clad proof the election was stolen? No. That's, unsurprisingly, hard to obtain when the thieves hold the evidence and can't be compelled to produce it. But the repeated claims of "baseless" fly in the face of substantial circumstantial evidence, common sense and the sordid history of the Democratic party. The claims are false by the Dem perps and are whistling past the graveyard of having to admit what we're up against by the likes of the WSJ pussies.
Trump's only "bad behavior" was playing too nice and by the rules and not smashing that criminal gang to smithereens.


Jan6ers making the bet that DJT won't "testify", by stating up front that they will "negotiate" what DJT's terms of discussion will be up front, per ex-CIA employee Kinzinger.

A salesman might enjoy the spotlight and microphone time and, at the same time, may not stay on the Jan6er "script", brought to you by Disney. (Remember that the "manager" of the "Jan6 Committee" was brought out of retirement from ABC, a wholly owned subsidiary of DIS.)


NYC Defies Supreme Court, Creates Times Square “Gun Free Zone”

A top election official in Pennsylvania says the state will disregard the U.S. Supreme Court's guidance on counting mail-in ballots

.. I'm seeing a pattern


"to cement the facts surrounding Mr. Trump’s recklessness after Nov. 3 and his dereliction of duty on Jan. 6."

I’m sure TM went with that quote because it is such a load of claptrap that shows how the WSJ has gone TDS.



Rep. Jim Jordan
🚨 NEW REPORT: “The FBI is in possession of ‘voluminous evidence’ of ‘potential criminal conduct’ by President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden related to his overseas business dealings with China and Ukraine, according to new whistleblower disclosures.” ... aine-china ... 7373136896


Asked whether Biden and Trump got college degrees, Cook tells the student Biden is very well educated but Trump went to a poor college.

“Biden is very well educated,” she said. “Trump has a degree from a college, a very very low level college. And he was a very poor student.”

Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business in 1968. Wharton is widely regarded as one of the best business schools in America.

Biden attended the University of Delaware and later received a law degree from Syracuse University.




Sharing his food


German shepherd keeps vigil over a grate over a street's storm drain until people notice what he's doing. He had a good reason to try to get humans' attention.


That's my bed.




A New Zealander taught both his parents how to play the drums and the bass so he would have people to jam with—and now they have an album out..

Ryan Stokes couldn’t have his friends over to jam during lockdown so he decided to teach his parents how to play instruments.">">




Jonathan Serrano was playing around with his mom at their home in Montgomery at the time of the incident, according to Storyful. The 13-year-old boy was chewing on a dog toy to "annoy" his mom when she "jokingly made a slapping gesture with a soda bottle." When he ducked, he accidentally swallowed the plastic squeaker. His mother Mary Serrano rushed him to two hospitals in hopes to remove the little squeaker from his body.


Some are not allowed to play anymore. Interesting.


This is a very interesting article about the mistreatment of a physician as a result of the 'Pandemic'.

"...In January of this year, Dr. Nass’s license was suspended by the Licensure Board based on complaints by two “activists” that she was “spreading misinformation” and for her use of early treatment protocols with her own patients. The board compelled Dr. Nass to undergo a neuropsychological evaluation to determine if she was a drug abuser or suffered from mental illness. (Flag that, since it implies official defamation of her character.)

"...Watch the video. I think you can see that the Licensure Board members begin to realize in the proceeding that Dr. Nass is fixing to sue the living shit out of them, and that just about everything they’ve said implicates them in a malice-driven campaign to defame her. In fact, it may be appropriate as events move forward for a court to recommend suspending the medical license of board chair Maroulla S. Gleaton, and the several other board members who are doctors (some are not) for official misconduct, as well as paying damages to Dr. Nass..." ... quisition/


Sorry again

Dave (in MA)

Mother nature gave the Evil Empire an extra day before elimination. #climatechange

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The Evil Empire vs a team so punily woke and castrated they're too chicken to play cowboys and Indians.
Can't they both lose?


The FBI’s Million-Dollar Men
Three high-profile trials are shining much-needed light on how the bureau uses highly paid informants as political hit men.
By Julie Kelly

October 17, 2022
Proceedings underway in three U.S. courtrooms are providing a coordinated view into the abuse of the FBI’s confidential human source (CHS) program, a cash-flush operation now primarily used to bolster Democratic Party narratives instead of detecting and preventing crime.

