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December 27, 2022



It would be fine if dumbass Biden closed the Mordor and opened the oil wells. Then we could laugh at the rest.



But Mordor fits

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The invasion of Ukraine was in response to a real threat to Russia's traditional sphere of influence and perceived [and given history, real] national security concerns.

Musk has not only attempted to revive the idea of freedom of speech but in doing so has uncovered a large, coordinated and illegal collusion between government and business that amounted to a backdoor stifling of the free speech rights of the viewpoints expressed by pretty much every patron of this blog.

And China's zero Covid policy resulted in zero human rights so severe that even the quiescent, mild mannered Chinese were willing to riot and demonstrate for their freedom at the risk of being slaughtered by Xi's communist goons.

What was crazy was the West's long and mounting pressure and provocation of Russia to the point of making war[s] inevitable and the mounting dismissal of the obvious risks of a massive escalation of this war up to and including a nuclear escalation all for zero strategic gain for the US or even Europe and at great and pointless economic pain.

What is crazy is the blasé attitude and disinterest among not only libs but especially conservatives that our intelligence creeps and spooks are actively suppressing speech and influencing our politics and elections in alliance with, obviously not only twitter, but essentially all of Big Tech and Social Media. Libs used to detest the CIA and the FBI when they were suppressing their cousins the radicals and communists, so it makes some sense that they now support them when they are suppressing their enemies. Cons and RINOS used to love the FBI and CIA when they were thumping commies but bizarrely many seem to love them even more now when they are thumping fellow conservatives. Maybe the ones who love that aren't really our "fellows" after all.

And finally recognizing that crushing their economy in perpetuity and angering their citizens to the point they were threatening CCP power and most of all recognizing the obvious fact that has been obvious from day one that regardless of how many totalitarian fingers are poked in the dike, eventually viruses are going to virus is not crazy. Pretending these dangerous vaccines have made a meaningful difference or that placing a straitjacket over your nation indefinitely over something that is no more dangerous than the flu for those not vulnerable to it is truly crazy. Kinda sad when communist dictators are less crazy than so many admirers of their ineffective and pointless tyranny in the West.


xi is probably the worst, because his father suffered under the cultural revolution, yet he thinks mao had the right idea, putin is a vor, in the mind of a czar, and he recalls how peter the great and catherine, all grasped for ukraine,

elon is trying a quixotic exercise, bring the truth to the masses, better to keep them ignorant like mushrooms, pretend that the vacccines work, that richard levine is a woman, and all those other shibboleths one must observe,


in the category of self own, what is kill your own energy industry, which was the best lever against putin, and khamenei and all comers, because sky dragon might get mad, letting russia monopolize oil and qatar monopolize gas, remember qatar, they bribed their way into the world cup, to hide the fact they back every revanchist islamist militia on at least one continent,





mao killed ball park 60 million by 1972, scale up from that year, it would probably be 150 million


so twitter's oprichnik class, served a function much like the bureau and the company, did for the preceding two decades, the bureau had two chinese sleeper agents in their translating section, it used to be one, like wu tai chin, would operate inside the company, the special forces had a long term russian asset peter dobbins who made it crystal clear was its sympathy, they focused with a laser beam on general flynn and sberbank whistleblower svetlana lokhova, thanks to firm adjunct christopher steele, the bureau and the company, found it convenient to chase phantoms about trump generated by danchenko, a probably follow up to the zinoviev letter, steele was prone to listening to the last megalomaniac fantasist like litvenenko,





1984 is not supposed to be a how to manual, but we seem to be getting there as oceania, seems to be at war with eurasia, the soviet analog but not east asia, the chinese one,

of course in the pathetic shape, our infrastructure has been ground down, in the last two years thanks to the vaccine mandates, henry rodgers little red manual, and the perambulations of marxist political officer, bishop garrison, one of those names one is not supposed to reference, like susan rosenberg, except in harshed tones, we could scarcely contest them, but china and properly taiwan in the big prize, and the scalps for the 7-10 million dead that xi enabled thanks to daszak and fauci, should be kept in mind,


susan rosenberg actually bombed the capital building in 1983, guiliani sent her up for 58 years on weapons charges, he naively thought this would suffice, but the huttese gerald nadler who still pollutes the chamber, despite a redistricting challenge, convinced bill clinton to spring her,

and like a bad b movie villain, she plotted revenge from her lair at the kellogg foundation, seeding what would become so called antifa and blm, spreading the gospel of the sds and the black liberation army, most notably in the spring and summer of 2020,


as a dedicated maoist she knew exactly what she was doing, officially she holds no title, yet has great influence, much like klaus schwab has through his outreach exercises, whose lead evangelist is larry fink of black water,


its hard to imagine a political figure as calculating as xi, in light of the last three years, one is reminded of harry lime from the third man, 'who traded in black market penicillin regardless of the impact to the populace,

we have seen from cramer, to jamie dimon to fink, they are all limeans in their endorsement of xi's utilitarianism, so is lebron james in his particularly myopic perspective,


my family is here, in part because another rabblerouser, took power promising to enact the 1940 constitution, a blighted prog catspaw, much like the south african one, that the late ruth bader ginsburg admired, and disdained the one we currently operate with, although sadly not for long,


he promised food and justice, and delivered starvation and pain, ironically he deposed a black man, while being as white as o'rourke, although sans skateboard,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--susan rosenberg--

Bitch should have gotten the same reward as her previous commie namesakes.
Instead she's pardoned to burrow into the body politic, but don't ever say progs like Nads and the Clintons are sympathetic to commies.

Dave (in MA)

One does wonder what the supposed "flameout" by Musk refers to.
Uncovering the fact that most of the "conspiracy theories" were true?


We weren’t inventive enough in our tinfoil hat phase.

Thomas Collins

My crazy of the year co-award winners are Chaya Raichik and Taylor Lorenz for looking enough like each other that they could plausibly be introduced to each other as long lost biological sisters.


I kind of see that, TC, but if you see them together, Taylor would be the one sobbing.

Dave (in MA)

A catty comment might be along the lines of "Chaya Raichik looks like an attractive Taylor Lorenz", but I don't make catty comments.


Well, sometimes, but not today.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

They would be sisters in the same sense my brother and I were brothers; a family resemblance on the outside and opposites on the in.

Dave (in MA)

Boston Radio Watch®@bostonradio·
I can’t believe we are celebrating this joker. I drove to 413 today because a simple 10 minute RMV transaction requires an appt and they are already booking out into February at Eastern Mass. branches. AAA’s registry service is not much better - only 3 weeks out. Complete fuckery.

    Boston 25 News@boston25·
    After 8 years in office, @KerryKavanaugh sits down for a 1-on-1 with @MassGovernor to look back but also look forward to his next chapter of taking over the reins of the NCAA.
    WATCH Boston 25 News tonight at 10 pm for the full, wide-ranging interview.


"The invasion of Ukraine was in response to a real threat to Russia's traditional sphere of influence and perceived [and given history, real] national security concerns."

Well put and almost an understatement.

Pootie warned us multiple times before February what would happen if Russia's security concerns weren't addressed.

There was definitely an off ramp and we hit the accelerator and passed it by.

Now, Ukraine is in shambles and 100k's are dead and injured.

Z'z 10 point peace plan consists of Russia declaring unconditional surrender and Putin's counteroffer being 'ok, well just grind on then.'

So now in 2023 we'll get more killed, bouncing of rubble and economic pain in the west.

Clearly, our Top Men are on the job.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Jimnorcal linked this excellent Tom Luongo piece at JOM2;
The Russian Regime Change Trap.


Maybe next year Iggy. : )


Benedict XVI, the Pope Emeritus, has died in Vatican City at the age of 95


Happy New Year to TM, his family, and the entire JOM family that, over the decades, has contributed to sorting out news from noise.


Am I the only one who finds Luongo unreadable? Aside from all the typos and grammatical errors, he kind of rambles and jumps around from point to point, using jargon and acronyms that force me to stop and figure out what he's talking about.