As I’ve reported, the FBI spends an average of $42 million per year to pay informants and does so with absolutely no financial or legal accountability. Confidential human sources are paid in cash; they can offer their services for a variety of reasons including financial need or to obtain a change in immigration status. FBI agents are required to keep at least one informant on the books, an FBI whistleblower told me; successfully using a CHS to bust up a crime is one way to get promoted. ... ollar-men/


Understanding The Great Game in Ukraine
Nothing is what it seems in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict that has roiled the world in the last month. On the surface of it, this appears to be, especially as portrayed in Western media, a land grab by an authoritarian megalomaniac Russian dictator who is intent on recreating a Russian empire of times past. But the truth is far more complex than this simplistic picture that has been presented for popular consumption in Western media.

Detailed analysis of the various factors involved in the build-up to this war, presented here, reveal that everything that has happened in this affair, over a period of 14 long years, has been scripted. Both Ukraine and Russia are merely pawns in a giant, 26-year-old geopolitical game played by the US and NATO, with the natural resources of both Ukraine and Russia as its targets. How this game will end will depend on how the other key players in the game: China, India, and the Global South, play their parts.

International relations are never about right and wrong. They are about what is possible and what is not, because we live in an anarchic world with no central law enforcer. All countries must therefore be careful and understand the consequences of their actions and, especially, the actions of Great Powers that affect all of us. In this essay, I also explain exactly what those consequences are, and how various countries in the world need to prepare for what is coming in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Geopolitically that guy is pretty good though simplistic regarding the West and Russia.
Economically he is retarded and he doesn't understand what motivates the present US vs its historical role. And he's completely unrealistic, economically and politically, about the "Global South".


This Beaver is in a rehab facility and decided to build a dam at the doorway - LOL. You can take the animal out of the wild but you cant take the wild out of the animal.

matt - deplore me if you must

Mel, the only problem with that analysis is that Russia guaranteed Ukraine's sovereignty in the Budapest Memorandum, which allowed the transfer of Ukraine's nuclear weapons to Russian ownership.

NATO as big bad wolf just doesn't fly. Look at the facts. Most of Western Europe is criminally negligent in its self defense. They are all relying on Uncle Sugar, and we withdrew most of our forces under Clinton and Bush Sr.

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were all subjugated by the Soviets, as were the East Bloc nations. Those were conquests, not liberations. various peaceful and bloody insurrections (Romania) removed the unwilling communists from power. Toughsky shitskey, as they say.

Russia's subjugation of independent peoples created the Imperium. They have a long and bloody history. Remember Chechnya? the subjugation of the Cossacks? The kulaks? What they did to the Polish state, military and intelligentsia in 1939-45?

Putin is as bad a dictator as we have had in the past 75 years. Ever since his first term he has undermined his own country's rule of law and human rights.

Russia's behavior follows a path of aggression that is centuries old.

Ascribing it to NATO is a false equivalency.

matt - deplore me if you must

I would add that the Indian diaspora is very hard left. In this country it votes 95-97% Left Dem.

This despite taking advantage of the opportunity to excel in America whereas they were kept down in their mother country. I ascribe it to rabid anticolonialism as well as the extremist politics at home.

Congress as a major party in India is dead. It transcended much of the sectarianism but BJP has overwhelmed the institutions. I am worried.

One of the reasons I love V.S. Naipaul is his ability to strip away the facades of so many postcolonial societies.

A lot of countries have daddy issues.


Naipaul is a real favorite of mine, Matt.


More election deniers


Santorini, Greece


Will I see you again?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Mel, the only problem with that analysis is that Russia guaranteed Ukraine's sovereignty in the Budapest Memorandum, which allowed the transfer of Ukraine's nuclear weapons to Russian ownership.--

It's not the only problem. He also left out that Ukraine guaranteed the Donbass's autonomy in the Minsk agreement of 2014 and instead waged war on it for 8 years with our assistance.
The guy is a stupid prog moron but the facts he recited regarding NATO's [as in the US's] pushing of NATO eastward are undeniable. Nor is it relevant if the Euros are weenies. We are not weenies and we are part of NATO and our missiles in eastern Ukraine and the Black Sea a NATO [US] lake are not acceptable to ANY Russian leader, democrat or dictator.

As far as Russia's bloody history, are you seriously arguing Western Europe's is any less bloody or that Russia has been a historical threat to the West but the West has not been a threat to Russia?
You are looking at half of history and half of what is occurring now and drawing faulty conclusions.