Jim Eagle


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

I still don’t understand the need for the other website. I keep forgetting it’s name.

Frederick is 1st year at University of Amsterdam reading Media and Culture. Was home for Christmas.


Happy New Year to TM and to all those who (still) post or look in here.


Happy New Year all.



good to hear jib. how is amsterdam,

luongo is sometimes out there, but not more than the designated financial professionals that pushed discount jack black, on us,


the neocon hatred is unneccessary, specially considering that none of the key players in the west are neocon, is cofer black, the 51st intel expert, a neocon, one, certainly neither blinken
nod (malley) and wynken, (sherman) are,


people seem to forget the wrenching social crisis, pushed on by the dynamic duo of summers and sachs, then ordered to the likes of chubais and gaidar, that shattered the financial wellbeing and psychological attitudes of many Russians,


that is not to say, that putin from his perch in st petersburg, did not benefit from these circumstances which he did, but he wasn't the face of them,

this has tainted democracy to rank and file Russians, and any association with those external foes, makes resistance difficult,


one was struck by the fact that the latest report from respected intelligence sources sarc, failed to account for the shortfall of resources committed to this mission, in the caucasus,

nor explain who pushed this particular course of action, probably the tuvan,


happy new year all,


back to the drawing boards,



the two minute hate never ends,


the passing a great man,


replaced by a mountebank of lesser ability, but more influential sponsors,


yes the films were dissapointing



Macgregor's latest



maybe that's the objective,

i have found it striking how putins forces have not proactively made across into poland, or moved south toward romania and transdnistria,


Lots of interesting posts above. Didn't know about rosenberg and Kellogg. Had fun in Spain--esp. loves Barcelona--a lovely city with lovely civil people/ Been working on fixing computer issues since returning. Fianlly have it in hand in time to wish everyone Happy New Year.


My granddaughter was an early admit to Bryn Mawr and found out just before we left for the trip. I'm excited because instead of being 11 hrs away in Hawaii she now will be only about2 hours from me and I have missed her so esp over the past few years when Hi was locked down tight.


Congrats, Clarice. My wife is a Bryn Mawr alum. I'm sure she'll love it.

And Happy New Year to you.


Congrats Ckarice! I used to live next to the campus, beautiful area.


Thanks. She was heavily recruited by BMC where she wull be on the volleyball team and as they play in nearby Baltimore and Gettysburg we can also see her there,too. She visited BMC twice, the second time to stay over with the team, and she loved it. The boy next door in Hi is a great kid who's going to Villanova, just down the road, and she has friends at BMC and Swarthmore, too, so she's already got a team of buddies in the area.


We've watched Frederick and "the wolverine" as I've read Clarice refer to her granddaughter years ago, grow up out here. "Over the decades" indeed and the reason I find it hard to leave this place.


is what you can't remember JiB.
You can't read or post though unless the administrator lists you as a member.

His email has been posted here numerous times. If you want it, I will ask if it can be posted again.

The need for the other site is that a significant number of people tired of TM's condescending arrogant bigoted disrespectful Trump Derangement Syndrome views, his ignorance and lack of being grounded in reality in thinking the NYT was giving him factual, actionable information, and felt hypocritical continuing to post here in light of that. Both that they were supporting him by doing so, as well as taking advantage of his generosity.

There was also the concern 1/7/21 that the FBI might close this site down, in light of the dangerous deplorable semi fascist America First domestic terrorists who post here.

Good luck with not losing your granddaughter to the Leftists clarice. I do think athletes are somewhat less susceptible to the brainwashing.(I think they are more in touch with reality.)


Yes, I think so, too, and at present she thinks she wants to major in science so there's that as well.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Am I the only one who finds Luongo unreadable? Aside from all the typos and grammatical errors, he kind of rambles and jumps around from point to point, using jargon and acronyms that force me to stop and figure out what he's talking about.--

I wouldn't say Proust or Wodehouse have much to worry about, but I don't find him anywhere near unreadable either.
And whatever cryptic acronyms and jargon he might employ pale in comparison to JOM 1.0 and 2.0 alike. :)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--the neocon hatred is unneccessary...--

I'm afraid I can't endorse this sentiment, as broadminded as it might be.
They have been fully as destructive, perhaps more so than the useless RINO-GOPe dopes. In fact I would say the overlap between the two on any Venn diagram of the "right" would be substantial. If anything the neocons are more self righteous, self aggrandizing and self regarding than some uniparty hack like McCarthy or McConnell.
I much prefer the barely concealed corruption and glad handing of those two crooks compared to the maudlin, ponderous, sanctimonious, fatuous bloviations of candyass cucks like Goldberg, French and Kristol Jr.

Dave (in MA)

I think the impetus for the creation of the JOM2 site were the frequent Typepad outages or long-term lockouts of frequent commenters, and the fact that Typepad doesn't really seem to care to address any of their long-term problems. They still offer "myspace" and "AOL/AIM" as ways to sign in, for example. What, no Netscape or Compuserve?


We've watched Frederick and "the wolverine" as I've read Clarice refer to her granddaughter years ago, grow up out here. "Over the decades" indeed and the reason I find it hard to leave this place.

I don't talk about her much here, but my daughter was maybe 5 or 6 when I joined JOM1, and she's graduating from college in May. Like her dad, she's become more right-wing during her time at school. Of course she was pretty much forced into getting her Covid jabs, but I was relieved to find out just today that she filed for a religious exemption from the school's mandate to get yet another one.


I think kids go thru a normal stage of being more lefty until they are faced with more adult experiences, like managing their finances, I hope so. I know my gd has been adamant in objecting to men competing in womens athletics, for example.


I also hope technical issues re typepad is the reason for JOM2 because as I've often said here I think ™ is entitled to his own opinions and he never has tried to shut out opposing ones.


I’m happy here having TM share his views even though he puts unfounded weight on NYTimes stories, and equally happy to have anonamom chastise him for those views.

I spend more time on JOM2 because of Typepad technical issues and posts expiring without a follow-on post. Like them both. :-)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

TM used to be a little mushy but still looked at the Dems with a gimlet eye and people were fine with the frequent disagreements with his positions.

But I'm afraid Trump caused him, like so many others, to not only become hostile to and to ridicule Trump personally [which is fine] but also those who supported Trump [which included many here, which they found not so fine] and to Trump's policies [which makes little sense] and to look more favorably on certifiable gangster creeps like Biden and Pelosi and to give their nutter ideas more weight than previously [which makes no sense whatsoever].
I think all that contributed to many leaving, probably more so than technical issues.


Perhaps I'm more thick-skinned than others living as I do in a city and neighborhood where my views are rare.Most of my neighbors and acquaintances share TM's view of Trump though, as you might have gathered, I don't.


I really loathed Trump in the beginning, until the GOPe started cutting his throat. And the more they cut, the stronger my resolve became to support him.

Tucker Carlson explains why he became a Trump fan.


Dave (in MA)
    I also hope technical issues re typepad is the reason for JOM2 because as I've often said here I think ™ is entitled to his own opinions and he never has tried to shut out opposing ones.
To the contrary, I think the only ones he's ever shut out were the few incessant hostile pests like the one who shall remain

wonderful clarice, for the wolverine, and the trip to barcelona,


well the first year of this blog was full of the luciferian spam, with a few comments drifting in,

I wonder why some like mark 0 and maybee left same for bgates, I know jim miller lost his mind over the Orange one,


I was neither for nor against Trump until the April before the election when he flew in to our airport for a rally that, as a good journalist, I decided to attend.

Virtually all the corporate media and the Associated Press either botched the reporting or refused to report the content, essentially covering up the news with a pillow.

Disgusted with the media, I reported what he said and concluded that voters should not sell Trump short.

I should have added voters should always sell corporate media and AP short. That opinion has been revalidated every day since then.

I could not have known at the time, that a deep state cadre of government employees works against the elected President to undermine and counter his policies — so much so that I would vote for Trump again today.


OF COURSE TM is entitled to his own opinions! Nobody has ever asserted that he isn't. For goodness' sake--this IS his blog.