Putin's brutality is not in any way an excuse or reason for the West's undeniable and intentional maneuvering over the last 20 years to isolate and encroach on Russia for no compelling national security interest of ours or Europe's. It has touched off the largest and most consequential war in Europe since WW2 and it threatens to grow larger still. Unless the aim is to cause large, pointless, unnecessary wars, that cannot be called anything other than a retarded, disastrous, failed policy and strategy.
It didn't have to occur, had we sought accomodation instead of war. But we got what we sought and what we knew we would get if we took the course we did and now we blame the cornered rat for biting.

Stupid, short sighted and incredibly reckless and expensive policy by stupid, short sighted and incredibly reckless men, and again, with no compelling strategic interests of ours involved whatsoever. Our strategic interests stand a very good chance of coming out of this in very much worse shape than going in, regardless of what some mean old czar did to some ethnic group or other three hundred years ago.

Putin is a bastard, stipulated. But his only significant steps outside of Russia have been after Western provocations over well known and openly stated red lines regarding Russian national security concerns. We may not agree with those concerns but we were warned in the clearest possible terms stepping over them meant war and so far we have gotten two of them by intentionally and purposely ignoring those warnings. If a rattlesnake spends 14 years rattling its intention to bite if you get too close and you get too close on purpose anyway, who is to blame for the holes in your leg?


Puppy thinks he is a bunny


Hey mr matt, it took a while for the French to look upon America’s “liberation” and defense as beneficial. Except for the French communists who went wild after the war murdering people and seeking vengeance themselves. Didn’t they murder 100,000 people? I’m sure your schoolbooks skipped over that:

“The French population did not seem in any way pleased to see us arrive as a victorious army to liberate France. They had been quite content as they were and we were bringing war and desolation to their country.”—Sir Allen Brooke, British Army Chief of Staff

jim nj is a Political Wrecking Ball
There’s no winning with voters on inflation and rising living costs. Incumbent governments—prepare to get whacked.

Interesting poll results across 11 countries.

There is not much that any government—good or bad—can do to stop inflation, we just need to live with it and do the best we can to manage. (10 percent)

There are things that capable governments could do to combat inflation, but I don’t have much confidence in our current government to get it under control. (62 percent)

There are things that capable governments can do to combat inflation and I have confidence that our current government will be able to get it under control. (18 percent)

That 62 percent doesn't look bad until you see the part of the poll about the actions they want their governments to take.


As we head indoors and viruses again rear their ugly heads, the natural course of Covid:

Protocols to prevent and treat:

jim nj
Russian forces in Ukraine under pressure as Kherson towns to be evacuated

I'm not at all sure what this portends, but I think the most likely issue is that the Ukrainian attacks on the Russian supply lines are also effecting the ability to move consumer goods into Kherson.

The civilian population is either a drag on the Russian supply lines or their loyalty is suspect.



Colonel MacGregor's latest re Ukraine


Nyet means nyet.


Scott Ritter & Scott Bennett Dream Team Of Truth-Ukraine/ Russia






prescient about cyborg candidates, from about 30 years ago,






Driving skills of Turkish ambulance drivers

[It is amazing how quickly vehicles can move out of the way]




Sneak attack


How'd he do that..🐶🐾😅


try again


What should you do if the rear wheels of the car fall into a pit


Best friends


This bridge is for animals


Living the best life


Baby lions taking a walk with mum


Modelling isn’t easy, I just make it look easy.🐨🤩


World's shortest date


Trump testifies before the J6 committee




Evening snack


Saving babies, just another day on the honeymoon. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

Doran Smith and David Squillante, from Bristol, Rhode Island, were on their honeymoon in Barcelona when they said they noticed a group of women panicking.

"I saw a flame coming out of the doorway, next to the door that these women had come out of," Doran told WJAR. "So, I said 'Oh my God there's a fire'"

American Couple Saves Babies From Burning Nursery While On Honeymoon In Spain


Saving babies, just another day on the honeymoon. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

Doran Smith and David Squillante, from Bristol, Rhode Island, were on their honeymoon in Barcelona when they said they noticed a group of women panicking.

"I saw a flame coming out of the doorway, next to the door that these women had come out of," Doran told WJAR. "So, I said 'Oh my God there's a fire'"

American Couple Saves Babies From Burning Nursery While On Honeymoon In Spain ... n-In-Spain


River Bench by Mevludin Sejmenovic


Polar bear shows how to cross thin ice


Group of anti fossil fuelers glues self to floor of Porsche Pavilion. VW leaves them there w/o a pot to piss in, the lights and heat turned off. At last, a sensible response to these tantrums



the Fauci appointment calendar.