Nor has anyone ever said their views were not tolerated; to the contrary, people have always noted his generous hosting.

A number of people no longer want to be associated with his TDS, which includes Trump's supporters, and not infrequently comes across as the arrogant bigotry of a condescending, out of touch Country Club Republican, to be brutally frank.

I don't think "technical issues" were what prompted most to make the move, though I do not question it may be how some decide where to post when. And increasingly, one finds JOM2 is the only place open to post.

In support, I offer the first post on JOM2 from 1/7/21 and the SIX pages of comments which follow, the title of which I see each time I sign on there.

It reads Done With Tom Maguire.
(Not Fed Up with Typepad.)


too much is made of the azovs and svoboda, with ukraine's complex history and what happened to first petlura and then bandera, there would have to arise a militant nationalist faction,

i know that the latter faction held off the Soviet and Polish Armies, for four years in the Carpathian mountains with nary any support except the late sloane coffin's youthful exuberance,


the problem sbw, is that ap and largely reuters and bloomberg and afp and the times, (which i've dubbed carlos slims, after its most prominent benefactor
is like andromeda, proliferating in every small and medium sized papers, their spores of unreason,

back in the dawn of the blogs, there was an arrogance that well some sanity would prevail, but then deep pocketed folks like soros, funded the bottom feeders like klein and yglesias rose up


and they formed the journolist, which proliferated in influence greater than their numbers, tucker carlson was probably marked for revealing this manufactured consensus at the daily caller, back in 2010,


back then I dismissed the likes of General Zinni and the VIPS crew, which arose out of plame brouhaha, or maybe took advantage of it, they may have been against the iraq war for the wrong reason,

namely the insane notion that our government could manage a foreign polity with markedly different political systems, from our own,

the hash that was made of the post soviet transition, that empowered the siloviki like putin and the oligarchs, should have made us wiser on that point,


looking back on it, davos was the control room for the retaining of yeltsin as far back as 1996, this was klaus schwab's salon, who lent out because zuganov and even zhirinovsky (who is one of those trivial pursuit questions, and a manque villain in crimson tide,


w was probably right in his initial conjecture, that nation building was wrong, not as much for our intentions, but our incapacity, mark gerecht and even professor ferguson offered some caveat there, after september 11th,


does anybody in authority understand any of the countries who are our rivals, either present or future,

it doesn't seem to be, considering the likes of paul pillar or john brennan, nor 2nd raters like richard clarke


we do have an unusually idiotic foreign policy elite, narciso


same for the russian area experts, take fiona hill, who seems to unlearned anything the late richard pipes, ever taught her, so much so that her protege
mr danchenko, turned to be a fabulist who did more damage than putin could ever have imagined,


many of this 'best and brightest' class, seem to have dunce caps from the xi's favorite think take,

much greater than what was revealed in the amerasia affair re Soviet Union,


I meant think tank, but the latter seems more on point, from everyone the national pulse has pointed out,


what was dissapointing about diana west, is she caught the right thread, but then felt the need to exaggerate with the whole harry hopkins matter,


I remembered that detail, because a novelist operating under a whole other name, just because, featured a plot thread about the venona files,


and some people, lost the plot and went on quixotic asides,



they aren't even subtle about it,



ok then,






how was this madness accepted,



if barbara tuchman were alive today,



what am I saying she would probably agree with it,


as chris rock would say I would understand the sentiment,






circling back



instead of the cobalt bomb, https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/01/01/far-left-health-advocacy-group-peoples-cdc-calls-continued-mask-mandates/


why didn't venezuela deserve 100 billion in investments, rhetorical



brief instance of sanity,



tim blair's law, went digital,




"what was dissapointing about diana west, is she caught the right thread, but then felt the need to exaggerate with the whole harry hopkins matter,"

What does this refer to?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--too much is made of the azovs--

Perhaps their stand-alone importance is exaggerated.
But it is the tolerance and integration of them rather than repudiation by the Ukraine government, long before this war, that is the problem and one that too little not too much is made of.

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