This was part of Ace's - The Morning Rant, Sacred Liberty. Dave in Fla [Guest Monkey]

"...In 1980 and 1981, Human Rights activists, Ivan Kovalev and his wife Tatiana Osipova were separately arrested and spent 5 years imprisoned in the Soviet Perm-35 prison camp, along with other political prisoners. Over the years, Ivan and Tatiana were only able to communicate through etching love messages to each other on toothbrushes. Tatiana's first reply to Ivan took over a year to make it back to him.

Tusha. I am crazy about you. Hold on there baby. I am here for you.

To my one and only husband. Be strong, my darling. I love you and miss you. Tusha..."


Clay Travis @ClayTravis

Joe Biden and John Fetterman are currently flying together on Air Force 1. Is the conversation between the two of them the most unintelligible in American political history? I vote yes.


"Megan Warfield is a firefighter in Maryland.

At nine months pregnant, she was involved in car crash that induced her labor. Instead of helping herself first, she freed a woman trapped underneath a car.

Then, she went to the hospital and gave birth to a baby girl."


🚨WATCH: House Democrat Whip Jim Clyburn claims Democrats KNEW their wasteful spending would cause inflation — but they did it anyway.


A High School Volleyball Player Was Injured by a Trans Competitor


A teaser from the injury by trans player:

"...Recently, a high school sports version of a car-versus-motorcycle accident occurred in North Carolina, leaving one student injured. The incident took place during a girls’ volleyball tournament. The Post Millennial noted that a male trans student playing for Highlands High hit the ball over the net, striking a player for Hiwassee Dam High in the forehead. According to the Education First Alliance, the girl sustained head and neck injuries and vision problems and has not been medically cleared to return to play...




Mongolia's free horses.


Delivery time.




It's the season.


Watch out!


Oh no!


Back from the brink - Mongolia's free horses


When your disguise fails


When your disguise with zebra's fails


Actually, the disguise with zebra's works too well.


From Instapundit:

WELL, IT’S MADE FROM BEANS AFTER ALL: Coffee: Just As Healthy As Vegetables. “Coffee is as nutritionally valuable as practically any vegetable, something that should be given the same respect as kale, chard, lima beans, broccoli, or any of the other traditional powerhouse vegetables nutritionists (including me) are always attempting to shove down your throat. Coffee is probably the main supplier of polyphenols 43 in the American diet, and probably the rest of the world’s diets, too. Accordingly, it’s one of the healthiest things you can pour down your gullet.”




A lot of work for a three second prank.

Dave (in MA)

An impressive quadrifecta.

Dave (in MA)

Or a superfecta? What do I know, I don't gamble.

jim nj

This is interesting: ... rian-cave/
First Neanderthal Family Revealed by DNA From Remote Siberian Cave

"Ancient genomes of thirteen Neanderthals provide an unprecedented snapshot of their community and social organization.

For the first time, scientists have managed to sequence multiple individuals from a remote Neanderthal community in Siberia. Among these thirteen individuals, the investigators identified multiple related individuals, including a father and his teenage daughter. The thirteen genomes also allowed the researchers to provide a glimpse into the social organization of a Neanderthal community. They appear to have been a small group of close relatives, consisting of ten to twenty members, and communities were primarily connected through female migration."

It's like somebody focused a Hubble telescope on these people recently. We've gone from knowing very little about them, to sequencing their genome, to finding that 2% of that genome still exists in some modern populations, to constructing ancient family groups that, someday in the future, somebody may, through DNA testing, claim ancestry to.

jim nj

It looks like the above link got truncated by typhuspad.

jim nj
Black Death 700 years ago affects your health now

"The devastation of the plague pandemic left such an incredible genetic mark on humanity that it's still affecting our health nearly 700 years later.

Up to half of people died when the Black Death swept through Europe in the mid-1300s.

A pioneering study analysing the DNA of centuries-old skeletons found mutations that helped people survive the plague.

But those same mutations are linked to auto-immune diseases afflicting people today."


Makes you wonder which mutations Fauci was trying for this time.


Caution: Malthusiasts at werk.

Reuters Legal
The EPA must explain its decision not to update rules for industrialized livestock operations, a U.S. appeals court ordered, after nearly a dozen environmental groups complained farms were polluting waterways @ClarkMindock

Jim Eagle

To Mel’s 0813 post, I say, bullshit😏

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